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About 84% of Vegetarians and Vegans give up on the diet and return to meat.

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Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.
Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.
So vegetarians really secretly eat meat? And they don't bathe?
I can tell cats taste horrid, I don't even need to try it. Dogs can be delicious, but Human Rights

Dogs dont deserve human rights. They aren't human. If I want to breed dogs specifically for food, I don't see why that is immoral.

I know some person who can't think will try to compare this to eating someone's pet, but it isn't similar given that the dogs would be bred for consumption. We could breed extremely stupid but plump and fatty dogs for food.

Pigs are also as smart if not smarter than dogs. So you can't make an intelligence argument with that.

If I ever travel out of the US to some country that serves dog, I fully intend to try some.


my sister has been a vegetarian for 20+ years. I give her mad props for sticking to this while living in the italian section of brookyln.


Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.

Please tell me this is parody of something...
Dogs dont deserve human rights. They aren't human. If I want to breed dogs specifically for food, I don't see why that is immoral.

I know some person who can't think will try to compare this to eating someone's pet, but it isn't similar given that the dogs would be bred for consumption. We could breed extremely stupid but plump and fatty dogs for food.

Human is not a species. Homo Sapiens is a species. Human can encompass more than a single species. Do you think it would be moral to abuse and kill and eat neanderthals or australopithecus if they existed today?
Human is not a species. Homo Sapiens is a species. Human can encompass more than a single species. Do you think it would be moral to abuse and kill and eat neanderthals or australopithecus if they existed today?

No. I draw my own personal line at chimpanzees and other primates. I wouldn't eat a primate.

But dogs and cats? Yes I'll eat them. Horses? You bet. Cows? Mhmm. Pig? Yep. Chicken? Definitely.

I'll eat anything not a primate.
I was a vegan for 3 1/2 years straight. When I stopped the vegan thing that was during a time when I was taking some intense coursework and didn't really have any free time to be bothered with anything else. I didn't have a day when I just flat out decided to go back to meat, but instead I just gradually started not caring about the issue so much and slowly integrated meat into my diet.

But part of it is still there. When I prepare food for myself at home, it's usually vegan or vegetarian without me even realizing it. I still don't really know how to cook certain kinds of meat and I only use spices on fish.

Looking back on that time I spent as a vegan, it was just a weird decision that I made during the early years of college when I had enough free time and motivation to make a choice like that and stick with it. I don't regret the time I spent as a vegan, it helped me understand how to prepare meals and make healthy choices on my own.


Good luck trying to find good vegetarian food in the USA. I go many months without eating meat, but if I have to go out/travel, I won't find much beyond a salad at most restaurants.


Consumes lots of resources and one of the most significant sources of green house gases.




My sister has been vegan for about five or six years now; was vegetarian before that. Her vegan diet, along with a good workout routine, allowed her to lose about 40lbs, maintain, and now has a very active and healthy lifestyle; and a much, much better mood and disposition.

My mother has been vegetarian for about six or seven years now, and is also in the most healthy state I can remember her in since being born 26 years ago.

It's not for everyone. They don't push it on others. They don't push it on me (though I avoid hormone and steroid-riddled meat as best I can). It's just for them. They don't even bring it up at gatherings, family events, etc. They don't say no to any restaurants. Worst case they eat by themselves before or after. They bring their own vegan dishes to potlucks that are just as good as anything else, and aren't offended if people still don't want it.

And yet the hate they get is out of control. Just the fact people know they have these diets, others bring it up constantly about how it's unhealthy, or unnecessary, or stupid, or that they lack this vitamin or aren't getting enough X or Y. It's pretty sad, honestly. Especially because, while there are outliers (of course), I'd wager they have a more healthy and balanced diet than 90% of the folks giving them a hard time. They live off veggies and beans and soy. I've never seen them eat anything that looks 1/10th as terrible for me as Taco Bell.

100% agree. Great post. I think this is probably most people's experience with vegetarians. Also vegetarianism is quite common nowadays so when there's a thread full of posts talking about how vegetarians just won't shut up about their moral superiority etc and yet there's little to none actually doing that in the thread (a lot of us reading this are vegetarian), you might wanna revise that belief.

