Alan Wake 2 is still not profitable | Other Remedy Financial Reports (approx 80% of costs recouped)

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Keep attacking that strawman, but I never said the game was successful and sold well. I'm just saying its failure has nothing to do with being woke. COD has rainbow flags all over and puts black women everywhere. Not failing.
When you don't have an already massive brand behind it it obviously hurts far more. Also an optional thing like with COD is far different from shoving it in the writing of a narrative game. It's classic strategy to shove it in something like Star Wars, Marvel, COD, whatever and when the brand doesn't suddenly lose all value it's "Aha see woke no hurt!" when in reality you see the effect far more in games like this. Hell it even eventually hurts the big brands if it's too prevalent as we've seen in declining numbers for many franchises


Holy, that's an actual line on this game? 😂


Holy, that's an actual line on this game? 😂

Yes, from an evil doppelgänger of Saga. You know, EVIL. Why it’s almost like the game was saying racism against white people is bad, but certain drama queens just couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to desperately find any angle to whine about it regardless.

Meanwhile, Alan Wake’s evil doppleganger is pro-murder, funny how these drama queens aren’t claiming the game is pro-murder since logically they should if they think the game is agreeing with the evil doppelgängers. Why, it’s almost like their outrage has a narrow view or something.….

Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA

Do actual research into the context of the line. The people posting it out of context are being as ignorant as if someone posted the moment where the N-word was said by a white guy in O Brother Where art Thou, and said, “there you have it, folks, O Brother Where art Thou supports racism! No, just take our word for it, please don’t look into the movie further, or heaven forbid watch it! A single line of dialogue taken out of context is always reliable! Yes, we’ve begun to sweat heavily and tug on our collars, but I don’t see how that‘s relevant!”


Remedy did a great job misleading people. For a while AW2, you'd think it starred AW. Then the first real trailers are shown and it's not even him as the main character.

It'd be like a Spiderman 5 movie. But turns out, you play Aunt May for half the game.

Literally the first gameplay trailer they ever showed (at the PlayStation showcase) had Saga Anderson in all the gameplay shots.

You guys should try to stick to honest conversations about these things.


Please tell me how this game highlights the injustices in the world. That's what Woke means so I don't understand how this applies to this game. But we know what you actually mean to say :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's crazy how this place is becoming the far opposite of that cesspool ResetEra. Over there, everyone is a transphobe and racist and yet here everything is Woke or DEI.

Frankly I think developers should be allowed to make what they want to make and if that's what they want then that's what they want but there is no denying that Sweet Baby involved they tried to go 'woke' and highlight/'correct' some kind of injustice in the world.
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It might shock you, but many people have played the game and don't find it more "woke" than the average game and consider it a good game. I'm one of them.

Yes, SBI probably affected the skin color of the protagonist and some of the dialogues, but overall, the game is not trying to fight capitalism or white supremacism nor trying to stress that fat, trans people of color need to be deified. I'd also add that no one fucking knew what SBI was when the game came out, so no, it didn't flop "because woke." It's likely it flopped because the game cost relatively a lot to make (for the cutting edge graphics); it was Epic exclusive and digital only.
The very fact that it put a black woman character in a white male game makes it woke. And that very likely turned off most of the original fans, in which case it did flop cuz of woke.


IMO Wokeness wasn't the primary reason for its relative failure. The genre is niche and it aims at a hardcore audience that just isn't there.

Said this, you can't overlook the involvement of SBi. It makes me wonder, why the hell were they hired? I mean, this studio has enough experience in telling stories and this is not a new IP, they have the lore in place. What's the need for SBI?
I think it might have to do with certain contractual obligations when negotiating financing, probably from Epic or even other lenders involved. They might have a few demands to meet in order to finalize the contract, in this case it could be the hiring of consultancy firms of which I imagine there aren't too many in the video game industry unlike the plethora of focus groups and such in the music and film industry(another reason why corporate media is in such a dire state imho). I imagine this gives groups like SBI and Anita Sarkesian(sp?) a good amount of work over the years for very little actual input required.

