This is hilarious. No one is flying an unidentified aircraft in the US post 9/11 without the government knowing about it. You can't physically conceal your aircraft unless 1) its made out of material that can't be tracked by a radar device or 2) has a specific physical design that obfuscates the bounced back radio waves that are emitted by radar devices. As far as any UFO sighting went by, none of the flying saucers have any kind of design that would make it hard for radar to track them easily.
The easiest explanation for all these sightings:
They are drone prototypes being tested by lockheed martin or general atomics.
A far more sinister theory is that they are chinese or russian in origin to spy on us bases.
Aliens aren't dropping by only to visit US military bases of all places on earth.
Mystery resolved. Amazon has come forward and revealed that the objects that the Navy has been encountering are just fulfillment drone experiments. New Prime delivery will have your package to you in 15 minutes or less!
Thank youWelcome to the thread, L LisaMariaMartin
They are lying. The Pentagon only ever confirms authenticity of videos. The videos are real. The devices are military drone prototypes. Thats why they mostly fly around at military bases and not in Paris or Los Angeles.So now what?
Gressel warns that Europe would be doing itself a disservice if it simply dismissed the Nagorno-Karabakh fighting as “a minor war between poor countries.” In this, Gressel is correct – the military defeat inflicted on Armenia by Azerbaijan was not a fluke, but rather a manifestation of the perfection of the art of drone warfare by Baku’s major ally in the fighting, Turkey. Gressel’s conclusion – that “most of the [European Union’s] armies… would do as miserably as the Armenian Army” when faced by such a threat – is spot on.
What happened to the Armenian Army in its short but brutal 44-day war with Azerbaijan goes beyond simply losing a war. It was more about the way Armenia lost and, more specifically, how it lost. What happened over the skies of Nagorno-Karabakh – where Azerbaijan employed a host of Turkish- and Israeli-made drones not only to surveil and target Armenian positions, but shape and dominate the battlefield throughout – can be likened to a revolution in military affairs. One akin to the arrival of tanks, mechanised armoured vehicles, and aircraft in the early 20th century, that eventually led to the demise of horse-mounted cavalry.
MoD wants to procure cheaper armed drones for UK as it studies lessons from recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
The russian air defense systems were completely useless against them.The drones, he added, have “been responsible for the destruction of hundreds of armoured vehicles and even air defence systems”, although there is video evidence that suggests they also killed many people in the Nagorno-Karabakh war.
Thank you
They are lying. The Pentagon only ever confirms authenticity of videos. The videos are real. The devices are military drone prototypes. Thats why they mostly fly around at military bases and not in Paris or Los Angeles.
Turkey has shown that advanced drones are the future of warfare when Azerbaijan decimated Armenia with their new technology. You think DARPA isn't experimenting with drones?
‘Like horse-mounted cavalry against tanks’: Turkey has perfected new, deadly way to wage war, using militarized ‘drone swarms’
From Syria to Libya to Nagorno-Karabakh, this new method of military offense has been brutally effective. We are witnessing a revolution in the history of warfare, one that is causing panic, particularly in
UK wants new drones in wake of Azerbaijan military success
MoD wants to procure cheaper armed drones for UK as it studies lessons from recent conflict in
The russian air defense systems were completely useless against them.
Every country on this planet will start experiment with drones so its only logical that videos like that will pop up everywhere.
Thank you
They are lying. The Pentagon only ever confirms authenticity of videos. The videos are real. The devices are military drone prototypes. Thats why they mostly fly around at military bases and not in Paris or Los Angeles.
Turkey has shown that advanced drones are the future of warfare when Azerbaijan decimated Armenia with their new technology. You think DARPA isn't experimenting with drones?
‘Like horse-mounted cavalry against tanks’: Turkey has perfected new, deadly way to wage war, using militarized ‘drone swarms’
From Syria to Libya to Nagorno-Karabakh, this new method of military offense has been brutally effective. We are witnessing a revolution in the history of warfare, one that is causing panic, particularly in
UK wants new drones in wake of Azerbaijan military success
MoD wants to procure cheaper armed drones for UK as it studies lessons from recent conflict in
The russian air defense systems were completely useless against them.
