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Aliens and UFOs

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Dude, even your own witness sources don't want to be associated to these alien fairy tales:

Your very own military members are confirming that it's nothing but a big load of bollocks:

Why don't you believe these people? You simply do not want to, because mythical UFO stories are more entertaining than the boring truth.
That is what this whole thread amounts to, selective perception.

So what does this even mean? You've got one pilot from one encounter saying it was a UFO. That's it. You think we expected him to claim aliens? Why? Could he see inside the craft? Even in the best cases, the pilots aren't coming out and saying aliens confirmed. This is a nothing burger and its not what this is about.
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advanced basic bitch
Sure, that must be the reason, not the lack of evidence, not their own military debunking these stories. It's me! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
As far as I'm concerned, you're the ones in search of the fabled philosopher's stone. I've already determined that alien spacecraft simply do not exist and for good reason.

Huckster's won't get rich from me, they've got nothing I want. The ufologists on the other hand are gobbling these stories up like crazy.
You don't believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life? You must be a hardcore creationist then. It's inevitable.
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Did the military debunk it? They said there could have been a radar glitch bit did not address the radar corroboration.

And, if anything, they are confirming it now.
You know jacksh*t about radar operation and functionality, certainly not any more than the military guys who outright confirmed that it could as well be a radar glitch.
What's more likely, a technical glitch or that alien's have visited us in their little saucers?

This is a nothing burger

You don't believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life?

My god, do you have anything worthwhile to add?
The existence of extraterrestrial life has nothing to do with aliens visiting our planet.
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Why don't you believe these people? You simply do not want to, because mythical UFO stories are more entertaining than the boring truth.
That is what this whole thread amounts to, selective perception.
Why don't you believe UFO witnesses? You simply do not want to, because mundane weather balloon stories are more reassuring than the mysterious, possibly frightening truth.
That's what this whole headache is about, fear of the unknown.

I've already determined that alien spacecraft simply do not exist and for good reason.

Sure, because you know the whole universe, and the nature of reality is entirely transparant to you.
No scientist worth his salt would sign off on such a hubristic statement



Your point is a nothing burger. Just want to make that clear. You've not made a single point in this thread against anyone, and that's something I've not seen before. Even the most hardcore skeptics have something to say that makes you think sometimes, you've brought absolutely nothing.


advanced basic bitch
You know jacksh*t about radar operation and functionality, certainly not any more than the military guys who outright confirmed that it could as well be a radar glitch.
What's more likely, a technical glitch or that alien's have visited us in their little saucers?


My god, do you have anything worthwhile to add?
The existence of extraterrestrial life has nothing to do with aliens visiting our planet.
Try answering the question instead of deflecting. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? It's a simple question.
You know jacksh*t about radar operation and functionality, certainly not any more than the military guys who outright confirmed that it could as well be a radar glitch.
What's more likely, a technical glitch or that alien's have visited us in their little saucers?


My god, do you have anything worthwhile to add?
The existence of extraterrestrial life has nothing to do with aliens visiting our planet.

Radar and infrared are different things lmao and they only mentioned the infrared camera.

TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE though, even though you don't know something a 6th grader would.
No scientist worth his salt would sign off on such a hubristic statement

No scientist worth his salt would not be laughing their butts off at this thread.
Get real!

The one thing I've noticed about people who "know." UFO extremists or super skeptics are almost always narcissists.

Sure I'm the narcissist, yet you have half a dozen triggered fairy tale believers getting their panties in a twist because somebody dared disturb their little fart-smelling UFO circlejerk.
Don't you guys f*cking complain about me insulting others, you've presented nothing but ad hominems and funny dots in the sky.

Radar and infrared are different things lmao and they only mentioned the infrared camera.

We're grasping at straws I see.
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advanced basic bitch
No scientist worth his salt would not be laughing their butts off at this thread.
Get real!

Sure I'm the narcissist, yet you have half a dozen triggered fairy tale believers getting their panties in a twist because somebody dared disturb their little fart-smelling UFO circlejerk.
Don't you guys f*cking complain about me insulting others, you've presented nothing but ad hominems and funny dots in the sky.
Maybe if you spoke like an adult people would listen?
No scientist worth his salt would not be laughing their butts off at this thread.
Get real!