I've always seen the reverse occur far more: people get offended even by the notion that someone might have certain beliefs regarding health or ethics when it comes to food and they feel compelled to critique it. Any party or social setting I go to, when people ask me, I often just say I simply don't like meat that much taste-wise and *still* I get to hear all their arguments.


formerly Oynox Slider
I find meat eaters to be way more judgmental than vegetarians. In my experience.

Maybe I'll go back to eating meat one day, maybe I won't. Right now it doesn't appeal to me. If you love meat, cool. Each to his or her own.


A lot of people try vegetarianism/veganism in college. Like a lot of things people try on in that stage of life, it doesn't stick.

That said, most former vegetarians I know still eat less meat than your typical North American. The mentality that you absolutely need to have meat with every meal doesn't necessarily return. Bacon just tastes too good to cut out completely in a lot of cases.


Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.

A lot of people try vegetarianism/veganism in college. Like a lot of things people try on in that stage of life, it doesn't stick.

That said, most former vegetarians I know still eat less meat than your typical North American. The mentality that you absolutely need to have meat with every meal doesn't necessarily return. Bacon just tastes too good to cut out completely in a lot of cases.



Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.



lookit. I evolved to eat meat. If you try to change that, I may be required to add you to the menu. That is all.

The evolution standpoint is one of the weakest ones to take in relation to diet, because you also evolved to eat insects and I am willing to bet you haven't had your serving of beetle larvae in the recent past.

I eat meat too, but the "alpha carnivore' line of thinking is bullshit.


The evolution standpoint is one of the weakest ones to take in relation to diet, because you also evolved to eat insects and I am willing to bet you haven't had your serving of beetle larvae in the recent past.

I eat meat too, but the "alpha carnivore' line of thinking is bullshit.

i'm allergic to most insects, thanks. shellfish too. I might be able to eat toasted grubs, but it's not worth testing it out.

i did not evolve to eat insects.


joke post? Not true at all. I dunno maybe if you are rural Wisconsin or something. Any major US city has good vegetarian and increasing vegan options.
lol wtf?

You do realize rural us will probably feature 1000x better veggie/fruit/grain options due to farmers markets, yes?
Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.
Sounds like ya'll got beef.


I find meat eaters to be way more judgmental than vegetarians. In my experience.

Maybe I'll go back to eating meat one day, maybe I won't. Right now it doesn't appeal to me. If you love meat, cool. Each to his or her own.

Not just more judgmental, but, by a landslide, way more pushy of their beliefs. You occasionally encounter the preachy vegan / vegetarian. But if someone finds out you don't eat meat, rest assured, you'll be getting a lecture about "how plants die too" or "where are you getting your protein / iron from" or "omg bacon!"...

Just let people eat what they want.


I don't get why some folks completely 100% stay away from animal products. Just look at our teeth, we are meant to eat meat!


no it's because the originators are biased treefuckers.

lookit. I evolved to eat meat. If you try to change that, I may be required to add you to the menu. That is all.

I wonder how many gays quit being gay because they evolved to fuck women
I can understand morally not eating meat due to the oversaturation of the complete misuse of animals in slaughterhouses etc. Even eating eggs from caged hens. But things like dairy, where cows find it an enjoyable experience to be milked I don't understand.
I can understand morally not eating meat due to the oversaturation of the complete misuse of animals in slaughterhouses etc. Even eating eggs from caged hens. But things like dairy, where cows find it an enjoyable experience to be milked I don't understand.
It's usually based on the conditions the cows are kept in and how they are handled.


I imagine the majority of most people who attempt life-style altering changes, wind up unable to do so? Especially ones that require a substantial amount of sacrifice.
I can understand morally not eating meat due to the oversaturation of the complete misuse of animals in slaughterhouses etc. Even eating eggs from caged hens. But things like dairy, where cows find it an enjoyable experience to be milked I don't understand.


Looks enjoyable.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Been eating only vegetarian for two years now. I miss cheeseburgers and more options when eating out, but at least I still got pizza.


