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Alanah Pearce wants to address the situational "kid disability" problem a lot of players have.


Gold Member
Just admit you hate your kids and pull out them tits
Willem Dafoe Smile GIF
Now I'm going to be serious: I got kids and playing games that you can't pause while they're around is seriously hard. I have my wife screaming in my ear while I'm trying to make her understand that the game cannot be paused.

So what do I do? NOT PLAY that game while I'm supposed to be around as a dad. It's not that hard. If you got a minute to play with the kids around play something that can be paused ffs.
Now I'm going to be serious: I got kids and playing games that you can't pause while they're around is seriously hard. I have my wife screaming in my ear while I'm trying to make her understand that the game cannot be paused.

So what do I do? NOT PLAY that game while I'm supposed to be around as a dad. It's not that hard. If you got a minute to play with the kids around play something that can be paused ffs.

Yeah seriously, I was about to post this same thing. I don't play shit until the kids are in bed.
that's just call life... it's always been that way for any hobbies and it won't change. even if you have some kinda robo baby sitter, there will still be other stuff you need to deal with that would cut into your game time. we only have 24 hours a day afterall and the more of a "full life" you have, the less time there is for gaming. just like in some games, you have to make your choice and decide what's important and give up other stuff for it. you REALLY like gaming? give up the thought of having a wife and kids. if you value having a good family life more? give up the type of games that would interfere with the family life.


Neo Member
She's talking nonsense here with the disability stuff but IT IS super annoying as someone who plays in quite a busy environment at times not to be able to pause every game at any time. I really appreciate the ones that allow it. I don't see why it isn't in all games.
I have two kids and there's no way I would have even tried to play video games while they were up and about during the day before they were 3 years old. There's no way you can fully relax and kick back to play whilst they are doing their thing.

The only times I ever played games were when they wouldn't sleep at night in their own beds when they were babies, so I'd let them get sleep on my chest whilst I chilled out and played a single player game and my wife got some well deserved sleep. I actually managed to finish Assassin's Creed Odyssey this way!

I'm only speaking from my own experience and situation, but I wanted to be a bit more present as a dad and actually enjoy spending time with them whilst they were awake during the day. It doesn't last forever and providing you get them into a solid routine, you'll have most of your evenings back to play some games or have time to yourself.

You only get one chance to be a good parent and get things right, games will always be around.
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Gold Member
I have two kids and there's no way I would have even tried to play video games while they were up and about during the day before they were 3 years old. There's no way you can fully relax and kick back to play whilst they are doing their thing.

The only times I ever played games were when they wouldn't sleep at night in their own beds when they were babies, so I'd let them get sleep on my chest whilst I chilled out and played a single player game. I actually managed to finish Assassin's Creed Odyssey this way!

I'm only speaking from my own experience and situation, but I wanted to be a bit more present as a dad and actually enjoy spending time with them whilst they were awake during the day. It doesn't last forever and providing you get them into a solid routine, you'll have most of your evenings back to play some games or have time to yourself.

You only get one chance to be a good parent and get things right, games will always be around.

I skipped gaming almost entirely during the PS1 and PS2 generations during my early parenting years. Family is more important.
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Wheres the Problem, just die ffs and play again. My kids will always be more important than dying in a video game. This shouldn't be a thing at all....
Now I'm going to be serious: I got kids and playing games that you can't pause while they're around is seriously hard. I have my wife screaming in my ear while I'm trying to make her understand that the game cannot be paused.

So what do I do? NOT PLAY that game while I'm supposed to be around as a dad. It's not that hard. If you got a minute to play with the kids around play something that can be paused ffs.

Yes ofcoursse, but someone saying, "this single player game would be better with a pause button for this kind of situation"

is no big deal.


Referring to having a kid as a “disability” is fucking stupid. Does she have a single actual valuable thought in her head?
She's talking nonsense here with the disability stuff but IT IS super annoying as someone who plays in quite a busy environment at times not to be able to pause every game at any time. I really appreciate the ones that allow it. I don't see why it isn't in all games.

