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A Trump supporter insulted Patton Oswalt's late wife, which prompted him to respond..

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Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
My mom just had something similar happen, in bringing up something personal as an attack. Mom likes to fling mud at Trump supporters on facebook, nothing mean spirited, mostly at people she knows, but one of them who she has known for over 20 years decided he was gonna publicly attack her using some personal stuff about her and my father that not everyone knows. It was one of those "Trump does <thing Trump actually does>" countered with "oh yeah well look at <thing mom did>, how can you point fingers???"

Mom says he apologized like 2 days later and I told her she needs to just tell the dude to fuck off and block him, but she's a good person so she half-apologized about her mudslinging.

Extra points for my dad having been dead for 9 years

Sounds like her friend is a vindictive asshole. Unable to counter an argument without resorting to personal attacks, she'd be better off without them in her life. It will happen again and maybe next time it won't end as civil.


He is right and you see it even here. The most gentle and benign messages send these people into a tizzy.

You never know who has time and zero fucks

He made another good point here:

The main thing that Trump supporters are excited about, now that he's president? Is that finally, at LOOOOOONG LAST, all of the awful things they want to say, that used to lose them friends and jobs and marriages? They're EXCITED about potentially getting to say them with ZERO repercussions. Just like Trump did. All the way into the White House. All the way into unlimited, forever power to spew any awful shit that comes to your head and no one dares correct you, rolls their eyes, or punches you in the nose.

Trump supporters think "PC culture is over" with Trump being elected. They think they're now free to be gigantic assholes without consequences.


extra source of jiggaflops
Regarding the second thing that Patton Oswalt learned, I wrote this post in early November:

(Context is about the appearance of trustworthiness)
I read that the mindset is basically as follows:

Both are corrupt, but at least Trump is honest about it.
Also Clinton has an image built around classically positive qualities, so if you ascribe these negative qualities to her you put her down a notch.
On the other hand you can't attribute worse things to Trump that he didn't already attribute to himself.

Trump is an example of the concept of Criminal God by Edgar Wind where he does terrible things and this is the important bit: He gets away with it. His followers want to get away with terrible things too.

Very curious phenomenon.
What kind of piece of shit do you have to be to use a man's deceased wife as the butt of your insult?

What kind of a piece of shit do you need to be to convince yourself with no evidence that he killed his wife in order to make it okay to make fun of his dead wife?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
"Here is a grey shitbox for you to die in."

LOL Holy shit tears forming at work i gotta stop!!


Getting into a twitter war with a successful stand-up comic is basically guaranteed to end badly for you. You aren't going to get under their skin or stymie them. Twitter is babytown frolics compared to standing in front of a room of people and dealing with hecklers.

<3 Patton


We just witnessed the same on the gaming site when all the Trump deplorables came out of hiding for the thread about the dev who doesn't want Trump idiots to play their games.
Here's the thing about "SJWs" that most people on the left and the right don't quite understand: The term came from somewhere.

The original definition of SJW was that person who would go on the attack over a perceived social justice issue to an insane degree, refusing to back down in the slightest or see anything from any other perspective, even when they're mistaken. The term was actually coined by the left. MRAs and gamergaters then adopted it, and its definition became "anyone I disagree with".

So it shares the same problem as "nazi" and "fake news".

Oswalt was likely using it for its original meaning.

ThIs needs mentioning every time people freak the fuck out about the term SJW. Context is key.


Yeah it was. It's been a while since a Trump thread went thousands of posts. Lot's of people came out of the woodworks for that one.

Got a link? I remember seeing the thread title, but don't think I ever bothered to actually read it.


Never, ever insult a comedian on a platform that gives them time to think before responding. Heckling works because it can take them out of their flow and knock them verbally and mentally off-balance, but if they have a chance to think before they respond? Forget about it.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to start trading insults with a professional comedian. On a public space. With your work shit attached to your profile.

I know Trumpites arent the sharpest tools in the shed but come on. You get fired on that, its all on you.
God damn, that's some Grade-A ether.

It's going to be a terrible 4 years for the world, but an AMAZING 4 years for stand-up comedians.


Empathy and understanding literally feel like an attack to them
This is the part that gets me. These people straight up despise kindness, like being a sociopath is something they revel in. What causes someone to become like this?


We just witnessed the same on the gaming site when all the Trump deplorables came out of hiding for the thread about the dev who doesn't want Trump idiots to play their games.

I was shocked how many were coming out of the woodwork in that thread. I guess there are still lots here lurking below the surface.


This is the part that gets me. These people straight up despise kindness, like being a sociopath is something they revel in. What causes someone to become like this?

I haven't thought about the psychology of this much yet but my initial thoughts are that they are lashing out at something they internally suppress.

They still realise at some level that hating and wanting to hurt people simply for being not like them is wrong and inhumane. They also realise them being like this is more about their own insecurities and failures. Even stupid people are still people with some vestigial humanity, but they really want to be selfish and they really want to hurt those others and make them scapegoats to make themselves feel better, and they really, really don't want to think about their own faults; so they suppress this empathetic humanity hard. Really hard.

So when someone comes along and is openly kind and humane, and displays normal human decency, they are flaunting something Trump supporters have pushed down hard within themselves; so it unwinds with a tremendous release of tension to lash out at this person. The same mechanism that destroys empathy within themselves demands it is destroyed in other people.

This doesn't apply to the outright sociopaths though since they don't have this mechanism in the first place.


The Steve Martin tweet was fine. Bill Maher ripped on this the other day as part of the problem, that obsessive political correctness is part of what got a madman elected. He made fun of a while series of tweets that famous people had to back peddle on and grovel for forgiveness.

There is a point at which it gets too politically correct.

Yep. Too many people read these celebrity tweets with the intention of being offended. I know I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who took issue with that Steve Martin tweet. Having to walk on eggshells for fear of being "called out" over essentially nothing doesn't make for fun interactions.


Dude entered a battle of wits unarmed again Patton Oswalt, and led with the lowest form of attack possible. Fuck 'im.

Edit: Just read that exchange with the 13 year old girl in a wheelchair. Lmao. Mad props to her.
lmao of course his name is ham solo

you wouldn't see trekkies doing this just saying

also fuck that realtor hope you enjoy unemployment dipshit
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