See I don't think there's another one, I think Miles took the other one's life.
Don't some remember the incursions?
Don't some remember the incursions?
See I don't think there's another one, I think Miles took the other one's life.
Has anyone asked Bendis if he knows whether or not he knows bisexual men exist?
Also why the fuck doesn't he ever create any repercussions for Jean constantly being in everyone's head?
If you're not reading The Ultimates, you need to reevaluate your life.
This is what I forgot to add to my list of books...
Is Uncanny Avengers any good?
Sadly no. The last page of the most recent issue was promising, but reading those first 4 issues was both a chore and a disappointment.
Man the art in issue 2 of Scarlet Witch is crazy good. Surprising given that the first issue looked like butt.
Right now I'm enjoyed Spider-Man, Iron Man, and ANAD Avengers (wtf at).Vision blackmailing Nova?!
There was a line about him disabling his emotions. It's going to cause some trouble down the line.
Yeah, I noticed that line too. It's clearly going to be a plot point going forward.
Ultimates, Uncanny Inhumans and Squadron Supreme.Now that we're a few issues into most of these runs, what are you guys into the most?
For me it's ANAD Avengers, Ms. Marvel, Red Wolf and Black Knight.
Still waiting on the next issue of Karnak.
I have Vision sitting around waiting to be read but haven't started it yet. I've heard good things, though.
I was liking Captain America but the last couple of issues have been somewhat disappointing.
I thought that final issue of the first arc felt really flat. It's been good overall though.Abandon your 'principles', if you ever liked F4 read Uncanny Inhumans.
I thought that final issue of the first arc felt really flat. It's been good overall though.
Does anyone know which series are taking place in which universe? Are they all their own pocket universe, or are some taking place in the same ones?
They're all 616 unless otherwise stated like Contest of Champions.
Wow a Captain Marvel comic in which she isn't hanging around an airfield with a bunch of spunky female pilots *and* she does several impressively heroic things?
This really is an All New All Different Captain Marvel.
No, it's 616.
Marvel still refers to it as that in previews and various books.
Has anyone read Uncanny X-Men, is it good?
That depends on if you like Greg Land art.
no sir i do not
Silk used to look great now it's barely readable.
Not that I mind it, since it was weird, but what happened to the pheromones between her and Peter?
The same thing that happened to Alpha and Peter, Slott played around with his toys for a moment and then threw in em the trash.
Carol and Puck have more chemistry than Rhodey and Carol could ever hope to.
So I just finished read Book four of Injustice and it's the first comic I have ever read. Now im looking at Batman Eternal from the New 52 and it look good but I know there is another Batman comic from the New 52, is it a follow up or is any series of the New 52 a separate story ?
So I just finished read Book four of Injustice and it's the first comic I have ever read. Now im looking at Batman Eternal from the New 52 and it look good but I know there is another Batman comic from the New 52, is it a follow up or is any series of the New 52 a separate story ?