Every country on this planet will start experiment with drones so its only logical that videos like that will pop up everywhere.
I don't know. I agree the drones used today in military can't reach those speeds, not even close, so I concede that point but I still think they have US military origins. The answers from the pentagon are hilariously dodgy. They simply say, "Yes, those are videos. Yes, they are real. Yes, we took them. Thanks. Bye".What are your thoughts on the USS Nimitz incident? And in your opinion, what do you suppose the top speed of these drones would be?
Note: I don't disagree with you, because I do think they are unmanned craft. I'm just not convinced of whose they are.
My new favourite theory, nomadic aliens using time dilation at 52:14 here:
I don't know. I agree the drones used today in military can't reach those speeds, not even close, so I concede that point but I still think they have US military origins. The answers from the pentagon are hilariously dodgy. They simply say, "Yes, those are videos. Yes, they are real. Yes, we took them. Thanks. Bye".
The tic tac video is definitely a weird one, I am not an aerospace engineer but I have a degree in electrical engineering. Its moving way faster than conventional drones and it seems incredibly nimble I think thats the biggest hint that its an unmanned aircraft but we have to consider that the government has technology that is at least 30 years ahead of the public. It's not out of the realm of possibility that it was a secret military experiment.
Then again, it makes the f35 look like a childrens plaything and its the pinnacle of air fighter technology today so what do I know.
Also, if it was a secret experiement, it means that the US kept this secret for all these years without using them in their own military which seems.... unlikely.
I apologize if I came off as dismissive or patronizing in my initial post. Wasn't my intent.
I just found out that all the other government accounts outside the US are lies, only the US tells the truth about UFOs.
I don't quite get what other governments commenting on these things appearing on their grounds has anything to do with them possibly being things made by some other country.
I mean, if they've been able to make these super fast and weird prototypes it wouldn't be wise for the country to admit they are their own. One of the reasons is what I've said earlier. They don't want others to know they are capable on doing stuff like that.
But there's another HUGE reason why they shouldn't admit it's their stuff. IF what's been seen in the US is their own stuff, then quite possibly what has seen in Russia and anywhere else is US stuff too. Now, if they admit that the UFOs seen in the US come from them, they would be admitting that they have been breaching the air space of foreign countries.
Until this tech can be made foolproof, it's not in any country's interest to let anyone know it's theirs. Not only would other countries start to do everything they can to build the same tech, but they would also then know the US has been flying stuff even near other countries' military bases and that's something to start wars over.
I don't quite get what other governments commenting on these things appearing on their grounds has anything to do with them possibly being things made by some other country.
I mean, if they've been able to make these super fast and weird prototypes it wouldn't be wise for the country to admit they are their own. One of the reasons is what I've said earlier. They don't want others to know they are capable on doing stuff like that.
But there's another HUGE reason why they shouldn't admit it's their stuff. IF what's been seen in the US is their own stuff, then quite possibly what has seen in Russia and anywhere else is US stuff too. Now, if they admit that the UFOs seen in the US come from them, they would be admitting that they have been breaching the air space of foreign countries.
Until this tech can be made foolproof, it's not in any country's interest to let anyone know it's theirs. Not only would other countries start to do everything they can to build the same tech, but they would also then know the US has been flying stuff even near other countries' military bases and that's something to start wars over.
How long does it take to make it fool proof? How long does a country sit on technology like this before incorporating it into their military? If it isn't fool proof, then why violate other countries' airspaces with it when that seems like a good way to lose it if it crashes?
I don't know. Could be it will never be something that can be shown to the world as something of your doing. Could be it's good for spying stuff already so that's what they would use them to.
