Alan Wake 2 is still not profitable | Other Remedy Financial Reports (approx 80% of costs recouped)


People are entitled to their opinion, you are 100% right. People have piss poor taste in videogames, you are 100% wrong.
Well, looking at the top 10 most popular games from time to time (the annual FIFA, Fortnite, Roblox etc) I feel 100% entitled to express the opinion that i'm 100% right that many people have poor taste in videogames.
That's just my opinion though. You don't have to agree.

And I obviously don't believe that everyone who didn't love AW2 has poor taste in videogames all over the shop.
I guess you admit it was forced diversity. And it also gave them the perfect set up to put the most racist line of dialogue I’ve seen in a video game ever. If it was “black asshole” or “Chinese asshole”, instead of “white asshole”, would you also be defending them? And seeing that they used Sweet Baby Inc as a partner who’s owner hates white gamers and white main characters plus has employees that are openly racist, it all sort of lines up.
This is exactly true. Well said indeed. There would be people screaming from the rooftops if either of those two were said instead of ‘white asshole’. Somehow it’s ok to bash certain groups continually due to it being the in thing. Yes the owner of SBI is nothing more than an appalling racist herself and very open about it. That alone makes you have to wonder just how stupid any company truly is for working with them in the first place.Cowardice or guilt is what makes them align with losers like SBI. Also shows what said of the aisle they are on.
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Replacing Alan Wake with a woman of color for most of the game didn’t help. Also, digital only cut off potential sales from people who love buying physical games. Having SBI involved is one of the reasons it flopped with their virtue signaling ideologies they push in games. The fact it sold like shit is proof of all of those reasons unless your in denial or trying to look progressive to certain people and defend that crap.

The thing about digital only is that it sacrifices another element that can help a game sell too. A person browsing the video game section at a store or even online might be interested if they saw the game displayed there. It's a form of advertising that the game really could have used.


Gold Member
Id pass on that one, he was boring in the first game and the second game only has one interesting protagonist and its name is not on the cover.
Why would you even want to play an Alan Wake 2 if you didn’t like Alan Wake as a character? Because of the black lady cop? Sounds like simp and/or mommy issues tbh.


The bear of bad news
dont buy good game they stop making them



This is exactly true. Well said indeed. There would be people screaming from the rooftops if either of those two were said instead of ‘white asshole’. Somehow it’s ok to bash certain groups continually due to it being the in thing. Yes the owner of SBI is nothing more than an appalling racist herself and very open about it. That alone makes you have to wonder just how stupid any company truly is for working with them in the first place. Also shows what said of the aisle they are on.
Being a priviliged white dude, I feel kinda weird about complaining about a line like "white asshole". I think most folks can deal with that just fine. There's a few historic reasons why that line don't go down the same way if being translated to black people.
No matter how hard I think about it, i'm just unable to feel hurt about hearing a line like that. Why should I?

That being said, SBI gives me a sour taste. Just the concept of what they're doing feels so weird, and it can make stuff feel forced and stupid.
I did however not feel that AW2 had those issues.
And again, i'm a white, priviliged dude who should probably be the last person to have very strong opinions about this stuff.


Why would you even want to play an Alan Wake 2 if you didn’t like Alan Wake as a character? Because of the black lady cop? Sounds like simp and/or mommy issues tbh.
Sure, because there cant be a plenty of great stuff to like about a game besides just the main character, Alan is an extremely weak protagonist but he worked amazingly well as a mysterious side character/"fake" villain (which he is for a half of the second game).

Plus hes barely a character, hes a mysterious side character while you play as the FBI agent, while you play as him youre chasing the clues and other entities, be it his wife, the killer, or whatever antagonist are always is in forefront and greatly overshadow him. He is like a vehicle or a camera in a movie rather than a character.

I also didnt complain about playing as Samus instead of metroids because i just like good games so ive enjoyed AW2 a lot, but coming to think of it ive found most major side characters including the TV ad bros, Old Gods of Asgard or mr. Door more interesting then him. And come on, playing as an FBI agent or a book writer is an easy choice.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
I think the only issue is that it wasn't on steam. The game was a pc showcase and felt like it wasn't really targeting consoles.

Hopefully they get it on steam soon and that gets it over the line.