While the game was a bit of a turnoff for me, I think like others have stated its a variety of factors that contributed to its middling performance. I think it will eventually eek its way across the finish line, but through years of sales. I recently re-purchased it to try going through it again. I think the team is talented, the game atmospheric and detailed, plus I like Twin peaks and Lynch styled stuff so that's a plus. But the game itself is such a departure from the first its off putting. Replays in many modern games is downright boring and sadly not too well thought out from a game design perspective, instead its like many really wish they were making movies or TV. Other game designers manage to progress the medium like Yoko Taro while still delivering a great game in a way that only the gaming art can, whereas most of the west that try this seem to relegate themselves to walking sims or are trapped by other boring lore drop and walkie-talkie exposition struggle sessions.


In what world does woke mean that? Maybe in your leftist echochamber.
In the world where it always meant to have your third eye open and be aware of the bigger picture. It’s not a new word you know, it’s been around for decades. You red hats discovered it and keep trying to rewrite history for your own agenda. Hence why , as usual, you immediately ran to type out a political insult as if calling someone a leftist is a slur 😂

The very fact that it put a black woman character in a white male game makes it woke. And that very likely turned off most of the original fans, in which case it did flop cuz of woke.

What the fuck is a “white male game” exactly? Alan Wake is still one of the main characters in the game 😂
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In the world where it always meant to have your third eye open and be aware of the bigger picture. It’s not a new word you know, it’s been around for decades. You red hats discovered it and keep trying to rewrite history for your own agenda.
Woke in more moderate and rightwing circles means trying to implement communism by perpetuating racist policies against whites and jews. You can make all the convenient definitions you want.


Woke in more moderate and rightwing circles means trying to implement communism by perpetuating racist policies against whites and jews. You can make all the convenient definitions you want.
No way, are you trying to say “Woke”,which means not asleep aka “being up and aware”, means trying to implement communism???? Historical rewriting at its finest. Its no wonder you use the term after you said Alan Wake is a “White Mans game”
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No way, are you trying to say “Woke”,which means not asleep aka “being up and aware”, means trying to implement communism???? Historical rewriting at its finest. Its no wonder you use the term after you said Alan Wake is a “White Mans game”
What we mean by woke, and what the left says it means are two different things. The rightwing refers to modern marxistic types as woke. That is what we mean. Stop being disingenuous.
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What we mean by woke, and what the left says it means are two different things. The rightwing refers to modern marxistic types as woke. That is what we mean. Stop being disingenuous.
Indeed, leftists are so far gone they cant even decide what is a woman, both transformers won their boxing gold medals in paris, some1 made some srs cash if he bet on 2 males in women boxing.


Woke in more moderate and rightwing circles means trying to implement communism by perpetuating racist policies against whites and jews. You can make all the convenient definitions you want.

Convenient definitions? Bruh, it’s the actual definition. I love how you spew out accusations of racism while literally promoting the rewriting of a word that came from African-American Vernacular English since the 1930’s. You can’t get more hypocritical than that.

Also, one would have to actually be off their rocker to think Alan Wake 2 was promoting communism. Seriously, what is this clown shit?
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"Woke" originally meant what you're saying, Doom, but that's not how people mean it anymore. Obviously no one is putting a game down for being aware of racism in the world. Fact is, the meaning of the world has evolved in popular culture. Seems like you haven't kept up.

And I’m saying it comes as tacky, if not worse, to alter the word in this way. If the anti-woke extremists want to constantly whine about creative fiction, maybe they should a learn a little creativity of their own by making their own word instead of distastefully rewriting an established word invented and utilized by the black community.

I don’t know what your “obviously” sentence is getting at. Yes, the Saga scene in question in full context is saying, “racism against white people is bad”, but I don’t know why you brought it up now. Glad you actually played the game or at least did proper research on it instead of being triggered by an out-of-context screenshot like some individuals here.


