Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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so tonight I recorded this on DVR, then went and saw Winter Soldier, and just finished watching this episode

all I can say is



I mentioned it as soon as the show ended, but this was an awesome moment:



Someone on reddit called this out. The cutter Fury and Maria use in TWS is the same one they use to get out of the plane and Fitz made them.

I hope they don't redeem Ward he makes an okay villain and i don't see how the audience would buy a redemption after the fake Clairvoyant and Hand.


Of course he is. They already pulled this stuff with Skye and May.

Well... we do know that Baron von Strucker is in possession of Loki's scepter, which seems to use the power of the Mind Gem to control people's minds. Maybe Strucker can control Ward through the gem just like Lorelei dominated him in an earlier episode. The Baron seems to also be controlling Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with it. It could be that Ward will be the lead bad guy in the show until a possible redemption in season 2, once the Avengers take care of Strucker and Ultron in Avengers 2.

Oh, and I'm glad Bill Paxton will still be around.


Subete no aware
Well... we do know that Baron von Strucker is in possession of Loki's scepter, which seems to use the power of the Mind Gem to control people's minds. Maybe Strucker can control Ward through the gem just like Lorelei dominated him in an earlier episode. He seems to also be controlling Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with it. It could be that Ward will be the lead bad guy in the show until a possible redemption once the Avengers take care of Strucker and Ultron in Avengers 2.

Oh, and I'm glad Bill Paxton will still be around.
Maybe. I just don't think this show has the guts to permanently change a character like that - at least not a member of the starring cast. I don't know what would bother me more though, a redemption arc or a double/triple-agent arc.


Paxton probably should be nominated for an Emmy just for saying
Heil Hydra (and the off-screen guards who proceeded to say the same).
That was such a golden moment in TV.


Yeah, I mentioned the same thing, yesterday morning (HULU). Nice crossover.

So you did, I looked back the past couple of pages to see if anyone caught it. I guess I didn't go far back enough.

People are spoilering episode stuff and not spoilering TWS.


Also, regarding Coulson's freak out during the opening moments of the episode... it's nice seeing him being more human over time. For the first half of the season, his character was basically the one dimensional smug he's been in every Marvel movie. All he used to do was walk around making this face:



Great episode. If Ward stays a bad guy till the end, I will be so happy. He's great as a villain. I really can't see what's happening in the next few episodes. This seemed like end game stuff.


That was an awesome episode.


I think Ward is going undercover to infiltrate HYDRA. The look between him and Coulson. The "killing" of Victoria Hand and the SHIELD agents was to convince Garrett.

Basically, I just want Victoria Hand not to be dead.

The show is good now. Anyone saying otherwise really have unrealistic expectations of a 22-episode network show.
It was a pretty good episode.

But I don't care for Clark Gregg's overwrought emotional acting, or Ward and Skye getting together.

With their predictable reliance on fake-outs I can't imagine the show runners would leave Ward as a double crossing Hydra agent. So, with all the talk of SHIELD's soul Ward is either a full on psychopath or he setup that entire thing beforehand just so he could rout out the rest of Hydra.
Hands Hydra test is not day 1 shield initiation - its the organisation getting firebombed and her trying to gather some sort of 100% loyal force, she intends to burn through a lot of innocent agents but that's the price of survival.


It was a pretty good episode.

But I don't care for Clark Gregg's overwrought emotional acting, or Ward and Skye getting together.

With their predictable reliance on fake-outs I can't imagine the show runners would leave Ward as a double crossing Hydra agent. So, with all the talk of SHIELD's soul Ward is either a full on psychopath or he setup that entire thing beforehand just so he could route out the rest of Hydra.

Yeah the acting in those WardXSkye scenes and the Coulson freak-out were terrible. I'm going with Ward being a total psychopath. If you remember the episode where they reveal his childhood trauma it turned out Ward was the tormenter who nearly killed his brother by throwing him down a well.

Velcro Fly

Ward/Skye seems like an awful idea. I at least enjoy Fitz/Simmons where it's obvious there is something there but nothing ever really happens. It seems almost as forced as the brief "love story" that happened earlier this season in Person of Interest.


Damn, it should have been Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (To HAIL HYDRA!) like someone suggested a page or so back. :(

Damn, it should have been Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (To HAIL HYDRA!) like someone suggested a page or so back. :(

Might still be too fresh a spoiler, though it would be cool. I think next week it could be changed, and maybe we can stop tagging TWS spoilers.