Sure I'm the narcissist, yet you have half a dozen triggered fairy tale believers getting their panties in a twist because somebody dared disturb their little fart-smelling UFO circlejerk.
Don't you guys f*cking complain about me insulting others, you've presented nothing but ad hominems and funny dots in the sky.

Last week a former president literally confirmed there are unknown craft flying around doing things we can't do. Get off your high horse.


Sure I'm the narcissist, yet you have half a dozen triggered fairy tale believers getting their panties in a twist because somebody dared disturb their little fart-smelling UFO circlejerk.
Don't you guys f*cking complain about me insulting others, you've presented nothing but ad hominems and funny dots in the sky.

No ones triggered lol. You haven't posted a single link we haven't seen before, less than that, you don't even seem to have your own thoughts about it. Just "you suck! Mick West!"

And no one said you were a narcissist specifically. It's just something I've noticed. Don't you think it's odd that we don't even understand how the universe works, yet some guy on a videogame forum shows up with all the answers, yet has absolutely nothing to say specifically on the subject? You don't even have your own ideas, so its a gut feeling right bro?

You claimed I said aliens were confirmed. I didn't. Still waiting for you to respond.
You said I was a "master" of deflection. Still waiting for you to find a single shred of evidence. Narcissists also feel they're above having to establish themselves in any way. They ignore and deflect challenges. Does that mean I'm calling you one? No, it doesn't, but if I absolutely had to bet money I would.

You've done nothing but back down every time someone calls you out.
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He's not going to answer. His shtick will be to deflect and ridicule to stroke his ego/"intelligence" until he's had enough fun or is threadbanned.
His shtick is to do this in every thread he participates in. I don't know how he has managed to avoid getting perm banned except that his native habitat is in the console warring threads.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
People donate to skeptic organizations all the time. Clearly they have something to gain, so they can't be trusted.
Huh? Nobody is "donating" anything to To The Stars. It's a for-profit company.. the company itself uses the credentials of it's employees / owners to try to sell more shares.

They tried to value themselves at $50 million when they filed w/ the SEC in 2017 lol, they failed terribly at selling at that value.. but things are, as they say, picking up.. this latest round of key individuals hyping the videos that To The Stars helped distribute in 2017 is gaining a lot of traction.. as is the History Channel "documentary" they produced.

I feel like some of you need to listen to yourselves how you throw these people's credentials around like we are supposed to immediately believe them. "They have an intelligence director backing them up!" Yes.. a trust fund baby whose family owns banks and oil companies, who then became a career politician.. that's what the "intelligence director" was.. whodathunk someone with ties to oil money would earn such a title under George W. Bush? And now he is a private equity investor in To The Stars.. uses his credentials while appearing in documentaries he himself produced, and profits from, and profits more from if the idea of UFOs being "aliens" gains more mainstream attraction.

To me that doesn't smack of trustworthyness.


His shtick is to do this in every thread he participates in. I don't know how he has managed to avoid getting perm banned except that his native habitat is in the console warring threads.

Neogaf even has its own anthropologist!

He picked an appropriate username, so much is certain


Huh? Nobody is "donating" anything to To The Stars. It's a for-profit company.. the company itself uses the credentials of it's employees / owners to try to sell more shares.

They tried to value themselves at $50 million when they filed w/ the SEC in 2017 lol, they failed terribly at selling at that value.. but things are, as they say, picking up.. this latest round of key individuals hyping the videos that To The Stars helped distribute in 2017 is gaining a lot of traction.. as is the History Channel "documentary" they produced.

I feel like some of you need to listen to yourselves how you throw these people's credentials around like we are supposed to immediately believe them. "They have an intelligence director backing them up!" Yes.. a trust fund baby whose family owns banks and oil companies, who then became a career politician.. that's what the "intelligence director" was.. whodathunk someone with ties to oil money would earn such a title under George W. Bush? And now he is a private equity investor in To The Stars.. uses his credentials while appearing in documentaries he himself produced, and profits from, and profits more from if the idea of UFOs being "aliens" gains more mainstream attraction.

To me that doesn't smack of trustworthyness.
Yes, but don't overlook what I said in reply to you.
Craft? Yes.

Must be those damn Chinese saucers, I've heard they're all the rage nowadays.
Or maybe some secret military project from Area 51...

That you continue to pretend that UFOs and aliens are inextricably linked shows how disingenuous you are.