Gold Member
And I’m saying it comes as tacky, if not worse, to alter the word in this way.

Well, too bad, because it's been altered whether you like it or not. Words change their meaning over time, depending on how people use them. That's how it goes.

It reminds of a guy who asked, "What does the word 'simp' mean?" Along with many others, I explained that it meant putting women on a pedestal and then trying to curry favor or seek their approval in undignified ways. Some junior etymologist chimed in, "No, that's not what it means! "Simp" is short for 'simpleton.' It was originally coined back in ___ [whatever]..." Although he might have been right about the origin of the word, it had now taken on a different meaning.

That's language for you. It changes (especially slang like this).
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Well, too bad, because it's been altered whether you like it or not. Words change their meaning over time, depending on how people use them. That's how it goes.

It reminds of a guy who asked, "What does the word 'simp' mean?" Along with many others, I explained that it meant putting women on a pedestal and then trying to curry favor or seek their approval in undignified ways. Some junior etymologist chimed in, "No, that's not what it means! "Simp" is short for 'simpleton.' It was originally coined back in ___ [whatever]..." Although he might have been right about the origin of the word, it had now taken on a different meaning.

That's language for you. It changes.

Okay, but history should be remembered, not forgotten. hyperbertha was promoting ignorance by suggesting the word woke had never meant that, THAT was the point that was being discussed.


Gold Member
Okay, but history should be remembered, not forgotten. hyperbertha was promoting ignorance by suggesting the word woke had never meant that, THAT was the point that was being discussed.

I agree with you about that part. That's what the word "woke" originally meant: being aware of racism, sexism, etc. You were insisting that was "the actual definition," though - which it isn't. That's not what the word means anymore. Even liberals like Bill Maher know this.

I think part of how the word "woke" morphed was due to the original wokesters themselves and how they presented their message. They came across as so self-congratulatory and pretentious ("Look how enlightened I am!") that they invited ridicule. People saw their narcissism and self-righteousness, and they rightly made fun of it. What they thought would be a badge of honor turned into something people pointed and laughed at.

(That's not the whole story, of course, but it's a part of it.)
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What the flying fuck?
I think it's pretty clear what they meant. The game Alan Wake was about Alan Wake (a white male character). Then through Alan Wake 2 you play as a race swapped female character. Not that I think there is any problem with that personally but let's not play dumb. The amount of people who complain about being forced to play some secondary character isn't some new phenomenon you're just picking up on. I'm sure you've seen it in plenty of games. Just not ones you saw as worth defending I think.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I think it's pretty clear what they meant. The game Alan Wake was about Alan Wake (a white male character). Then through Alan Wake 2 you play as a race swapped female character. Not that I think there is any problem with that personally but let's not play dumb. The amount of people who complain about being forced to play some secondary character isn't some new phenomenon you're just picking up on. I'm sure you've seen it in plenty of games. Just not ones you saw as worth defending I think.

Yeah, no, first, the underlined part of the post should clearly tell you that I'm not picking up on the 'play as secondary character', and this is the second time on this very page you've used the " .. but I don't have a problem with that personally", you can only do that so many times.

In case you're going to continue to play obtuse, let me spell it out: I'm quoting the part where the user is specifically citing putting a 'black woman character' in a 'white male game', whatever the fuck that means.
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Gold Member
What the flying fuck?

Yeah, I agree, that does not sound good. Let's hope English is a second language and it came out wrong or something. Because Alan Wake is not "a white male game" (as in, "a game for white males"). Let's not go there, please...


Yeah, no, first, the underlined part of the post should clearly tell you that I'm not picking up on the 'play as secondary character', and this is the second time on this very page you've used the " .. but I don't have a problem with that personally", you can only do that so many times.
You can only make your opinion/stance clear so many times? I don't get it.
In case you're going to continue to play obtuse, let me spell it out: I'm quoting the part where the user is specifically calling putting a 'black woman character' in a 'white male game', whatever the fuck that means.
It means they specifically wanted to place a black female lead into a game about a white male called Alan Wake. They've even said so in interviews that they did this for representation. The guy thinks this is "woke" and believes it turned off some fans who wanted the game to be predominantly Alan Wake. How many people did you hear complaining about playing a butch woman instead of Joel, a small section as Mary instead of spiderman. You're playing obtuse here trying to stir it up as racism.
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Gold Member
Or maybe it’s because it has a stupid name, and comes across as boring, pretentious wank.
Honestly this, not all this woke talk.

