Adolescence on Netflix is the best TV series I've seen in years


Neighbours from Hell
Probably my favorite since Chernobyl. I'll start by saying this series isn't going to be for everyone. If you like action or tense thrills then this isn't going to be for you. However, if you appreciate the art of filmmaking and love good acting then this is right up your alley.

I don't want to reveal what the plot is, not that it's hard to do without spoilers, but I think it's best experiencing this totally fresh. There's only four episodes an hour apiece. They are all amazingly shot in one take. Remember back when everyone was talking about the great 8 minute take in True Detective season 1 and the entire internet was buzzing about it? Try four episodes all one take and an hour long. When watching this I was in awe the entire time on how they were able to pull this mini series off. And it's not just two people sitting on a step chatting either. There are scenes that contain large locations with lots of people moving around. How they were able to do this boggles the mind. Some of the things they do I don't want to spoil, you just have to see it for yourself.

I didn't know anything about it going in. 15 minutes into episode 1 I'm like holy shit this take is still going. Then they did the entire episode that way and I was like goddamn man. So I google it and found out that's what they did for the entire thing. And I was just really taken aback.

On top of it it's an emotionally powerful show, so much so it can be hard to watch sometimes(in a good way) and the acting is just incredible.

If you're movie or TV fan that appreciates great filmmaking and great acting, then I can't recommend this series enough. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I am so over one shot takes. They completely take me out of the movie as the director and cinematographer screams LOOK AT HOW COOL I AM!!

P.S I just found out that the entire twitter controversy about them hiring a white kid to play the real life black somali immigrant was apparently a non-issue. The show isnt about a specific event like other true crime dramas on Netflix, and the show was already in production when that murder occurred. Thanks Elon for spreading more misinformation!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I have heard it is good, but the real story that it is based on had the main character race swapped. I guess Netflix did not want to present a black youth as the assailant.


Neighbours from Hell
For me, every episode being one take had me even more into it because it feels real and feels like you're there. It's so impressive how they were able to get this done. I'm sure it took a lot of planning. And yes, I don't believe it's based on any real crime in particular.

Hari Seldon

I am so over one shot takes. They completely take me out of the movie as the director and cinematographer screams LOOK AT HOW COOL I AM!!

P.S I just found out that the entire twitter controversy about them hiring a white kid to play the real life black somali immigrant was apparently a non-issue. The show isnt about a specific event like other true crime dramas on Netflix, and the show was already in production when that murder occurred. Thanks Elon for spreading more misinformation!
I vastly prefer one shot takes over the constant cut-fest that are in these modern CGI shitfests. At least if you shoot it in one shot it takes planning, directing, and acting skill... compared to the "edit something coherent after the fact because we didn't have a script" that is most of modern blockbusters these days.


Neighbours from Hell
I vastly prefer one shot takes over the constant cut-fest that are in these modern CGI shitfests. At least if you shoot it in one shot it takes planning, directing, and acting skill... compared to the "edit something coherent after the fact because we didn't have a script" that is most of modern blockbusters these days.
I agree. And it's distracting when it's not consistent. Like cutting back and forth between different POVs when someone is eating or drinking and the amount of liquid in the cup changes from shot to shot. It takes me out of it.

Here, you can appreciate it. And think of the effort and skill it takes to do an entire hour's worth of filming without any cuts. One fuck up and they have to start all over again. Especially in this show when it has characters moving around and needing to do really emotional scenes. Usually, those scenes are shot multiple times. Here, they have to transition many minutes into the take and if they can't get the emotion to come out correctly, it ruins the entire thing. Shows you how talented the actors are in this show. Not to mention remembering all the damn lines. No idea how they did that.
Very good show especially what happens in THAT event and it effects on those involved ,I did want more content of what happened afterwards .. ho- hum🤷‍♂️
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Neighbours from Hell
If people don't care about cinematography, I don't think people will like it as much as I did. For those who do, I think you very well might. With no interest in cinematography I think most will just find it an interesting and powerful drama. How it's filmed takes it to a whole other level though. And on its own it is tremendously acted. But to me it all ties in. I appreciated the performances even more knowing the context in how it was performed. And when it was over I just found myself really appreciating the series and thinking I just binged something really unique and special.

