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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


Right and I agree with you on almost everything. North Korea thing has different reports every day about how serious Kim Jong Un is.

But none of what you wrote really contradicts what I said. His allies like Germany have seen their biggest trading partner suddenly start a trade war for no reason other then making an election promise to the very same supporters that are now going to massively suffer with the EU's retaliatory tarriffs. Germany will suffer and so will USA. Not a foreign policy achievement.

Nor is moving the embassy to Jerusalem. A few minor countries followed and it was a symbolic gesture to the fervent right and his evangelical supporters and those who think the second coming of Christ is happening soon. But no other major country followed or is planning to open an embassy there.

Moving the embassy was a very symbolic statement IMO and Europe did not follow because they are too scared of what happens. They do not care if this is the right thing or not they are only scared about heir own ass. As for the Trade war. I think it will profit America greatly in the end because Germany and also China Accept more terms than before because US is too powerful in this regard. He put America back on the map IMO. So in this regard I think he did a good job. And not everyone needs to be friends worldwide. It will benefit the US in the end for sure. He is a Nationalist sure but not like some people argue a Nazi.
lol this whole thing reminds me of the college girl who stole someone's MAGA hat and then went and tried to report him to the college for having the audacity to own it and want it back.

Holy shit! I do not like Trump or MAGA hats but this makes me want to go buy a whole fucking MAGA suit just to trigger idiots.


That's not true. The bank has to follow the law and the contract you have with them. Not their emotions. If your uncle took the rep hostage, your money would still be there unless there was a clause in the contract.

Having a government supported by the people rather than the USA is not cause to steal money.

If I was a bank and you were dating my sister but then dumped her, I would not be able to steal your money.

If your brother punched me I would not be able to steal your money.

It was not security forces that carried out the hostage taking.


Well it's good to know that violence seems to be acceptable depending what side I'd the political divide you find yourself on.

I really dont think people are thinking as deeply as they should be about this problem. This is a country that is heavily armed and if you have any kind of political uprising. It could take a deadly turn, the likes of which could cause irreparable damage.

This is different, and decorum must be kept, lest a whole different brand of bloodshed start. Violence over political differences is always bad. Violence over political differences in a country like the United states could be disastrous for the whole world.


Moving the embassy was a very symbolic statement IMO and Europe did not follow because they are too scared of what happens. They do not care if this is the right thing or not they are only scared about heir own ass. As for the Trade war. I think it will profit America greatly in the end because Germany and also China Accept more terms than before because US is too powerful in this regard. He put America back on the map IMO. So in this regard I think he did a good job. And not everyone needs to be friends worldwide. It will benefit the US in the end for sure. He is a Nationalist sure but not like some people argue a Nazi.

I do fully agree with you about European countries being scared to move their embassy to Jerusalem. No doubt it.

Europe does have a huge anti-Semitism problem, made even bigger due to the vast amount of migrants that came over the Mediterranean in the last few years. If Europeans countries moved their embassys as well, it would cause huge problems for the Jews.
Trump says all these things to provoke hatred and violence but you only want to lay blamed on the provoked, that's not right either
That is your opinion. You can expect others to accept it but that doesn’t mean they will.

You are trying to explain a third parties mindset and the reasons why they say without evidence. There is no evidence to prove anything you say.

To defend what happened here is vulgar.


Golden Boy
lol this whole thing reminds me of the college girl who stole someone's MAGA hat and then went and tried to report him to the college for having the audacity to own it and want it back.

What did i just watch? What mass murders is she talking about?
He robbed and assaulted a teenager. Everyone would have fired you.
Me? I didn't do anything.

Would you keep employees who throw beverages on customers around? Sounds bad for business.
Was he an employee at that restaurant? If so, I would have fired him immediately as he did that to a customer. If he worked somewhere else, I'd be more lenient depending on what he does and his history.


Me? I didn't do anything.

Was he an employee at that restaurant? If so, I would have fired him immediately as he did that to a customer. If he worked somewhere else, I'd be more lenient depending on what he does and his history.

Well his history is a criminal record. Now with an additional assault.


Shouldn't have happened but Trump isn't bringing the country together after all.
You truly thought he was, but then you saw that one video involving three out of three hundred million people and it really opened your eyes.
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Also one note here since this brought up. The kid did not shout "Nigger" it was the fucking asshole who assaulted the boy.

Boss Mog

That guy is an asshole. I don't like the trend of firing anyone who gets caught doing something stupid on video, though.

