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All PSP bullshit goes in here


:lol :lol

Why would Sony give PSP a touchscreen when there isn't even a DS game that puts it to good use.

mashout- I bought a Eddie Bauer portable DVD player (7" screen) at CompUSA two weeks ago for $169.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There are portable DVD players out there with far better screens twice the size of PSP's that don't cost $200.
I'd love to know the names of those devices, because the screens on the portable DVD players that I've seen so far are pretty shitty, even on more expensive models. The screen used on the PSP is just not the same thing that's been used on the handhelds like PDAs and such so far (judging on specs, and from what people have said so far, it's way better).
Insertia said:
:lol :lol

Why would Sony give PSP a touchscreen when there isn't even a DS game that puts it to good use.

mashout- I bought a Eddie Bauer portable DVD player (7" screen) at CompUSA two weeks ago for $169.

The touchscreen is a very practical addition once one understands the ideal application in which to utilize it.

The most practical application for the DS' touchscreen is to enhance pre-established forms of gameplay. The touchscreen acts as an adaptable contoller input. In other words, you can assign specific context senstive commands onto the touchscreen as the player needs them. It eliminates menu navigation and allows players direct access to very specific commands; This allows for a quicker, more fluent play expercience, easier more intuitive controls, and a greater flexiblity to game design, it probably allows for a lower learning curve as well as it allows for player to directly access commands only as they can/need to use them.

I believe the best example which demonstrates what I predict to be the best use of the touchscreen is currently Spiderman 2... but there are alternate examples from screens given, such as animal crossing and the submarine demo.


Fafracer forever
Insertia said:
Why would Sony give PSP a touchscreen when there isn't even a DS game that puts it to good use.
Online RTS baby, online RTS.
And just about all other strategy games for that matter - JRPGs, particularly all Nippon Ichi stuff would be far less of a chore to play with an interface designed around mouse/stylus (or similar) input device.
I mean I loved LaPucelle, but frankly the standard console controller rather sucks for it.

Oh well, we know it won't happen though, so here's hoping DS gets a HOMM game...

Marc said:
The screen used on the PSP is just not the same thing that's been used on the handhelds like PDAs and such so far (judging on specs, and from what people have said so far, it's way better).
The only screens I've seen that come close to PSPs so far are on some of the very recent laptops that come with sort of 'glass coating'.
Anyway, a "portable" player twice the size of PSP is kinda waste anyhow, if I want a near A4 sized player I'd much rather grab the new Vaio instead, use it for more then just watching DVDs :)
Bastards are selling those only in Japan though :(
Control is definitely one of the main reasons PSP could go for a touch screen. It's already got a FPS or two on the way, I think it would really benefit from the Metroid Hunters control scheme. I really like that idea of bring the FPS genre off PCs but maintaining that control functionality that the mouse and keyboard allows. Plus there's no need for auto aim and whatnot.


Marconelly said:
I'd love to know the names of those devices, because the screens on the portable DVD players that I've seen so far are pretty shitty, even on more expensive models. The screen used on the PSP is just not the same thing that's been used on the handhelds like PDAs and such so far (judging on specs, and from what people have said so far, it's way better).

Unless Sony is withholding specs, PSP's screen is pretty average among LCD screens (TFT LCD, 4'5 ", 480 x 272, 16.77 million output colors). Other then being a great screen for a handheld gaming system and being brightly lit, the display is nothing special (not to say it isn't impressive).


I always maintained that they'd want to launch at under $200, preferably $150 to keep the PS2 from cannibalizing their sales. The PS2 is so cheap with such a killer library that it makes no sense to release a handheld that costs twice that with just a bunch of rehashed ports that will look and play better on the PS2. I really think the people who claim they'd pay $300 for one are just fucking nuts. That's too much for a handheld. I don't think Sony can realistically compete with that kind of a price range. But for $200, they've wet my appetite. I want it to be lower than that, but the thing looks really good, even with the stupid ROM UMDs. If they really want to kick Nintendo and Apple's butts at the same time, they'll make sure this thing plays MP3s (I think it does) and make rewritable UMD drives. 1.8GB rewritable and plays games and movies? I'd kill someone for one of those. This device went from being tops of my list to off the radar, and it might get back on there if the price is right now. I just wish it did all the other things it so easily could. PEACE.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Unless Sony is withholding specs, PSP's screen is pretty average among LCD screens (TFT LCD, 4'5 ", 480 x 272, 16.77 million output colors).
Heh, you can have 15" 1024x768 16.77M TFT screens that looks like total *shit*. The resolution and the screen size are only the beginning of what describes the good LCD. The contrast (which is 200cd/m on the PSP screen, which is unheard of in handheld devices) and the retention time are some of the more important things. Fafalada is one of the people who actually saw the device in person, so take his word, if you don't trust me.


