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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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That "boycottDelta" hashtag was trending all day too.

That's what I am referring to, yeah. If a company can go after an individual, albeit it I guess he is his own "business", they could sue for libel. In today's social media world I'm sure a judge will entertain hundreds if not thousands of Tweets calling Delta scum, racists, bigots and that they'll never be flown with again, as financial damages.

Glenn Greenwald and other prominent media figures even jumped in on the hashtag and commentary on Delta. Their reputation took a hammering.
I don't think Delta's in the business of faking flight statements when that could get them sued

I'm guessing guy was pulling a prank but had a much bigger response than he expected, so he has to pull back but it's too late


This situation seems fucked, but I do have a hard time trusting anyone who makes a career out of "social experiments."

These asshats think by framing their content as investigative and having a noble cause, it excuses them from lying and doing immoral things, including sexually harassing ppl in public.




I don't think Delta's in the business of faking flight statements when that could get them sued

I'm guessing guy was pulling a prank but had a much bigger response than he expected, so he has to pull back but it's too late

In some ways he will probably view this as his greatest success. Hence why he needs some sort of swift justice not to inspire others.

i'd be curious to know what kind of behavior they were engaged in, exactly, and whether attempts were made to quiet them. i would presume so, but it seems odd that, in the video, the passenger in the seat in front of them was unaware as to why they were being removed from the flight (unless that person was also complicit in the disruption)

It was mentioned earlier in the topic that the person in front is apparently his friend in other prank videos.
I think the thread title needs to be changed. Delta doesn't deserve to continue be disparaged by this pranksters actions. Those just browsing topic titles and not reading updates in the thread will think "Wow, Delta is pretty shitty for that. Fuck this racist world"


In some ways he will probably view this as his greatest success. Hence why he needs some sort of swift justice not to inspire others.

It was mentioned earlier in the topic that the person in front is apparently his friend in other prank videos.

sorry, but just to clarify: i know the person being removed from the plane alongside him was his friend, but the person in front of him was as well?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
i'd be curious to know what kind of behavior they were engaged in, exactly, and whether attempts were made to quiet them. i would presume so, but it seems odd that, in the video, the passenger in the seat in front of them was unaware as to why they were being removed from the flight (unless that person was also complicit in the disruption)

it was briefly mentioned that the dude was one of his friends, but later retracted. However, that dude's behavior is just really weird anyway. Even the way he's looking at the phone's camera is off. Maybe he's just a weird guy.


sorry, but just to clarify: i know the person being removed from the plane alongside him was his friend, but the person in front of him was as well?

It was another GAFer who mentioned it. I've only watched the OP video, a chunk of the countdown from 10 video and a chunk of the 9/11 video. He's got a fair few clickbaity headline videos, or videos stating they are pranks.
Oh so he lied again?
SMH. This asshole set social media on fire with the equivalent of a fake news story. This is where were at now in the social media age, people staging racial incidents to get trending on twitter and instagram.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If it's coming from a "YouTube Prankster," it's almost certainly bullshit. They thrive off drama and misrepresenting the truth. I promise you one of them will have another "experiment" that rules people up like this next year. And I promise you it will be exposed as bullshit.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Oh so he lied again?
SMH. This asshole set social media on fire with the equivalent of a fake news story. This is where were at now in the social media age, people staging racial incidents to get trending on twitter and instagram.
I thought CSGO Lotto was going to take the crown for YouTube stupidity in 2016, but this is brutal. He is just screwing over people who actually have to deal with this stuff in the future. If you keep crying wolf, people stop paying attention.


