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Aliens and UFOs

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advanced basic bitch
How the f*ck would you know, are you an airplane engineer or optics expert?
Of course not, you're merely parroting the sh*t that you picked up from these alien conspiracy nutters.

None of these objects behave outside of the ordinary.

Great, more tone policing because you cannot refute any of my arguments. If only you'd apply a modicum of the same skepticism towards these bullsh*t UFO stories this topic wouldn't be such a laughable pile of garbage.
It's hard to take anyone seriously who opens up with Fuck you, fools. My interest in this topic is casual. I'll leave it to the other guys to shit on your claims. Which they already have and your response was REEEEEEEEEEEEE


Oh spare us the whining, your insufferable UFO conspiracies are an attack on people's intelligence. Doesn't seem to disturb you in the slightest though.
You didn't even have the decency to watch the frikkin' videos, but went straight for the b*tchy drama.

I don't have to tell you sh*t, you're the ones making the extraordinary claims. The fact that you've presented bokeh effects and F-18 heat signatures as proof for alien UFOs is not only reason enough to ridicule any other such claims of that nature but also demonstrates how little fact checking is actually being done in threads such as this one.

You are a piece of work. First off, why would I waste a minute on your fringe Busted videos that look like YouTube click-bait when you clearly haven't spent any time perusing the thread? You're not the first person to drop in and make a shitpost like the one you posted. Your follow up post about the bokeh effect? We've been there and done all that. Second, I don't see any of us here really making extraordinary claims. It's more like commenting on things notable people are saying, like Barrack Obama admitting that there are unidentified objects that behave in a manner contrary to our understanding of the laws of physics that no one has been able to explain. With people like the former president affirming these claims, you would think you have quite the topic to sit and talk about, wouldn't you say?

And for your information, I really haven't had jack shit to say about most of the images and so-called videos from amateurs spotting strange things in the sky. I'm simply not experienced or qualified to know what I'm looking at or what to look out for with CGI video, etc. I like this thread as a means of keeping up with the upcoming information release and learning about what large media outlets are beginning to pick this up. Whether you like it or not, everyone is beginning to hear about this through their local news and it's unnerving to quite a few people I know. So it is a topic with merit to be discussed.
How the f*ck would you know, are you an airplane engineer or optics expert?
Of course not, you're merely parroting the sh*t that you picked up from these alien conspiracy nutters.

None of these objects behave outside of the ordinary.

How does a camera lens effect impact a radar system that corroborated what the pilot saw? Radar gives starting position, end position, and time of transit. Anyone can calculate average velocity and estimate acceleration from that.

If you think I need to be an aerospace engineer or optics specialist to do that, you don't live in the real world.


How does a camera lens effect impact a radar system that corroborated what the pilot saw? Radar gives starting position, end position, and time of transit. Anyone can calculate average velocity and estimate acceleration from that.

If you think I need to be an aerospace engineer or optics specialist to do that, you don't live in the real world.

Didn't think the pyramid ufo video had any radar data?, only the video we saw, which was a iPhone looking through a nightscope, I mean that alone could cause odd effects, never thought the pyramid ufos were much to shout about

Unless the info on that video has changed?
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I hear always this claim but there is not a single video or any radar data available that shows this acceleration. Only stories but no prof.
I believe the stories you refer to are the actual cockpit audio between the pilots and the flight tower back at the carrier. Yeah, so far we only have the audio that states that it was picked up by radar. If you're looking for something more than audio released by the US Navy, then you will just have to wait and hope that what becomes declassified is more substantial than literal Navy pilots and flight technicians discussing what they're seeing both literally and through their instruments, as though that isn't credible enough.
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You first UFO is a bokeh effect:


An this is an F18 filmed by an infrared camera (you can see the heat emissions coming from the jet engines):


There you go, your supposed "evidence" for UFOs.
Don't believe every sensational headline you come across.

I mean yeah, more than likely those are nothing. The problem is those are probably the least compelling cases.

When people come in here to do the typical 'debunk drops', they rarely challenge the top tier cases, or they purposely leave out information.


Here the other pilot interview, not really seen her speak much

Doesn't sound washed out to me, isnt she credible?, or did she know that a decade later she could sell ufo merchandise.....