The same danger is in any attack anywhere already. Have your spy get caught and you risk him spilling secrets to them. Have your current air fighter crash on foreign ground and you'll risk secret stuff spreading to the enemy government. Yet they still do all of that. This is not too different in that sense. But this time there is the upper hand to at least make people think it's not your stuff as these crafts can go "too" fast and even go hiding underwater and you have the narrative of possible space aliens being taken seriously now. It's basically way more efficient and powerful technology than the usual stuff that's being used. Before they can be used in regular warfare as technology everyone will then know about, it will be used more in super secret espionage all the while still honing the stuff better and better. Once they'll be used in warfare, everyone will know it's your stuff and your cover for espionage outside of warfare is ruined.
I mean, obviously that might not be the case, but it's still more likely and plausible scenario than space aliens. Now that said, if it is technology made by the US and part of cover up for that is to have as many people as possible to consider the possibility of the technology being extraterrestrial, and if it would be better for the world to not let others know its theirs, then obviously offering my point of view could be bad.
I don't either, I'm just getting on about it. I do think it's funny that it might be another country and the US military budget is more than the top what, 5 countries combined? That's hilariously bad if the US allowed another county to smoke them technologically with not even a fraction in budget.
And flying a super advanced prototype tech near a US coastline is super risky near US military forces, makes no sense because it could crash and be reverse-engineered. And they do it every day for years? I don't buy that at all, like it was said, they would want to keep this an absolute secret.
The reverse is also true in Russia etc, why is the US testing stuff way over there when they usually do it in nevada
Could also be that the whole thing is part of some technology that makes it incredibly cheap to make things like that. So then one reason to not admit its theirs would be that they don't want people to know there is this technology that can be used as it would perhaps destroy the power banks have. Or whatever else.
What comes to the danger of flying them near US coastline, wasn't one hypothesis about them that they can't be shot? Maybe they first had only rare occasions where they used them in foreign countries and as they over and over again learned that A) they haven't caught them, B) they haven't been crashed much at all, and C) people still don't know where they are from, they have then been able to up the amount of them being used. And they could've been used it for espionage instead of only test flights. I mean, if you can fly first one in, say, month and not get caught, and then two in month and not get caught, and then one every week and not get caught and this would happen for years and years, wouldn't you then eventually be more bold to fly them even daily.
For 60+ years? Thats a long time to not use this tech in warfare, or have anything remotely close in the standard military, not speeds close to 13000mph, not next gen materials (other than stealth), no transmedium, none.........thats odd considering these have been reported for that amount time, and yet heres a craft/drone, with all 3 at the same time..........
I just find that odd, you woud think we'd have at least 1 out of the 3, and we would be close, or in our military arsenal by now in some form. But theyre not
Thats the big thing, its not just 1 step of "oh theyre really fast wow"....its all the shit that goes with that, especially materials.
So again if they are drones, then there's some massive leaps in technology, materials and physics
Thats a pretty big deal to be flying around military vehicles and perhaps lose or crash, dont you think?
I just can't imagine a technology that can't be crashed or have a mishap. Look at the ridiculously long fighter jet programs and all the accidents over the years. It could be governments flying these objects within their own borders maybe. That would make sense to me, but what doesn't add up is how far back these similar stories go. WW2 objects were seen as invulnerable to gunfight from tail gunners and nose guns of fighters and can basically zip off in an instant.
But then that begs the question, if someone had that super advanced tech back then, why was the war such a long grueling struggle? What group of psychopaths would just cruise around watching the world war unfold when they could end it?
Yeah, I think that whatever those are, they aren't controlled by anyone inside them (unless it's some spirit shit).
What comes to the last questions, maybe ending the war with some super technology like that would've been even worse than ending the war with a couple of nukes. It would be like, "ok so you got that, Imma make that too" and maybe it would be cold war times thousand.
