Alan Wake 2 is still not profitable | Other Remedy Financial Reports (approx 80% of costs recouped)


Bro up here just tried to accuse a bunch of you all of being discriminatory while simultaneously shaming any woman who DARES to not get married and/or have kids.

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

We’ve reached Buu Saga levels of hypocrisy up in here, just when you think it can’t go higher, one of you all be, “and this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!!” (cue power up)

Christ, that doesn’t even line up with “traditional” values of the US. The Bible, AKA the book of the main religion of a lot of US’s history, makes it very clear single people should not be shamed in any way, and hold just as much value as married people with or without kids. Yes, God said reproduction was important but the Bible makes it clear it is not expected of everyone. But nope, if you’re a single person, oh I’m sorry, Petebull only wants to shame the single women apparently since he doesn’t mention anything about single men, hmm, interesting, anyway, if you’re a single woman, you’re “brainwashed” according to him and have failed to have the three kids that are expected of you because fuck your right to choose how to live your life apparently! Hey sorry, Christians, I know you might say otherwise, but clearly Pete knows more about your good old traditional values than you did!

Educate Yourself Shooting Star GIF
U can live however u want, but its logical that single bachelor(or bachelorette) provides less value to community, its simply common sense, same way hardworking citizen provides more value than multiple convicted criminal who spent most of his life in prison.
Its ok to judge ppl on what they do and what they dont do, we as humans do it all the time, no need to prended otherwise.

Woman can be single/independed etc all her life, just gotta keep it realisitc here, it will be much harder for her to find good candidate for a fiance/husband at 35yo when she has bodycount higher from john wick and already hit the wall in terms of physical actractiveness/lost most if not all of her fertility vs same exact woman at 22yo when she had very low bodycount/not much trauma and was at the peak of fertility/attractiveness, back at that time she didnt lose ability to pairbond too, which is huge, its simple biology.


Woman can be single/independed etc all her life, just gotta keep it realisitc here, it will be much harder for her to find good candidate for a fiance/husband at 35yo when she has bodycount higher from john wick and already hit the wall in terms of physical actractiveness/lost most if not all of her fertility vs same exact woman at 22yo when she had very low bodycount/not much trauma and was at the peak of fertility/attractiveness, back at that time she didnt lose ability to pairbond too, which is huge, its simple biology
She can get away by saying that Scratch did everything (trying to bring the conversation back on track).


U can live however u want, but its logical that single bachelor(or bachelorette) provides less value to community, its simply common sense, same way hardworking citizen provides more value than multiple convicted criminal who spent most of his life in prison.
Its ok to judge ppl on what they do and what they dont do, we as humans do it all the time, no need to prended otherwise.

This guy just compared single people versus married people to employed people versus criminals.

Good fucking lord.

Hey, here’s a thought, not everyone can afford kids even while working their ass off, has not been able to find a relationship that lasted long enough, or, HEAVEN FORBID, wants to just not have kids because last time I checked the good old USA promoted freedom and thus they’re free to live how they want and as long as they’re working or contributing to society in other ways, that is all that matters rather than raising kids they may not be able to potentially afford or raise properly, which as we all know, that latter situation ALWAYS ends great, amirite?

But please, continue to high road them over such details while also claiming it’s other people who are promoting discriminatory ideas. Seriously, stop and think for a second. You’re accusing others of discrimination…while simultaneously telling women, “do this with your life and body or I will judge you”, and you really can’t see why that’s hypocritical?


But please, continue to high road them over such details while also claiming it’s other people who are promoting discriminatory ideas. Seriously, stop and think for a second. You’re accusing others of discrimination…while simultaneously telling women, “do this with your life and body or I will judge you”, and you really can’t see why that’s hypocritical?
Women judge men for all kinds of things including- height/fitness/size of the wallet and his dick ;P/status/charisma/being funny/fashion sense/chivalry/bad boy characteristics and its ok, its engrained into them, hypergamy is real- we as guys can only adjust/adapt to that otherwise we get no pussy.

We-men- judge women too, just on a basis of different things-hips to waist ratio/age/fertility/not being a hoe/ being feminine/submissive etc.
And that is ok too, men and women arent the same, we have different standards, life isnt fair :)

No matter how many times they will lie about this stuff in disney fairy tales and romantic comedies, reality refuses to change :messenger_sunglasses:


Women judge men for all kinds of things including- height/fitness/size of the wallet and his dick ;P/status/charisma/being funny/fashion sense/chivalry/bad boy characteristics and its ok, its engrained into them, hypergamy is real- we as guys can only adjust/adapt to that otherwise we get no pussy.