Have you looked at the frikkin' title of this topic?
And no, I know that UFOs can be something else than "aliens"... wtf.

I don't know how he has managed to avoid getting perm banned except that his native habitat is in the console warring threads.

You for real? I don't even own a console!

That's the dumbest assumption about me that I've read in a long time :messenger_tears_of_joy:
It's quite evident you know absolutely nothing about me and are just trying to sling mud.

It's just something I've noticed. Don't you think it's odd that we don't even understand how the universe works, yet some guy on a videogame forum shows up with all the answers, yet has absolutely nothing to say specifically on the subject. You don't even have your own ideas.

Yeah no, contrary to you guys I'm not spreading unproven assumptions. The only people who seem to have all the answers are you guys, despite there being ZERO evidence for aliens or alien spacecraft.
"Own ideas"? You're the ones sharing bullcrap fairy tales you've picked up from random sources on the net. Doesn't take a whole lot of creativity to believe in that sh*t because you've watched one too many sci-fi movie.
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advanced basic bitch
Why are you avoding questions strange headache strange headache ? Why is Obama talking about it? He's confirmed it. Let's talk about that. What reason would he have to lie? And do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Stop avoiding and deflecting.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Yes, but don't overlook what I said in reply to you.
I just don't even know what to say to that.. you are using 9/11 and the Iraq War to somehow give credence to the idea we should trust people who left their government jobs to found a for-profit UFO Research and Entertainment company?

What does that have to do with 9/11 again?
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Huh? Nobody is "donating" anything to To The Stars. It's a for-profit company.. the company itself uses the credentials of it's employees / owners to try to sell more shares.

They tried to value themselves at $50 million when they filed w/ the SEC in 2017 lol, they failed terribly at selling at that value.. but things are, as they say, picking up.. this latest round of key individuals hyping the videos that To The Stars helped distribute in 2017 is gaining a lot of traction.. as is the History Channel "documentary" they produced.

I feel like some of you need to listen to yourselves how you throw these people's credentials around like we are supposed to immediately believe them. "They have an intelligence director backing them up!" Yes.. a trust fund baby whose family owns banks and oil companies, who then became a career politician.. that's what the "intelligence director" was.. whodathunk someone with ties to oil money would earn such a title under George W. Bush? And now he is a private equity investor in To The Stars.. uses his credentials while appearing in documentaries he himself produced, and profits from, and profits more from if the idea of UFOs being "aliens" gains more mainstream attraction.

To me that doesn't smack of trustworthyness.

Things are picking up for To the Stars? How do we actually know that? So a rich, trust fund baby works for a meager company that can't get a 50 million dollar eval? I worked for a parts store in my teens that did 38 million and they weren't even that big. Maybe he should just go back to oil? That makes no sense, why would he pursue something so lucrative? Oil is a proven winner, and if he's a trust fund baby, why even bother at all with this? And then how do we address other people with a similar opinion in government that aren't associated with To the Stars? They're "getting a cut" of the profit? UK, Russia, Brazil, all these nations have UAP programs because they forecasted To the Stars?
Must be those damn Chinese saucers, I've heard they're all the rage nowadays.
Or maybe some secret military project from Area 51...

Could be. Could be drones the US military developed. Could be a lot of things.

Have you looked at the frikkin' title of this topic?
And no, I know that UFO can be something something else than "aliens"... wtf.

If you had any genuine interest, you would know that the theory that some UFOs are controlled by extraterrestrials is called the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). It's the prevailing theory because it is the easiest for people to grift off of, and I freely admit that. A lot of that is driven by a culture generated from military intel manipulating the community from its earliest years. The same sensationalism that makes aliens easy to grift off of also makes it easy to dismiss officially, so there is a nice 1-2 punch to discredit any sightings of craft.


Yeah no, contrary to you guys I'm not spreading unproven assumptions. The only people who seem to have all the answers are you guys, despite there being ZERO evidence for aliens or alien spacecraft.
"Own ideas"? You're the ones sharing bullcrap fairy tales you've picked up from random sources on the net. Doesn't take a whole lot of creativity to believe in that sh*t because you've watched one too many sci-fi movie.

