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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


And this is what people call a regressive leftist.

Which is basically a fascist.

What would you define Trump philosophy as? What is his vision for the U.S.? Do you think he is building towards the future? Better infrastructure? New developments in science?


lol this whole thing reminds me of the college girl who stole someone's MAGA hat and then went and tried to report him to the college for having the audacity to own it and want it back.

Yep that's the flawless leftist logic at work. "Your HAT hurts my feelings, F### your laws"!!!


It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.


What would you define Trump philosophy as? What is his vision for the U.S.? Do you think he is building towards the future? Better infrastructure? New developments in science?
Simple google search came up with different things, I will go by what he actually said.

America will start winning again, winning like never before … There should be no fear — we are protected, and we will always be protected … Most importantly, we are protected by God … We must think big and dream even bigger.

— President Trump, Inaugural Address



Has it been conclusively proven that it's said by the drink thrower? (If so, I'm happy to take the L as I believed it was said by the ignorant teenage brats)

Why is it 'extremely unbelievable' friend? :unsure:

As I said earlier, we only see the last 20 seconds of the video so that it fit's the alt-right narrative that the evil leftie threw a drink at the innocent little children who were wearing a shitty hat.

Until now, we had no idea what was said to provoke such a spur-of-the-moment reaction from Mr Drink-thrower.

I think what is unbelievable about it is that it perfectly spells out every point that people suspect trump supporters of being. Seems very on the nose. Never know tho, anything is possible and it could be legit.

Jon Neu

What would you define Trump philosophy as? What is his vision for the U.S.? Do you think he is building towards the future? Better infrastructure? New developments in science?

See? You can actually discuss politics instead of advocating violence against people that vote different.
It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.
Oh, this is that political dogwhistle thing again?

You know, where the phrase 'Make America Great Again' (which is the same phrase Bill Clinton used) is similar enough to a swastika (also legal to wear and doesn't justify assault, as terrible as Nazis are) to justify violence?

Good to know where the Left stands on the issue.
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If you've noticed my posts about the second amendment, you may have noticed that I'm pretty pro-gun rights. I had a customer I was supposed to help the other day who was wearing a #neveragain button, which supports the belief that we can change our laws and somehow never have another school shooting. These are many of the same people calling the NRA a terrorist organization, or supporting people who do.

It's a very anti-gun statement, and I found it very antagonistic to be wearing in a public place where there are sure to be lots of various opinions on the subject. If you are pro-choice, consider how you would feel about someone walking around with an "abortion is murder" T-shirt. I would guess you'd find that antagonistic.

Did I challenge her by pointing out the absurd rarity of mass school shootings in America? No. Did I give her less service than I did everyone else who wasn't wearing an anti-gun button that day? No. Was I any less friendly to her? No.

Because I'm not a bigot. I do not have a hateful view of people who have a different political opinion than I do.

That's assuming all this was about a hat, and those kids weren't being openly racist. I seriously hope more witnesses or security camera footage can be used to determine what actually happened. Whoever was in the wrong shouldn't be able to get away with it, or shape the event to fit their ideology. Do they at least know for a fact that the witness making this claim was actually there at the time?

Yeah. I would love to see some security coverage on it. If the kids were being racist D Bags I would love to see them called to the front on it. Same for the attacker.

Jon Neu

It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.

Of course, because a MAGA hat is the same as nazis and the extermination of millions of people.

You are becoming the authoritarian, extremely partisan and intolerant people of this world.


The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire.[3] It held that "insulting or 'fighting words', those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem."


Real tough guy attacking a 16 year old. I've always found it stupid when people give so much power to that stupid fucking hat.

Gander said:
It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.

I agree completely with Air Zombie here.

It's just a stupid fucking hat. Whenever I see people wearing it, I just think they must be pretty dumb and not very intelligent people, and are very gullible, but that's about it.

Comparing that hat to a swastika is a real stretch. They just aren't compatible. No matter what people think of Trump and the dumb shit that drops out of his mouth, millions of innocent people haven't died at his hands.

It's why the Left get mocked so much. They take things to the same extremes as the Fox News watching Right wingers.


It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.
so if someone wears a burka or nijab i can do the same? Because these are real signs of oppression. Good to know.

Joe T.

Shouldn't have happened but Trump isn't bringing the country together after all.

Nope, he sure hasn't, I'd like to believe even those that like the way he's governing the country can agree on that point. However, what's worse is that his opposition has also chosen to abandon the idea of uniting the country. While the tactics aren't quite the same, they're employing the same divisive strategy pitting one side against the other.