We-men- judge women too, just on a basis of different things-hips to waist ratio/age/fertility/not being a hoe/ being feminine/submissive etc.
And that is ok too, men and women arent the same, we have different standards, life isnt fair :)

No matter how many times they will lie about this stuff in disney fairy tales and romantic comedies, reality refuses to change :messenger_sunglasses:

There is a world of difference in “judging” someone in terms of who you want to date, and judging someone for how they want to life their life even when it has zero impact on your own life or anyone else’s.

Stop being disingenuous.

Also, wow, you expect a woman to be “submissive”. YIKES. Got tired of being subtle, eh?


There is a world of difference in “judging” someone in terms of who you want to date, and judging someone for how they want to life their life even when it has zero impact on your own life or anyone else’s.

Stop being disingenuous.

Also, wow, you expect a woman to be “submissive”. YIKES. Got tired of being subtle, eh?
Ofc man expect his spouse to be submissive, otherwise its just an argumentative roommate in which case 0 reason for longterm relationship, u dont want ur life to turn into living hell coz of having bitchy wife.
Btw, if ur wife doesnt feel like submiting it means she doesnt respect u, expect plethora of nastiness which will end up with a divorce.

Pretty awful perspecitve for a man, no? , especially in very liberal western europe :)


Ofc man expect his spouse to be submissive, otherwise its just an argumentative roommate in which case 0 reason for longterm relationship, u dont want ur life to turn into living hell coz of having bitchy wife.
Btw, if ur wife doesnt feel like submiting it means she doesnt respect u, expect plethora of nastiness which will end up with a divorce.

Pretty awful perspecitve for a man, no? , especially in very liberal western europe :)

This is what PeteBull is promoting, objectively pushing for a woman to be the lesser in a partnership that is supposed to be equal.

This is objectively sexism.



This is what PeteBull is promoting, objectively pushing for a woman to be the lesser in a partnership that is supposed to be equal.

This is objectively sexism.
Bro, feminism lied to u, marriage isnt 50/50, it isnt partnership, women dont look for some1 equal, they look for a guy who is stronger, taller, richer, has higher status, is charismatic, funny, etc, once u are that guy u are far from equal to ur woman, especially that as a guy u never cared about her wealth, education, exceptional inteligence but there are tons of young attractive and fertile women around, u as a guy are in power, u are the catch.

There is a reason beyonce didnt divorce jay-z even tho he admited to cheating on her in official interview- it is very hard to find a guy with status/wealth/as capable as jay-z but there is 0 problem to find young attractive woman who is of much higher value than beyonce currently is(she is fricken 42yo already lool ;')

There is a saying king can make queen out of poorest woman with lowest status, while queen never will even look the beggar's way, its basis of hypergamy :)
Yes, from an evil doppelgänger of Saga. You know, EVIL. Why it’s almost like the game was saying racism against white people is bad, but certain drama queens just couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to desperately find any angle to whine about it regardless.

Meanwhile, Alan Wake’s evil doppleganger is pro-murder, funny how these drama queens aren’t claiming the game is pro-murder since logically they should if they think the game is agreeing with the evil doppelgängers. Why, it’s almost like their outrage has a narrow view or something.….

That's the funniest thing about that controversy to me. The game actually took the opposing position on this by making it part of the evil characters dialog. Obviously, flew right over the heads of many.


Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF

Little guy just straight up admitted to not believing in women being equal in a relationship. Holy shit.

Now imagine hundreds(if not thousands) of women he had that we dont know about, once u are the top u are the catch bro, leo defo got 4 digits bodycount and u can bet ur ass he can still get any woman he wants


Bro, feminism lied to u, marriage isnt 50/50, it isnt partnership, women dont look for some1 equal, they look for a guy who is stronger, taller, richer, has higher status, is charismatic, funny, etc, once u are that guy u are far from equal to ur woman, especially that as a guy u never cared about her wealth, education, exceptional inteligence but there are tons of young attractive and fertile women around, u as a guy are in power, u are the catch.

There is a reason beyonce didnt divorce jay-z even tho he admited to cheating on her in official interview- it is very hard to find a guy with status/wealth/as capable as jay-z but there is 0 problem to find young attractive woman who is of much higher value than beyonce currently is(she is fricken 42yo already lool ;')

There is a saying king can make queen out of poorest woman with lowest status, while queen never will even look the beggar's way, its basis of hypergamy :)
Wow, you’re just a sexist, misogynist, little man aren’t you? Imagine being so fucking small that you take exception to a wife not being a submissive woman who had no agency of her own. You don’t even see woman as human do you?