See, that's where you've failed as a poster. This thread is not about alien confirmation, it's about speculation and the direction we're heading with dealing with it. There is absolutely an unexplained phenomenon happening in the skies, and it might not be aliens or anything we can explain. Just curious, so you think we as humans can explain everything, that seems to be your stance right?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Things are picking up for To the Stars? How do we actually know that? So a rich, trust fund baby works for a meager company that can't get a 50 million dollar eval? I worked for a parts store in my teens that did 38 million and they weren't even that big. Maybe he should just go back to oil? That makes no sense, why would he pursue something so lucrative? Oil is a proven winner, and if he's a trust fund baby, why even bother at all with this? And then how do we address other people with a similar opinion in government that aren't associated with To the Stars? They're "getting a cut" of the profit? UK, Russia, Brazil, all these nations have UAP programs because they forecasted To the Stars?
Their failure to get $50 million in funding was in 2017, essentially before they'd done anything in particular. Since that failure to launch big they've produced a popular History Channel documentary, and have several more documentaries on the way. So yes, things are picking up for them.

And why do rich people try to get richer? That's a silly question. Especially if there is something kinda fun behind it. It's not like he isn't vested in other companies.

You guys are welcome to think what you want.. I don't think politicians and DOD employees trying to profit off their credentials is something trustworthy. The fact they are trying to profit of it is a fact I'm sharing with you all. Do what you want with that info. Failure to actually profit as much as they wanted to is not evidence that they are somehow more trustworthy.
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Why are you avoding questions strange headache strange headache ? Why is Obama talking about it? He's confirmed it. Let's talk about that. What reason would he have to lie? And do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Stop avoiding and deflecting.
What exactly has he "confirmed"?

Also, how the f*ck should I know if there is other life in the universe? It's a pretty big place, so yeah, maybe?
What's for sure is that they haven't paid us any visits!

This thread is not about alien confirmation, it's about speculation and the direction we're heading with dealing with it.
Oh so now it's "speculation", as if that would make it any better.
So tell me, what does it seek to prove?


advanced basic bitch
What exactly has he "confirmed"?

Also, how the f*ck should I know if there is other life in the universe? It's a pretty big place, so yeah, maybe?
What's for sure is that they haven't paid us any visits!

Oh so now it's "speculation", as if that would make it any better.
So tell me, what does it seek to prove?

Watch the first minute or so. Doesn't outright say aliens but says we have footage and records of ufo's/uap that have no explanation. How they moved. Their trajectory. We can't explain. It's only a minute. Give it a shot. Ufo's/Uap are real. Whether or not they are alien in origin is the speculative/fun part. Rember that? Fun?
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I just don't even know what to say to that.. you are using 9/11 and the Iraq War to somehow give credence to the idea we should trust people who left their government jobs to found a for-profit UFO Research and Entertainment company?

What does that have to do with 9/11 again?

No, it's simpler than that. I'm using 9/11 and the Iraq war to demonstrate how an untrustworthy endeavor doesn't diminish the validity of a thing that it used to gain acceptance. In my example, approval for the Iraq war was garnered because terrorists had successfully attacked America. The Iraq war arguably should've never happened, but that in no way diminishes the significance or validity of 9/11.

Here, we have people trying to make some money on some oft-derided topic. The fact that these guys are for-profit has no bearing on the significance of the information that has been release and will eventually be released. They're using it for entertainment purposes, but they're also seemingly taking a huge risk in getting this content from the government, which they wouldn't do unless they knew some really goods stuff is remaining classified.

Note: no one is saying the government is hiding aliens. We're only just saying that the government knows more stuff it isn't telling us. The To The Stars guys can say whatever they want. I'm not addressing that shit. I'm only just here for the stuff the government will eventually release. There might be something cool revealed, or we may learn something really frightening.

Watch the first minute or so. Doesn't outright say aliens but says we have footage and records of ufo's/uap that have no explanation. How they moved. Their trajectory. We can't explain. It's only a minute. Give it a shot. Ufo's/Uap are real. Whether or not they are alien in origin is the speculative/fun part. Rember that? Fun?

So Obama says something on a late night comedy show and somehow that is proof for anything? Nobody is disputing the existence of "UFOs", but that is such a broad term it doesn't even imply an aircraft. You could as well say that there are unknown fish in the Mariana's trench. It means absolutely nothing, could be a frikkin' weather phenomenon.