Our communication skills have deteriorated and this isn't exclusive to Americans. It's almost ironic considering the communication tools at our disposal today versus 30 years ago, but these tools did much more to make communication easier rather than better. Smartphones coupled with social media practically encourage us to remain as brief as possible while also striving to gain attention, the easiest way to do that being to exaggerate, to use hyperbole. If you read a few paragraphs detailing someone's position on a particular news story and then you read a one or two line response espousing what sounds like a relatively extreme position on that same story chances are high that the shorter, more extreme response is going to draw more attention.

It's a sad state of affairs as I see it and I wish more media outlets would stop spinning the day's popular stories as negatively as they can and spend a little more time looking into the underlying reasons for the divisiveness currently gripping us in a strangle-hold.

Fox Mulder

Look I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a person about peace and inclusion to the upmost but there is no place for Trump nor his supporters here. Not in the kind of U.S. that we all envision working to together to build. Wankanda can be a reality right here in the world's richest nation but not with Trump and his way of thinking.

The man thinks coal is the future of energy for Christ's sake.

What does Wakanda have to do with anything. I thought the left was supposed to hate isolationism and ethno states.


For you.
* Racist fuckwits that joked about "hanging blacks" get exactly what they deserve should be the actual, correct headline. Funny how you managed to completely ommit that, OP
The link in that tweets not working for me. Anyone got a working link to that story?

edit: access to the site denied, guess it must be a region thing.
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* Racist fuckwits that joked about "hanging blacks" get exactly what they deserve should be the actual, correct headline. Funny how you managed to completely ommit that, OP
Because there is literally NO evidence that happened. Maybe that's why. Where is a video or audio showing the kids were talking about that. Because if its just "anonymous eye witnesses" and you believe them, you are a moron.
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What does Wakanda have to do with anything. I thought the left was supposed to hate isolationism and ethno states.
White isolationism. White ethno-states. Even if they are historically white countries where the native population is white, none of that is acceptable.

Other colors of skin are allowed to build nations and exclude others. Like the Saudis! It's fine that they exclude their fellow Muslim immigrants from other countries. Like the Japanese! One of the most monolithic cultures, ethnically, but we don't make demands to change their isolationism.
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Wankanda can be a reality right here in the world's richest nation but not with Trump and his way of thinking.
Because there is literally NO evidence that happened. Maybe that's why. Where is a video or audio showing the kids were talking about that. Because if its just "anonymous eye witnesses" and you believe them, you are a moron.

I for one find it incredulous that a 16 year old wearing a MAGA hat would be saying racist things.
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* Racist fuckwits that joked about "hanging blacks" get exactly what they deserve should be the actual, correct headline. Funny how you managed to completely ommit that, OP

Alleged by unverified source, so yeah let’s pretend that’s the actual truth. /s


Where is a video or audio showing the kids were talking about that. Because if its just "anonymous eye witnesses" and you believe them, you are a moron.

As you have seen, the video conveniently shows only the last 20 seconds of the interaction where they take a sugary shower. Strangely, the video filmed by the innocent little kid doesn't show what happened before.

You would have to be a moron to believe that abusive words weren't exchanged from both sides (from the shitty kids and the shitty leftie) leading to the dude reacting the unfortunate way he did. Provocation.
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As you have seen, the video conveniently shows only the last 20 seconds of the interaction where they take a sugary shower. Strangely, the video filmed by the innocent little kid doesn't show what happened before.

You would have to be a moron to believe that abusive words weren't exchanged from both sides (from the shitty kids and the shitty leftie) leading to the dude reacting the unfortunate way he did. Provocation.
just like trump did not greet the little disabled kid back then?

Show me proof and then I will beleive it. I only head the asshole saying nigger after he assaulted the boy and robbed him of his hat.

Texas Pride

It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.

You continue to embarrass yourself. It's like you have diarrhea of the mouth and just can't help the shit spilling out. And with this fucking absurd hyperbole you diminish real Nazis and the millions they killed. I'm not totally convinced you're not a troll because it's hard to imagine you're a real human being at this point.
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As you have seen, the video conveniently shows only the last 20 seconds of the interaction where they take a sugary shower. Strangely, the video filmed by the innocent little kid doesn't show what happened before.

You would have to be a moron to believe that abusive words weren't exchanged from both sides (from the shitty kids and the shitty leftie) leading to the dude reacting the unfortunate way he did. Provocation.
A 30 year old should know to walk away from rude kids, not escalate.


I guess I can clarify what I mean by Wakanda but I think it's pretty evident. I'd like to see the U.S. be the most technology advanced nation on the planet and using our resources for good

You continue to embarrass yourself. It's like you have diarrhea of the mouth and just can't help the shit spilling out. And with this fucking absurd hyperbole you diminish real Nazis and the millions they killed. I'm not totally convinced you're not a troll because it's hard to imagine your a real human being at this point.

