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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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Been casually following this all day... expected that we weren't getting the full picture when it was revealed this guy was a known YouTube prankster. Knowing this, nothing about the story and subsequent updates is all that surprising.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Even although he's deleting tweets and YT videos to clean up, he's presenting a face of doubling down


Won't do interviews till he speaks to his attorney? This should be good. Hope he realises if he doubles down and is bullshiting Delta will probably hit back hard.

Better delete his tweet of calling a friend a Jew to be sparkling clean before going down this road. Mild anti-semitism whilst sympathising with the Boston bomber ain't a good look Adam.

"Today you can see it's as real as it gets."

Nah i didn't see anything clear. All I saw was you talking on camera.


What's the NYT interview?

I think it just means the NYT would tear him a new one with flimsy evidence, his history on YT and Twitter and Delta standing firm. Usually even the airline does some damage control PR of we are sorry, and have apologised to the passengers/given them free travel, or some shit. Delta didn't back down, even knowing he has a bit of an online presence and there has been a hashtag mob. I'd say those witness passengers and cabin crew must have been mighty convincing.

If this guy was legit he would now be gunning to bury Delta. Not worrying about his image and his interviews. Deleting YT videos and tweets from years gone by...

This has another making of the CSGOLotto doubling down by YT celebs and their followings blindly supporting.


I think the thread title needs to be changed. Delta doesn't deserve to continue be disparaged by this pranksters actions. Those just browsing topic titles and not reading updates in the thread will think "Wow, Delta is pretty shitty for that. Fuck this racist world"

And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.


And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.

Delta have actually said they've carried out the investigation they promised to do earlier, and have presented us with findings. Couple that with the shit dug up on Adam and you have to admit the ground he is on doesn't really look like he's "just a brat!". People had made up their minds earlier before we even had any word from the airline. I'm not saying you always blindly believe companies, but multiple witnesses and the airline going in as they have? Pretty damning.

Not forgetting the other airline who tweeted at him to call him on his exaggerated bullshit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.

Wait, are you doing a fake news both sides are the same argument!???
And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.

He literally makes his living doing viral plane disruption stunts. It would be absolutely shocking if this WASN'T one of his hoaxes. This is what he does. It's not some conspiracy theory - this is how he pays the rent, by staging hoaxes identical to this, over and over, to get youtube traffic.


And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.

I think the facts are pretty clear, a youtuber who has a history of doing "viral airplane pranks" to induce fear claims that he was kicked out of an airplane because of racism. It really doesn't make much sense to take his side here


He literally makes his living doing viral plane disruption stunts. It would be absolutely shocking if this WASN'T one of his hoaxes. This is what he does. It's not some conspiracy theory - this is how he pays the rent, by staging hoaxes identical to this, over and over, to get youtube traffic.

What we need is for people to apply even just a bit of critical thinking to the situation. Given the evidence provided and past experiences it's really hard to come to any other conclusion.

This guy was in the middle of filming a shitty stunt, upped the ante by being actually disruptive, and got kicked off. Then, in an attempt to follow his rainbow to the pot of gold, stirred up a twitter hashtag to make him seem sympathetic.

But like all rainbows, it was actually just fake shit.

- Richard Dawkins, Unweaving the Rainbow

The moral of the store is, don't trust fake ass punks on YouTube and don't fly Delta they suck regardless.


Delta have actually said they've carried out the investigation they promised to do earlier, and have presented us with findings. Couple that with the shit dug up on Adam and you have to admit the ground he is on doesn't really look like he's "just a brat!". People had made up their minds earlier before we even had any word from the airline. I'm not saying you always blindly believe companies, but multiple witnesses and the airline going in as they have? Pretty damning.

Not forgetting the other airline who tweeted at him to call him on his exaggerated bullshit.

delta has provided us with a vaguely worded statement saying little more than that he was "disruptive;" i have to believe they are capable of providing more comprehensive findings than that

i will cede, though, that from the evidence i've seen, his account of things is suspect at best


It's sad that we live in a world where speaking a foreign language can get you into so much trouble, it probably is a daily occurrence, it happened once to me in the US, nothing too big though, hopefully things will change in the near future, but seeing this video and that he's not above pulling stunts like this for views and attention make it very hard to sympathize with him in particular. Note that I'm referring to sympathizing with this person in particular, the whole situation of kicking someone out of somewhere because they were speaking a different language is still a fucked up one.


delta has provided us with a vaguely worded statement saying little more than that he was "disruptive;" i have to believe they are capable of providing more comprehensive findings than that

i will cede, though, that from the evidence i've seen, his account of things is suspect at best

A Delta statement is not a public police report. They have stated they investigated and what they found.