I don't think people should be fired for sharing an opinion on facebook or twitter no matter what their political stance is however in this case it wasn't just words, he stole the hat and threw a drink at the guy so he deserves to be fired.
This isn't a new phenomenon. The left has been assaulting people they disagree with well before Trump even announced he was running for President. The fact of the matter is that the left think they are morally better than you, and if you say you disagree, they feel entitled to assault you.

Seen it time and time and time again.


It's not an excuse. It's just about trying to not over exaggerate things.

And no Trump hater has 'put a bullet in head' of a Trump supporter.

Trump supporters have, however murdered Trump haters by running them over last year.

Um? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Congressional_baseball_shooting

On June 14, 2017, in Alexandria, Virginia, Republican member of Congress and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana was shot while practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, scheduled for the following day. Also shot were Crystal Griner, a U.S. Capitol Police officer assigned to protect Scalise; Zack Barth, a congressional aide; and Matt Mika, a Tyson Foods lobbyist.

A ten-minute shootout ensued between the shooter—James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, a left-wing activist[7][8]—and officers from the Capitol and Alexandria Police.

The large woman who got hit by a car didn't die from getting hit by a car, she was clearly mishandled after having a heart attack, and her chest injuries were obvious CPR-related injuries. She never would have been struck by the car if the driver wasn't under assault by multiple people with bats and other implements.

But hey maybe Sally Kohn was right


Mmm nope, completely off base. Clinton supporters have gone full retard.


Even if you're not a Trump supporter, it boggles my mind that people go out of their way to defend the attacker, with a criminal record, harming kids for crying out loud.

How else will we know those with cognitive dissonace. If Trump were to say oxygen is good blue team has to say that's wrong too much oxygen will kill you. It's a team sport not about actual logic


Look I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a person about peace and inclusion to the upmost but there is no place for Trump nor his supporters here. Not in the kind of U.S. that we all envision working to together to build. Wankanda can be a reality right here in the world's richest nation but not with Trump and his way of thinking.

The man thinks coal is the future of energy for Christ's sake.


Never used the ignore function before until now. If you can’t unify that this was a disgusting incident, no matter what you’re political allignimnent, your a fucking lunatic leftist and I choose not to read what you write anymore spewing your garbage.

I call out the right when it’s wrong, if you can’t say that this was a disgusting incident to a child wearing a hat there is clearly something wrong with you.
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Look I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a person about peace and inclusion to the upmost but there is no place for Trump nor his supporters here. Not in the kind of U.S. that we all envision working to together to build. Wankanda can be a reality right here in the world's richest nation but not with Trump and his way of thinking.

The man thinks coal is the future of energy for Christ's sake.

Erm...what the shit? Let's gloss over you seemingly justifying what basically amounts to lynching half the country. Wakanda? Seriously? In one sentence you advocate for peace and inclusion, and in the other sentence, you define utopia as a place where dictators gain and keep power based on a mixture of inheritance, performance-enhancing drugs, and gladiatorial combat. And where all foreigners are forbidden entry and treated as second class (even referred to as primitive), this is the place you think is better than the US? I'm not even a fan of the US, but Wakanda is clearly a shithole
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Hmm I could wear MAGA hat to indirectly provoke these pussies to attack me and then I could beat their ass in self defense 🤔


I wish the left could understand that while most of America dislikes Trumps brash arrogance, their decision to go absolutely insane has made him look like the more rational actors in all of this.
Most of us would be happy to spend our discussions talking about how idiotic trumps trade policies are, or how we could better handle things at the border... instead all we can focus on is how bats**t crazy the left is
by comparison and be happy they have no power.

Fox Mulder

I'm liberal and think Trump sucks, but shitting diapers and getting violent over a hat is retarded.

There isn't 60+ million nazis in america, ICE isn't the gestapo, and shut the fuck up about impeachment already. Get candidates and a vision that connect with enough people to win the next elections.



From the article..

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness claimed.

The witness tells KENS 5 the teens mentioned that they wished the movie The Purge was real, but only against African Americans and Latinos. "They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July," the witness claimed.

If true it explains the reason for the attack.

If not true it could lead to another fake retelling of events by someone wanting to twist the event.

Tho I did hear the N word in the video so who knows.


From the article..

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness claimed.

The witness tells KENS 5 the teens mentioned that they wished the movie The Purge was real, but only against African Americans and Latinos. "They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July," the witness claimed.