Now imagine hundreds(if not thousands) of women he had that we dont know about, once u are the top u are the catch bro, leo defo got 4 digits bodycount and u can bet ur ass he can still get any woman he wants


The fuck does that have to do with two people in a long lasting relationship being equals? You are just spouting random shit. Find a woman who respects you and your opinions AND you respect her and her opinions, that’s legit relationship advice, not the “make her your bitch” philosophy you were pushing.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
'White male game' means a game originally starring white male lead. Not a game exclusively for white males. But of course bad faith posters try to find meanings where it doesn't exist. This shit is no different than making captain america black.

There were a million better ways to write that you're opposed to the someone else sharing the spotlight. When you specifically call out a black woman character replacing a white male game, it doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for imagination.

Besides .. Saga does not replace Alan, the game is still centered around Alan's story, you're seeing half of it through Saga's perspective.

There have been multiple examples of fantastic games like MGS2, DMC 4, Halo 2 that do the exact same trope.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
How much did this thing cost?

Game is great and deserves more love, but holy shit, it's been a year and didn't sold enough even with a good marketing!?


How much did this thing cost?

Game is great and deserves more love, but holy shit, it's been a year and didn't sold enough even with a good marketing!?

I don’t think it’s everyone’s cup of tea really. I know personally the slow detective portions would likely bore me.

I’m not even sure Alan Wake was that popular of a franchise to begin with.


Bro, feminism lied to u, marriage isnt 50/50, it isnt partnership, women dont look for some1 equal, they look for a guy who is stronger, taller, richer, has higher status, is charismatic, funny, etc, once u are that guy u are far from equal to ur woman, especially that as a guy u never cared about her wealth, education, exceptional inteligence but there are tons of young attractive and fertile women around, u as a guy are in power, u are the catch.

Marriage is absolutely a 50/50 partnership. Women with smarts are looking for someone compatible to them, that can handle life. Not a guy that needs a Mom to wipe their ass and clean up after them, because they’re useless.

As a father of two girls I want to meet this perfect man who’s so superior in every way, because I guarantee I’d run circles around their them. Modern men are weak.
Petebull is right in everything he says but unfortunately western man have been brainwashed to death. If you are with a woman who has options, like she can get 7 out of 10 men looking at her, you better wise the fuck up. Luckily most men don't date women like that so they will just end up with a bitter wife who talks around his back to her coworkers like i hear from my wife on a regular basis. Many women stay with their husband because they don't have options and don't wanna be alone. This won't be true for every woman and every relationship of course and many good matches are made, but look at your girlfriend or wife and ask yourself if she truly respects you enough that she wouldn't fuck her favourite celebrity if she has the chance and come home smiling to you. Or better yet, that good looking neighbour or coworker.


Petebull is right in everything he says but unfortunately western man have been brainwashed to death. If you are with a woman who has options, like she can get 7 out of 10 men looking at her, you better wise the fuck up. Luckily most men don't date women like that so they will just end up with a bitter wife who talks around his back to her coworkers like i hear from my wife on a regular basis. Many women stay with their husband because they don't have options and don't wanna be alone. This won't be true for every woman and every relationship of course and many good matches are made, but look at your girlfriend or wife and ask yourself if she truly respects you enough that she wouldn't fuck her favourite celebrity if she has the chance and come home smiling to you. Or better yet, that good looking neighbour or coworker.

Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
Shocked Eddie Murphy GIF
I Cant Poison Ivy GIF
Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF

I gotta say, when this topic started, I knew the drama queens would come out, but I didn’t expect THIS type to start coming out in waves.

Seriously, you all have some fucked up views on love and romance and of course woman. So, let me get this straight: pretty much all women (spare me the “not all women” defense you say later in the paragraph, you just said at the start that women who have options should not be trusted, and then that the guys who don’t date such women end up with a bitter wife. That’s what you said, don’t backpedal. In fact, it’s textbook discriminatory behavior, someone attacks a gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but then throws in a “oh, but not ALL-“ as if that magically undoes what they just said. It’s like that episode of Community where they keep insulting Todd but always follow with a “no offense, Todd”, as if that somehow changes what was just said) are either cheaters or someone who’s bitter about the SO they ended up with according to you, GEEZUS CHRIST, what a statement. This is not even traditional views, this is pure cynicism and depressing.