"The truth is that when I came into office, I asked, 'Is there a lab somewhere where we're keeping the alien specimens in stasis.' They did a little bit of research and the answer was no," Obama says.

Also, if you watch the whole segment, you would see that he also confirmed that the U.S. military never had any proof for aliens, that there are no secret extraterrestrial projects and that none of that alien stuff as any merit. That to me is the bigger scoop in that interview.


Its been said the reason it rotates is because of the gimble rotating, yet whe the video is stabilised you can see the horizon is still still as the object rotates, so its not the camera. I'm no camera expert, so if you can show you proof that's what it is, please share id like to see it

I don't know how it was stabilized, but it is a possibility that the stabilisation algorithm has made the picture look the way it shouldn't look.
Now, I have to admit that even though I have done video stabilization a lot as I'm a video editor, my softwares are very old and not current in the least. That said, depending on the amount of shaky camera and what the screen actually shows, I've had countless of cases where either the person filmed moves very oddly compared to the background or the background moves very oddly compared to the foreground. At worst it looks like some weird LSD trip. So as the footage is bad quality and there are only rather abstract looking details in the picture, it wouldn't surprise me that the algorithm would keep some part of the image still and the other moving.

Again, I don't know what they used to stabilize the image and I haven't seen the comparison videos or anything like that, but the stabilization software doing things of its own would be on thing I'd look into.


advanced basic bitch
So Obama says something on a late night comedy show and somehow that is proof for anything? Nobody is disputing the existence of "UFOs", but that is such a broad term it doesn't even imply an aircraft. You could as well say that there are unknown fish in the Mariana's trench. It means absolutely nothing, could be a frikkin' weather phenomenon.

Also, if you watch the whole segment, you would see that he also confirmed that the U.S. military never had any proof for aliens, that there are no secret extraterrestrial projects and that none of that alien stuff as any merit. That to me is the bigger scoop in that interview.
You were denying the existence of ufos wholesale. Not just the potential alien aspect to it.


I don't know how it was stabilized, but it is a possibility that the stabilisation algorithm has made the picture look the way it shouldn't look.
Now, I have to admit that even though I have done video stabilization a lot as I'm a video editor, my softwares are very old and not current in the least. That said, depending on the amount of shaky camera and what the screen actually shows, I've had countless of cases where either the person filmed moves very oddly compared to the background or the background moves very oddly compared to the foreground. At worst it looks like some weird LSD trip. So as the footage is bad quality and there are only rather abstract looking details in the picture, it wouldn't surprise me that the algorithm would keep some part of the image still and the other moving.

Again, I don't know what they used to stabilize the image and I haven't seen the comparison videos or anything like that, but the stabilization software doing things of its own would be on thing I'd look into.

I guess parallax is also involved, due to how the sky is moving


advanced basic bitch
So Obama says something on a late night comedy show and somehow that is proof for anything? Nobody is disputing the existence of "UFOs", but that is such a broad term it doesn't even imply an aircraft. You could as well say that there are unknown fish in the Mariana's trench. It means absolutely nothing, could be a frikkin' weather phenomenon.

Also, if you watch the whole segment, you would see that he also confirmed that the U.S. military never had any proof for aliens, that there are no secret extraterrestrial projects and that none of that alien stuff as any merit. That to me is the bigger scoop in that interview.
"So Obama says something on a late night comedy show and somehow that is proof for anything?" you say that then give confirmation to this: Also, if you watch the whole segment, you would see that he also confirmed that the U.S. military never had any proof for aliens, that there are no secret extraterrestrial projects and that none of that alien stuff as any merit. That to me is the bigger scoop in that interview.

So which is it? You don't believe him or you do?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
No, it's simpler than that. I'm using 9/11 and the Iraq war to demonstrate how an untrustworthy endeavor doesn't diminish the validity of a thing that it used to gain acceptance. In my example, approval for the Iraq war was garnered because terrorists had successfully attacked America. The Iraq war arguably should've never happened, but that in no way diminishes the significance or validity of 9/11.

Here, we have people trying to make some money on some oft-derided topic. The fact that these guys are for-profit has no bearing on the significance of the information that has been release and will eventually be released. They're using it for entertainment purposes, but they're also seemingly taking a huge risk in getting this content from the government, which they wouldn't do unless they knew some really goods stuff is remaining classified.