I hear always this claim but there is not a single video or any radar data available that shows this acceleration. Only stories but no prof.

But even then when the actual files drop what will be said then? Any radar data or video can be altered. So people will just fall back and punt by saying government hoax. We've got radar military operators and Pentagon officials telling us the speeds, not to mention cases from other countries like the Norwegian scientific study. Again similar acceleration and speeds on radar.


What strange headache strange headache thought he was doing.
Barack Obama Reaction GIF

How he comes off
Kicking And Screaming Tantrum GIF
The sad thing, strange headache strange headache is probably in good company in this thread as most of us are skeptical of a lot of the stuff shared in the thread. Speaking of my personal beliefs and wants, I really hope we're not being visited and ignored by some technologically superior race, because it just doesn't seem right for them to violate our airspace in broad daylight and practically ignore us without any attempts of contact... seems rather foreboding to me.
My interest in this topic is casual. I'll leave it to the other guys to shit on your claims. Which they already have and your response was REEEEEEEEEEEEE

The only people reeeeeing in this thread are the ones whose conspiracy bubbles are being popped. For somebody who has a a mere "casual" interest in this topic, you're taking this rather personally.
It's always the same when somebody enters these frikkin' information bubbles... people freak out when confronted with some basic truth.

You are a piece of work. First off, why would I waste a minute on your fringe Busted videos that look like YouTube click-bait when you clearly haven't spent any time perusing the thread?

Fringe? I forgot that you'd rather waste your time watching the crappy conspiracy fairytales by these pied pipers of Roswell who are barely a step above the flat earthers and palm-readers.
You've filled more than 50 pages with this crap, get real.

Doesn't sound washed out to me, isnt she credible?, or did she know that a decade later she could sell ufo merchandise.....

It's always these ex-military "witnesses", going on about their civilian lives for decades until they suddenly decide to crawl out of the woodwork smelling a juicy paycheck for a 5 minute interview.

I mean yeah, more than likely those are nothing. The problem is those are probably the least compelling cases.

You don't get it, there are no "compelling" cases for alien aircraft. If there was, it wouldn't be sold on youtube by charlatans for ad revenue and militaries all over the frikkin' world would take these cases more seriously. It's all bullsh*t and you guys are helping to perpetuate it. What's worse is that optical illusions, out of focus videos and infrared images are being sold as solid evidence by the "UFO community", which should tell you enough about their intentions and level of scrutiny. Why even believe anything else these people have to say?

You could as well believe the Elvis sightings.


The only people reeeeeing in this thread are the ones whose conspiracy bubbles are being popped. For somebody who has a a mere "casual" interest in this topic, you're taking this rather personally.
It's always the same when somebody enters these frikkin' information bubbles... people freak out when confronted with some basic truth.

Fringe? I forgot that you'd rather waste your time watching the crappy conspiracy fairytales by these pied pipers of Roswell who are barely a step above the flat earthers and palm-readers.
You've filled more than 50 pages with this crap, get real.

It's always these ex-military "witnesses", going on about their civilian lives for decades until they suddenly decide to crawl out of the woodwork smelling a juicy paycheck for a 5 minute interview.

You don't get it, there are no "compelling" cases for alien aircraft. If there was, it wouldn't be sold on youtube by charlatans for ad revenue and militaries all over the frikkin' world would take these cases more seriously. It's all bullsh*t and you guys are helping to perpetuate it. What's worse is that optical illusions, out of focus videos and infrared images are being sold as solid evidence by the "UFO community", which should tell you enough about their intentions and level of scrutiny. Why even believe anything else these people have to say?

You could as well believe the Elvis sightings.

She didn't decide

It's was leaked, neither pilot started this

U really have no idea of the history of this do u
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advanced basic bitch
The only people reeeeeing in this thread are the ones whose conspiracy bubbles are being popped. For somebody who has a a mere "casual" interest in this topic, you're taking this rather personally.
It's always the same when somebody enters these frikkin' information bubbles... people freak out when confronted with some basic truth.

Fringe? I forgot that you'd rather waste your time watching the crappy conspiracy fairytales by these pied pipers of Roswell who are barely a step above the flat earthers and palm-readers.
You've filled more than 50 pages with this crap, get real.