I’d post the Michael Jordan gif, but I want to make sure this next part comes off as sincere: GET SOME HELP. Talk to a psychiatrist or somebody equivalent because this sort of view of the world will not be good for you in the long run.
Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
Shocked Eddie Murphy GIF
I Cant Poison Ivy GIF
Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF

I gotta say, when this topic started, I knew the drama queens would come out, but I didn’t expect THIS type to start coming out in waves.

Seriously, you all have some fucked up views on love and romance and of course woman. So, let me get this straight: pretty much all women (spare me the “not all women” defense you say later in the paragraph, you just said at the start that women who have options should not be trusted, and then that the guys who don’t date such women end up with a bitter wife. That’s what you said, don’t backpedal. In fact, it’s textbook discriminatory behavior, someone attacks a gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but then throws in a “oh, but not ALL-“ as if that magically undoes what they just said. It’s like that episode of Community where they keep insulting Todd but always follow with a “no offense, Todd”, as if that somehow changes what was just said) are either cheaters or someone who’s bitter about the SO they ended up with according to you, GEEZUS CHRIST, what a statement. This is not even traditional views, this is pure cynicism and depressing.

I’d post the Michael Jordan gif, but I want to make sure this next part comes off as sincere: GET SOME HELP. Talk to a psychiatrist or somebody equivalent because this sort of view of the world will not be good for you in the long run.
Get of your high horse son. I speak from experience. Read it like you want or not. Plenty of white knights like you around. I'm gonna take my 43 year old ass out to diner with my 33 year old wife and kids. A women who I love, treat well and take care off but don't take any shit from and a women who makes me a sandwich when I go out to work and takes care of my man needs. Hope you meet a good one too.


Get off your high horse son. I speak from experience. Read it like you want or not. Plenty of white knights like you around. I'm gonna take my 43 year old ass out to diner with my 33 year old wife and kids. A women who I love, treat well and take care off but don't take any shit from and a women who makes me a sandwich when I go out to work and takes care of my man needs. Hope you meet a good one too.

I love how you spelled “dinner” as “diner”. Checks out, your attitude towards women is very 1920’s, maybe you time travelled here from back then?

Oh, just going to call me a white knight? Hmm, well if labels are on the menu, have a nice day, incel.
DirtyB: Bbbbbut, I’m not an-
Bruh, you don’t need to be an incel to think like an incel.



This is what PeteBull is promoting, objectively pushing for a woman to be the lesser in a partnership that is supposed to be equal.

This is objectively sexism.
Who the fuck said marriages are equal? Marriages were a religious institution, for religious women to obtain life security. Yes, it doesn't work unless the woman is submissive. There is plenty of evidence. And if a woman is feminist, there is no need for marriage. It's an outdated institution in present day anyway. Modern women should be in live in relationships only. Not marriage.


Who the fuck said marriages are equal? Marriages were a religious institution, for religious women to obtain life security. Yes, it doesn't work unless the woman is submissive. There is plenty of evidence. And if a woman is feminist, there is no need for marriage. It's an outdated institution in present day anyway. Modern women should be in live in relationships only. Not marriage.

kanye west wtf GIF

This is becoming a horror thread at this point.


Haha, holy fucking shit. This thread is quite the eye opener about some of those complaining about woke female characters. I sincerely hope my daughters don’t end up marrying assholes like them.


There were a million better ways to write that you're opposed to the someone else sharing the spotlight. When you specifically call out a black woman character replacing a white male game, it doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for imagination.

Besides .. Saga does not replace Alan, the game is still centered around Alan's story, you're seeing half of it through Saga's perspective.

There have been multiple examples of fantastic games like MGS2, DMC 4, Halo 2 that do the exact same trope.
Those games didn't purposefully racewap their protagonists. Those games also recieved criticism, since it's always annoying. But there was no political angle to criticize.
Being a priviliged white dude, I feel kinda weird about complaining about a line like "white asshole". I think most folks can deal with that just fine. There's a few historic reasons why that line don't go down the same way if being translated to black people.
No matter how hard I think about it, i'm just unable to feel hurt about hearing a line like that. Why should I?

That being said, SBI gives me a sour taste. Just the concept of what they're doing feels so weird, and it can make stuff feel forced and stupid.
I did however not feel that AW2 had those issues.
And again, i'm a white, priviliged dude who should probably be the last person to have very strong opinions about this stuff.
Explain your ‘privilege’ to me if you would.


Gold Member
So all Remedy got out of it is 100% covered production from Epic and so far it's at the 80% mark. Well, thats a good deal or else they'd be in the hole.