Note: no one is saying the government is hiding aliens. We're only just saying that the government knows more stuff it isn't telling us. The To The Stars guys can say whatever they want. I'm not addressing that shit. I'm only just here for the stuff the government will eventually release. There might be something cool revealed, or we may learn something really frightening.
And I'm not trying to say the videos aren't "real"; so your 9/11 example just doesn't make sense.

I'm saying the people spreading the videos have been trying to profit off of them from the start; they've been trying to increase funding for more research, while owning or working for a company that is trying to get contracts to perform said research... why is the rest of the government not interested in doing anything about this? Why are the people trying to say we need to do more, while appearing in conspiracy theory style documentaries, all attempting to profit off of this?

Debating the videos is one thing; nobody is saying the events didn't occur.. but we should be suspicious of the group of people trying to profit off of hyping these videos up... and be suspicious of their hype.

And they aren't taking risks; Elizondo bills himself as a "whistleblower', but he made sure the videos were cleared for public consumption, before leaving the DOD, and helping to found a for profit company "To The Stars" who has spread the videos, paid him to be in documentaries, etc.

Here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...bcb7cc-e2b2-11e7-8679-a9728984779c_story.html

Just before leaving his Defense Department job two months ago, intelligence officer Luis Elizondo quietly arranged to secure the release of three of the most unusual videos in the Pentagon’s secret vaults: raw footage from encounters between fighter jets and “anomalous aerial vehicles” — military jargon for UFOs.

Here's how Elizondo spins leaving the DOD to become a founding member of a for-profit company (To The Stars re-organized in 2017 and did a funding round, giving the founding members shares while trying to sell other shares to get the value up):

“I left to find an environment where investigating these phenomena is priority number one,” he said.

An environment that just so happens to be attempting to profit off of all of this.

Again; make your own decisions.. debate the videos.. but there are a whole lot of grifters surrounding this shit.


And I'm not trying to say the videos aren't "real"; so your 9/11 example just doesn't make sense.

I'm saying the people spreading the videos have been trying to profit off of them from the start; they've been trying to increase funding for more research, while owning or working for a company that is trying to get contracts to perform said research... why is the rest of the government not interested in doing anything about this? Why are the people trying to say we need to do more, while appearing in conspiracy theory style documentaries, all attempting to profit off of this?

Debating the videos is one thing; nobody is saying the events didn't occur.. but we should be suspicious of the group of people trying to profit off of hyping these videos up... and be suspicious of their hype.

And they aren't taking risks; Elizondo bills himself as a "whistleblower', but he made sure the videos were cleared for public consumption, before leaving the DOD, and helping to found a for profit company "To The Stars" who has spread the videos, paid him to be in documentaries, etc.

Here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...bcb7cc-e2b2-11e7-8679-a9728984779c_story.html

Here's how Elizondo spins leaving the DOD to become a founding member of a for-profit company (To The Stars re-organized in 2017 and did a funding round, giving the founding members shares while trying to sell other shares to get the value up):

An environment that just so happens to be attempting to profit off of all of this.

Again; make your own decisions.. debate the videos.. but there are a whole lot of grifters surrounding this shit.

This is my one big concern, as much as its awesome to get confirmed videos, it does all feel off......

Corbell doesn't help the matter, he has an odd demeanour about him, like jake gyllenhaal in nightcrawler


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
This is my one big concern, as much as its awesome to get confirmed videos, it does all feel off......

Corbell doesn't help the matter, he has an odd demeanour about him, like jake gyllenhaal in nightcrawler
There is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.. people use the fact that a "Senator" endorses this stuff to back it up.. suddenly we trust skeevy Senators? lol.. Harry Reid like most Senators is a multi-millionaire with billionaire friends.. his sons work for a company that he has done huge political favors for. This is all commonplace, and we generally don't trust these people.. Reid started all of this by urging congress to fund the program Elizondo worked for.. it's publicly known that a billionaire friend of his who owns an aerospace company that lives off of government contracts is who urged him to start this.

Most of what that program did is all public knowledge.. things people like Reid will gladly tell you while saying stuff like "It's all in the open, why is nobody doing anything about it!" Yeah, why? You'd think if our government had tons of secret information that actually led them to believe these things were important, they'd gladly do something about it.. and a Senator would know about it. Instead they let Reid's program dissolve.. and Elizondo who headed it, left years later to hype up this public info as something important, while founding a company that was trying to profit off of it.