But if you're a viewer who doesn't care about that kinda stuff my praise will probably leave you a bit disappointed.
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The show isnt about a specific event like other true crime dramas on Netflix, and the show was already in production when that murder occurred. Thanks Elon for spreading more misinformation!
but the real story that it is based on had the main character race swapped. I guess Netflix did not want to present a black youth as the assailant.
The fact that these posts are back to back is hilarious.


I saw a snippet of some behind the scenes footage one morning during the press tour, and I love unbroken shots so I thought "I'll have to find out what this new Stephen Graham thing is"

See some friends a couple days later and they're all raving about it. This is very high on my list.


Gold Member
watched an episode last night... didn't even realize it was a single shot.
That said.. i thought besides the father guy.. it was kinda meh...
The surveilance footage at the end of the episode and the kid's reaction should basically be the end of it. I dont need to watch any further.
Its either incompetance or bad acting.

Should I bother watching episode 2?


This is neogaf. I can never find the gif.
It was really amazing until episode 3. I pretty much skipped through episode 4. But yeah I enjoyed it. Very well acted and directed.


Gold Member
Stephen Graham's acting as the father was sublime! What stood out for me the most was how they portrayed the murderers family and how they were affected, which you don't see often in crime dramas/films.


Thank you, OP. I wanted to make a thread but didnt have the time.

It's a masterpiece, imo. How the incel stuff was tackled was a bit heavy handed, but didnt bother me much.

The acting was superb. To think that it was that kid's first acting role is just nuts. Technically masterful show too.

Loved everything about it. I was invested 100% of the time. The one shot filming made everything seem essential. I was glued to the screen the whole time.

Hopefuly it will win many awards


Neighbours from Hell
Yeah as a true crime enthusiast and someone who’s seen many police interviews, interrogations and have read a lot about criminal psychology, episode 3 really hits home and feels so real. I just think they did an amazing job with it and the kid’s portrayal of a kid with serious anger and other psychological issues who can blow at any moment was about as real as it gets. Damn good actor that kid is. Such a bright future.

And episode 4 the mother really had a chance to show her acting chops and she goes toe to toe with Stephen Graham who was incredible. Both of them together was really heavy stuff.


I feel like I'm missing something. I've watched the first three episodes and just don't gel with it. I find the one shot approach to be a little annoying because there are plenty of moments where I'd rather not just watch someone type a password in a keypad to slowly open a door. I get that it's tough to do but I didn't love it. My wife is enjoying it though.


He measures in centimeters
Extraordinary and devastating miniseries. I am just completely stunned that a 14 year old actor could pull off that sort of range and nuance in one shot (in all episodes but in 3 specifically). Genius level stuff.


Gold Member
white male is always evil/bad, didn't you get the memo?
Did u watch the show??

Extraordinary and devastating miniseries. I am just completely stunned that a 14 year old actor could pull off that sort of range and nuance in one shot (in all episodes but in 3 specifically). Genius level stuff.

Yeah amazing performance and I read its his first real acting gig too
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My God, the show was so desperate to make it all about incel/internet manosphere bad that it ignored its own plot, it was a story about a mentally unstable kid that was bullied to the point he had extremely low self-esteem and some pretty serious mental issues and then bullied some more that he eventually snapped and killed one of the people who bullied him. You can see the seams in the plot where they stitched their political bullshit in even though they had very little to do with the main story. The psychologist in the third episode acting like a hysterical moron was kind of lame too, was this the first fucked up person she interviewed in her life or something, WTF was that reaction?

Like the OP said the cinematography and acting were great but as per usual with the slop that is called Netflix they had to fuck up the plot. Nevertheless it was pretty good, not as good as Netflix' internet marketing is trying to make it look like though
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Neighbours from Hell
I've seen a lot of people say this was trying to push an agenda of evil white men are incels and I just didn't get that at all. I saw this series before I heard of any "controversy" surrounding it and when I did I rolled my eyes, because it shows you people are so culture war obsessed that just getting the ideas in their heads about this stuff can break their brains and get them to view normal things in a different light.

For one, incels are a real phenomenon. But it was about so many other things and the kid's psychology was far more complex. It explored what kind of impact a parent's upbringing has on a kid. What bullying can do to a kid. How anti-social behavior can manifest. What built up anger can lead to. How murders can affect many more people than just the victims and their families. Among other things. I didn't notice a single thing preachy in this series when watching it. And exploration aside, I think it just wanted to show a realistic portrayal of a messed up emotionally unstable kid and what that looks like.