The only screens I've seen that come close to PSPs so far are on some of the very recent laptops that come with sort of 'glass coating'.

Like Sony's CrystalView monitors (Fujitsu has one as well.) These things are freaking brilliant - I bought a new laptop simply because I had to have that kind of screen. I've seen PSP's screen, it's much like those, bright and tight pixels. Saturation was really impressive in VAMPIRE CHRONICLES - it does color and color separation really well.


Touchscreen is not the true direction for real gameplay enhancements imho. I have a touchscreen pda and it's a pain in the ass to plpay with a pen imho. What I have seen of the DS confirms this. Some nice touches here and there, but that's not what gaming 'needs'.
Elios83 said:
Touchscreen is not the true direction for real gameplay enhancements imho. I have a touchscreen pda and it's a pain in the ass to plpay with a pen imho. What I have seen of the DS confirms this. Some nice touches here and there, but that's what gaming really needs.

But does it hurt any? I fail to see how it's completely a bad thing. You, and many others opposers have failed to explain to me why it's all bad and no good. I don't see the bad points about it that explains why it shouldn't be there.

Secondly, what DS games have you tried? You've played a lot of PDA shooters and RTS games that also utilize a digital pad? I would like to know what you have in mind for shooters on consoles and portables in terms of controls, something that offers the incredible experience that only PCs currently have.
Elios83 said:
Touchscreen is not the true direction for real gameplay enhancements imho. I have a touchscreen pda and it's a pain in the ass to plpay with a pen imho. What I have seen of the DS confirms this. Some nice touches here and there, but that's what gaming really needs.

I personally believe that a stylus shouldn't be used on the touchscreen....just make the points you have to hit large enough for a finger or thumb, Ideally, you should be able to use the touchscreen as a giant dividable pushbutton this way it doesn't prohibit standard play. Then you just arrange the touch points however you need them for your game. This way the touchpad could certainly be a flexible additon coupled with standard controls.
From my experiences touch screen (stylus) is only useful for real time strategy games and "puzzle/card" games like solitaire.

But who knows what future holds... maybe devs will prove me wrong.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
But does it hurt any? I fail to see how it's completely a bad thing. You, and many others opposers have failed to explain to me why it's all bad and no good. I don't see the bad points about it that explains why it shouldn't be there.
There's nothing inheritly wrong about it IMO as far as games go. There are some really interesting game types that you can play that way. The one drawback that I can see is that it limits the portability of the device, if you are forced to play the game with the stylys (and the main draw of DS in my opinion is being able to play the games with stylus) Holding a device built like DS with one hand, for longer than 30-60 minutes, is no easy feat, considering that we are talking about something you are supposed to be having fun with. 270g is pretty heavy for one hand that you have to keep bent in elbow for so long, and balance the device that is not designed to be held with one hand like PDAs are, for example. If you read IGN's hands on, you will see that they pretty much confirmed my suspicions, and think/suggest people to put the device on their lap or a desk when playing with stylus. Also, having to precisely and timely tap the screen is no easy feat when you are riding the bus/car/train and it shakes and bumps - you can take my word on that as I know firsthand.

From my experiences touch screen (stylus) is only useful for real time strategy games and "puzzle/card" games like solitaire.
That's a but unfair, I think. P&C adventure games work like charm with stylys, and are pretty intuitive to control that way. Not saying that it wouldn't be easy to replicate that control with traditional controllers, but still, it's very nice the way it is. Also, that DS game where you draw the road for a baby Mario and Yoshi to walk on, shows at least one interesting new idea, that wouldn't work without stylus.


But does it hurt any? I fail to see how it's completely a bad thing. You, and many others opposers have failed to explain to me why it's all bad and no good. I don't see the bad points about it that explains why it shouldn't be there.

I'm not an opposer. What I'm saying is that it's not as important as some are willing to believe, and certainly to me it's not the feature that will push gameplay forward. I've seen all of the DS games, and can't say i was impressed by the 'innovative' features of its games. On the contrary, I could happily live without them. So, what I am trying to say is that it's a nice plus, but not an important one. IMHO of course.