Or maybe they come from some Illuminati kind of shit and only very few from the US government or any other government would know what they are. In that case maybe it would actually be a case of actual psychopaths doing their thing
Anyways, whatever those are and whatever that technology is, it really seems to be something that in any case would be really dangerous in wrong hands. Imagine some Isis folks learning how to do some bullet absorbing hyper fast thing. Imagine anyone thinking "wow, this can't be destroyed with gunfire and we can fly this to the US or anywhere else super fast so how about putting some hyper deadly disease into the craft, fly it somewhere, drop it down, fly back again", hey maybe I just figured out the origins of covid19!![]()
Mick West is a joke. He dodges facts because he has trouble dealing with the unknown. He called the recent navy video a ballon until people started making fun of him. His example in the second vid is a false equivalence, it's not even remotely the same. "Some guys on a forum said" vs "a fighter pilot" said, very different.
I thought the second video was a very good video that showed an example of how the same kind of footage can be done with zoom, focus and camera movement. He showed it is possible to get the same shaped object by having certain focus and zoom on a video camera. And he showed it is possible to make the object look like its making wild movements by very simple camera movements. The point of the video is to show that for that UFO video there is a lot more plausible explanation than space aliens or even secret government stuff. I mean, if it is possible to make a plane look like a wingless tictac with manipulating the camera's zoom and focus, and if it's possible to make it look like the object is moving erratically by just moving the camera a bit, then the original footage is extremely likely footage of a plane instead of a spacecraft.
To me, that video and the video that shows how it's easy to make a fake UFO videos by simply putting buttons on a transparent plastic or glass and moving it around are really good examples of how easy it is both create erratic movement and to make the mistake of thinking it's the object that is moving like that instead of it being an illusion of the object moving like that.
That's the problem though. This would only possibly explain the video. Not the fact that the object was picked up on radar and was witnessed by experts who have had millions pumped into their training to make sure they don't falsely identify anything when flying.I thought the second video was a very good video that showed an example of how the same kind of footage can be done with zoom, focus and camera movement. He showed it is possible to get the same shaped object by having certain focus and zoom on a video camera. And he showed it is possible to make the object look like its making wild movements by very simple camera movements. The point of the video is to show that for that UFO video there is a lot more plausible explanation than space aliens or even secret government stuff. I mean, if it is possible to make a plane look like a wingless tictac with manipulating the camera's zoom and focus, and if it's possible to make it look like the object is moving erratically by just moving the camera a bit, then the original footage is extremely likely footage of a plane instead of a spacecraft.
To me, that video and the video that shows how it's easy to make a fake UFO videos by simply putting buttons on a transparent plastic or glass and moving it around are really good examples of how easy it is both create erratic movement and to make the mistake of thinking it's the object that is moving like that instead of it being an illusion of the object moving like that.
That's the problem though. This would only possibly explain the video. Not the fact that the object was picked up on radar and was witnessed by experts who have had millions pumped into their training to make sure they don't falsely identify anything when flying.
Mick West is so ingrained in his debunking to the point he actually "pre-debunked" a recent video before he had even seen it. Then when he tweeted about it he posted an edited clip that better fit his preconceived ideas.
If trained pilots and radar operators are saying they don't know what the object was, how can it be possible some guy on a forum, using only video footage and disregarding everything else is able to make the identification?
Welcome to the thread, L LisaMariaMartin
I understand that there are a lot of posts with a lot of links, pictures, and videos. It's a lot to cover. However, you aren't presenting any ideas we haven't already debated, and what us intelligence and former naval officers are telling us is that roughly 10% of these objects are unexplained, which means they aren't ours, China's, or Russia's (or anyone else's for that matter). So now what?
The US government (and other nations) would have already looked at the possibility of drones or tech from a foreign power. From watching 60 Minutes and other government reports, these possibilities were thrown out. The tech on display is so far ahead of anything humanity.
Things are getting real now. Can't wait to see what's in this report in June.
I honestly Think this a great opportunity (if these are indeed UAP to all nations), too actually work together to work it out
I mean they're invade all their air space, why not work together to study it
I get thats a immature way of looking at it, since all nations would want that tech. But it would be the first time in a long time, the planet actually had a subject they could work together on
The only other one is global warming........and thats not exactly gone well lol
I cant see them releasing next to nothing and moving on, the cats out the bag now, so somethings gotta happen.
