Do you feel like answering his question, Makura? Or are you just going to be a fucking tool like usual?Dan said:Why the hell would bin Laden admit that his forces have been hurt by US efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan? That makes no sense.
Makura said:People at GAF agreeing with Bin Laden? Color me NOT SHOCKED IN THE LEAST.
You people make me nauseous.
Osama Bin Laden Tape Threatens U.S. States Not to Vote for Bush
By: Yigal Carmon*
The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera(1) on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to "each U.S. state," designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush. The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words "ay wilaya" (which means "each U.S. state")(2) to mean a "country" or "nation" other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state. This suggests some knowledge by bin Laden of the U.S. electoral college system. In a section of his speech in which he harshly criticized George W. Bush, bin Laden stated: "Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security."
The Islamist website Al-Qal'a explained what this sentence meant: "This message was a warning to every U.S. state separately. When he [Osama Bin Laden] said, 'Every state will be determining its own security, and will be responsible for its choice,' it means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president has chosen to fight us, and we will consider it our enemy, and any state that will vote against Bush has chosen to make peace with us, and we will not characterize it as an enemy. By this characterization, Sheikh Osama wants to drive a wedge in the American body, to weaken it, and he wants to divide the American people itself between enemies of Islam and the Muslims, and those who fight for us, so that he doesn't treat all American people as if they're the same. This letter will have great implications inside the American society, part of which are connected to the American elections, and part of which are connected to what will come after the elections."(3)
Another conspicuous aspect of the tape is the absence of common Islamist themes that are relevant to the month of Ramadan, which for fundamentalists like bin Laden is the month of Jihad and martyrdom. Noticeably absent from the Al-Jazeera tape was his usual appearance with a weapon, and more importantly the absence of references to Jihad, martyrdom, the Koran, the Hadith (Islamic tradition), Crusaders, Jews, and the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad on the duty to wage Jihad against the infidels. For the followers of the Al-Qa'ida ideology, this speech sends a regressive and defeatist message of surrender, as seen in the move from solely using Jihad warfare to a mixed strategy of threats combined with truce offers and election deals.
Is the following statement true or false: United States foreign policy has shaped how the Middle East views our country.Makura said:People at GAF agreeing with Bin Laden? Color me NOT SHOCKED IN THE LEAST.
You people make me nauseous.
Guileless said:The motivation for the invasion of Iraq was not to kill as many people as possible as revenge for something that happened in 1982 which involved none of them. I don't see the comparison.
RiZ III said:![]()
Hahaha seems like i pissed someone off. Sorry, next time I'll make sure my opinions agree with yours.![]()
-jinx- said:Do you feel like answering his question, Makura? Or are you just going to be a fucking tool like usual?
If bin Laden said the sky is blue, would you disagree with him just on principle?
Raoul Duke said:Is the following statement true or false: United States foreign policy has shaped how the Middle East views our country.
Just because Osama bin Laden says something doesn't automatically make it a lie. Douche.
Guileless said:gofreak, if you went to Iraq or Afghanistan to build a power plant or aid in the organization of elections, you would find out real quick who has the moral high ground. Hint: it's not the medieval religious fascists who would relish the opportunity to kidnap you and videotape themselves sawing off your vertebrae.
Makura said:I'm turning into the conservative version of fart. I don't feel like bothering anymore. You people are just so beyond any hope IMO.
Makura said:I'm turning into the conservative version of fart. I don't feel like bothering anymore. You people are just so beyond any hope IMO.
Guileless said:gofreak, if you went to Iraq or Afghanistan to build a power plant or aid in the organization of elections, you would find out real quick who has the moral high ground. Hint: it's not the medieval religious fascists who would relish the opportunity to kidnap you and videotape themselves sawing off your vertebrae.
Funny. You failed to respond to my post in any meaningful way what so ever. That's so unlike you!Makura said:I'm turning into the conservative version of fart. I don't feel like bothering anymore. You people are just so beyond any hope IMO.
Keio said:Compared to the relatively few beheadings, the more than 100 000 (according to The Lancet) dead civilians in Iraq just may be enough tilt the attitudes against the invaders.
Guileless said:Relatively few beheadings? Are you actually saying that without any irony? Perhaps you forgot about the endless car bombings, the cold-blooded execution of the 50-odd Iraqi police trainees last week, the massive bombs that killed Shiite pilgrims in an effort to start a religious war, the attack on the convoy in Fallujah (replete with wild celebration as animals hit an incinerated body with sticks and hung it from a bridge), and my personal favorite: the murder of a 16 year old girl and her mother, who were doing the laundry for a group that was building a sewage treatement plant paid for by the American taxpayer.