But going by that, looks like their next game will be another big partnership deal as they'll need funding again to bankroll production costs.


Resident Crybaby
This is why GAF is so much better than the purple place.

On the other forum you can't say shit. Here, all the dumbfucks can proudly expose themselves for all to see!
This thread is a good example for why this forum needs a "cringe" emote. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

How did we go from Alan Wake 2 to a discussion about how rich celebrities can land themselves young, attractive partners (something that is clearly not gender based). 🤷‍♂️ Too funny.


Explain your ‘privilege’ to me if you would.
Well, not having to deal with real rasicm on a regular basis, not having to change my name in order to get a decent job. Stuff like that.
I think I can deal with a videogame character calling a white dude in a videogame "white asshole" just fine.


Well, not having to deal with real rasicm on a regular basis, not having to change my name in order to get a decent job. Stuff like that.
I think I can deal with a videogame character calling a white dude in a videogame "white asshole" just fine.

'change my name in order to get a decent job'
You made this shit up.

You really should touch the grass dude, for real or either seek help. I'm black and not in my entire life I saw something like that lmao. You are just making things up in order to validate your opinion.
Last edited:


Gold Member
Ofc man expect his spouse to be submissive, otherwise its just an argumentative roommate in which case 0 reason for longterm relationship, u dont want ur life to turn into living hell coz of having bitchy wife.
Btw, if ur wife doesnt feel like submiting it means she doesnt respect u, expect plethora of nastiness which will end up with a divorce.

Pretty awful perspecitve for a man, no? , especially in very liberal western europe :)

There are a few issues with that chart.
First off, it refers to the year 2020. A year when there were a lot of people postponing their marriage, because of Covid.
And marriages usually mean large gatherings of people.
Divorces, on the other hand, can be done with a layer and a couple of signatures.
This means that during 2020, the amount of divorces in most countries remained at similar levels, but the amount of marriages went down a lot.
For example, in Portugal, the normal ratio of marriages vs divorces, per year, is of about 60%. - 70%. Still high, but nothing as ludicrous as what happened in 2020.

The other issue, is that the metric presented is not really the divorce rate, despite the title. What is presented is only the ratio of marriages in one year, vs the ratio of divorces.
Divorce rate is usually calculated by dividing the amount of divorces by the whole population , or, more frequently, by the married population.
This means that the real divorce rate is usually in per thousands.
For example, in Portugal the official divorce rate in 2020, was in fact 1.7‰
Last edited:


'change my name in order to get a decent job'
You made this shit up.

You really should touch the grass dude, for real or either seek help. I'm black and not in my entire life I saw something like that lmao. You are just making things up in order to validate your opinion.
I'm glad you never had to deal with that, but many do. Why would I make shit up?
This is just one example:

But i'm not interested in discussing this stuff in length here, so i'll leave it at that.

I'm really looking forward to gettin to the Night Spring DLC at some point soon, though. That stuff looks so weird and awesome, and even more Twin Peak-ish than the main game!


I'm glad you never had to deal with that, but many do. Why would I make shit up?
This is just one example:
Could be many reasons why someone would get a job after reapplying again some time later. Retail especially has high turnover and different needs based on the season.

You should look at higher education admissions if you want to see discrimination in a selection process.


Petebull is right in everything he says but unfortunately western man have been brainwashed to death. If you are with a woman who has options, like she can get 7 out of 10 men looking at her, you better wise the fuck up. Luckily most men don't date women like that so they will just end up with a bitter wife who talks around his back to her coworkers like i hear from my wife on a regular basis. Many women stay with their husband because they don't have options and don't wanna be alone. This won't be true for every woman and every relationship of course and many good matches are made, but look at your girlfriend or wife and ask yourself if she truly respects you enough that she wouldn't fuck her favourite celebrity if she has the chance and come home smiling to you. Or better yet, that good looking neighbour or coworker.
Its fine, u can tell who is male feminist/western man trained by feminists who tell him its bad to be manly, and who isnt from the comments alone.

I live in eastern europe, so luckily didnt get brainwashed, most funny thing is- women despise male feminists and only settle for them if there is no other choice(aka better men are no longer an option ), hell they often prefer to stay single instead and keep those white knights as get out of jail card-in friendzone, often for many years, then u check phone of such a woman and guy's number is described as an "uber" or "free dinner", they are part of her roaster, just they arent even fucking, but still giving boyfriend benefits, for free :)

Its not my problem if a guy has opposite views to mine, im perfectly fine with it, name calling or forcing me to behave/think like some soyboy tho- that i will never agree with :p
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