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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


It's all over the thread lol
It's no wonder Trump won. Some people are savages.

Even if you're not a Trump supporter, it boggles my mind that people go out of their way to defend the attacker, with a criminal record, harming kids for crying out loud.


I'm not saying you should, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't pay to see you in action with your SS (excuse the pun).
Time to start my youtube channel then. but I guess there is something like that already n there. I think I need to investigate this after work XD

Texas Pride

I understand the outrage. All the anger that Trump causes, people deal with it in different ways.

You're justifying violence with this stance. Don't tout "inclusion" & "peace" and then hand wave this away because you dislike Trump and his supporters. You should truly be ashamed of yourself for being okay with someone assaulting a child. I live like 10 miles from where this took place and I would've handed the guy his ass for what he did to that kid. One of my sons is 16 and what happened to the young man in the video is wrong and it resonates with me. Democrats calling for attacking others they disagree with and people like you low key normalizing this behavior are the problem.


You could very well say that about BLM or feminis shirts. What you wear is a statement of your beliefs. Don’t be surprised when some people get worked up about a knowing antagonistic statement you are spewing.

As for this being an attack. Yes, by law this could be considered an assault. I doubt many would consider a drink thrown as an actual act of violence. How does liquid hurt a 16 year boy?
It's been confirmed that the boy is 80% suede.
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I can't believe people are trying to protect a man with a criminal record who assaulted a minor because that minor was a Trump supporter. Folks really need to take a good long look at themselves.


The extremism from the left over losing the election is doing more to hurt the country than Trump could ever do. If they just acted responsibly they would be able to elect him out of office, but they are going to achieve the exact opposite.


Even if you're not a Trump supporter, it boggles my mind that people go out of their way to defend the attacker, with a criminal record, harming kids for crying out loud.

I can't believe people are trying to protect a man with a criminal record who assaulted a minor because that minor was a Trump supporter. Folks really need to take a good long look at themselves.

Yeah those poor kids were seriously harmed. You can suffer life changing injuries when you have Coca Cola thrown on you. I hope they got medical treatment for their injuries after this brutal 'assault'.
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Trump is just America's foreign policy coming home. No morals, dignity or respect all around the world has finally landed at home.

Honestly, the rest of the world smiles.

Let's hope after the war there's no war making capacity left.

USA is well overdue being punished like Nazi Germany for what it has done to this world.

Think of Trump as your paypacket or gold watch following 70 years of service to the earth.


Yeah those poor kids were seriously harmed. You can suffer life changing injuries when you have Coca Cola thrown on you. I hope they got medical treatment for their injuries.
And next time it is a bullet in your head. What kind of lame excuse is this. this was a crime nothing else and it should be called what it was. Assault Robbery


Yeah those poor kids were seriously harmed. You can suffer life changing injuries when you have Coca Cola thrown on you. I hope they got medical treatment for their injuries after this brutal 'assault'.

You're not American. You don't understand our laws. Per our laws this is assault and robbery. We don't tell you how to run your country don't tell us how to run ours.
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Yeah those poor kids were seriously harmed. You can suffer life changing injuries when you have Coca Cola thrown on you. I hope they got medical treatment for their injuries.

You're justifying the violence by saying its just a Coca Cola? No suffer life changing injuries? If that is the case, I guess its okay to hurl homophobic insults, gender insults, because it doesn't cause any physical injuries?


And next time it is a bullet in your head. What kind of lame excuse is this. this was a crime nothing else and it should be called what it was. Assault Robbery

It's not an excuse. It's just about trying to not over exaggerate things.

And no Trump hater has 'put a bullet in head' of a Trump supporter.

Trump supporters have, however murdered Trump haters by running them over last year.


Aaahhahahahahahah oh man. You serious?
Pallets of cash to Iran?

Whining about how upset you are that you had to return money you had stolen from Iran in the first place makes all of the USA look a lot worse than if you just gave back the stolen money and then shut the hell up about it. You have no idea how the rest of the world sees anything.
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You're justifying the violence by saying its just a Coca Cola? No suffer life changing injuries? If that is the case, I guess its okay to hurl homophobic insults, gender insults, because it doesn't cause any physical injuries?

Funny you mention insults because you can clearly hear the innocent little child who got the drink hurled at him throw out the 'n' word.

Maybe he should be charged with a racially aggravated crime too? Or would it come under freedom of speech to Trump lovers?


It's not an excuse. It's just about trying to not over exaggerate things.

And no Trump hater has 'put a bullet in head' of a Trump supporter.

Trump supporters have, however murdered Trump haters by running them over last year.

