So… Shinichi (parasyte Maxim) has Migi and Inaho now has Hidari. I would say latter is superior since it’s now just major battle asset but actively helps him get laid

Ok., speculations time, from probable to some wild stuff.
1. Title of this episode “Chance meeting and SEPARATION”. The way Inaho and Asseylum part ways, she giving him her necklace means they won’t be seeing each other anytime soon. And so –
we’re already flying towards Season 3.
2. If prediction 1 is correct then it’s only fair to assume Klancain -with Mazuurek’s help will take Asseylum to Vers. I believe they are both true loyalists thus taking princess home makes way more sense than letting her stay on terran-controlled ship.
3. Last 2 episodes will be all out war between Slaine’s secessionists faction and Earth forces. I believe most of the Mars knights loyal to the crown won’t interfere allowing both sides to bleed out.
Now we’re heading into more imaginative section
4. With heavy casualties Slaine’s forces gonna get wiped. Both Inaho and Slaine gonna survive, Slaine gonna run with Lemrina and Harklight. Being pressed Slaine will turn to some crazy Aldnoah magic stuff that has to do with his father research and medallion he recover this week. Crazy stuff might vary from major power-up (new Mecha?) to opening another Hypergate.
5. Duecalion ain’t gonna make it (we see it in promotional picture for season 2 – Inaho looking at ruins of that ship – casualties gonna be rather high – but in the battle between rogue mars faction and earth - it’s safe to assume Inaho is the last man standing).
Now time for some crazy stuff.
6. On his dying bed Marito finally spill the bean, why his report about Heaven’s Fall was classified. He wasn’t the only one survivor. Other than him, countess Orlaine was taken alive as POW.
7. Orlaine was pregnant, she decided to work with terran forces in exchange for her kid safe future on earth. Yeah, that kid is Inaho, and so that make SauceBomb Inaho father. Inaho – super tactician with incredible fighting skills. Him being a martian, offspring of two most powerful counts (at their time) makes more sense than him being random highschool dude that can one-up almost every adversary.
8. If we’ll allow to consider this theory, chances are Orlaine using her vastly superior knowledge became head of terran R&D. It would make sense how earth made that great technological progress in just 15 years (during Heaven’s fall they were still using tanks). It also makes sense for her to oversee ‘recreation’ of Deucalion. It’s HIGHLY UNLIKELY for someone without vast knowledge on mars technology to be able to remove Aldnoah drive from Mecha and put it into battle cruiser.
9. Inaho’s left eye is also Orlaine creation. The reason why Earth forces didn’t mass produce it might be because only Inaho is capable of using it.
10. Season 3 - Orlaine and Inaho face off. If earth forces will continue their efforts to assassinate Asseylum, I can see Inaho going rogue. His left eye will be toned down, but he will get Aldnoah-powered Mecha instead.