It's always these ex-military "witnesses", going on about their civilian lives for decades until they suddenly decide to crawl out of the woodwork smelling a juicy paycheck for a 5 minute interview.

You don't get it, there are no "compelling" cases for alien aircraft. If there was, it wouldn't be sold on youtube by charlatans for ad revenue and militaries all over the frikkin' world would take these cases more seriously. It's all bullsh*t and you guys are helping to perpetuate it. What's worse is that optical illusions, out of focus videos and infrared images are being sold as solid evidence by the "UFO community", which should tell you enough about their intentions and level of scrutiny. Why even believe anything else these people have to say?

You could as well believe the Elvis sightings.
Why so angry? Who hurt you today? Are you hoping to "wake up" us fools to save our souls? What's the beef here?


You don't get it, there are no "compelling" cases for alien aircraft. If there was, it wouldn't be sold on youtube by charlatans for ad revenue and militaries all over the frikkin' world would take these cases more seriously. It's all bullsh*t and you guys are helping to perpetuate it. What's worse is that optical illusions, out of focus videos and infrared images are being sold as solid evidence by the "UFO community", which should tell you enough about their intentions and level of scrutiny. Why even believe anything else these people have to say?

You could as well believe the Elvis sightings.

So militaries all over the world have programs that study these objects going back to WW2. Several presidents, Generals, Admirals, pentagon officials, intelligence officials, prime ministers, astronauts have all come out, but we're supposed to believe it's all a coordinated, worldwide hoax dating back to WW2 to sell merchandise in the 2020s? That's some forethought.
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The sad thing, strange headache strange headache is probably in good company in this thread as most of us are skeptical of a lot of the stuff shared in the thread. Speaking of my personal beliefs and wants, I really hope we're not being visited and ignored by some technologically superior race, because it just doesn't seem right for them to violate our airspace in broad daylight and practically ignore us without any attempts of contact... seems rather foreboding to me.
Well, look on the bright side, if they're ignoring us at least that means they're not extremely hostile, otherwise they would have destroyed us/the planet a long time ago. I made a post a couple of pages ago warning against inferring motivations of possible alien intelligences or projecting your own psychology on to them. For starters, they would probably have no idea what you mean by "violating airspace".
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So militaries all over the world have programs that study these objects going back to WW2. Several presidents, Generals, Admirals, pentagon officials, intelligence officials, prime ministers, astronauts have all come out, but we're supposed to believe it's all a coordinated, worldwide hoax dating back to WW2 to sell merchandise in the 2020s? That's some forethought.

Sounds like a tin foil conspiracy theory nut to me
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Oh and here is more debunking of this military footage presented as phony pseudo-evidence by UFO profiteers:


Mysterious object "disappeared" because it's an infrared glare of an object going over the horizon. Could by a whale coming up the surface to let out a fart, who gives a sh*t. Your military certainly doesn't and for good reason, because it's f*cking nothing.
What's important is that no breaking of any kind of physics is involved.

So militaries all over the world have programs that study these objects going back to WW2. Several presidents, Generals, Admirals, pentagon officials, intelligence officials, prime ministers, astronauts have all come out, but we're supposed to believe it's all a coordinated, worldwide hoax dating back to WW2 to sell merchandise in the 2020s? That's some forethought.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Oh and here is more debunking of this military footage presented as phony pseudo-evidence by UFO profiteers:


Mysterious object "disappeared" because it's an infrared glare of an object going over the horizon. Could by a whale coming up the surface to let out a fart, who gives a sh*t. Your military certainly doesn't and for good reason, because it's f*cking nothing.
What's important is that no breaking of any kind of physics is involved.

You don't even listen to your own sources. The guy outright admitted he had no idea what it is in that video, and said it was a balloon hours before those videos. A balloon lol
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You don't even listen to your own sources. The guy outright admitted he had no idea what it is in that video, and said it was a balloon hours before those videos. A balloon lol

Dude has given an explanation that is not only far more probable but also way more credible, but no it must be aliens because.... no reasons given.
That's like saying Zeus is making lightning because you don't know how electrostatic discharge works.

There's only one thing that is out of this world, and that's your selective reasoning.
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Yeh where's the rest of the video

So that's 10mins of something flying against the wind.

Where's the rest


What's important is that no breaking of any kind of physics is involved.