Its so infuriating seeing the first few pages of this topic, with people trying to say their is no evidence one way or the other, and we should hold off on the outrage because he has a history of this kind of thing, being derided in their posts called victim blaming, racists. Since when is wanting all the facts secondary to being outraged? I know it wont happen but I would hope some of the people in the first few pages who lashed at these people would look at themselves and realize that outrage isn't the best first response, particularly at the cost of facts. Im sure those same people will just do the same thing in the next topic like this that comes up, using their times that they are right to justify that kind of behavior, not realizing they are part of the same coin as the people they are getting angry about. People just need something to get rail against nowadays. Not that they didn't before, but the internet has clearly amplified it.
I think the thread title needs to be changed. Delta doesn't deserve to continue be disparaged by this pranksters actions. Those just browsing topic titles and not reading updates in the thread will think "Wow, Delta is pretty shitty for that. Fuck this racist world"

Yep. Many embarrassing posts in the first page.
I really really hope this is a big enough story for YouTube to start addressing this shitty behavior and get some of these channels looked at. They purposely use tactics like this to get views and likes but it's harmful for a variety of ways. Something has to change.


Guys what am I missing, Delta seemed to have issued a statement explaining their side but what is it that he was actually doing to cause a disturbance?

Trust me, I have no love for this guy but can someone please clarify.
Given the reach this received and his YT history he should be. Sick of people in places of power and wealth behaving like assholes that brings shame to otherwise serious issues. His lies were an actual risk, he deserves to be banned. At least from Delta airlines if they have the power to do it. Should do as a private company. He put their staff and Airline at great reputation risk with mobs shouting about how they'd never fly with them again and cabin crew should be disciplined.

His "prank" has caused so much fighting, arguing and accusations between people as well. What a mess. Half of Twitter won't care though as they got to retweet some outraged celebrities. People will as they always do walk away from this unwilling to swallow their pride and double down on "it's the message that counts". Rather than wanting the liar to be punished.
Delta will likely lifetime ban him. It is highly likely Air France and KLM will as well. Due to them being close partners with Delta.


begging for a wall of shame for the first few pages

I am not taking anything back. In fact I'll double down - fuck Trump and his supporters. No exceptions. Feel free to put that in big bold letters next to my avatar in your wall of shame.

The only thing that changed now is that Adam Saleh is a piece of shit. Youtube needs to start sanctioning people who start disrupting critical services just so they can start trending.
I am not taking anything back. In fact I'll double down - fuck Trump and his supporters. No exceptions. Feel free to put that in big bold letters next to my avatar in your wall of shame.

The only thing that changed is now is that Adam Saleh is a piece of shit. Youtube needs to start sanctioning people who start disrupting critical services for just so they can start trending.

People having been getting passengers kicked off planes ever since 9/11, this is nothing new.


Delta will likely lifetime ban him. It is highly likely Air France and KLM will as well. Due to them being close partners with Delta.

Good. The guy is probably fairly wealthy with those YT metrics, so a good punishment will be restricting flight access as that is long term. Sure there is other airlines but it's still a hamstring to ban you from one of the largest.


Guys what am I missing, Delta seemed to have issued a statement explaining their side but what is it that he was actually doing to cause a disturbance?

Trust me, I have no love for this guy but can someone please clarify.

He has a pranking history. Esp Arabic and airplanes. But the delta update says people were yelling... that's about it.


People having been getting passengers kicked off planes ever since 9/11, this is nothing new.

And racism has existed since before 9/11. What's your point?

That this isn't 100% attributed to Trump and his supporters.

Again... I don't see your point. I already said that I'm doubling down. Not going to take it back and I don't feel like screen capping tweets or youtube comments to justify it!


Good. The guy is probably fairly wealthy with those YT metrics, so a good punishment will be restricting flight access as that is long term. Sure there is other airlines but it's still a hamstring to ban you from one of the largest.
A good punishment would be him getting booted from YouTube but they won't do it for the same reason that him and his cohorts will still conduct "social experiments", the monetary incentives are still there.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I can understand airlines erring on the side of caution and looking bigoted if it means preventing even one real terrorist attack.


"Better exercise caution and evict that brown dude for the safety of the passengers because he sure do looks like a real terrorist to me!"


Although I do understand that people are wary about this particular dude, since he clearly have a history of exploiting people's irrational fears towards Muslims/brown people for a quick buck.


Lol this tweet is now deleted.

Hah, seen that coming. The internet doesn't forget though Adam. Wonder if his Jew slang tweet is down yet?