Anyone who "quits" Veganism was never Vegan to begin with, as it's not a simple diet, it's a belief system and lifestyle change.

Vegetarians on the other hand are just a joke. Most of them never stopped eating meat and are usually disgusting.

That's some Freelee Banana "Do meat eater deserve to live " kind of bull.
You don't need to be part of the belief system to be vegan.


Gold Member
I have nothing against vegetarians or vegans. I completely respect the practice.

However, this number doesn't surprise me. We were made to eat meat.


My sister has been vegan for about five or six years now; was vegetarian before that. Her vegan diet, along with a good workout routine, allowed her to lose about 40lbs, maintain, and now has a very active and healthy lifestyle; and a much, much better mood and disposition.

My mother has been vegetarian for about six or seven years now, and is also in the most healthy state I can remember her in since being born 26 years ago.

It's not for everyone. They don't push it on others. They don't push it on me (though I avoid hormone and steroid-riddled meat as best I can). It's just for them. They don't even bring it up at gatherings, family events, etc. They don't say no to any restaurants. Worst case they eat by themselves before or after. They bring their own vegan dishes to potlucks that are just as good as anything else, and aren't offended if people still don't want it.

And yet the hate they get is out of control. Just the fact people know they have these diets, others bring it up constantly about how it's unhealthy, or unnecessary, or stupid, or that they lack this vitamin or aren't getting enough X or Y. It's pretty sad, honestly. Especially because, while there are outliers (of course), I'd wager they have a more healthy and balanced diet than 90% of the folks giving them a hard time. They live off veggies and beans and soy. I've never seen them eat anything that looks 1/10th as terrible for me as Taco Bell.

Yeah, this. My brother turned vegan at the beginning of this year (and I really doubt he'll turn around because he did it for ethical reasons rather than for some fad diet). I didn't but I still end up eating vegan when at home (i.e. majority of the time, I only ever eat other stuff when I'm out with friends).

This has made me pay a bit more attention to what people say about vegans and it's just ridiculous. How butthurt can people get just because someone doesn't eat the same shit as them? Especially when the diet they deride is better for the planet and results in less cruelty against animals.

Also, I really, really don't get this "muuuh bacon" craze. It's an okay food but if you listen to how people talk about it you'd think it was the second coming of christ or something.
But I guess there's a reason Anglo-Saxon countries are all amongst the fattest countries on earth :p
My old roommate's wife is Vegan and we generally hate going out to dinner with them because it means we have to go to an Indian, Asian, or Vegan-specific restaurant. I have nothing against Indian or Asian food -- I really like it -- it's just that any time we ever want to go out with them it has to be one of those places... and if it's a Friday or Saturday, we all want to go to a place where you can get good beers... and Sadly, there are no Indian restaurants that carry any decent beers, and while there's a few Asian fusion ones that do, they're few and far between.

I don't think I could date/marry a vegan because sharing meals is an integral part of my relationships. My friend's wife will post photos of them getting vegan pizza and stuff, and I can just see that his eyes are dead. Any time they have a party and there's vegan cake or vegan cupcakes or something, it's like "Oh wow these are vegan?!" and you have to put on an act pretending as if it's not the worst cupcake you've had since their last party. "Wow I can't believe that these are vegan!" Meanwhile, if you got those cupcakes any other time from any other place you'd return them for having the consistency and texture of chalk or soap and being almost utterly flavorless.

lol wtf?

You do realize rural us will probably feature 1000x better veggie/fruit/grain options due to farmers markets, yes?

I think he was replying to someone who was talking about going out to dinner, to a restaurant, in which case for the most part the restaurants in middle-america-suburbia tend to usually be chains, and those usually don't source their ingredients locally.

But the original post was totally off too... there's incredible vegetarian food everywhere in the US, especially in any moderately sized city (~150,000+). I used to go vegetarian once a year, for no real reason (A holdover from practicing Lent as a kid and I kept it up mostly just as a challenge), and really never had any issues finding good vegetarian meals anywhere.

But generally, I don't eat at Applebees/Chilis/standard-american-chain, so I could see how it could be tough at one of those places.
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