I've seen a lot of people say this was trying to push an agenda of evil white men are incels and I just didn't get that at all. I saw this series before I heard of any "controversy" surrounding it and when I did I rolled my eyes, because it shows you people are so culture war obsessed that just getting the ideas in their heads about this stuff can break their brains and get them to view normal things in a different light.

For one, incels are a real phenomenon. But it was about so many other things and the kid's psychology was far more complex. It explored what kind of impact a parent's upbringing has on a kid. What bullying can do to a kid. How anti-social behavior can manifest. What built up anger can lead to. How murders can affect many more people than just the victims and their families. Among other things. I didn't notice a single thing preachy in this series when watching it. And exploration aside, I think it just wanted to show a realistic portrayal of a messed up emotionally unstable kid and what that looks like.
Some people want to make everything about identity politics/culture war stuff. It's a pretty dull way to view things.


Gold Member
The kid was bullied at school and gets called an incel by a bullying girl, and you guys think this is just to paint white man as bad and/or incel as bad?

First of all why would you want to think of yourself as an incel, its not a good thing.

Second why would you judge something if you have t watched it or know what its about.

I was bullied in school too but not this type of shit thankfully.

Boss Mog

The kid was bullied at school and gets called an incel by a bullying girl, and you guys think this is just to paint white man as bad and/or incel as bad?
Why did they race-swap him then? I'm curious to see how you'll spin this one.

So Bond villains should be black, first Nation, Asian, etc?
In this case he was actually black though.
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The kid was bullied at school and gets called an incel by a bullying girl, and you guys think this is just to paint white man as bad and/or incel as bad?

First of all why would you want to think of yourself as an incel, its not a good thing.

Second why would you judge something if you have t watched it or know what its about.

I was bullied in school too but not this type of shit thankfully.

Like I said in my post, you could see the seams where the morons stitched their political messaging. Yes, this was a story about a kid being bullied at school, but you had the father saying that he couldn't supervise what he was looking at the internet and that tiktok was showing him that incel shit when he was looking for gym exercise suggestions. They had spread this shit all over the story for no reason at all other of course than pushing their messaging, the kid was pretty much called a virgin which is an insult that has existed for men for millennia but the pretentious fucks were so desperate to preach about incels that they forgot their own plot
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Lt Pidgeon

Neo Member

My God, the show was so desperate to make it all about incel/internet manosphere bad that it ignored its own plot, it was a story about a mentally unstable kid that was bullied to the point he had extremely low self-esteem and some pretty serious mental issues and then bullied some more that he eventually snapped and killed one of the people who bullied him. You can see the seams in the plot where they stitched their political bullshit in even though they had very little to do with the main story. The psychologist in the third episode acting like a hysterical moron was kind of lame too, was this the first fucked up person she interviewed in her life or something, WTF was that reaction?

Like the OP said the cinematography and acting were great but as per usual with the slop that is called Netflix they had to fuck up the plot. Nevertheless it was pretty good, not as good as Netflix' internet marketing is trying to make it look like though

It was all over the place. From the opening scene with ten police vans and a dozen armed police to arrest a thirteen year old boy that was alleged to have stabbed someone. Then the meek young boy turning into a snarling psycho for the interview with the psychologist was a bit of a stretch. Too many loose ends left hanging, with the friend who gave him the knife and the friend of the dead girl needing tied up. Not to mention the extent of the bullying that the boy endured before he possibly finally snapped. And of course, Andrew Tate inspired knife crime is really at forefront of crime on the streets of Britain just now, isn't it? Then the plumber dad doesn't know how to get paint off his van??? Not to mention the dwarf policeman and one armed teacher. Did they miss any minorities out?

In saying that, some of the one on one scenes were well acted and engaging.
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It was all over the place. From the opening scene with ten police vans and a dozen armed police to arrest a thirteen year old boy that was alleged to have stabbed someone. Then the meek young boy turning into a snarling psycho for the interview with the psychologist was a bit of a stretch. Too many loose ends left hanging, with the friend who gave him the knife and the friend of the dead girl needing tied up. Not to mention the extent of the bullying that the boy endured before he possibly finally snapped. And of course, Andrew Tate inspired knife crime is really at forefront of crime on the streets of Britain just now, isn't it? Then the plumber dad doesn't know how to get paint off his van??? Not to mention the dwarf policeman and one armed teacher. Did they miss any minorities out?

In saying that, some of the one on one scenes were well acted and engaging.