A good punishment would be him getting booted from YouTube but they won't do it for the same reason that him and his cohorts will still conduct "social experiments", the monetary incentives are still there.

True but as you said I knew this wouldn't happen at all. He's maybe been worried about Twitter looking into his Boston bomber remark given the heat currently on him. Can't be losing that Twitter account!


Even although he's deleting tweets and YT videos to clean up, he's presenting a face of doubling down


Won't do interviews till he speaks to his attorney? This should be good. Hope he realises if he doubles down and is bullshiting Delta will probably hit back hard.

Better delete his tweet of calling a friend a Jew to be sparkling clean before going down this road. Mild anti-semitism whilst sympathising with the Boston bomber ain't a good look Adam.


Even although he's deleting tweets and YT videos to clean up, he's presenting a face of doubling down


Won't do interviews till he speaks to his attorney? This should be good. Hope he realises if he doubles down and is bullshiting Delta will probably hit back hard.

Better delete his tweet of calling a friend a Jew to be sparkling clean before going down this road.
"Delta never denied anything in the video" if thats his proof he'll have a hard uphill battle to fight.


contribute something
begging for a wall of shame for the first few pages

I don't think that's appropriate. Reacting to this kind of story with horror and disgust is a good thing. Readers shouldn't be blamed for falling for hoaxes. If this really was a prank, it's the fault of Adam Saleh and the journalists who failed to do their jobs properly.


As a fellow brown guy I haven't had a issue of being kicked out of a plane but here are some issues I have had in the last when travelling.

Going from Jordan to Jurusalem. Had to wait for 5 hours, got interviewed 1 by 1 being asked why I am travelling to Jurusalem, how I know my friends and when I met them. Had to show my Facebook account.

When trying to get a taxi in Budapest. Taxi driver didn't let me on as he thought I was a dangerous refugee. This happened shortly after the Syrian refugee incident.

When I was checking out the old church in Barcelona. Me and my friends were escorted by 2 police officer. Had to stand in a line and asked questions about if we had any weapons and what we are doing here. Had to show passports people walked past and started at us it felt embarrassing. This was probably due to Paris bombing incident as I travelled to Barcelona near the time.

Being randomly stopped at a airport and had to unpack so much luggage. We were the only people being checked while so many white people just walked past without being checked.

These are some examples I have had, I've gotten used to it and it doesn't bother me much but it would be nice to be white and not have the hassle for a change lol.
I don't think that's appropriate. Reacting to this kind of story with horror and disgust is a good thing. Readers shouldn't be blamed for falling for hoaxes. If this really was a prank, it's the fault of Adam Saleh and the journalists who failed to do their jobs properly.

Has the election taught us nothing?!


I don't think that's appropriate. Reacting to this kind of story with horror and disgust is a good thing. Readers shouldn't be blamed for falling for hoaxes. If this really was a prank, it's the fault of Adam Saleh and the journalists who failed to do their jobs properly.

It's more about the posters who even when given evidence that the individual may have a dubious history they got snapped at and attempted to be made feel bad.

Victims shouldn't be blamed, but when shit stinks people best well put their objective hats on and allow a bit of an investigation and evidence to come forward. Everyone should best remember it is suppose to be innocent until proven guilty, and the Delta hash tag and piling on has ended up being embarrassing. Many as always will have too much pride to admit an error and double down, which is part of the problem with the left as well at the moment.

The end to justify the means should always be objective truth, not shrugging and saying a lie had a good message! People like this cause tremendous damage.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I don't think that's appropriate. Reacting to this kind of story with horror and disgust is a good thing. Readers shouldn't be blamed for falling for hoaxes. If this really was a prank, it's the fault of Adam Saleh and the journalists who failed to do their jobs properly.

"Reacting with disgust" is fine.

People don't get a pass for parroting fake news though. They deserve to be called out for being part of the problem.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Absolutely ridiculous and shameful. Sometimes I feel like America DESERVES the current political shit-storm we're going through.

edit: reading later posts, if the guy is making this up then fuck him too.
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