You're at the cross roads of believing Delta are the apparent pranksters who have lied about investigating with eye witnesses and cabin staff or it is this guy, with the history, who has.

A whole cabin crew and 20ish people racists, conspiring pranksters lead by a company, Delta, or an individual with a history of stunts like this? Not to mention the guy now deleting certain tweets and videos... Plus releasing apparent statements before he even talks to his lawyer? Hello Tmartn.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
And those who have already made up their minds about Adam being a brat and acting like an idiot on the plane have made up their minds too.

Like the other guy said, post-fact society.

I don't think you know what that term means.
Uhoh. They've started going through @omgAdamSaleh's twitter history. Kind of looks like he sympathized with the Boston Bomber...yeesh.


Guy is going to get detroyed.

Fuck that piece of shit


In some actual news... This happened a few days ago in NYC. :(


Seriously, sad to read this. :(

Someone here make a new topic about this...

On a serious note. I am sick and tired of the older generation of Muslims blaming everything on the Jews, Hindus, or any other ethnicity that blamed from where they came from. Its time for Muslims to stop blaming our problems on folks who have nothing to do with us!

The local Synagogues and Churches that stand by the Mosques during the times of this. Yet the older generation of Muslims keep blaming them and these impressionable idiots aka some youtubers, which causing the cycle of hate and prejudice to continue from back home.

Argh, its so aggravating and sad. :|


Shades of Yasmin Seweid who claimed "Trump supporters" ripped off her hijab. Turns out she was out past curfew and so terrified of her father than she made up the story. A U-M student also claimed she was harassed for wearing a hijab but police are now saying it didn't happen. Not surprised if there is more to this as well given what posters are saying in the thread.

TBH, I understand why people could hear what sounds like Arabic on a plane and get uncomfortable. They're going to be locked up in a flying tin can for hours and 9/11 was a thing. People might verry well say F*** P.C in such a situation, "I don't feel safe". Sadly, he can thank Jihadi *terrorists* who shout "Allahu Ackbar" before killing people for making the phonology of Arabic "terrifying". As far as accomplishing their goal of making people afraid...

Misson accomplished.


Yeah, his "career" is over.

I doubt it due to his followers eat this stuff up... Also girls are crazy about him in tri-state region.. *rolls eyes*

On top of this after all the stuff he did to his partners and the lack of payment to them or some crazy drama which caused all other members to make their own channels. While he kept the original channel and still making money from all the old content... Yeah very shady to say the least. :|
Shades of Yasmin Seweid who claimed "Trump supporters" ripped off her hijab. Turns out she was out past curfew and so terrified of her father than she made up the story. A U-M student also claimed she was harassed for wearing a hijab but police are now saying it didn't happen. Not surprised if there is more to this as well given what posters are saying in the thread.

TBH, I understand why people could hear what sounds like Arabic on a plane and get uncomfortable. They're going to be locked up in a flying tin can for hours and 9/11 was a thing. People might verry well say F*** P.C in such a situation, "I don't feel safe". Sadly, he can thank Jihadi *terrorists* who shout "Allahu Ackbar" before killing people for making the phonology of Arabic "terrifying". As far as accomplishing their goal of making people afraid...

Misson accomplished.

Are you seriously justifying racism because of 9/11?


Are you seriously justifying racism because of 9/11?
I'm saying people have a right to speak out if they don't feel safe. Would suck to regret being PC halfway through the flight. If I didn't feel comfortable with someone's behavior on a flight I would speak out regardless of who gets offended. My life is worth more than someone's feelings.
I'm saying people have a right to speak out if they don't feel safe. Would suck to regret being PC halfway through the flight. If I didn't feel comfortable with someone's behavior on a flight I would speak out regardless of who gets offended. My life is worth more than someone's feelings.

That irrationality and desire of having "peace of mind" is just a bullshit excuse for the oppressors to continue oppressing the oppressed.

If you have problems with people speaking Arabic on a plane then you need to sort that shit out yourself and not make it someone else's problem.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I know this shit happens, but being who this is, he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt with his credibility.

I'd be real curious to see what he really did before filming.


I'm saying people have a right to speak out if they don't feel safe. Would suck to regret being PC halfway through the flight. If I didn't feel comfortable with someone's behavior on a flight I would speak out regardless of who gets offended. My life is worth more than someone's feelings.

Just to be clear here, are you saying that if someone sitting beside you was speaking Arabic on a plane, you would tell a flight attendant that you're uncomfortable with them being there?