Even now attitudes are changing, mainly to military personal not being ridiculed for reporting these things, thats a big step alrrady, means the subject isn't a joke now, its a legit thing and should be reported
I agree with you
Although, it's actually funny you say that. I was checking out some comments on the 60 Minutes YouTube video and there were people who think this UAP stuff is a conspiracy.
Their theory is that they tell the world that these things are a threat or aliens as a why to unite the world and start a new world order.......
You couldn't make it up.
For years people have been saying the US government have been covering up UFOs and they need to come clean, but as soon as the US government does come clean, people turn it into yet another conspiracy theory![]()
Having read most of Era's thread on the topic of the 60 minute broadcast, I still need to go through this thread.
BUt what if the pill boxes we are seeing that defy gravity and the laws of physics, are made by a long lost underwater civilization like Atlantis or such?
I mean, yes that's far fetched but also not THAT far fetched?
They were already very advanced, it could be that their civilization is still alive beneath our oceans. Probably a long shot but hey, why not.
Having read most of Era's thread on the topic of the 60 minute broadcast, I still need to go through this thread.
BUt what if the pill boxes we are seeing that defy gravity and the laws of physics, are made by a long lost underwater civilization like Atlantis or such?
I mean, yes that's far fetched but also not THAT far fetched?
They were already very advanced, it could be that their civilization is still alive beneath our oceans. Probably a long shot but hey, why not.
Eh. Don't think we should hold the greatest discovery in human history back because of some nut jobs. You are right though that religious people would be in shambles. You'd hopefully see a considerable uptick in atheism and/or agnosticism.Full reveal would break society in my opinion. We are not ready. There is people who belive earth is flat and that vaccines carry 5g chips
Very Religious people wouldn't be able to accept it.
Saying they exist would probably indicate that there is contact. They can probably understand the nature of existence and life and I'm sure that if other planets are inhabited by intelligent life it would be harder to believe Christ decided to use earth to cleanse humanity from sin.
I'd love for that to be confirmed that aliens exist but I don't think it's a good idea to just come out and say it.
Well. Those civilizations on other continents are still men. And christians think god created man. So the myth is not contradicted. If aliens were confirmed, there is direct contradiction. As these would not be humans. But completely different beings far smarter than any human. From another planet. Further exposing the genesis myth as, well, just that.Again with this nonsense? I think the lot of you need to step into a few churches and get in touch with what religious people are actually thinking. As a very religious person, myself, who has attended churches from the west coast to the deep south, I feel I've got a pretty good read on the vibe. You could just ask me.
Concerning the idea that there are other planets with intelligent beings making it harder to believe in Christ, wouldn't the existence of whole other continents with civilizations suffice to make that harder? All you are doing is changing scale and throwing other planets into the mix.
I do agree that a confirmation of aliens existing would imply contact. The diction coming from some former high ranking intelligence people reads as though we have not been able to initiate contact. The way their statements read leaves open the possibility that these objects may not even be vehicles. I feel that may be an indicator of just how much they don't know (ie. we don't know if it's a craft or a space mannatee or a graphical glitch in the matrix).![]()
But then you hover in on the left one and see food, music, war, conflict, love, cinema, struggle, companionship, pets, jobs, etc.I know its the wrong tread, but imagine travelling all this way just to see this...
Angels and demons who fly in spacecrafts? Who appear in cave paintings before anyone even made up the concepts of angels and demons? I dunno that seems like a stretch to me personally. Life and civilization started here on earth. The galaxy is incomprehensibly large. Mathematically speaking, this event could likely occur on another planet as well. Some of these hypothetical other lifeforms could become advanced enough to come visit earth. Seems like the more logical train of thought.I'd say one reason some people are attracted to the idea of aliens is that in their mind it would "show us selfish humans our place", especially in religious context. Aliens basically are an anti-religion fantasy to some, when in reality it's not against religious concepts at all despite some might wish it is. The concept of angels and demons who are more capable and powerful than us has been there forever and religious people have had no trouble accepting that.