These are the medieval religious fascists you honor with your moral equivalency.
gofreak said:So Guileless - the deaths of innocents at the hands of US soldiers or bombs is OK? Or morally "purer" than when a terrorist kills a civilian? Please explain.
No one is honouring anyone with this moral's an equivalency I would never want to be associated with myself.
Phoenix said:When a terrorist blows up a car bomb or similar their intent is to kill a whole lot of people. Are you saying that US soldiers and stray bombs have the same intent?
What the hell? Didn't you just get through saying you wished they'd air the portion of the Bin Laden tape that you agree with?Makura said:People at GAF agreeing with Bin Laden? Color me NOT SHOCKED IN THE LEAST.
You people make me nauseous.
Guileless said:gofreak, do you think Iraq would be a better place if the US military/interim Iraqi government wins, or if the insurgents win (meaning the government falls apart and the US military pulls out completely)?
Which side do you think takes more care to not injure civilians?
Based on your answers to those questions, who do you think has the moral high ground? If you still think it's the insurgents, is there anything they could do in your mind to lose the moral high ground beyond what they have already done?
Phoenix said:The a soldier shoots someone, they aren't intending to kill an innocent (unless they are commiting war crimes). When a terrorists blows up a car bomb, the explicit intent is to kill innocents.
Not sure how anyone could compare these two scenarios and see parity in any way.
Yeah well, according to UN law and most other international law, intentions mean a hell of a lot when it comes to military action.nathkenn said:intended or not, dead is dead
nathkenn said:intended or not, dead is dead
Phoenix said:The a soldier shoots someone, they aren't intending to kill an innocent (unless they are commiting war crimes). When a terrorists blows up a car bomb, the explicit intent is to kill innocents.
Not sure how anyone could compare these two scenarios and see parity in any way.
Raoul Duke said:Funny. You failed to respond to my post in any meaningful way what so ever. That's so unlike you!
xsarien said:On the contrary, I have standing orders with friends that should I ever adopt such a sad, drastic, black and white view of the world, that they have full permission to institutionalize me.
JoshuaJSlone said:What the hell? Didn't you just get through saying you wished they'd air the portion of the Bin Laden tape that you agree with?
JetSetHero said:You're looking at it at an operational level. Look at it from a tactical one - one country sends people over to kill people, and another country does the same. Why is one more moral than the other? How can you score points - put value on the lives in question?
nathkenn said:thats why people get put in jail for manslaughter, woops i didnt mean to doesnt fly
the point it doesnt really matter what the intent is to the victims and there families for the most part, if your entire family is killed by accident or intentionally it pretty much sucks either way and most likely your going to want some kind of justice. given the way the military is run i dont believe soldiers should be held directly accountable but we should definetly look higher in the chain of command
Makura said:Make a rational post and I'll respond to it.
That's a perfectly rational question, and you're ducking it. I'm sick to death of your fucking trolling, and the only reason you're not banned at this second is that I'd LOVE to hear your answer. You have a nasty habit of only stopping into threads long enough to provoke a shitstorm, and then running away with comments like "I don't feel like bothering anymore. You people are just so beyond any hope IMO."Raoul Duke said:Is the following statement true or false: United States foreign policy has shaped how the Middle East views our country.
You could perhaps clarify what I missed, then?Makura said:Three people miss the point. Wow.
Well, I see that Country A started it and has done a lot more damage. There's plenty of bad being earned by A and C.Phoenix said:Country A sends people over to secure a country B. Army A( from country A) kills Army B. Conflict between Army A and Army B ends as Army B is no longer an army. Remnants of Army B and other parties become Force C. Army A and Force C engage in combat with each other. People of Army B are purposefully killed by Force C and accidentally killed by Army A while the two are engaged in conflict.
You still don't see the difference?
Suppose the officer is using grenades and accidentally kills the neighbors.Suppose a police officer arrives at a crime scene and finds a lady being held by a gunman. The gunman fires on the officer and the officer returns fire on the hostage taker and the hostage is killed in the exchange. Are both at the same level of fault for the hostages death?
JoshuaJSlone said:Suppose the officer is using grenades and accidentally kills the neighbors.
Iceman said:To say they've done everything right in the last two years is going way too far of course, but to equate their tactics to that of barbarians and terrorists is insulting.
The way you characterize what have been in all actuality planned, surgical and strategic strikes by the US miliatry is pretty disingenuous.
Keio said:![]()
The death toll of Iraqi civilians is over 100 000, according to research by Lancet, an international journal of medical professionals. Planned, surgical and strategic?