Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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lol I love how so many things I called ended up being true.

Hand being a red herring and actually good (and thinking coulson & co. were Hydra). Just the details I wasn't right about. Ward ending up being a mole and Triplett probably joining the regular cast. Only thing I wasn't sure about was Garrett, but I was thinking it would be likely he'd end up being a villain cause he was just way too sympathetic.

That said, I think Ward might gonna come back as redeeming anti-hero. Also nooooo, not Hand. :C

Well... guess I gotta go...
Can we just stop doing the "I didn't mention that!" thing for, like, forever?

The show still isn't great, but these last two were the first I watched since ep8 or so and at the very least it's certainly a whole lot better.
Regarding the discussion about Ward being potentially Coulson's double agent inside of Hydra - it's possible, but it also seemed like Ward and Garrett had a thing going. There's this one scene where Ward and May come out of the cell on the plane, and Garrett grabs Ward, pulls him aside and tells him that Victoria Hand is the Clairvoyant, and that he should "chew on that". The expression on Ward's face, to me at least, seemed less surprised about that reveal, rather than realizing that it wasn't them (i.e. Ward and Garrett) being found out as Hydra. Tho, might've been just the stoic barely moving face of the actor.
Well that episode was insane. And I was totally wrong on Hand. The Whedon's got me!

If this keeps rolling the way they claim it's going to all the way to the end of the season it'll be one hell of a 7 ep back end run.
That said, I think Ward might gonna come back as redeeming anti-hero. Also nooooo, not Hand. :C

Wuuuuut??? Dude just offed a jet full of actual shield Agents in cold blood and it SEEMS that he was running the long con and was a Hydra Agent along with his S.O.

Also, Coulson needs to stop being a lil bitch about May reporting to GOD DAMN NICK FURY about his health. Yall are Shield Agents, work for Fury and all Spies ... you should know the Compartmentalization by now.
What if Simmons is a HYDRA agent? She is after all, "getting better at lying".

I think that's gonna happen. Given what was said this episode, because of her skills she would be high ranked within HYDRA and likely high enough to know if a high ranking SHIELD Agent is really HYDRA or not.
Ugh I hope Ward truly is a HYDRA agent and this isn't a rouse. Then they can replace him with Maria Hill next season or even have Tripplet join the team.... OR BOTH! But yeah, I hate Ward, but him being evil at least makes him slightly more interesting.
What if Simmons is a HYDRA agent? She is after all, "getting better at lying".

Well at least they are making up for the first half of this show.

In the scene where Hand does the "test", Simmons also is just standing there. If she knew who was Hydra, then she would've been in on Hand's involvement (or vice versa; Hand would've known) - but she didn't know about Hand being part of the infiltrators, so she was surprised. It's Triplett who takes action, and she sighs in relief. Of course, might be that the threat has been vanquished, but who knows.

Is the Clairvoyant
Armin Zola
? Because that makes the most sense.

Watch today's episode and you'll know.
i just can't understand how good this serie has gooten in the last 7 eps .. I'm not extra hyped after all those cliffangers ..

I expected last week episode to be a tie-in with TWS , but it turn out that both last week and this weeks were tie-ins

Also i think that
ward is a triple agent
Something like OCelot in MGS ..but then it wouldn't make sense with all the rest of the show .....
Well someone will manage to make it work.


I actually have this whole thing pegged
as a set up deep cover thing that Hand was in on knowing that it was the only way in. Whether they have some way for her to have lived through it or not is here nor there, but I definitely think it will all have been an infiltrate at all costs thing
Great episode, but I didn't really like
what Victoria Hand did there. First she wanted to kill Coulson and his crew just because of an assumption that he may be working for Hydra, and then her stupid test for Simmons - what was the point of that? Pulling a gun to their heads and demand that they swear allegiance to Hydra, and then probably shoot them when they do that because they want to survive? That's just crazy. Most people in such situations would say anything to save their lifes, that doesn't prove anything


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I was kinda worried they were gonna pussyfoot around the whole HYDRA thing, but I'm glad they tackled it head on. Sux for anyone who saw this before Winter Soldier, though

That would be me :/


So how long are we gonna do TWS spoilers for? I mean the entire episode went over most of the major plot points anyway.
I think after next week's episode it would be fair to have unspoiler barred discussion but that's me.

It's a tough call, but I think it's an inevitability that the design of this show existing in a wider and current universe calls for.
Gemüsepizza;107508641 said:
Great episode, but I didn't really like
what Victoria Hand did there. First she wanted to kill Coulson and his crew just because of an assumption that he may be working for Hydra, and then her stupid test for Simmons - what was the point of that? Pulling a gun to their heads and demand that they swear allegiance to Hydra, and then probably shoot them when they do that because they want to survive? That's just crazy. Most people in such situations would say anything to save their lifes, that doesn't prove anything

It wasn't a test to see if they were Hydra. It was a test to see if they were loyal to SHIELD enough to die for it. If they weren't that loyal, they'd become HYDRA eventually so neutralize the threat early.
So how long are we gonna do TWS spoilers for? I mean the entire episode went over most of the major plot points anyway.