Having read most of Era's thread on the topic of the 60 minute broadcast, I still need to go through this thread.
BUt what if the pill boxes we are seeing that defy gravity and the laws of physics, are made by a long lost underwater civilization like Atlantis or such?
I mean, yes that's far fetched but also not THAT far fetched?
They were already very advanced, it could be that their civilization is still alive beneath our oceans. Probably a long shot but hey, why not.
You seem like just an incredibly sensible poster for this discussion with no bias or animosity for things like religion. Can't wait to hear about all the things we're wrong about from you.Well. Those civilizations on other continents are still men. And christians think god created man. So the myth is not contradicted. If aliens were confirmed, there is direct contradiction. As these would not be humans. But completely different beings far smarter than any human. From another planet. Further exposing the genesis myth as, well, just that.
Saying aliens who can do things we literally think are scientifically impossible would be much smart than humans + saying beings from other planets contradicts the story that god made man on earth with no mention of other creatures what so ever makes me biased and spiteful?You seem like just an incredibly sensible poster for this discussion with no bias or animosity for things like religion. Can't wait to hear about all the things we're wrong about from you.
I'm not sure a parallel civilization would need to be tens of thousands or even thousands of years distinct from us to have the tech we see in these craft.
Imagine some group of powerful people developed a Babbage computer and decided to use it in secret in the 1800s. We know how quickly computer tech builds on itself, so if someone got a 150 year head start they could be much more advanced, especially if they hit singularity. There were a lot of sightings of airships in the mid-to-late 1800s, so those could have been that group's tech.
Saying aliens who can do things we literally think are scientifically impossible would be much smart than humans + saying beings from other planets contradicts the story that god made man on earth with no mention of other creatures what so ever makes me biased and spiteful?
I'm not sure a parallel civilization would need to be tens of thousands or even thousands of years distinct from us to have the tech we see in these craft.
Imagine some group of powerful people developed a Babbage computer and decided to use it in secret in the 1800s. We know how quickly computer tech builds on itself, so if someone got a 150 year head start they could be much more advanced, especially if they hit singularity. There were a lot of sightings of airships in the mid-to-late 1800s, so those could have been that group's tech.
First of all, welcome to the thread A arkhamguy123 . Speaking of things that are large, this thread is pretty lengthy and dense with discussion on all these points. Please be sure to check out the links and videos in between shitting on anything that doesn't jive with your personal belief.Angels and demons who fly in spacecrafts? Who appear in cave paintings before anyone even made up the concepts of angels and demons? I dunno that seems like a stretch to me personally. Life and civilization started here on earth. The galaxy is incomprehensibly large. Mathematically speaking, this event could likely occur on another planet as well. Some of these hypothetical other lifeforms could become advanced enough to come visit earth. Seems like the more logical train of thought.
Almost like these gods were crafted by humans after the fact who didn't understand prehistoric times or science and filled the gaps with gods.Think we can all agree god hates dinosaurs, since he never mentions them. No does any other god mention them either......odd that.
Yes, it does. You're rolling into an already happening discussion and declaring whole complex subjects like the Bible are entirely contradicted by something like the existence of aliens. People can't even align their understandings of the Bible, and yet you are apparently a full theologian on the thing. Just slow down a little bit. We can probably get along really well if you will just watch it on the dismissals of other ideas. The Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs either, and yet we've got a billion years of fossil evidence. The Bible also never says God create 1+ trillion heavily objects and only worked on one called earth. I've been reading the Bible most of my life while simultaneously looking to the heavens pondering what if... There's simply toooo much space out there full of awesome things. You and the rest of the stuffy shirts can believe the God of the bible only worked on this planet, but I'm pining for the whole damn "game world" suckerz!Saying aliens who can do things we literally think are scientifically impossible would be much smart than humans + saying beings from other planets contradicts the story that god made man on earth with no mention of other creatures what so ever makes me biased and spiteful?