I need to read this series.Contest of Champions continues to be the GOAT.
This week Gamora goes home, replaced by the ultimate champion...
Return of the goddamn king!
I need to read this series.Contest of Champions continues to be the GOAT.
This week Gamora goes home, replaced by the ultimate champion...
Return of the goddamn king!
Jesus, why does Marvel love me so?
Hulk 1 was good. Haven't read 2 yet.I liked pretty much everything this week. Skipped out on totally awesome hulk though.
All joking about ROTK aside, Vision continues to be the best marvel book out there by a good green country mile. like...nothing else is even anywhere close.
Watchit turns out to be Bandit
I need to read this series.
are the nerds in revolt from the tweak of the originof Galactus.
I think it is a nice tie back to when he said Reed was his only friend, cause he could identify with Reed
I liked the first two issues but after Sam turned into CapWolf...
Yeah that issue put me off and I haven't been back since. I guess I wasn't expecting ridiculousness on that level in the book after the first few issues.
Jesus, why does Marvel love me so?
2 was weak in comparison.Hulk 1 was good. Haven't read 2 yet.
Carol's still in 3 books though.Jesus, why does Marvel love me so?
Carol's still in 3 books though.
I am reading Ultimates right.
They should just her and Alpha flight off.
And why is Alphsa Flight in charge of space shit?
I am reading Ultimates right.
They should just her and Alpha flight off.
And why is Alphsa Flight in charge of space shit?
Ultimates is absurdly Beautiful.
I mean, I can't even...
Also, I find it HILARIOUS how under-powered Black Panther is compared to the rest of the team.
What is with the hate-on for carol? Her character may not be improving much, but her newer costume is ace.
Whats to like about her?
When did we get a new Giant Man?
And why did we need a new Giant Man?
Whats to like about her?
When did we get a new Giant Man?
And why did we need a new Giant Man?
Whats to like about her?
When did we get a new Giant Man?
And why did we need a new Giant Man?
Ant-Man Annual #1, released this week to coincide with the debut of Ant-Man in theaters, takes place across two different time periods: the pre-Secret Wars Marvel universe and the future “All-New, All-Different” one the company will launch this October. In the past—and presumably before Rage of Ultron occurs—Hank Pym as Giant Man and Scott Lang as the current Ant-Man team up and foil a plot by Egghead to defeat the Avengers. The pair meet Raz Malhotra, a technician that unwittingly gets wrapped up in Egghead’s plot—but Raz actually has much more importance.
As the annual flashes forward in time, we get to see Raz at home with his partner, who gives Raz an unexpected package:
He was introduced in Ant-Man annual and there isn't exactly a Giant Man running around now. I remember someone on GAF telling me that he probably wouldn't appear outside of that annual.
He was introduced in Ant-Man annual and there isn't exactly a Giant Man running around now. I remember someone on GAF telling me that he probably wouldn't appear outside of that annual.
Whats to like about her?
When did we get a new Giant Man?
And why did we need a new Giant Man?
Black Panther took out black dwarf and fistfought namor constantly during TRO. No one is actually sure how strong he is. I wouldn't be so quick to paste "weak link" on him so fast.
Damn Blue Marvel was kind of a dick to the kid.
He is the weak link in the same way Batman is the weak link of the traditional justice league. Which is to say not at all.
He is still the least dickish of the marvel science-elite.
Batman needs shit writing and plot holes to justify his existence on a team with a superintelligent kryptonian and a man who literally can outthink supercomputers.
Black Panther not so much.
hmm..I'd give that to parker right now
Nah. Peter needs to put in some real work outside his own book before he can join the club.
I wonder what the in-universe explanation is for naming the various Spider-Men. So if they need to get ahold of the character we know as Miles Morales, does Johnny Storm say "No not the Red Spiderman-the other guy! No no no, not Spider-Man 2099!"
This thread is still going!?! Why is this thread still here but not the SW thread? Hell the SW thread got sent in to the Community section after the 2nd issue.
Who is the little bamf in all new xmen 2?
Contest of Champions continues to be the GOAT.
This week Gamora goes home, replaced by the ultimate champion...
Return of the goddamn king!
Miles' Dad looks like the educated Older brother in a black drama now.
Also he's a Shounen protag now
Miles' Dad looks like the educated Older brother in a black drama now.
Also he's a Shounen protag now
What are these from?
What are these from?
Probably the preview for Spider-Man #1, which should be finally coming out soon.
Whats to like about her?
When did we get a new Giant Man?
And why did we need a new Giant Man?
more graves to fill. he can get done goliath style
You know I'm pretty sure that creature is the confirmation of the next big universal event being magical.
The latest Iron Man made some hints about demonic stuff becoming major.
You know I'm pretty sure that creature is the confirmation of the next big universal event being magical.
Miles' Dad looks like the educated Older brother in a black drama now.
Also he's a Shounen protag now
The latest Iron Man made some hints about demonic stuff becoming major.
I like this ideaI want Nick Fury Sr., Steve, Cable, and Logan to form a team of crotchety old men that save the world before the early bird special at their favorite diner.