Sadly I doubt it ever pops up on Steam. Epic published the game.


Remedy games are just not... multi million sellers. They usually release the games too early, then there are tons of bugs they fix within a month. But all you see is negative feedback.

Nonetheless, I bought almost all of their games (except CrossfireX or what it's called).


Alan Wake is one of my GOATs

Highly replayable. Ive played it 6-7 times.

II was good on the first playthrough. But the expository walking sequences, the VERY boring board and overall dull gameplay result in me never replaying this game. Ever.

Maybe when I have alzheimer and everything will feel like the first time again.

This is something so common nowadays. No one ever thinks about replayability.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Alan Wake is one of my GOATs

Highly replayable. Ive played it 6-7 times.

II was good on the first playthrough. But the expository walking sequences, the VERY boring board and overall dull gameplay result in me never replaying this game. Ever.

Maybe when I have alzheimer and everything will feel like the first time again.

This is something so common nowadays. No one ever thinks about replayability.
I find linear stuff replayable. Much less daunting than open world

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Ive mentioned how replayable the first one is. Linearity isnt the problem.

Boring linearity is
lol fair enough. Admittedly reviews are what dissuaded me after I couldn't buy it physically. When I can't resell I hesistate and once i heard about the Now I don't even wanna buy the physical when it comes. I'm glad you like the original I still gotta play the remaster! Probably will get to it this spooky season in September or October sometime
If I had of known how woke this game was I would never have bought it.

Bought on release, seen how woke it is and never played it or plan to play it.

Hopefully moving forward we have visibility on woke crap.

The way this methodically checks all the boxes, I'm honestly not sure if this is a parody post.
I think the only issue is that it wasn't on steam. The game was a pc showcase and felt like it wasn't really targeting consoles.
Word. Epic exclusive and limped out with no retail release on console. Combine that with people waiting for it to hit game pass and it’s a wonder that anyone bought the game at all.
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If I had of known how woke this game was I would never have bought it.

Bought on release, seen how woke it is and never played it or plan to play it.

Hopefully moving forward we have visibility on woke crap.
Please tell me how this game highlights the injustices in the world. That's what Woke means so I don't understand how this applies to this game. But we know what you actually mean to say :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The way this methodically checks all the boxes, I'm honestly not sure if this is a parody post.

It's crazy how this place is becoming the far opposite of that cesspool ResetEra. Over there, everyone is a transphobe and racist and yet here everything is Woke or DEI.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The purple people would be offended, ignore the context and start the same idiotic conversation. But instead of falsely accusing it of woke it would be called racist. Just trading one type of dumb for another. Saying the other side would also act like snowflakes doesn’t excuse your snowflake mentality.
So we can’t even have the message of, “racism against white people is bad” because of hypothetical situations of how certain people will react?
This is growing proof that a lot of the people who still proudly label themselves “woke“ and “anti-woke” are both purely fueled by drama and really are two sides of the same coin at the end of the day.
^ This 10000x and thank you.

I've been saying this shit for years.

Folks getting offended that something isn't in a game, is the same shit as getting offended something IS IN the game and this whole over reaction, being offended by everything literally is being done by both sides and its like they don't see it.

Someone shirt tucked in, conspiracy OMG
Someone chin look a certain way, conspiracy OMG

Basically, nothing is allowed to happen in games cause soft people might get "offended"
. It's not just the purple people who would get offended and you both know that unless you've been living under a rock
sure, but no one should be making games based on avoiding offending this person or that person, anyone can be offended by the dumbest things

Play something else.

I'm sure they know people can get offended btw
Keep attacking that strawman, but I never said the game was successful and sold well. I'm just saying its failure has nothing to do with being woke. COD has rainbow flags all over and puts black women everywhere. Not failing.

Its like they want some victory soooooooo badly lol This game didn't hit its profit based on so many other more important factors.

Epic games.
No Physical version.

I was even going to buy it on PS5 thinking it had a physical version and ended up avoiding it literally solely based on this alone. I don't even care about what anyone is getting offended over regarding a game.


This proves that too many folks have piss poor taste in videogames. Alan Wake 2 is a masterpiece.