And anti Trump almost murdered one with a bike lock.


It's not an excuse. It's just about trying to not over exaggerate things.

And no Trump hater has 'put a bullet in head' of a Trump supporter.

Trump supporters have, however murdered Trump haters by running them over last year.
One Person which was also done by a mad man. And even this could also happen on the other side. When you ht people with metal bats it can happen very fast as well. Meanwhile anti trumps sent cars on fire, destroy buildings terrorize and threaten teachers and profs etc. Why do we not say both sides should stopped and not excuse one over the other because it fits more into my political ideology i follow?
If that is the case, I guess its okay to hurl homophobic insults, gender insults, because it doesn't cause any physical injuries?
Isn't it already? #MuhFreezePeach
Funny you mention insults because you can clearly hear the innocent little child who got the drink hurled at him throw out the 'n' word.
Mmhmm. Let's not act like kids out at 2 in the morning are usually up to no good. Kid probably said something untoward and get checked.
Trump is just America's foreign policy coming home. No morals, dignity or respect all around the world has finally landed at home.

Honestly, the rest of the world smiles.

Let's hope after the war there's no war making capacity left.

USA is well overdue being punished like Nazi Germany for what it has done to this world.

Think of Trump as your paypacket or gold watch following 70 years of service to the earth.
OH geez.

There won't be a war. The USA won't be "punished". What kind of nonsense are you spouting? On the whole, the USA has allowed more countries to enter moderninity than at any point in human history. This is in large part due to us patrolling the oceans and establishing bases everywhere and sharing our technology with everyone. Is the USA perfect?

Nope, but it sure beats European colonialism which is what we had less than 100 fucking years ago and which sparked two World Wars and enabled numerous wars of Communist expansion, including Vietnam.

We give you McDonalds and democracy while the Brits and French and Dutch would just cut off your hands, enslave you, put you to work on the rubber farms, rape your women, and exterminate your culture! And before anyone says "lol Columbus" I'd ask you if he was born in Massachusetts or in Europe?


Funny you mention insults because you can clearly hear the innocent little child who got the drink hurled at him throw out the 'n' word.

Maybe he should be charged with a racially aggravated crime too? Or would it come under freedom of speech to Trump lovers?
Again even if. This word is not illegal. He can fucking say what he wants. And you can shun him for it. BUT you do not TOUCH anyone because of words. If you want to deal with it call the police or just ignore an Idiot..

If I would have said it and someone would attacked me for it. I would sue up his fucking ass until he ends in total poverty and you know what? I would win because he assaulted me.
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Seems pointless to argue. Most important is the attacker got arrested, fired, and probably will have a very hard time looking for work given his violent behaviour.


Isn't it already? #MuhFreezePeach

Mmhmm. Let's not act like kids out at 2 in the morning are usually up to no good. Kid probably said something untoward and get checked.
Are you suggesting that as a grown adult I have the right to assault children if they say something I don't like? That is disgusting.


Whining about how upset you are that you had to return money you had stolen from Iran in the first place makes all of the USA look a lot worse than if you just gave back the stolen money and then shut the hell up about it. You have no idea how the rest of the world sees anything.

Firstly we're America we don't give a shit what people think about us. Second, stole? Proof? Source? It was a regime and we attacked it. Sorry for being the world police. You're welcome.


You're not American. You don't understand our laws. Per our laws this is assault and robbery. We don't tell you how to run your country don't tell us how to run ours.

You're totally right. I don't fully understand American laws. Like... I don't understand how American cops can kill innocent black people and can either get paid leave, or resign from the force and face zero jail time, even with video footage.

Maybe you're an expert on American laws. Can you explain that one to me?

And 'not tell you how to run your country'. Where was I doing that? I'm merely expressing my freedom of speech and opinion in this situation.


Are you suggesting that as a grown adult I have the right to assault children if they say something I don't like? That is disgusting.

Well, you know, in America, parents think it's perfectly fine to smack and beat their children and numerous States totally allow it. Because Parental Rights make it ok to whack toddlers.


You're totally right. I don't fully understand American laws. Like... I don't understand how American cops can kill innocent black people and can either get paid leave, or resign from the force and face zero jail time, even with video footage.

Maybe you're an expert on American laws. Can you explain that one to me?