The director of the game put himself everywhere, the writing is ridiculous even for alan wake, and their idea of horror is jump scares of people screaming at the screen.

This was a game for sam lake and no one else


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You can only make your opinion/stance clear so many times? I don't get it.

Please. Don't insult yourself this way.

You cited that shitty youtube video while saying that you don't have a problem if the developer wants to change how characters are.

Then you needlessly sought to call my post out, instead of the post saying charged wording like "it put a black woman character in a white male game" and then used another "I don't have a problem with that personally buuuuttt"

It means they specifically wanted to place a black female lead into a game about a white male called Alan Wake. They've even said so in interviews that they did this for representation. The guy thinks this is "woke" and believes it turned off some fans who wanted the game to be Alan Wake. How many people did you hear complaining about playing a butch woman instead of Joel, a small section as Mary instead of spiderman. You're playing obtuse here trying to stir it up as racism.

1. They did not say they added Saga just for representation, Sam Lake said he understands representation when talking about Saga's Nordic side of the family which she isn't that well connected with.

2. If "The guy" thinks its woke, he can speak for himself, you don't have to defend him or his very poorly worded post.

3. The game is still Alan Wake, having a co-protagonist does not make it otherwise. Halo 2 isn't any less Halo because you play half the game as the Arbiter. MGS2 is not any less MGS because you play 80% of the game as Raiden. This is just a poor excuse.

4. I don't know what playing as a 'butch woman' or MJ has anything to do here? The MJ sections are minutes long and the 'butch woman' outlash was not because people weren't playing as Joel, it was mostly because of the game making you play as the character who killed a beloved fan favorite. It could have been a clown with the best one-liners and the outcome would have been the same.

5. Once again, I find it profoundly funny that you think I'm trying to stir anything up as racism, and not the post saying "put a black woman character in a white male game"


If you have thoughts of your own on the subject, feel free to reply to me so we can have a discussion. You don't have to defend someone else's ill-worded post.


Please. Don't insult yourself this way.

You cited that shitty youtube video while saying that you don't have a problem if the developer wants to change how characters are.

Then you needlessly sought to call my post out, instead of the post saying charged wording like "it put a black woman character in a white male game" and then used another "I don't have a problem with that personally buuuuttt"
I don't know how you think I've insulted myself. I don't even know why you take issue with me stating that I think devs should be allowed to do what they want to do and that I don't see a problem with them consulting with Sweet Baby for representation and changing Sagas race.
I'm just trying to explain to you what I think was a clear sentence by somebody else, stating their opinion. what they meant by those "charged words".
1. They did not say they added Saga just for representation, Sam Lake said he understands representation when talking about Saga's Nordic side of the family which she isn't that well connected with.

2. If "The guy" thinks its woke, he can speak for himself, you don't have to defend him or his very poorly worded post.

3. The game is still Alan Wake, having a co-protagonist does not make it otherwise. Halo 2 isn't any less Halo because you play half the game as the Arbiter. MGS2 is not any less MGS because you play 80% of the game as Raiden. This is just a poor excuse.

4. I don't know what playing as a 'butch woman' or MJ has anything to do here? The MJ sections are minutes long and the 'butch woman' outlash was not because people weren't playing as Joel, it was mostly because of the game making you play as the character who killed a beloved fan favorite. It could have been a clown with the best one-liners and the outcome would have been the same.