I think I've located the source of your headache.

Aliens be like

Dude, we don't have a remotely complete understanding of the laws of physics. What we have, is at best a work-in-progress model. What else needs to be said?
Dude, we don't have a remotely complete understanding of the laws of physics. What we have, is at best a work-in-progress model. What else needs to be said?

And so far, over these 54 pages of insanity, you've shown nothing that would even contradict our "rudimentary" understanding of physics.


Dude has given an explanation that is not only far more probably but also way more credible, but no it must be aliens because.... no reasons given.
That's like saying Zeus is making lightning because you don't know how electrostatic discharge works.

There's only one thing that is out of this world, and that's your selective reasoning.

No one said it was aliens first off. Secondly, you're not even watching the videos or keeping up with Mick. He said it was like 3 different things. All of which are very different.
Thirdly, it's yet again another case of Mick targeting grainy videos that are softball pitches and ignoring the more compelling cases.


No one said it was aliens first off. Secondly, you're not even watching the videos or keeping up with Mick. He said it was like 3 different things. All of which are very different.
Thirdly, it's yet again another case of Mick targeting grainy videos that are softball pitches and ignoring the more compelling cases.

He couldn't identify the object

So it's a unidentified object then......


Well, look on the bright side, if they're ignoring us at least that means they're not extremely hostile, otherwise they would have destroyed us/the planet a long time ago. I made a post a couple of pages ago warning against inferring motivations of possible alien intelligences or projecting your own psychology on to them. For starters, they would probably have no idea what you mean by "violating airspace".

For sure. There's a plethora of implications that we would need to keep in consideration. No matter how you choose to look at it, the fact is that if they are flying around in our airspace, they are choosing to ignore us. We know they see us. We know this because of the accounts we have gotten that state they have reacted to our presence and our approach. The question is why ignore us and why bypass attempts at communication or contact? What would make sense here?

It could be that they believe we are incredibly hostile, like some island tribe that has had no contact to the outside. We see their planes and their boats, and on occasion we throw spears. They have to get in and get back off our island quickly, sometimes just not worrying about us seeing them. It could make sense that no one wants to make contact with us for fear of the technological taint it would leave on a people who aren't ready to handle it.

Still, it feels incredibly intrusive if they are just moving about our planet without saying anything to any of us. We're mostly civilized and structured. There's no need to visit unannounced and do willy nilly to our home world.


Mick has been asked several times to look at more compelling cases with scientific data, but no, he'd rather debunk grainy videos and cast doubt on softball pitches.

Whenever scientists look into mass sightings cases, compelling data follows like the vid below. They recorded years of data and objects moving 18000mph with no sonic booms.

Of course prompting Mick to look at actual data doesn't work, hes too busy doing tricks to explain grainy videos.

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And so far, over these 54 pages of insanity, you've shown nothing that would even contradict our "rudimentary" understanding of physics.
Have you ever listened to Bernardo Kastrup argue his theory that consciousness is the fundamental nature of our universe, not matter? He's pretty much an accepted member of the scientific community.

Basically we do not know the nature or origin of consciousness. Because all other science (including physics, math) is a product of human mind, of human consciousness, there is a way in which it's all built on extremely wobbly scaffolding. Even though we can make predictions and create advanced technology, we have no way of assessing how much we are actually still ignorant of.
No one said it was aliens first off. Secondly, you're not even watching the videos or keeping up with Mick. He said it was like 3 different things. All of which are very different.
Thirdly, it's yet again another case of Mick targeting grainy videos that are softball pitches and ignoring the more compelling cases.

1) You have people in this very thread, including you, outright taking these videos as proof for alien visitors. See your own comment above, ffs!

2) The hell you talking about? I watched the full video and even took screenshots out of it because you guys can't be arsed to watch these videos. Kindly f*ck off with these assumptions. He gave you one explanation for the sudden disappearance of the object and different explanations of what said object could be. All of these explanations are better than "aliens".

3) All of your dumb videos are grainy and of bad quality, which is also the reason why all of these "proofs" are bullsh* in the first place.

Mick has been asked several times to look at more compelling cases with scientific data, but no, he'd rather debunk grainy videos and cast doubt on softball pitches.