Nobody should ignore all of this.. the very story these people claim happened should not lend them credence.. it should make people suspicious of their intentions. Does nobody call into question the fact that this stuff wasn't bothered to be classified?

The next big thing they'll hype w/ documentaries and TV interviews is the alleged "alien materials" they have in their possession. Of course they choose their words wisely.. not outright saying that (because there is no proof the materials in question are actually anything special).. but they are getting funding to research them.. while producing documentaries about them. lol A year or whatever from now when that "alien materials" documentary comes out, produced by the guy from Blink 182, we'll have a thread on that.. with people using the credentials of these same people to backup the claims, while they all attempt to profit from it. You can't make this shit up lol
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My god, do you have anything worthwhile to add?
The existence of extraterrestrial life has nothing to do with aliens visiting our planet.

He was asking you a question.......about the existence of alien life......in a thread called "ALIENS AND UFOS".



Nobody should ignore all of this.. the very story these people claim happened should not lend them credence.. it should make people suspicious of their intentions. Does nobody call into question the fact that this stuff wasn't bothered to be classified?
Having trouble following this question. The three videos that were made available to the public before the former intelligence director left were originally classified, I thought. I thought he was the one who had them declassified and made available to the public. Why else would the Navy say those videos should have never been made public?

By the way, I appreciate your thought process on this whole thing. Looking at it from the angle you present offers another set of problems, namely the narrative the media has begun to pick up. How easy it must be for big money to buy a news narrative nowadays.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Having trouble following this question. The three videos that were made available to the public before the former intelligence director left were originally classified, I thought. I thought he was the one who had them declassified and made available to the public. Why else would the Navy say those videos should have never been made public?
They weren't classified; he simply wrote a letter to ensure his publicizing of them wouldn't be a problem.

The majority of the work done by the UFO program is not classified at all.. as Harry Reid revealed in interviews:

This argument contradicts Reid's assertion, in a March interview with New York magazine, that "we have hundreds and hundreds of papers, pages of paper, that have been available since it was completed. Most all of it, 80 percent at least, is public." It also contradicts what Mellon wrote last February in his Washington Post op-ed, which referred to a "growing body of empirical data."

The end of Reid's statement was ""I wanted it public, it was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it." BTW, you can see it here in wikipedia, the interview itself is paywalled: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Reid

Elizondo and others involved of course love to do the "nudge nudge wink wink there's lots of stuff I can't say" thing. and maybe there is some, but why would the government allow all of what is out there to be public in the first place if there was some huge trove of related secret important data? Elizondo himself has complained that the government wasn't willing to continue research.. which again, sort of contradicts the nudge nudge wink wink "there's lots of secrets" thing. We are to believe that our government is sitting on all kinds of secret info about alien spacecraft but nobody is doing anything about it?

They aren't taking risks.. they are trying to make money off of something that they admit openly the government didn't want to fund enough research on...based on information that was never classified, and was allowed to be publicized by these people.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Anyways, we'll know more when the big report comes out in June.

And by then we'll also hopefully know more about any money behind all of this.

Follow the money!

It'll be interesting to see what happens with To the Stars vs. Elizondo and Mellon too.. I was reading today they and Steve Justice, one of the other big "credentiald" folks talking about this all cashed out of TTSA in December... what's their next venture? Can I invest? lol

TTSA still has the Lochead "Skunkworks" guy on board and their announced production schedule of info-tainment "documentaries" seems to be focused on that.. fun stuff.
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They weren't classified; he simply wrote a letter to ensure his publicizing of them wouldn't be a problem.

The majority of the work done by the UFO program is not classified at all.. as Harry Reid revealed in interviews:

The end of Reid's statement was ""I wanted it public, it was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it." BTW, you can see it here in wikipedia, the interview itself is paywalled: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Reid

Elizondo and others involved of course love to do the "nudge nudge wink wink there's lots of stuff I can't say" thing. and maybe there is some, but why would the government allow all of what is out there to be public in the first place if there was some huge trove of related secret important data? Elizondo himself has complained that the government wasn't willing to continue research.. which again, sort of contradicts the nudge nudge wink wink "there's lots of secrets" thing. We are to believe that our government is sitting on all kinds of secret info about alien spacecraft but nobody is doing anything about it?