First great episode of the show. Shame they wasted more than a half of a season on complete garbage stories and characters.


First great episode of the show. Shame they wasted more than a half of a season on complete garbage stories and characters.

They wanted to ensure that the general public would stop watching the show and only the die hard Marvel fans would remain. That way, they could show an episode filled with spoilers for a movie that had been released less than a week prior, and not run the risk of ruining the movie for too many people.


LOEB: "And it makes it fun. It makes the kind of show you can watch with your entire family or that you can watch as a fanboy or that you can watch as a woman who has a crush on some of our characters."



Wow, watched TWS last night before watching this episode. Totally worth it. I just hope that if it's still around for a season 2, they make it stand on its own without needing movies as a crutch. Otherwise, I like how this all played together.

Sucks for those who didn't see the movie... since they mentioned the carriers, deflating any tension the movie may have held for those who have yet to see it.


Wow, watched TWS last night before watching this episode. Totally worth it. I just hope that if it's still around for a season 2, they make it stand on its own without needing movies as a crutch. Otherwise, I like how this all played together.

Sucks for those who didn't see the movie... since they mentioned the carriers, deflating any tension the movie may have held for those who have yet to see it.

More or less each trailer for the TWS had those carriers, clearly shown crashing down.
LOEB: "And it makes it fun. It makes the kind of show you can watch with your entire family or that you can watch as a fanboy or that you can watch as a woman who has a crush on some of our characters."

So facepalm worthy. At least Bell throws in the comments about dudes too.

I hope Marvel sees why the show is finally getting buzz and takes the necessary... steps.


So facepalm worthy. At least Bell throws in the comments about dudes too.

I hope Marvel sees why the show is finally getting buzz and takes the necessary... steps.

It is funny because I read that as Bell going "oh shit what did he just say, quick how do I save this one!"


So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.


So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.

Well something major happens in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So you will miss a ton if you don't see it.
So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.

Not necessary to watch cap, but it does enhance the experience if cap is watched first.


you speak so well
So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.

You will understand the episode just fine but it spoils several major plot points for Cap and the episode is definitely enhanced if you've seen the movie.


So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.

You know...I think it'll make Cap 2 better in some way by watching this episode first.


that EW post show interview with loeb is exactly as delusional as I thought it would be as they tout themselves as being I told you so mode.


Ubisoft Marketing
When they did the closeup focus on Hand's...well, hand, i was really hoping one of her fingers would twitch. Just to signify life.


so is
Garrett & Ward Hydra ?

Garrett was the Clairvoyant

best part of the episode for me was fitch crying that single tear really got to me

he is a tech guy not combat



i like victoria why did she die

everyone i like dies

Just be glad that everyone on the show is moron and audience did not build and meaningful connections with them.

Whedon mastered the craft of creating very likable characters and then making them suffer/die in incredibly brutal ways. SHIELD showrunners are still far from that level of mastery.
so is
Garrett & Ward Hydra ?

Garrett was the Clairvoyant

best part of the episode for me was fitch crying that single tear really got to me

he is a tech guy not combat
It got to me, but in a way that made me think less of him. That guy should really grow a spine.

So my nephew sent me a message saying that I better see Captain America before watching last night's episode...? I got it on DVR(TV show of course) but how bad are the spoilers or is it just the understanding of one of the two I will miss if I dont go and see CA(which I have no intention of seeing yet)? ...I hope this doesnt become a trend.

Big spoilers. The fate of characters and what happens during the events of TWS are spelled out in the episode.
Just be glad that everyone on the show is moron and audience did not build and meaningful connections with them.

Whedon mastered the craft of creating very likable characters and then making them suffer/die in incredibly brutal ways. SHIELD showrunners are still far from that level of mastery.

While I'm sure people will dispute this.. I'm sure Jed and Maurissa can do it if they wanted to. However killing off popular/likable characters isn't something they'd likely do for a show trying to reach a large audience.


On another Fitz note, can we just talk about the fact
that Garrett wants him alive?
Really hoping that comes back into play later this season


Rewatching the episode right now. Simmons better not turn out to be a turncoat later on in the season. My heart wouldn't take it. She's, IMO, the Felicity of this show. (Please let's not get into an Arrow/SHIELD war.)

Hail Hydra
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