Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
I watch a few episodes at the start, then I'll usually binge on the rest of the season. That's how I've been watching most dramas these days.

You really don't want to do that here, man. Best to spread the pain around bit by bit otherwise it's going to kill you.


Episode 9 has just finished and I think I've watched a total of 3 minutes to it, the remainder of the time I was just talking on my phone or on skype. Its just tooooo boring. ._.
You really don't want to do that here, man. Best to spread the pain around bit by bit otherwise it's going to kill you.

ivy actually likes the show so I don't think it's going to be an issue.

And I have to say the show is getting a lot better. Still lacking focus and falls back on the movies way too often, but I've watched much much worse.


ivy actually likes the show so I don't think it's going to be an issue.

And I have to say the show is getting a lot better. Still lacking focus and falls back on the movies way too often, but I've watched much much worse.

Well, I thought the first few episodes were alright with aspects about them that gave me hope for a more interesting series. I haven't seem anything past that, so I'm really not one to judge.
I gave this one more episode out of sheer momentum, but I am done, done, done. I'll occasionally continue watching bad shows that have the potential for greatness (see: Homeland s3), but this show just hasn't shown me that it has any aspirations beyond this garbage.
As much as I'm enjoying the show, why they haven't switched to over-arching plotline yet still pisses me off.

Like come the fuck on guys!

I looks like the next episode will be taking a big step towards that but we'll have to wait and see. Or well.. those of us not giving up on the show will wait and see.


I watch a few episodes at the start, then I'll usually binge on the rest of the season. That's how I've been watching most dramas these days.

I guess that makes sense. Get a taste of them to see if its worth watching, then binge when you have time for massive satisfaction.

These guys are like cardboard cut outs reading out lines. Boggles my mind how people could like these lifeless characters.

What!? Fitz is only second behind Coulson.
These guys are like cardboard cut outs reading out lines. Boggles my mind how people could like these lifeless characters.

I think you need to watch more television if you think *these* guys are lifeless. They're certainly not up there with BB, but calling them lifeless is hyperbole to the max



Holy shit. What a freaking waste.

EDIT: Abc cleverly moved dancing with the stars to tuesday? hahahahaha Well, that explains the uptick.

I think you need to watch more television if you think *these* guys are lifeless. They're certainly not up there with BB, but calling them lifeless is hyperbole to the max

What? Don't tell me i'm the only guy who sees how they barely have any facial expressions when they read there lines? y'all are just falling in love with there accents. Skye is the best actor on the show and that is saying alot.
I gave this one more episode out of sheer momentum, but I am done, done, done. I'll occasionally continue watching bad shows that have the potential for greatness (see: Homeland s3), but this show just hasn't shown me that it has any aspirations beyond this garbage.

Well, my recollection of the Whedon interview regarding this show (post a page or so back) was that the 1st half of the season was more or less to introduce us to the team and build that team dynamic. The next half should hopefully shift gears. I think the next 2 episodes might give us a preview towards what may be coming.

But if you're out, you're out. I'm sure you'll check in again around seasons end to see if anything has changed.


Add me to the chorus of those about to drop the show. At this point, it's a show I put on in the background and do other things while it's on.

I just can't believe how boring it is.


Bitches love smiley faces
Not sure if you mean the initial hype was hyperbolic, our current dislike, or both.

Judging from the past posts, the latter. I think everyone is in agreement that the should is a huge disappointment. People who think they were going to get superheroes every week have no one to blame but themselves. (Part of the marketing campaign even had the words "Not all heroes are super.")
I like the show, i dunno what people expected from this

I went in to this show with pretty low expectations, just hoping it would be mildly entertaining and after nine episodes it still hasn't even met that modest standard.

So glad I dropped this show and started watching Arrow.

Do yourself a favor guys, cut your losses here!

I just started watching that this week. Four episodes in and it already demolishes SHIELD. My only complaint about it is that all the Stephen Amell shirtless training montages are making me question my sexuality.
The show started rough (especially that pilot - UGH) but the past few episodes have been better. I just think it will be like most Whedon shows and improve over time but the low ratings may doom it prematurely (like the past few Whedon series)


I just started watching that this week. Four episodes in and it already demolishes SHIELD. My only complaint about it is that all the Stephen Amell shirtless training montages are making me question my sexuality.

Everyone should do the same. Arrow is what I thought Agents of Shield would be.

So good.
Not sure if you mean the initial hype was hyperbolic, our current dislike, or both.

Hype is hype. It's based on potential and can't really be helped. And if people dislike what is being presented now, that's fine too.

However people don't need to blatantly exaggerate in order to try to justify why they don't like the show. It's to the point now where it's almost like dogpiling or debating to try to convince others not to like the show. I don't see the point.

I mean it's reached the point where someone has genuinely suggested that no one on the show can act. That kind of stuff is ridiculously excessive. Point out the negatives or your dislikes with reasonable examples and context. Then a reasonble conversation can be had. But the hyperbolic claims that get thrown around make the thread annoying to read for anyone who isn't here to join in on the dogpile.


I've seen three episodes now and had actually come in here to ask if it gets any better. Sounds like it doesn't.