And 'not tell you how to run your country'. Where was I doing that? I'm merely expressing my freedom of speech and opinion in this situation.
Except that cops do go to prison when they murder someone in the USA. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnew...er-faces-19-24-years-prison/story?id=51595376


You're not American. You don't understand our laws. Per our laws this is assault and robbery. We don't tell you how to run your country don't tell us how to run ours.
There's also a concept called the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. The guy throwing the drink comes off like a roided up buffoon; it would be hilarious if he slipped and cracked open his skull as he was marching out. But some people here are framing it in such a way as to pull it closer to the realm of crimes like beating the shit out of a 5-year-old and robbing an old folks home, emphasizing that this is assault of a child by a convicted criminal in order to make a point that "the left" is unhinged. It comes off as petty and overly literal for the sake of an agenda.

All assault is not equal, all robbery is not equal and everyone with a criminal record is not equally dangerous. Don't be a weenie.
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Ulysses 31

You're totally right. I don't fully understand American laws. Like... I don't understand how American cops can kill innocent black people and can either get paid leave, or resign from the force and face zero jail time, even with video footage.
Well statistically, US cops kill more white people than black people, but black on black violence takes the cake when it comes to the cause of black fatalities in the US.

So I'm not seeing this racist anti-black US cops narrative holding up.


OH geez.

There won't be a war. The USA won't be "punished". What kind of nonsense are you spouting? On the whole, the USA has allowed more countries to enter moderninity than at any point in human history. This is in large part due to us patrolling the oceans and establishing bases everywhere and sharing our technology with everyone. Is the USA perfect?

Nope, but it sure beats European colonialism which is what we had less than 100 fucking years ago and which sparked two World Wars and enabled numerous wars of Communist expansion, including Vietnam.

We give you McDonalds and democracy while the Brits and French and Dutch would just cut off your hands, enslave you, put you to work on the rubber farms, rape your women, and exterminate your culture! And before anyone says "lol Columbus" I'd ask you if he was born in Massachusetts or in Europe?

I suppose bases are a form of building, so it is technically a lie to say you only rape countries via modern colonialism rather than build and improve the countries as Europeans did. You certainly don't build much though.

You occupy many, many more countries than any European power ever did.

& democracy!!??? That is the biggest joke in your post - democracy as long as everyone votes for the USA's preferred candidate or they become a rogue state and a target for regime change. I don't even need to post the USA sponsored regime change/intervention graphic as surely you know at least USA's history even with such a shaky understanding of world history.
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Oh yes I remember that one. A rare case were justice was done.

What about the other ones like that guy choked to death for selling cigarettes? Or, well the dozens of other examples to list?

How come the law is so uneven in distributing justice? I'm just looking to be schooled here.

And ilfait, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. It's creepy how Trump lovers have a hard on for this shitty kid getting a drink thrown on him. Finally something to beat the 'leftists' with!


Oh yes I remember that one. A rare case were justice was done.

What about the other ones like that guy choked to death for selling cigarettes? Or, well the dozens of other examples to list?

How come the law is so uneven in distributing justice? I'm just looking to be schooled here.

And ilfait, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. It's creepy how Trump lovers have a hard on for this shitty kid getting a drink thrown on him. Finally something to beat the 'leftists' with!
Finally? i can show you 100000 worse things the so called progressive left did alone in this year. I do not think any right wing follower needs to be worried to run out of stupid shit the other side does. In fact given my prob more biased view I will say the left outpaces the right in terms of stupid shit by 2:1


Firstly we're America we don't give a shit what people think about us. Second, stole? Proof? Source? It was a regime and we attacked it. Sorry for being the world police. You're welcome.

LOL. There was a revolution and you stole all of Iran's overseas funds. That is the entire reason you gave the money to Iran. Explaining something so commonly known to you already feels ridiculous so you can look up your own sources.


And ilfait, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. It's creepy how Trump lovers have a hard on for this shitty kid getting a drink thrown on him. Finally something to beat the 'leftists' with!
It's dumb, but are you trying to make it out to be behaviour that's more or exclusively characteristic of a "Trump lover"? If so try to imagine a slightly altered situation occurring; a teenage girl gets her pink pussy hat or an impeach 45 hat ripped off and a drink thrown in her face by a roid rager. What would be some of the reactions you'd suspect from the "Trump haters"?


Yeah torture and brutal beatings of several people does not beat one dead person. Congratulations you have one the vctimize olympics. Be happy and buy a cake while normal people are just arguing that the extreme left or extreme right is not one bit better. And I will say it again. It is more a miracale that no one has died because of these Attacks by Antifa and co.


You mean when they attacked our embassy so we stopped paying them? Piss off.

Paying them? If I own a bank and you have deposited money in it, then you want to withdraw the money or spend it, I am not PAYING you, I am returning what is already yours. Even if you have upset me in the meantime, I cannot unilaterally change the terms of the deposit to avoid returning the funds. That would be theft.
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Are we going to pretend the 2017 Vegas shooting wasn't aimed at Trump supporters?