That irrationality and desire of having "peace of mind" is just a bullshit excuse for the oppressors to continue oppressing the oppressed.

If you have problems with people speaking Arabic on a plane then you need to sort that shit out yourself and not make it someone else's problem.

I think the passengers have a right to express concern about another passenger's behavior. The airline saw fit to remove him.

Just to be clear here, are you saying that if someone sitting beside you was speaking Arabic on a plane, you would tell a flight attendant that you're uncomfortable with them being there?

Arabic has become associated with terrorism just as Germany is associated with Hitler and the Holocaust.
You may not like it but it's just the reality that repeated terrorist attacks helped to create.
So what I'm saying is that I understand people's fear.
They had the option to swallow it and say nothing and they chose not to.
I support their right to voice their feelings as paying passengers. It's up to the airline to decide what to do.
After the San Benardino attacks neighbours said they'd seen suspicious activity but didn't report it due to fear of racial profiling.
If they had reported it they might have saved lives.
Of course, on neogaf, you'd better tow a narrow line of opinion (like vote for Hillary lol) so I think I'll take my leave.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I'm saying people have a right to speak out if they don't feel safe. Would suck to regret being PC halfway through the flight. If I didn't feel comfortable with someone's behavior on a flight I would speak out regardless of who gets offended. My life is worth more than someone's feelings.

This post just comes across as exhibit 9001 for holding up the scapegoat of "political correctness" as a boogeyman that prevents bigots from justifying their shitty behavior.


Oh so the dude is a piece of shit as well. Unless the people on the plane knew what he was doing they are still disappointments to humanity.


This dumbass and his pranks are only making things worse for the treatment of Arabic people in the West. Fuck this guy.


I really don't like this guy.

Muslim Vloggers Come Clean About Staged Stop-And-Frisk Video

The video was tweeted out by the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations on Sunday as an example of discrimination against Muslims. The Huffington Post reported on the clip on Monday, calling it a “small glimpse into the ugly world of racial profiling.” HuffPost later updated the story to note that the video’s authenticity had not yet been verified. An NYPD spokesperson told The Huffington Post Monday that “the video is under internal review.”

CAIR is now demanding an apology from Saleh and Akbar. Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director, said their actions were “unacceptable” and potentially damaging to the Muslim community. Hooper said he fears that the next time a Muslim calls in a hate crime, critics will claim he or she is faking it.

“Muslims are already under the microscope, and to do this just to gain some cheap publicity is totally unacceptable,” Hooper told The Huffington Post. “There should be no attempt to justify it; they should just apologize and ask people to forgive them for their irresponsible actions.”
Clif notes for the bandwidth constrained?

Says he was talking to his mom in arabic for 30 seconds. Gets off the phone and continues talking to his friend in arabic. Lady a few seats ahead tells them to speak in english because it's making her feel uncomfortable. He says haven't you ever heard someone talk in another language before? Guy that is with the lady tells them to stfu and get off the plane. Situation escalates and 20 people are clamoring for them to get off and the captain and crew have to intervene.


Clif notes for the bandwidth constrained?

It's a literal POV video of him being taken off the flight, while he complains about being kicked off for speaking Arabic. He is raising his voice and speaking to other passengers. The guys who presumably got him kicked off are mockingly waving goodbye to him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's a literal POV video of him being taken off the flight, while he complains about being kicked off for speaking Arabic. He is raising his voice and speaking to other passengers. The guys who presumably got him kicked off are mockingly waving goodbye to him.

I saw the original but can't watch the update described above your post


Clif notes for the bandwidth constrained?

-Adam was talking with his Mother on the phone in Arabic
-then Adam talks with Slim (his friend) in Arabic
-Lady 4 rows away complains to them to speak in English because she is uncomfortable and goes against his friend Slim.
-Adam tries to say no and tries to explain while defending his friend Slim.
-Lady's Husband or some other guy starting yelling and swearing at them for talking in Arabic.
-This guy starts yelling to kick them from the plane and raising his fists up to the sky
-Pakistani lady tries to help calm the situation but they don't listen.
-The Lady and some guy ask for captain
-This lady and the captain do not allow Adam and Slim to talk and complain that they raising their fist.
-Pakistani lady tries to explain that they were not doing anything wrong and just talking in arabic
-Then they are kicked off the plane and the video he recorded
-They Spoke with one Delta Employee who was trying to protect them and this gets scolded by another Delta Employee.


He might be a prankster scum but I don't think anyone should be kicked off a plane because some people felt uncomfortable they spoke in a different language.
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