Being in that kind of situation should dictate what kind of games you play though, right? I leaned heavily into single player games when my kids were younger, still do, so I can pause them at any time. But I can't think of many single player games that don't let you pause, aside from maybe Elden Ring.


Anyone who's hatin' on wasting lives from raising kids gets my vote. Or two in this case.
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Who hires these people? Why do they work in gaming dev? Imagine having your own studio and someone like this comes along and you actually hire them. How do you even have a business?


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I've never heard of situational disability as a term before, but it does seem to be a real thing, because a significant number of members have large parts of their brain switch off whenever Alanah Pearce gets mentioned.


Gold Member
I’m just thankful I had my three kids after the standard controllers went wireless. I do appreciate what Microsoft did with the breakaway controller cord with the OG Xbox.


Gold Member
Every one of my colleagues I showed this to thinks it's downright retarded. We ALL work in the IT industry.

I'm a software developer myself so yeah, the word "disabled" has specific context in that capacity. The fact that Alanah and this Del Walker guy are somehow confusing something used as a toggle with a person with disabilities......that's just mind-boggling.

K' Dash

If my 3 year old is up and about I just take care of her needs until my wife can take care of her, then I tell her I’m going to play for a while and let me know if she needs anything.

More often than not I’m bringing stuff to her every 10 min.

The only time I have to sit and play completely focused is when she’s at daycare or asleep.

Kids are a responsibility.


Maybe unknowingly you sold all your time to the little goblin you are responsible in giving birth to, deal with it.


Gold Member
It’s kinda stupid. I have kids and my favorite games are souls games. I can just run somewhere or warp somewhere safe. I can sit on a cliff for as long as I need to.

Living with someone with an actual disability. These things trigger me. People with disabilities get treated like 💩 and the word retarted is used to describe something stupid.

The real problem is having to see conversations with these people talking about the freaking Pause button that no longer exists as a Pause button.

I also work in IT and I think their tech verbiage is more amateur than so called being “professional”.

IRL I can get one shotted walking into a boss room in a Souls games. If I have to go, I have to go. I can always replay the game.
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Situational disability has been used in UX design for a while now, lots of Front-End designers should be aware of the term. I’m sure if disabled people kick up enough fuss (and bizarrely some in this thread) it will be likely be relegated to a historical term like blacklisting or master and slave. Can’t refer to it as the master branch anymore, some might take offence.


By that logic almost anything is a situational disability…Watching TV, going to a sports game, anything without and on/off switch…


On the one hand, this is a shit take, but on the other hand, how fucking hard is it to add pause screens to a game? We've had pause screens since the 80s....

This shouldn't be that controversial.
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Gold Member
It shouldn't be a problem. I grew up in the generation where my parents wanted me to pause an online game.

Skill issue.


So what you're saying is that you've made another thread to see if there are any more pictures of Alanah's rack?


Situational disability has been used in UX design for a while now, lots of Front-End designers should be aware of the term. I’m sure if disabled people kick up enough fuss (and bizarrely some in this thread) it will be likely be relegated to a historical term like blacklisting or master and slave. Can’t refer to it as the master branch anymore, some might take offence.
It's pretty ironic to have a thread decrying the use of problematic language on GAF. Kind of shows how similar both extremes of the culture wars are.


Thats why i dont have friends anymore, when i play games they all became "Situational Disabilities".


Gold Member
I mean, I play videogames with my kids, alone, with my wife, it's really never been an issue.
right. If you need to sit the controller down, sit it down. What’s the fuss about that?
These people are smelling their farts real hard. If this lady ever has kids, she’s going to have a wild ride ahead of her.


Gold Member

UK has a document that shows some examples to consider, and yeah as a project manager I have encountered the term a few times.


Even better everyone who said "thank god for subtitles"

In this thread has just experienced why this is an important consideration for design.

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With that much porn floating around the net you'd think that it shouldn't be possible for wannabe influencer skank xy to get talked about this much just by making up nonsense and showing a little cleavage....

What is wrong with you guys? Why do you keep helping to spread this utterly stupid nonsense?
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