There are NO compelling cases WITH scientific data. When 99,99% of the thousands of images and testimonies are outright fake crap, why assume it would be different for the 0,01% remaining? You can't expect single individuals to debunk each and every bullsh*t claim, ain't nobody got time for that. The burden of undeniable proof lies upon the shoulders of those making the extraordinary claims.
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He not wrong tho, that splash isn't evidence, just someone saying it.

But in the same breath he can't identify it, so he's actually proved its a UFO in that respect

he did say it could be a whale, or balloons, or plane or helicopter, I guess saying he can't identify it would be saying its a ufo, which contradicts the video and his whole channel

And isnt this dude channel about debunking, I thought anyone out to make money wasn't to be taken serious? Yet Mike here is making money off youtube, doesnt that by the same logic make him unreliable? Since he has a vested interest to debunk it out the gate....gonna watch some more of his channel, I mean the splash video makes sense i what he's saying

The splash video is wank tho, the other 6mins of that video could answer a lot for questions 1 way or another, perhaps thats why its left out. The horizon theory makes perfect sense to me
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Didn't think the pyramid ufo video had any radar data?, only the video we saw, which was a iPhone looking through a nightscope, I mean that alone could cause odd effects, never thought the pyramid ufos were much to shout about

Unless the info on that video has changed?

He's doing careful avoidance of the full evidence, like all the skeptics do.

Other stereotypical signs include using one incident to paint a broad stroke over everything else and incoherent screeching over AlIeNs and strawmanning our arguments as being for these craft being alien.

I hear always this claim but there is not a single video or any radar data available that shows this acceleration. Only stories but no

Literally everything is a "story" lol. Any time you read a scientific study you are reading a story of what some guy did. People communicating in real time about what instruments are reading is no different. I literally do thay shit every week, if not day, when I analyze my process and do follow-up tests against my operators. So the objects were accelerating up well beyond the speed of sound almost instantly to travel as both pilots and radar saw. I don't have to do the load and stress calcs to tell you that our engineering can't handle that.
1) You have people in this very thread, including you, outright taking these videos as proof for alien visitors. See your own comment above, ffs!

2) The hell you talking about? I watched the full video and even took screenshots out of it because you guys can't be arsed to watch these videos. Kindly f*ck off with these assumptions. He gave you one explanation for the sudden disappearance of the object and different explanations of what said object could be. All of these explanations are better than "aliens".

3) All of your dumb videos are grainy and of bad quality, which is also the reason why all of these "proofs" are bullsh* in the first place.

There are NO compelling cases WITH scientific data. When 99,99% of the thousands of images and testimonies are outright fake crap, why assume it would be different for the 0,01% remaining? You can't expect single individuals to debunk each and every bullsh*t claim, ain't nobody got time for that. The burden of undeniable proof lies upon the shoulders of those making the extraordinary claims.

Do you have any proof for the 99.99% figure? Are you a statistician? How are you qualified to make broad statements of statistical facts? You should just stick to what you know and let the experts rule over everything.
Have you ever listened to Bernardo Kastrup argue his theory that consciousness is the fundamental nature of our universe, not matter? He's pretty much an accepted member of the scientific community.

What does ontology have to do with any of this?

And isnt this dude channel about debunking, I thought anyone out to make money wasn't to be taken serious? Yet Mike here is making money off youtube, doesnt that by the same logic make him unreliable? Since he has a vest interest to debunk it out the gate....

Yeah, because the "alien skeptic and debunking" market is such a profitable one, amirite? Contrary to the million dollar industry that is alien tourism and UFO book sales. Dude has 20k subscribers and also produces tons of other science content, clearly he's only in it for the money. Meanwhile you have these UFO charlatans outright shilling for their books.

Do you have any proof for the 99.99% figure? Are you a statistician?

That's the best you came up with? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You'd think over the 60 year course of modern alien UFO research, the community would have come up with better evidence by now. Clearly, my figure isn't that far from the mark.
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What does ontology have to do with any of this?

Yeah, because the "alien skeptic and debunking" market is such a profitable one, amirite? Contrary to the million dollar industry that is alien tourism and UFO book sales. Dude has 20k subscribers and also produces tons of other science content, clearly he's only in it for the money. Meanwhile you have these UFO charlatans outright shilling for their books.