Also, what's so woke about the game?? The fact that we play as a strong woman for half of the game..?
You people use "masterpiece" too loosely... you can call this game whatever you want, its your right... but I bet that if you are being honest.. there is at least 20 to 30 games at minimum you would put above AW2 in your scale.... or you just start playing games this year. There is nothing above masterpiece, think about that.
I've trashed this game so many times, I'm now too lazy to do it again in detail.

AW2 is like a turd in a Snickers wrapper. Looks fucking tasty but once you crack it open, it's a shitty surprise full of baffling motivations.
Don't paint everyone with the sand brush, I wouldn't have cared if the gsme was on Epic or Steam. I would not have bought it if I had known its woke.
My post isn't about people like you at all. You can refuse to buy the game for its perceived wokeness without subscribing to the belief that said wokeness was the primary reason for its lackluster sales. If you do believe that, though, consider yourself painted.


COD has rainbow flags all over and puts black women everywhere. Not failing.
Isn't COD a different kind of game though? One where narrative isn't important? One that you don't have to take seriously while playing a few deathmatches? One where you customize your own character so i assume you can avoid the DEI and rainbow shit by not choosing to use them?

How can you avoid the strong black woman replacing Alan for half the game? How can you avoid Sweet Baby's writing while playing the main story?
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They're releasing the game physically in a few weeks. Should be easily breaching that final 20% with that.
It's gonna be a long road. It will sell some more, but the hype is gone. Should have been phslysical at launch, fuck them they had a big publisher.
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IMO Wokeness wasn't the primary reason for its relative failure. The genre is niche and it aims at a hardcore audience that just isn't there.

Said this, you can't overlook the involvement of SBi. It makes me wonder, why the hell were they hired? I mean, this studio has enough experience in telling stories and this is not a new IP, they have the lore in place. What's the need for SBI?


IMO Wokeness wasn't the primary reason for its relative failure. The genre is niche and it aims at a hardcore audience that just isn't there.

Said this, you can't overlook the involvement of SBi. It makes me wonder, why the hell were they hired? I mean, this studio has enough experience in telling stories and this is not a new IP, they have the lore in place. What's the need for SBI?
Western dev, enough said, very few of them are sane and think logical nowadays, otherwise sweet baby would get literally 0 work.
And lets add more gas to the fire, first few months pascal and older gpu's couldnt play that game at all coz of no mesh shaders, and that was first 6 months after games launch.
Ofc it got patched up/fixed, but only in march, 6 months after game's release, that is milions of potential customers game didnt have access to.


Budget was too high for the obstacles that were put on the path to sales for a sequel to a game that's probably never broken 4-5m in its life.
EGS exclusive, digital only on consoles, and just simply not being the sequel some people had idealized all come to mind I guess.
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Gold Member
The woke aspects of this game are unlikely to have been deterministic in it's commercial failure. But it didn't help and put some consumers off.
Like several people have pointed out, it's failure is due to strategic reasons, like the exclusivity on the Epic Store, the lack of support for older GPUs at launch and the lack of a physical release.
The fix for Pascal GPUs resolved a part of these problems, but the rest remains. And it seems that Remedy and Epic don't care about correcting the remaining problems.
I can understand that Epic doesn't care about losing a few millions, because they make that in a couple of weeks, by selling Fortnite skins to kids. And they are set on reducing the amount of games that go to Steam.
But Remedy doesn't have the same luxury as Epic, and because of these decisions, they have not gotten any profits from Alan Wake 2.


Just briefly read through this thread. I like GAF....and decided to never touch the other site again, but man....this place seems like it's headed towards the polar opposite dark place at times.
Wake me up when we arrive at station "ban sprees for thought crime and open racist, bigoted and hatefull topics where we can wish people death, fatal illnesses and having retarded children only for not agreeing with our opinion (state guideline)", ok?

Cause as of now all you people do is project harder than my crappy Temu mobile phone projector.

On topic

The game didn't support older GPU's - which they could do, they just needed to cook a bit longer or think about it during development

The game released on the least popular PC marketplace and was digital only on console - good work Remedy 👍

Working with SBI - which is visible in the quality of writing and character development

Oh and SBI is funded by blood money, so anyone who cries virtue should never buy anything that had anything to do with them.

But yeah, gamers have as much spine as my backyard worms
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