Paying them? If I own a bank and you have deposited money in it, then you want to withdraw the money or spend it, I am not PAYING you, I am returning what is already yours. Even if you have upset me in the meantime, I cannot unilaterally change the terms of the withdrawal to avoid returning the funds. That would be theft.

If you give me $20 then assault me you're not getting your money back.
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I suppose bases are a form of building, so it is technically a lie to say you only rape countries via modern colonialism rather than build and improve the countries as Europeans did. You certainly don't build much though.

You occupy many, many more countries than any European power ever did.

& democracy!!??? That is the biggest joke in your post - democracy as long as everyone votes for the USA's preferred candidate or they become a rogue state and a target for regime change. I don't even need to post the USA sponsored regime change/intervention graphic as surely you know at least USA's history even with such a shakey understanding of world history.

This is an excellent post and exactly why I am a huge fan of Trump. Because his policies have shown America can no longer be trusted or replied upon. He has insulted his closest allies, cosied up to dictators and lunatics like the leader of the Philippines and every decision he makes is not in the interest of his supporters but his friends, his family and himself.

He has shown to his allies that they have to prepare for a future where America can have an even more erratic and hostile leader then Trump. In the long run, that's only going to lead to America being more isolated, either intentionally, like Trump is doing right now, or unintentionally through the long term effects of his policies.

Which is great. Far less American influence in the world is a great thing. Other countries need who are already close need to strengthen their ties and rely on themselves.


This is an excellent post and exactly why I am a huge fan of Trump. Because his policies have shown America can no longer be trusted or replied upon. He has insulted his closest allies, cosied up to dictators and lunatics like the leader of the Philippines and every decision he makes is not in the interest of his supporters but his friends, his family and himself.

He has shown to his allies that they have to prepare for a future where America can have an even more erratic and hostile leader then Trump. In the long run, that's only going to lead to America being more isolated, either intentionally, like Trump is doing right now, or unintentionally through the long term effects of his policies.

Which is great. Far less American influence in the world is a great thing. Other countries need who are already close need to strengthen their ties and rely on themselves.
And he is the reason North Korea now acts normal, he is the reason why Germany//EU covers now in fear in terms of taxes on American products. And now has to spend billions on military which was promised by the Nato contracts. He is the reason that Israel finally got what every American president before wanted to to do (even Obama) and moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

I do not know about his inner politics but the his foreign policy is pretty great. he is more aggressive for sure. but this also helps to move the world. I do not like Trump but in this terms I think he did pretty good.


If you act or dress like an asshole, don’t be surprised when someone calls you on your shit.
Anyone wearing that hat knows that it is antagonistic right now.

I see this as a simple as a talk shit get hit situation.

If that is the case, you better hope one day people don't get pissed off at something you are wearing. But I am sure you wouldn't see it as a talk shit get hit situation then.

This whole thing is silly at this point. People are looking for reasons to act like fools.
Funny you mention insults because you can clearly hear the innocent little child who got the drink hurled at him throw out the 'n' word.

Maybe he should be charged with a racially aggravated crime too? Or would it come under freedom of speech to Trump lovers?

I am not sure why it hasn't been pointed out yet but "nigga" came from the hat thief not the kids.

He says: "You ain't supporting shit, nigga!". That wasn't the kid it was the goon.
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lol this whole thing reminds me of the college girl who stole someone's MAGA hat and then went and tried to report him to the college for having the audacity to own it and want it back.



And he is the reason North Korea now acts normal, he is the reason why Germany//EU covers now in fear in terms of taxes on American products. And now has to spend billions on military which was promised by the Nato contracts. He is the reason that Israel finally got what every American president before wanted to to do (even Obama) and moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

I do not know about his inner politics but the his foreign policy is pretty great. he is more aggressive for sure. but this also helps to move the world. I do not like Trump but in this terms I think he did pretty good.

Right and I agree with you on almost everything. North Korea thing has different reports every day about how serious Kim Jong Un is.

But none of what you wrote really contradicts what I said. His allies like Germany have seen their biggest trading partner suddenly start a trade war for no reason other then making an election promise to the very same supporters that are now going to massively suffer with the EU's retaliatory tarriffs. Germany will suffer and so will USA. Not a foreign policy achievement.

Nor is moving the embassy to Jerusalem. A few minor countries followed and it was a symbolic gesture to the fervent right and his evangelical supporters and those who think the second coming of Christ is happening soon. But no other major country followed or is planning to open an embassy there.
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