If true it explains the reason for the attack.

If not true it could lead to another fake retelling of events by someone wanting to twist the event.

Tho I did hear the N word in the video so who knows.

The N word in the video was said by the attacker.


The N word in the video was said by the attacker.

Has it been conclusively proven that it's said by the drink thrower? (If so, I'm happy to take the L as I believed it was said by the ignorant teenage brats)

This is extremely unbelievable unless more comes out. He wants to remain anonymous but then says it's because he's receiving death threats for witnessing this incident?

Why is it 'extremely unbelievable' friend? :unsure:

As I said earlier, we only see the last 20 seconds of the video so that it fit's the alt-right narrative that the evil leftie threw a drink at the innocent little children who were wearing a shitty hat.

Until now, we had no idea what was said to provoke such a spur-of-the-moment reaction from Mr Drink-thrower.


Has it been conclusively proven that it's said by the drink thrower? (If so, I'm happy to take the L as I believed it was said by the ignorant teenage brats)

Why is it 'extremely unbelievable' friend? :unsure:

As I said earlier, we only see the last 20 seconds of the video so that it fit's the alt-right narrative that the evil leftie threw a drink at the innocent little children who were wearing a shitty hat.

Until now, we had no idea what was said to provoke such a spur-of-the-moment reaction from Mr Drink-thrower.
Its unbelievable that someone who is remaining anonymous is receiving death threats before even coming out as a witness anonymously.
If you act or dress like an asshole, don’t be surprised when someone calls you on your shit.
Anyone wearing that hat knows that it is antagonistic right now.

I see this as a simple as a talk shit get hit situation.

If you've noticed my posts about the second amendment, you may have noticed that I'm pretty pro-gun rights. I had a customer I was supposed to help the other day who was wearing a #neveragain button, which supports the belief that we can change our laws and somehow never have another school shooting. These are many of the same people calling the NRA a terrorist organization, or supporting people who do.

It's a very anti-gun statement, and I found it very antagonistic to be wearing in a public place where there are sure to be lots of various opinions on the subject. If you are pro-choice, consider how you would feel about someone walking around with an "abortion is murder" T-shirt. I would guess you'd find that antagonistic.

Did I challenge her by pointing out the absurd rarity of mass school shootings in America? No. Did I give her less service than I did everyone else who wasn't wearing an anti-gun button that day? No. Was I any less friendly to her? No.

Because I'm not a bigot. I do not have a hateful view of people who have a different political opinion than I do.

From the article..

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness claimed."

That's assuming all this was about a hat, and those kids weren't being openly racist. I seriously hope more witnesses or security camera footage can be used to determine what actually happened. Whoever was in the wrong shouldn't be able to get away with it, or shape the event to fit their ideology. Do they at least know for a fact that the witness making this claim was actually there at the time?


Has the story been confirmed? Was the attacker provoked? It sound's a little far-fetched, but hey we have seen numerous incidents of racists becoming emboldened since Trump came into power, so it could be true, though I really hope not.

Jon Neu

Look I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a person about peace and inclusion to the upmost but there is no place for Trump nor his supporters here. Not in the kind of U.S. that we all envision working to together to build. Wankanda can be a reality right here in the world's richest nation but not with Trump and his way of thinking.

The man thinks coal is the future of energy for Christ's sake.

And this is what people call a regressive leftist.

Which is basically a fascist.
This is extremely unbelievable unless more comes out. He wants to remain anonymous but then says it's because he's receiving death threats for witnessing this incident?

MAGA fans berating a minority person to the point that he snaps back sounds very believable. I can pull up the Trump peace prize thread if you wanna see them doing it about Obama right now. Or you know, turn on Fox News. Or go to Twitter and type in #wall, or #border

Sounds very very believable, bud.
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Meanwhile when it comes to other topics the Left is shouting "Trump has no respect for the rule of law. Barbarians! How care you support this man who has no respect for the rule of law"?

Okay, but adults attacking minors is excusable and not an area where rule of law should be considered. Gotcha.

Left is crashing haaaaard into the ground. 2019 gonna be a victory lap and by 2020 we'll have another Central/Independent party cannibalizing the Democratic vote in order to get in on the election. Just watch.


MAGA fans berate a minority person to the point that he snaps back sounds very believable. I can pull up the Trump peace prize thread if you wanna see them doing it about Obama right now.
I was clearly saying the claim of death threats was unbelievable. I explained this in the next sentence
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