5. Once again, I find it profoundly funny that you think I'm trying to stir anything up as racism, and not the post saying "put a black woman character in a white male game"


If you have thoughts of your own on the subject, feel free to reply to me so we can have a discussion. You don't have to defend someone else's ill-worded post.
I'm trying to explain to you what they meant by "put a black woman character in a white male game" means in terms of "being woke" and putting off fans by making you play as a different character that wasn't the main character of the first. You're the one trying to insinuate racism. You still haven't explained what you mean by this either:
and this is the second time on this very page you've used the " .. but I don't have a problem with that personally", you can only do that so many times.

But I suspect you're probably doing the same there with me. Why can't I state that I have no problem with devs doing what they want and take no issue with them consulting for inclusivity while at the same time understanding what somebody elses position is to explain it to you?
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You still haven't explained what you mean by this either:


For something you've cited multiple times as not being a problem for you on a personal level, you sure seem to find quirks in. Even going as far as to explain what someone else's posts could possibly mean.

I'm trying to explain to you what they meant by "put a black woman character in a white male game" means in terms of "being woke" and putting off fans by making you play as a different character that wasn't the main character of the first. You're the one trying to insinuate racism.

Again, unless you are that posters alt or know them on a personal level, you don't need to explain what their post meant, especially cause you don't know either.

And can you really not see the connotation in the post specifically citing a 'black woman' replacing a 'white male'. Do you think the poster would have been less overt if it were a black male, or a white woman, replacing the character?

The other posts by the same user on this very page are already trying to turn this into a leftwing vs rightwing issue, so it's pretty clear that just the character swap is not their primary focus.

If you don't have your own personal opinions on the matter, I think we're done discussing what someone else is saying about it.



For something you've cited multiple times as not being a problem for you on a personal level, you sure seem to find quirks in. Even going as far as to explain what someone else's posts could possibly mean.
You're still not making any sense but have at it trying to see some other meaning in me clarifying my own personal stance on the subject.


Please tell me how this game highlights the injustices in the world. That's what Woke means so I don't understand how this applies to this game. But we know what you actually mean to say :messenger_tears_of_joy:
If woke meant that then there'd be a lot of highlighting how evil the monetary and banking system is. There is not, therefore not the definition.


Like I said , changing history. African Americans coined the term Woke and Stay Woke in the 40s and you’re saying the right uses it for something different. Proving my point for me.
Who the fuck cares what the original meaning is? You and I both know what the CURRENT meaning is. That's what matters. You clowns aren't trying to 'point out the injustices in the world'. Lmao.


But of course bad faith posters try to find meanings where it doesn't exist. This shit is no different than making captain america black.

Been a thing since the 50’s in comics. You non-readers need to get the fuck over it already.



Been a thing since the 50’s in comics. You non-readers need to get the fuck over it already.
Tim drake becoming Robin wasn't done for racist or political reasons, but purely story reasons.


I still think people are more interested in older games, graphics are not the best selling point anymore, people just want good writing especially if they are looking for escape, look how the first last of us did to us, it was the writing, not graphics.
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Tim drake becoming Robin wasn't done for racist or political reasons, but purely story reasons.

Ah yes, the Captain America comics never touched on politics before Sam Wilson took the shield.

Dallas Cowboys Football GIF by ScooterMagruder

Also, John Stewart became a Green Lantern in the comics in the 70’s, and his issue was heavily focused on politics particularly racism against black people, and the whole Green Lantern/Green Arrow run it was a part of, drawn by the legendary late Neal Adams, covered politics and is considered a classic. Again, people who actually read comics know this.

Tim Drake wasn’t even the first person to follow Dick as Robin in the comics, wow, just making it so obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Also, wow, way to accuse the people who wrote the comics of Sam becoming Cap as racist with zero proof. You don’t sound like an extremist at all. Joe Simon, the original creator of Captain America, created Cap in the 40’s by focusing on who his villain would be and he made the villain the Nazis. By your twisted logic of accusing people of racism with zero proof, do you think Joe Simon was xenophobic against Germans in general? Hmm?