It was like they found a competent script about bullying and said "yeah, this isn't good enough for modern audiences, let's add this and this and this". You can clearly see the actual script before they added their bullshit and created most of the plotholes themselves


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
It was okay, but the hype around it has gotten out of control. I feel like there is an issue the show writers want to address, but they're going about in the wrong way.

The Prime Minister has now been seriously discussing how this show can help the government to improve online safety. However, he doesn't want to employ a Minister for Men, even though we have a Minister for Women?

The co-writer of the show and star Stephen Graham have even accepted an invitation to a parliamentary meeting by Labour MP Josh McAlister to discuss online safety with MPs. I'm worried that this will give the government further powers to tackle free speech, something this country already lacks.

I agree young boys need better role models. Andre Tate should not be a role model for any young boy or any man for that matter. Men need real role models.

However, incels are no where near the biggest problem facing our country and I'm a little surprised a fictional TV show is driving political agenda.

Second, if we have misogy laws then bring in misandry laws. Why doesn't anyone talk about how male suicide rates are far greater then women? Why are women allowed to body shame men without consequences (hahaha small dick! Sorry, I only want men over 6ft) but men who (wrongfully) do the same are treated like criminals? Women are allowed safe spaces where no men are allowed, but men can't have men only spaces? Women are allowed to cry, but when a man cries he's a pussy?! Stop demonising men and lets talk about real equality.

And how about talking about how white, working class boys are the most disadvantaged group in the UK.

We do have a problem with young boys in the UK, but we're not looking at the full root cause.

Also, I understand this post might get me into trouble. Apologies if so. I just want boys and men in this country to be treated better so we can all live a better life. This isn't about any political party, but more to do with the how we can help young boys in the future. Peace.


Perpetually Offended
Why did they race-swap him then? I'm curious to see how you'll spin this one.

In this case he was actually black though.

False. As said above, this wasn't based on anything real. The work is total fiction and was in production/filming before that news broke.

Please stop believing whatever Musk says. He's passed other misinformation before.


It was okay, but the hype around it has gotten out of control. I feel like there is an issue the show writers want to address, but they're going about in the wrong way.

The Prime Minister has now been seriously discussing how this show can help the government to improve online safety. However, he doesn't want to employ a Minister for Men, even though we have a Minister for Women?

The co-writer of the show and star Stephen Graham have even accepted an invitation to a parliamentary meeting by Labour MP Josh McAlister to discuss online safety with MPs. I'm worried that this will give the government further powers to tackle free speech, something this country already lacks.

I agree young boys need better role models. Andre Tate should not be a role model for any young boy or any man for that matter. Men need real role models.

However, incels are no where near the biggest problem facing our country and I'm a little surprised a fictional TV show is driving political agenda.

Second, if we have misogy laws then bring in misandry laws. Why doesn't anyone talk about how male suicide rates are far greater then women? Why are women allowed to body shame men without consequences (hahaha small dick! Sorry, I only want men over 6ft) but men who (wrongfully) do the same are treated like criminals? Women are allowed safe spaces where no men are allowed, but men can't have men only spaces? Women are allowed to cry, but when a man cries he's a pussy?! Stop demonising men and lets talk about real equality.

And how about talking about how white, working class boys are the most disadvantaged group in the UK.

We do have a problem with young boys in the UK, but we're not looking at the full root cause.

Also, I understand this post might get me into trouble. Apologies if so. I just want boys and men in this country to be treated better so we can all live a better life. This isn't about any political party, but more to do with the how we can help young boys in the future. Peace.

This was written by people so detached from working class men that they thought a plumber would think that spray paint could be removed with water and soap while his daughter knew it wouldn't and had he no idea what to use to remove it, credit to Lt Pidgeon for reminding me of that dumb shit btw. This is why modern liberalism is failing everywhere, they allowed privileged theater nerds and pretentious academic weirdos to shape their morality and conclusions on society


Gold Member
Why did they race-swap him then? I'm curious to see how you'll spin this one.

In this case he was actually black though.

I haven't watched the show nor really read anything about it, so I don't know if it's supposed to re-enact a specific event or be completely fictionalized. But reading some of the posts in here praising the main star's acting, this could just be a case of them simply settling for the best young adolescent male they encountered during auditions, regardless of his race. Perhaps the show doesn't reflect the actual statistical reality of the behavior showcased in the program, but it's possible they literally just hired the best actor for the job and created the story around him.
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