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ABC/WaPo poll: Majority of Americans disagree with the FBI's decision on Clinton.

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Washington, DC (CNN) A majority of Americans say they disagree with the FBI's decision not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, according to a new poll.
A Washington Post/ABC News poll, released Monday, found that 56% of American adults disapprove of the FBI's decision, while 35% said they approved. But a majority -- 58% -- also said the issue would not affect their vote in the 2016 presidential election.

Opinions on the FBI's decision were sharply divided along partisan lines. According to the poll, nearly 90% of Republicans said Clinton should have been charged, while only about 30% of Democrats said the same.

Last week, FBI director James Comey announced that the agency would not recommend that the Justice Department pursue criminal charges related to Clinton's use of of a private email server during her term as Secretary of State, capping a year-long investigation into the matter that has roiled the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's White House bid. Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the recommendation of the FBI not to bring charges.

The Article

The actual poll
Yeah, I mean, the 90% of republicans shouldn't really be surprising. The GOP has been surgically precise in their 2 decades long vilifying portrait of the Clinton Family.

Although 30% for registered Democrats is surprisingly high.
GOP pushes it above 50%.

POLITICAL LENS – As mentioned, partisanship heavily influences perceptions in this poll,
produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. Nearly nine in 10 Republicans disagree with the FBI’s decision and say it worries them about what she’d do if she became president.

Democrats see things very differently, but with less unanimity – about two-thirds approve of the decision not to charge Clinton and think the issue is unrelated to what she’d do as president. But three in 10 of Clinton’s own party faithful think she should have been charged.


It's probably a great thing mob majority isn't what dictates justice.
The hearing on Thursday last week following the announcement was embarrassing to say the least.

GOP really out here throwing their boy under the bus huh?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
lol Good Job Comey. I am sure his intentions were good, but he ended up politicizing the issue by hammering Hillary for this on national tv. In the hearing he said he didnt want to unfairly charge her because of celebrity status but on his national tv address he did pretty much that. How many times has he gone on tv to shit on other people who broke the email rules?

I bet Hillary camp isn't too happy about what he did.


It's probably a great thing mob majority isn't what dictates justice.
The hearing on Thursday last week following the announcement was embarrassing to say the least.

GOP really out here throwing their boy under the bus huh?

I never seen government move that fast, that shit was shameful


have a conversation with the average voter...

im so glad a lot of shit isnt up to american voters, especially when people are so easily influenced.


benevolent sexism

I think belief in evolution would be a better example. You don't have to be a creationist or even slightly religious to have less than 100% confidence in the age and method of inception of the universe.

Like, I'm 100% science fan, 0% religious, and if someone asked me if I was sure it was a fact that the big bang was the correct theory of how everything started I would have to say no. Not because I have some other idea but because I don't have reason to be completely certain.


Junior Member
I think belief in evolution would be a better example. You don't have to be a creationist or even slightly religious to have less than 100% confidence in the age and method of inception of the universe.

Like, I'm 100% science fan, 0% religious, and if someone asked me if I was sure it was a fact that the big bang was the correct theory of how everything started I would have to say no. Not because I have some other idea but because I don't have reason to be completely certain.
It's still the Big bang theory, correct?


Majority of Americans have never read a single document related to this case, or could even point to what laws might have been broken.


56% of American adults disapprove of the FBI's decision, while 35% said they approved. But a majority -- 58% -- also said the issue would not affect their vote in the 2016 presidential election.

Who are these people who think Hillary should have been indicted, but it won't affect their vote?
Who are these people who think Hillary should have been indicted, but it won't affect their vote?

The people who probably think she deserves charges, but shake in anxiety and fear of voting for Trump over her.

Wonder if it's going to effect her being elected. Hopefully not.

Considering that over half, more than who wanted charges brought, said it wouldn't affect their vote, I don't think it will.


Well I mean, its a highly supported theory, not a fact. Expansion of the universe is a fact though
Scientific theory is basically synonymous with fact. Theories just refer to things that cannot be directly observed, but sufficient evidence has been found of its existence.


It gives me flashbacks to the Louisiana governor's race in 1991, where Edwin Edwards (as crooked as Boss Hogg!) was up against David Duke; we had these bumper stickers all over the state:


Yeah, I mean, the 90% of republicans shouldn't really be surprising. The GOP has been surgically precise in their 2 decades long vilifying portrait of the Clinton Family.

Although 30% for registered Democrats is surprisingly high.

Bernie Sanders supporters and very progressive liberals that disapprove of Clinton.


Who are these people who think Hillary should have been indicted, but it won't affect their vote?

Oops, I missed this above. Sanders voters and never Trump voters.

These results are basically in line with her disapproval numbers and her current national Presidential polling numbers.


There's a scene in the West Wing like this, but I can't remember enough of it to look it up.

Josh is enraged by a poll saying that 64% of Americans think we spend too much on foreign aid and 58% think it should be cut, meaning that 6% think we spend too much and that it shouldn't be cut. He says that the poll should have an option for "Please, for the love of god don't ask me because I have no idea."

I butchered the quote and probably the numbers, but it applies here.


Junior Member
So 10% of Democrats are less likely to vote for her because of this and 33% of independents are less likely to vote for her because of this. Also overall 57 percent say the incident makes them worried about how Clinton might act as president if she were elected, with most very worried about it.

Those are the kinds of numbers that could swing an election.


Majority of Americans know fuckall about legal matters, which is why lawyers get paid the big bucks.

Lawyers are paid the big bucks to get their client off.

That is all. You don't have to be a Lawyer to agree with the outcome of cases. Based on what we know, I don't believe technically she has a Legal case to answer but I sure as hell don't have to agree she is the sweet summer child who didn't know what the fuck she was doing.

This poll probably reflects that.
lol Good Job Comey. I am sure his intentions were good, but he ended up politicizing the issue by hammering Hillary for this on national tv. In the hearing he said he didnt want to unfairly charge her because of celebrity status but on his national tv address he did pretty much that. How many times has he gone on tv to shit on other people who broke the email rules?

I bet Hillary camp isn't too happy about what he did.

I think he did it because of Bill stupidly meeting with Lynch and all the accusations that the FBI was in Hillary's pocket.

And? So what. Fortunately the law isn't created by a majority referendum

lol Good Job Comey. I am sure his intentions were good, but he ended up politicizing the issue by hammering Hillary for this on national tv. In the hearing he said he didnt want to unfairly charge her because of celebrity status but on his national tv address he did pretty much that. How many times has he gone on tv to shit on other people who broke the email rules?

I bet Hillary camp isn't too happy about what he did.

He intentionally politicized it. That's what that press conference was all about.

He is a Republican afterall


you can't put a price on sparks
i like seeing all the saltiness fly from everyone who was convinced she was going to jail and there was no other result to be had
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