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Against his parents’ wishes, terminally ill infant will be allowed to die

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I'll never understand the obsessive need to argue and hunt for the negative on here, even in the most inappropriate circumstances.

Real-life people are actually being threatened.
Good healthcare providers are being disparaged.
Not on here - in "real life."

From what I've gathered, it has to do with a very young child versus a person who has lived a decently long life. That's what I get from it and the opinions I seemed to have read.

I mean, you obviously posted the thread with an agenda - which didn't work.

The difference is someone being tortured.
This is a big ass thread, so this has probably already been answered, but what makes this case any different to those that involve keeping alive people in a permanent vegetative state? I'm smack bang in the middle on this one, in that I can appreciate the stance of the hospital, to a degree, but what kind of precedent does it set, when doctors can pick or choose which lives should be forfeit? Or am I naive and this happens regularly already?

I think the difference is that he is not in a permanent vegetative state. He is dying and most probably in pain.


Assholes exist. Surprise! That's nothing to do with the actions of the parents.

The things they have done which are positive far outweigh that bullshit.

But people here are more keen to hunt for the negatives and enjoy an argument, no matter how inappropriate.

What have they done?

Seriously. they raised a ton of money on the back of peoples ignorance to pay for a treatment that didn't exist, that will now go to charity.

They prolonged the suffering of a human being for no reason, they repeatedly attacked the hospital and implied that the staff were mistreating him and effectively killing their son, they released countless posed pictures of their poor child in staged positions that made him look far healthier than he was (he cannot breathe unaided, cannot even control his eyelids, yet look at the pictures they release where he appears like a normal kid).

The parents are directly to blame for this press fiasco, and the world wide attention to the case. They sought out the press and every crackpot they could find to push their case.

Ask yourself this - this is not the first time this has happened. Hospitals have to make painful decisions on behalf of grieving parents numbers times a year, particularly something like GOSH. Why don't you ever hear about those cases?
And the family have condemned that. Not only once, either.

If you don't think they've played an active part in bringing that all together in the first place, you're kidding yourself.

They prolonged the suffering of a human being for no reason, they repeatedly attacked the hospital and implied that the staff were mistreating him and effectively killing their son, they released countless posed pictures of their poor child in staged positions that made him look far healthier than he was (he cannot breathe unaided, cannot even control his eyelids, yet look at the pictures they release where he appears like a normal kid).

The parents are directly to blame for this press fiasco, and the world wide attention to the case. They sought out the press and every crackpot they could find to push their case.



I mean, you obviously posted the thread with an agenda - which didn't work.
Give me a break. I posted the thread with limited information that was posted from the source I used. Stop attacking people for having a feeling different from yours. After more information came out that shed some light on the severity of the situation, I changed my opinion and agreed with others here. But please, continue to be condescending and lash out at other users in here, you're clearly on a roll...
Give me a break. I posted the thread with limited information that was posted from the source I used. Stop attacking people for having a feeling different from yours. After more information came out that shed some light on the severity of the situation, I changed my opinion and agreed with others here. But please, continue to be condescending and lash out at other users in here, you're clearly on a roll...

From your own OP:

The European Court of Human Rights declined to hear the case Tuesday, upholding previous court rulings to let Charlie die. Doctors at a British hospital had said that nothing more could be done.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Fine. I'm out.

The distribution of what's worthy of empathy is intolerable.
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