There's way more to the movie than what they spoiled in tonight's ep. I say we wait and see what the next episode brings, as it's supposedly the last direct tie in to TWS?
It wasn't a test to see if they were Hydra. It was a test to see if they were loyal to SHIELD enough to die for it. If they weren't that loyal, they'd become HYDRA eventually so neutralize the threat early.

Like I said, in such a situation most people would say anything to save their life at this moment, even if they would never want to really join Hydra. For example it also makes a lot of sense to say yes in order to get to a better tactical position. So this "loyality test" is a failure, and her "kill everyone" rhetoric is just batshit insane.
Gemüsepizza;107510597 said:
Like I said, in such a situation most people would say anything to save their life at this moment, even if they would never want to really join Hydra. It makes a lot of sense to say yes in order to get in a better tactical position. So this "loyality test" is a failure, and her "kill everyone" rhetoric is just batshit insane.

Most people, yes, but we're talking about agents of SHIELD. People who go through years of high-end training, drilling and education to become the best at what they do (infiltrating and spying) and not lose their cool the moment somebody points a gun at them.


Most people, yes, but we're talking about agents of SHIELD. People who go through years of high-end training, drilling and education to become the best at what they do (infiltrating and spying) and not lose their cool the moment somebody points a gun at them.

Yeah, but the smart thing to do 100% of the time is to live long enough to complete your mission.

These guys are spies not clergymen.
Most people, yes, but we're talking about agents of SHIELD. People who go through years of high-end training, drilling and education to become the best at what they do (infiltrating and spying) and not lose their cool the moment somebody points a gun at them.

As if POWs don't refuse to say loyalty oaths all the time.

People just want to hate this show so badly.
Most people, yes, but we're talking about agents of SHIELD. People who go through years of high-end training, drilling and education to become the best at what they do and not lose their cool somebody points a gun at them.

So you think their training would rather make them want to die instantly instead of lying in order to get into a better tactical position and maybe get a second chance to fight against their enemy? Then I think their training is bad. I would lie and look for an opportunity to take them out. A better test would be to give them an empty weapon and demand that they shoot a SHIELD prisoner. That would be a real loyality test.

As if POWs don't refuse to say loyalty oaths all the time.

People just want to hate this show so badly.

I don't "hate" the show, I watched every episode and I just criticised something which was bothering me a little bit.


Bitches love smiley faces
oh right, mix up.

Since Spidey belongs to Sony, HAMMER will never come into play.

HAMMER isn't that associated with Spider-man... although you'd have to get someone other than Osborn to run it.

Anyway, I don't think
we'll get a replacement anytime soon. Part of the reason for destroying SHIELD was so the heroes can't rely on "the cops" in future movies.
Yeah, but the smart thing to do 100% of the time is to live long enough to complete your mission.

These guys are spies not clergymen.

Yes, and that's exactly why it's imperative to know whom you can trust. Since Hand didn't know who was Hydra, what other way was there for her? Somebody who is ready to die at gunpoint for refusing to switch allegiances frivolously is obviously not going to switch allegiances in the long run. Imagine they would've said "yes let me join Hydra", what should Hand have done with them? This was a situation in which the base was basically in a state of war, and in which people get killed.

Would you want somebody you know who has your back at your side, or somebody who you know might waver at the first sign of trouble?

Gemüsepizza;107511467 said:
So you think their training would rather make them want to die instantly instead of lying in order to get into a better tactical position and maybe get a second chance to fight against their enemy? Then I think their training is bad. I would lie and look for an opportunity to take them out. A better test would be to give them an empty weapon and demand that they shoot a SHIELD prisoner. That would be a real loyality test

Where did you get the notion that Hand had the opportunity to get a prisoner? Before the scene with Triplett and Simmons, she had 5 other agents at her side. Why do you think she would've risked dragging a prisoner - a person who also would likely try to escape? She didn't have the time nor resources to get a prisoner, drag them around and keep that prisoner under guard to make sure they don't run away.
And given the fact the Hub was basically at a state of war, and there was no way of knowing who was friendly and who was hostile, that would've been too much of a risk. For Hand and her people, and also for the prisoner.
so we can finally talk about this episode w/o spoiler tag right.

didn't expect Ward to turn @ the end. I thought it was close case already.

Hail Hydra
Yes, and that's exactly why it's imperative to know whom you can trust. Since Hand didn't know who was Hydra, what other way was there for her? Somebody who is ready to die at gunpoint for refusing to switch allegiances frivolously is obviously not going to switch allegiances in the long run. Imagine they would've said "yes let me join Hydra", what should Hand have done with them? This was a situation in which the base was basically in a state of war, and in which people get killed.

Would you want somebody you know who has your back at your side, or somebody who you know might waver at the first sign of trouble?