Seriously, grow up. You’re just screaming racist accusations at anyone purely for not thinking like you do. It’s very immature.
Original sold poorly in the US on a Xbox 360 that was selling like crazy and the game was hyped by the cheerleaders at the time. It even went from a PC/360 game to being positioned as a big 360 exclusive. I think only Control had something from these devs. These twin peak style games have really been a dull dry take that's not gained much appeal in almost 20 years of trying. Also goes to show while it has glowing reviews the ip and this style is just not compelling. I doubt the "woke" stuff helps but MS and now Epic are seeing it's money down the drain.


Ah yes, the Captain America comics never touched on politics before Sam Wilson took the shield.

Dallas Cowboys Football GIF by ScooterMagruder

Also, John Stewart became a Green Lantern in the comics in the 70’s, and his issue was heavily focused on politics particularly racism against black people, and the whole Green Lantern/Green Arrow run it was a part of, drawn by the legendary late Neal Adams, covered politics and is considered a classic. Again, people who actually read comics know this.

Tim Drake wasn’t even the first person to follow Dick as Robin in the comics, wow, just making it so obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Also, wow, way to accuse the people who wrote the comics of Sam becoming Cap as racist with zero proof. You don’t sound like an extremist at all. Joe Simon, the original creator of Captain America, created Cap in the 40’s by focusing on who his villain would be and he made the villain the Nazis. By your twisted logic of accusing people of racism with zero proof, do you think Joe Simon was xenophobic against Germans in general? Hmm?

Seriously, grow up. You’re just screaming racist accusations at anyone purely for not thinking like you do. It’s very immature.
It's not relevant what happened in the 70s. Back then the Marxist woke brigade was not a cultural force. When a character is replaced these days, it's for a totally different reason. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Devs these days are incentivized to make woke policies by companies like black rock. There is an agenda. None of these are comparable at all to what individual creators were doing back in 70s.


It's not relevant what happened in the 70s. Back then the Marxist woke brigade was not a cultural force. When a character is replaced these days, it's for a totally different reason. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Devs these days are incentivized to make woke policies by companies like black rock. There is an agenda. None of these are comparable at all to what individual creators were doing back in 70s.

Me: Comics have been doing this all the time.

You: Allow me to spam a bunch of nonsense conspiracy nonsense that really is just the following weakass response:

Friday Movie GIF

Again, if someone doesn’t think like you, now they’re a Marxist apparently. LOL, holy shit, it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone’s “arguments” be so basic. I’m curious if you’re capable of making an argument that doesn’t boil down to accusing someone of being “_______”.

Also, replaced, LOL, again way to admit you’re whining about comics without knowing a single fucking thing going on in them. Steve came back as Cap. Sam didn’t remove Steve for good so there was no “removing the white man” shit going on. I just read an Uncanny Avengers run from last year with Steve as Cap. Learn to do some research for once in your life instead of thinking you can coast by on calling everyone a racist and/or communist. I’m not responding to you anymore, as you have nothing of value to add to an argument as you rely purely on baseless ad hominens and zero substance to an argument and you think that counts as a counter argument. Holy shit, take a debate class already.

King Of The Hill No GIF


Me: Comics have been doing this all the time.

You: Allow me to spam a bunch of nonsense conspiracy nonsense that really is just the following weakass response:

Friday Movie GIF

Again, if someone doesn’t think like you, now they’re a Marxist apparently. LOL, holy shit, it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone’s “arguments” be so basic. I’m curious if you’re capable of making an argument that doesn’t boil down to accusing someone of being “_______”.

Also, replaced, LOL, again way to admit you’re whining about comics without knowing a single fucking thing going on in them. Steve came back as Cap. Sam didn’t remove Steve for good so there was no “removing the white man” shit going on. I just read an Uncanny Avengers run from last year with Steve as Cap. Learn to do some research for once in your life instead of thinking you can coast by on calling everyone a racist and/or communist. I’m not responding to you anymore, as you have nothing of value to add to an argument as you rely purely on baseless ad hominens and zero substance to an argument and you think that counts as a counter argument. Holy shit, take a debate class already.