They aren't taking risks.. they are trying to make money off of something that they admit openly the government didn't want to fund enough research on...based on information that was never classified, and was allowed to be publicized by these people.

This is complicated. It offers a whole other perspective on the Nimitz incident, though, which I have always found to be a really odd story in the first place. A Navy carrier is seeing strange radar returns every day for weeks. Is it a natural response to send pilots on a training mission to check it out? On the training mission there are no cameras and no armaments. They send this to check out and potentially engage with an unknown. To make matters even more bizarre, when the so-called unknown vanishes, they discover it's waiting for them at the rendezvous location. If it's truly an unknown, that's incredibly unsettling and seems even aggressive, but if it's not an unknown then it's just a routine cat and mouse with the Navy's secret new toy. There are details in this story that don't add up and probably never will.

But then there are Barrack Obama's statements on the subject, and we're all reminded that there are 10% of UAP that have no explanation that our armed forces are encountering regularly. The topic is not easily dismissed, and there can be all kinds of reasons why the armed forces don't devote much attention to it.


Most of what that program did is all public knowledge.. things people like Reid will gladly tell you while saying stuff like "It's all in the open, why is nobody doing anything about it!" Yeah, why? You'd think if our government had tons of secret information that actually led them to believe these things were important, they'd gladly do something about it.. and a Senator would know about it
The question for me here would be, what are they supposed to do about it? If these things appear and disappear seemingly at will and are way too fast to intercept, what's to do? The armed forces may well dismiss it at as an intangible but harmless natural phenomenon and no business of theirs. The whole alien angle may well be the work of grifters as you say.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
The question for me here would be, what are they supposed to do about it? If these things appear and disappear seemingly at will and are way too fast to intercept, what's to do? The armed forces may well dismiss it at as an intangible but harmless natural phenomenon and no business of theirs. The whole alien angle may well be the work of grifters as you say.
There's a lot of interesting things for sure.. and I'm not trying to dismiss all conversations about it, just trying to make people aware of some of the player's involved and their potential motivations. I think many of them come across skeevy; always harping on some ethical fight to "know the truth" while downplaying the profit angle.

I don't want to come across like I'm dismissing the entire topic and think maybe I've veered towards that.. just want people to know the people they are claiming as authorities are quite often, and really, more often than not, also profiting off of all of this.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole

Interesting twitter thread; I don't think the pilots and lower level personal involved in these reports have any outside motivation. Just career Navy guys for the most part.

They definitely saw.. well.. UFOs.. something they couldn't identify, repeatedly.. with very strange behaviors.

The US government being so nonchalant in general about this stuff, including what Obama has said.. gives me pause though.
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Their failure to get $50 million in funding was in 2017, essentially before they'd done anything in particular. Since that failure to launch big they've produced a popular History Channel documentary, and have several more documentaries on the way. So yes, things are picking up for them.

And why do rich people try to get richer? That's a silly question. Especially if there is something kinda fun behind it. It's not like he isn't vested in other companies.

You guys are welcome to think what you want.. I don't think politicians and DOD employees trying to profit off their credentials is something trustworthy. The fact they are trying to profit of it is a fact I'm sharing with you all. Do what you want with that info. Failure to actually profit as much as they wanted to is not evidence that they are somehow more trustworthy.

That's what I'm saying, shouldn't he try and get richer but there's no evidence things are looking up for them. I'll need a link for that because many companies go in the hole doing things like that in the beginning.
So what should DOD guys be doing man? Give us the rundown of things you believe are trustworthy? Who doesn't get a job based on their previous credentials? That's kinda what careers are based on, previous work history.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
That's what I'm saying, shouldn't he try and get richer but there's no evidence things are looking up for them. I'll need a link for that because many companies go in the hole doing things like that in the beginning.
So what should DOD guys be doing man? Give us the rundown of things you believe are trustworthy? Who doesn't get a job based on their previous credentials? That's kinda what careers are based on, previous work history.
They released a successful TV show and have more on the way.. and are getting a ton of mainstream support for the material they are using in these TV shows. How is that not "looking up" compared to 2017's wet fart of a funding round?

We are just going to agree to disagree that this conflates well to someone "using their past work to find more work".. these aren't Naval engineers going into consumer engineering.. they aren't using skills in a new career, they are using their credentials to sell TV shows.
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