Flat characters (poor actors, too), clichéd writing that tries to be self aware but isn't, no interesting arcs from episode to episode*, etc. Ironically what I expected to be the most disappointing element is maybe the strongest: special effects. They're decent.

In short, I quit with no regrets. Though I've got more eps still on my PVR so I might struggle through a couple more in a fit of boredom.

*I really don't give a shit about hacker girl (unless she's shamelessly running around in a wet dress) or mysterious retired soldier lady. And those are the only two characters that they've really tried to develop so far. Way too weak to anchor a show this ambitious.


I feel like the most telling episodes as far as quality/writing goes will be episodes 14 & 15 eventually. I mean, didn't they initially say that they only planned for 13 episodes since a full season order was never a sure thing, regardless of what we might have assumed?

We know that they were filming episode 3 or 4 not too long before it aired. The turnaround of episodes seems to be fairly quick. And as basically everyone has admitted, the show is getting better, even if only marginally so. Hopefully that's an indication that they're reading and taking to heart the criticism and feedback people have been giving.

It's gotten better "enough" for me to stick around and see what the episodes are like that they weren't counting on.


I feel like the most telling episodes as far as quality/writing goes will be episodes 14 & 15 eventually. I mean, didn't they initially say that they only planned for 13 episodes since a full season order was never a sure thing, regardless of what we might have assumed?
Yeah those tend to be rough sometimes.

I always remember how 24's first season had a good climax in episode 13, then for 14 they immediately ran out of ideas and started in on stuff like amnesia plots.


Yeah those tend to be rough sometimes.

I always remember how 24's first season had a good climax in episode 13, then for 14 they immediately ran out of ideas and started in on stuff like amnesia plots.
They need a hard retool for S2 if they get one. Like Angel S5 level "rip out the guts" level.


I'll give this show another 3 episodes. If we don't get some sort of cohesive story or goal for the team then I'm out. It's the same low budget, generic storylines every week.

I've heard Arrow is so much better so I'll give that a try.
I had been tolerating the show, but I've been watching Almost Human and it's so much better, it's had to put up with AoS any more. I can stick around for about a half hour before I need to change the channel. They spend way to much time in their plane, it's like if it was a cop show and they never left the police station.


Somehow I'm not surprised at people complaining about a really good character episode. The show doesn't spend every single second on some over-arching story arc? Better drop it.

This is why good shows get cancelled.
I'll give this show another 3 episodes. If we don't get some sort of cohesive story or goal for the team then I'm out. It's the same low budget, generic storylines every week.

I've heard Arrow is so much better so I'll give that a try.


SciFi movies? THAT is low budget.

This? Not even close.


Somehow I'm not surprised at people complaining about a really good character episode. The show doesn't spend every single second on some over-arching story arc? Better drop it.

This is why good shows get cancelled.
If people wanted "character" they'd watch USA network shows.


Somehow I'm not surprised at people complaining about a really good character episode. The show doesn't spend every single second on some over-arching story arc? Better drop it.

This is why good shows get cancelled.

Problem is it wasn't a really good character episode.

They gave us a little bit more backstory on Melinda May yet it was pretty vague and delivered in the most boring possible way. They could've had May herself describing what she went through or showed a flashback scene, but no. We still don't know that much about these characters after nine episodes.


Yeah, unfortunately it's more of a silo'd off SHIELD than I would've liked. Despite it being Coulson, it's a small isolated team. Not what I envisioned SHIELD as (although "the hub" episode alleviated that a bit, plus we saw that one lady character from the comics there as well).

Perhaps next season? As it is, it's more of a cop show of sorts fighting science baddies rather than super villains. A bit too modern, lacking that comic boom flare.

Having D list villains/heroes that people seemed to oddly expect from the show will happen, it's just going to be a couple times a season type of thing.

Can't get much more D List than that Gravity guy ( and it was his origin we witnessed a couple episodes back).

People keep throwing around the term D list but I don't think they know how far down the rung D list actually is. We've already seen some D listers.


So glad I dropped this show and started watching Arrow.

Do yourself a favor guys, cut your losses here!

SHIELD is a mildly entertaining diversion, I guess, but having marathoned Arrow, Arrow smashes it into the ground. Proper use of serialization and plotting (there is often a case of the week, but always moving the main plot forward), vastly better acting and writing, and it actually has its own look. If I look at a still from SHIELD, it looks like a show, I don't know, but I look at a still from Arrow, it looks like Arrow.

And of course, the action sequences in Arrow are top notch. The ones in SHIELD are...not.


SHIELD is a mildly entertaining diversion, I guess, but having marathoned Arrow, Arrow smashes it into the ground. Proper use of serialization and plotting (there is often a case of the week, but always moving the main plot forward), vastly better acting and writing, and it actually has its own look. If I look at a still from SHIELD, it looks like a show, I don't know, but I look at a still from Arrow, it looks like Arrow.

And of course, the action sequences in Arrow are top notch. The ones in SHIELD are...not.

There's just to much entertainment to enjoy to waste my time on something mildly entertaining.
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