King Of The Hill No GIF
It's a well known fact that companies are incentivized to put woke policies and representation in games. I do t care if you think it's a conspiracy theory in your woke little echo chamber. It's fact.
And focussing on making the product woke, and only on the political message is completely different than when a good writer delivers a good story whole also making a political message. Sweet baby inc stories are TRASH, because the quality of storytelling is not what matters to them. You are comparing what's going on now to what went on in the 70s either disingenously, or because you are brain dead.


Just to point out how bad it got, lets remind every woke poster here topic like that wouldnt even be able to exist on the woke-era forum and all of us who share opinion oposite to woke agenda would be perma-banned there.
I know it coz when that forum started i didnt even bother making account there, i knew ppl who are sane and think logically arent welcome, simple as that.

Wokeism is tldr- abandon/fight against any traditioanl values, including family, borders of a country, being patriotic, judging ppl for what they do and not what they are(yes, wokesters are actual rasists, meaning they behave differently towards u only coz color of ur skin, just like ppl who got to power in nazi germany before ww2), that includes feminism too, which brainwashes women into making carrier/being independand etc and then countries end up with terrible birth rates, sole result of feminism( best case scenario women decide to get married around 30yo so very lil time/hope to have 3 kids which is needed to sustain nation/economy, while many arent married at all and only wake up around 35-45yo when they cant be plaything for top males aka rise of so called "situationship" and "hook up culture").

There are tousands examples how its all bad for most ppl(not for super rich ppl in power, they love it, hence u got many celebs/actors actively promoting it, including being fake ecologists while in reality giving 0 fucks about nature/ecology, flying private jets and having carboon footprint 1000x higher from ur avg mortal).


Just to point out how bad it got, lets remind every woke poster here topic like that wouldnt even be able to exist on the woke-era forum and all of us who share opinion oposite to woke agenda would be perma-banned there.
I know it coz when that forum started i didnt even bother making account there, i knew ppl who are sane and think logically arent welcome, simple as that.

Wokeism is tldr- abandon/fight against any traditioanl values, including family, borders of a country, being patriotic, judging ppl for what they do and not what they are(yes, wokesters are actual rasists, meaning they behave differently towards u only coz color of ur skin, just like ppl who got to power in nazi germany before ww2), that includes feminism too, which brainwashes women into making carrier/being independand etc and then countries end up with terrible birth rates, sole result of feminism( best case scenario women decide to get married around 30yo so very lil time/hope to have 3 kids which is needed to sustain nation/economy, while many arent married at all and only wake up around 35-45yo when they cant be plaything for top males aka rise of so called "situationship" and "hook up culture").

There are tousands examples how its all bad for most ppl(not for super rich ppl in power, they love it, hence u got many celebs/actors actively promoting it, including being fake ecologists while in reality giving 0 fucks about nature/ecology, flying private jets and having carboon footprint 1000x higher from ur avg mortal).

Bro up here just tried to accuse a bunch of you all of being discriminatory while simultaneously shaming any woman who DARES to not get married and/or have kids.

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

We’ve reached Buu Saga levels of hypocrisy up in here, just when you think it can’t go higher, one of you all be, “and this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!!” (cue power up)

Christ, that doesn’t even line up with “traditional” values of the US. The Bible, AKA the book of the main religion of a lot of US’s history, makes it very clear single people should not be shamed in any way, and hold just as much value as married people with or without kids. Yes, God said reproduction was important but the Bible makes it clear it is not expected of everyone. But nope, if you’re a single person, oh I’m sorry, Petebull only wants to shame the single women apparently since he doesn’t mention anything about single men, hmm, interesting, anyway, if you’re a single woman, you’re “brainwashed” according to him and have failed to have the three kids that are expected of you because fuck your right to choose how to live your life apparently! Hey sorry, Christians, I know you might say otherwise, but clearly Pete knows more about your good old traditional values than you did!

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