Yes, people like the Amazing Randi and Michael Shermer have never made money or gotten attention by being preposterous dickheads.


What does ontology have to do with any of this?

Yeah, because the "alien skeptic and debunking" market is such a profitable one, amirite? Contrary to the million dollar industry that is alien tourism and UFO book sales. Dude has 20k subscribers and also produces tons of other science content, clearly he's only in it for the money. Meanwhile you have these UFO charlatans outright shilling for their books.

He still has a vested interest to debunk, and generate views and revenue, thats what he does, debunk.....

Different scale, same operation, nit saying thats what he's doing, but its the same con as you're proposing

I 100% agree with ufo shills and their books, look a Dr Greer, he's a grifter of the highest level, and if you had read through most of this thread, u would know that
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He still has a vested interest to debunk, and generate views and revenue, thats what he does, debunk.....

Different scale, same operation

I 100% agree with ufo shills and their books, look a Dr Greer, he's a grifter of the highest level, and if you had read through most of this thread, u would know that

Fair enough I guess, but you'd think he would pick the far more profitable industry.
Also his videos are not monetized otherwise he would make them 10 minutes long, so clearly he's not really trying to make money with this.

Still that doesn't change the validity of his arguments and so far I've seen zero compelling counter-arguments.
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1) You have people in this very thread, including you, outright taking these videos as proof for alien visitors. See your own comment above, ffs!

2) The hell you talking about? I watched the full video and even took screenshots out of it because you guys can't be arsed to watch these videos. Kindly f*ck off with these assumptions. He gave you one explanation for the sudden disappearance of the object and different explanations of what said object could be. All of these explanations are better than "aliens".

3) All of your dumb videos are grainy and of bad quality, which is also the reason why all of these "proofs" are bullsh* in the first place.

There are NO compelling cases WITH scientific data. When 99,99% of the thousands of images and testimonies are outright fake crap, why assume it would be different for the 0,01% remaining? You can't expect single individuals to debunk each and every bullsh*t claim, ain't nobody got time for that. The burden of undeniable proof lies upon the shoulders of those making the extraordinary claims.

You don't understand the difference between speculation and "proof of aliens." I'm calling you out. I've never said a single video or anything is proof of aliens. You're lying.

You're not even watching the videos you post. Mich says different things and has to correct himself. And that's what I'm talking about Mick is just as bad or worse than the UFO believer bullshit, he prays on people just the same to generate views, the same reason he stays away from the best cases.

You're lying again or didn't watch the video if you don't think there are any compelling cases. You probably think the pentagon UAPs are the same level as Elvis UFOs, kinda seems like you can't make that distinction between better and worse cases just "omg Mich west!!!!"
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You are the one who was prattling about how I can't make comments because I'm not an expert earlier. What makes you an expert on this?

My f*cking evidence!

You're even watching the videos you post, that's what I'm talking about Mick is just as bad or worse than the UFO believer bullshit, he prays on people just the same to generate views, the same reason he stays away from the best cases.

Dude is protecting gullible idiots from charlatans and money-seekers. He is way waaaayyyy better than any of the sources you've presented so far.
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Fair enough I guess, but you'd think he would prick the more profitable industry.
Also his videos are not monetized otherwise he would make them 10 minutes long, so clearly he's not really trying to make money with this.

Nice, thanks for correcting that for me, my opinion is now slightly changed, as said ill watch more of his videos

Some of us want to watch debunking videos and see all sides

Not sure why you've got so personal straight away in this thread? The fact remains, whether u believe it or not, that ufos are confirmed, the question now should be what are they?
No one has said irs aliens, some of us (especially me) are biased towards it, because of course we have certain beliefs and a vested interest in the subject because we've followed most of our lives

Thats DOESNT mean we think its little green men, we don't know, even your mate Mike has no idea

You didn't want to see this thread yet you're here keeping it on the top, and are still discussing it, which is cool since you're posting videos to back up your claims

Why not actually engage, instead of coming out the gate and insulting people to pander to your ego (if thats what you're doing), you might find a decent debate, but judging by how you've started off, I'll assume that's not the case

So what is it? Ignore the thread and no more issues for you, or engage and stop being a bit of douche?

I'm good regardless of what u choose lol
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