I would want to have someone at my side who will do what is necessary to win, not some idealistic idiot who wants to sacrifice his life for some dumb words and empty phrases nobody will ever hear outside this room. Dead people can't win a fight. And the test I have described above is much better suited to test their loyality.

Where did you get the notion that Hand had the opportunity to get a prisoner? Before the scene with Triplett and Simmons, she had 5 other agents at her side. Why do you think she would've risked dragging a prisoner - a person who also would likely try to escape? She didn't have the time nor resources to get a prisoner, drag them around and keep that prisoner under guard to make sure they don't run away.
And given the fact the Hub was basically at a state of war, and there was no way of knowing who was friendly and who was hostile, that would've been too much of a risk. For Hand and her people, and also for the prisoner.

There were two persons, Simmons and the other guy. She could have given one of them a weapon to kill the other guy.
Gemüsepizza;107512517 said:
I would want to have someone at my side who will do what is necessary to win, not some idealistic idiot who wants to sacrifice his life for some dumb words and empty phrases nobody will ever hear outside this room. Dead people can't win a fight. And the test I have described above is much better suited to test their loyality.

Well unfortunately most rigid chain-of-command organizations do not want that.
Gemüsepizza;107512517 said:
I would want to have someone at my side who will do what is necessary to win, not some idealistic idiot who wants to sacrifice his life for some dumb words and empty phrases nobody will ever hear outside this room. Dead people can't win a fight. And the test I have described above is much better to test their loyality.

See my edit towards your post, your post came between my response and the post I responded to.

As for the rest of your post: This has nothing to do with idealism or words. But sure, go ahead, grab the guys who will backstab you at the first opportunity.

Gemüsepizza;107512517 said:
There were two persons, Simmons and the other guy. She could have given one of them a weapon to kill the other guy.

And what if the one you give the gun to was Hydra, and that Hydra ended up killing a SHIELD agent?
Well unfortunately most rigid chain-of-command organizations do not want that.

"Just say whatever you need to, to survive. Pledge allegiance to the enemy, give up vital information, do whatever they want you to do. We understand. Your life is on the line. And maybe at some point you can flip on them and come back to our side. We'll totally trust you after all that."
See my edit towards your post, your post came between my response and the post I responded to.

As for the rest of your post: This has nothing to do with idealism or words. But sure, go ahead, grab the guys who will backstab you at the first opportunity.

What? Just because someone pretends to cooperate with them doesn't mean he will really do that. And like I said, this test is not good enough to test the loyality, because it doesn't consider that some people loyal to SHIELD would lie and say they are loyal to Hydra.

And what if the one you give the gun to was Hydra, and that Hydra ended up killing a SHIELD agent?

With an empty weapon?

"Just say whatever you need to, to survive. Pledge allegiance to the enemy, give up vital information, do whatever they want you to do. We understand. Your life is on the line. And maybe at some point you can flip on them and come back to our side. We'll totally trust you after all that."

What? Who said that? Exactly, nobody. You can lie and still be loyal to SHIELD. Government agencies all around the world do this all the time... If you are dead you are useless.
Gemüsepizza;107513546 said:
What? Who said that? Exactly, nobody. You can lie and still be loyal to SHIELD. Government agencies all around the world do this all the time... If you are dead you are useless.

Yeah, no I'm not buying it. If somebody is given an assignment to infiltrate an organization, sure. I can believe that. But to just switch sides in a moment because your life is on the line? Nope. Not the type of resolve that I'd want in someone who's supposed to have my back.

And your empty gun test only finds out if the person you give the gun to is Hydra. It doesn't verify the other at all. It also fails if both people claim allegiance to Hydra.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
In response to the current debate, there's only three outcomes to the test.

1. They pledge complete loyalty to SHIELD. This is the best outcome, as this person refuses to help the enemy in any way and has very clearly shown to honor SHIELD over their own life. You can trust these people.

2. They switch sides to HYDRA wholey and completely. Rotten people who either can't be trusted or are cowards. Do not trust these people.

3. They pretend to switch to HYDRA to go deep undercover and run espionage. They can not communicate to you their plan to run the long con and have committed to helping HYDRA at least in some capacity. These people could easily be part of option 2. Do you really trust these people? What are you gonna do, give everyone the benefit of the doubt?

Yes, no, and maybe. I think I'd just take option 1.
I think after next week's episode it would be fair to have unspoiler barred discussion but that's me.

It's a tough call, but I think it's an inevitability that the design of this show existing in a wider and current universe calls for.
Eh, most of the broad strokes that were addressed tonight in the episode are fine and good, but I don't know if we should be talking about minor plot points from TWS since they're not necessarily relevant here. Let's keep the tags going for at least another week and then we can assess.
so we can finally talk about this episode w/o spoiler tag right.
Of course. It's already aired. Just tag preview discussion and stuff from TWS that wasn't mentioned tonight. Make sure to label your tags so we know what's from TWS and what's from the preview. Thanks.
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