Takes one to know one I guess.
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just like trump did not greet the little disabled kid back then?

Show me proof and then I will beleive it. I only head the asshole saying nigger after he assaulted the boy and robbed him of his hat.

Well, you've kinda proven my point there Dunki. Trump was very unfairly treated by the mainstream media over that highly edited video and we didn't get to see what happened until the full length version was released.

Just like here.

Is there conclusive proof on who through out the n word? Didn't seem to me like it was the drink thrower, so I'd like to see it confirmed somewhere.

A 30 year old should know to walk away from rude kids, not escalate.

Totally agree there Spheyr. Absolutely should have walked away.

But sometimes things happen in the heat of the moment, and people react, especially to abuse. And I would say that the word 'kids' conjures up images of cute little 6 year olds. These were people in their late teens out at 2am. I think both sides were equally shitty.


Perfect Gaf headline.
Adult "assaults" (takes MAGA hat) "kids" (16 year old racist douchebags)

Even if it is the case(which it is entirely uncertain if it is not cause people love to make things up to support any narrative), they are still teens. Teens often say and do stupid things and are highly impressionable. This is not an excuse and it is a fact. This "adults" actions just further harmed any stance he could take. Literally one of the most counter productive things you can do.

Let's look at the most effective and powerful person in American history for civil rights movements. Martin Luther King Jr, compare his actions to those that are attempting to fight racism nowadays. There is a clear difference and it is really a shame the media isn't pushing Martin Luther Kings narrative that was not only effective but downright amazing in a time that was FAR more racist than the times we live in. It blows my mind that we have something so powerful in front of us yet the people fighting for this are blinded by their hatred and ignore MLK Jr's example.

Texas Pride

I guess I can clarify what I mean by Wakanda but I think it's pretty evident. I'd like to see the U.S. be the most technology advanced nation on the planet and using our en

Takes one to know one I guess.

As others have probably done already you're on my ignore list. I hope you go over everything you've said and reflect on how wrong you are. But I doubt it. At any rate my engagement with you has run it's course.


Totally agree there Spheyr. Absolutely should have walked away.

But sometimes things happen in the heat of the moment, and people react, especially to abuse. And I would say that the word 'kids' conjures up images of cute little 6 year olds. These were people in their late teens out at 2am. I think both sides were equally shitty.
Here's the thing.

This 30 year old worked as a bouncer. There are things you need as a bouncer. Number one is a thick skin. Number two is self control. If he can't even handle a couple kids shit talking, if that's what happened, while sitting in a booth at a restaurant that he had to approach to interact with, then he's going to be completely ineffective and out of his element the first time the shit hits the fan at the bar with an actual adult who's standing up square with him and ready to roll in "the heat of the moment." His reaction in "the heat of the moment" wasn't what someone in his line of work should be defaulting to even out in the world. Antagonizing and escalating is the last thing you want to do, he should automagically default to deescalation given how he spends hours on the clock and should be in that mindset at that time of night anyhow.

This guy should get hauled in for a mental eval before he gets his head stomped flat by someone bigger than him.

(And before you say something like "It's easy to talk the talk" I work as a bouncer/security guard. I've worked night clubs, dive bars, quiet saloons, you name it. If that guy was hired anywhere I worked he'd have washed out or we'd have scrubbed him out with that attitude.)


I guess I can clarify what I mean by Wakanda but I think it's pretty evident. I'd like to see the U.S. be the most technology advanced nation on the planet
Name two more technologically advanced nations on Earth today.


The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire.[3] It held that "insulting or 'fighting words', those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem."
You'd have to be literally insane to think the slogan "Make America Great Again" constitutes as fighting words
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Perfect Gaf headline.
Adult "assaults" (takes MAGA hat) "kids" (16 year old racist douchebags)

From the attached news story:

"The man is seen throwing his drink and then yelling racial slurs at them."

"... yelling racial slurs"... mainstream media sucks.


From the attached news story:

"The man is seen throwing his drink and then yelling racial slurs at them."

"... yelling racial slurs"... mainstream media sucks.
I'm pretty sure a Hispanic guy yelling the N word is considered "yelling racial slurs" yes


Should of slapped the kid for joking about lynching black people. Another Trumper gets a dose of their own medicine.


Should of slapped the kid for joking about lynching black people. Another Trumper gets a dose of their own medicine.
This is the danger of media jumping to print every fart that wafts their way. Idiots get a sniff, but once it's corrected they don't go back for another noseful and think the world smells of broccoli regardless of dinner.
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