I personally believe that a stylus shouldn't be used on the touchscreen....just make the points you have to hit large enough for a finger or thumb, Ideally, you should be able to use the touchscreen as a giant dividable pushbutton this way it doesn't prohibit standard play. Then you just arrange the touch points however you need them for your game. This way the touchpad could certainly be a flexible additon coupled with standard controls.

It's a nice idea you just had. And more will certainly come. But I think they are just that, nice touches. Personally speaking, I would trade them for more power which could allow more depth to gameplay in a 'traditional' way (which I think is still the best).
I really dislike the weight of the system and hand cramp claims. Sure, they're going to happen, hell they've happen to me on just about any system, but it's reaching to put a system down for that. Mainly since majority of the time, you're not going to be playing standing up or walking where the entire bulk of the machine is relying on your one hand to hold it up. I'm willing to be, that given enough time, you're going to find a very comfortable way to play, anyways.

But it's nice to see no one thought the touch screen shouldn't be there at all. I was really under the assumption than many thought that. I'm still surprised that people don't care to comment on it as a control mechanism for FPS games. I feel as if I'm the only one excited about it, hoping that future consoles utilize this somehow.

Meh, let me be. This is a PSP thread, I'll move any DS talk to the other topic.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
it's reaching to put a system down for that. Mainly since majority of the time, you're not going to be playing standing up or walking where the entire bulk of the machine is relying on your one hand to hold it up.
No more reaching than people arguing that PSP portability is suffering due to the alleged short battery life, and how 'you are better off playing those games on a home console, as you have to sit at home anyways'. Things I mentioned definitely cut into the DS's portability factor, (and you actually seem to agree).

I'm still surprised that people don't care to comment on it as a control mechanism for FPS games.
I tried playing some PDA FPS games that way. Sufice it to say that I really didn't like it.
I don't see why people compare the stylus to a mouse. For FPS's this thing would be a nightmare. It's much more like a lightgun to me. Try pointing at your computer screen to shoot something. You get pretty good accuracy, but not great. You also obscure the screen while you're doing it, so faced pace games would be screwed.

Also, when you're using the stylus to point at enemies, you must be using the other hand to hold the unit. And yet, you probably need to use the directional controls to move and turn. I don't see that happening at all ergonomically using a sylus/directional controller input.

I can see it for diablo, strategy, card, drawing game and probably quite a few other innovative uses, but for FPS, forget it. It seems like an absolute mess to me.
I guess you have seen Metroid Hunters in action, sonycowboy? You only use up and down to move, and the stylus to turn as you do with a mouse in a shooter. Left and right are used to strafe I believe. It's like WASD. As for the stylus blocking the screen making it hard to "point" to enemies, not at all. Did we forget we have two screen here? You're not even looking at the bottom screen while playing. So essentially, it's like a mouse, you don't sit and watch the mouse when you play, only the cursor on the screen. I really suggest you watch the video demonstration from the Gamer's Summit.

Marconelly: Hmm, I personally think that having to use a wall outlet more often than not to be far more of a hinderance to portability than cramps from standing. It's also not exactly reaching when we all know the PSP is going to have battery short comings, Sony has alluded to this quite a bit and it will have more of an impact on how people enjoy the machine than cramps in the hand. Especially since the latter issue is easily resolved by finding a comfortable position, such as using your lap a a cushion for your hands. Making up for battery life is going to cost money.

The home console claim I've never made. I don't agree with such an idea. PSP is a portable machine. You CAN play it whereever and whenever. It's just the amount of time that bothers me, and probably many other people and having to fix that problem by shelling out more money, on a second battery or something or other is going to be a bit of a downer.


I guess you have seen Metroid Hunters in action, sonycowboy? You only use up and down to move, and the stylus to turn as you do with a mouse in a shooter. Left and right are used to strafe I believe. It's like WASD. As for the stylus blocking the screen making it hard to "point" to enemies, not at all. Did we forget we have two screen here? You're not even looking at the bottom screen while playing. So essentially, it's like a mouse, you don't sit and watch the mouse when you play, only the cursor on the screen. I really suggest you watch the video demonstration from the Gamer's Summit.

Hunters isn't your typical FPS.
neptunes said:
Hunters isn't your typical FPS.

Oh I see. So the WASD + Mouse control scheme is limited to just Metroid? Got ya. From what I saw in the video, shooting, moving, and strafing are nothing new which is all I was referring to. The controls. Basically, it would be very easy for future shooters to copy the control scheme.
neptunes said:
no, I was just thinking that FPS's that depend on crouches as a gameplay element, wouldn't translate very well.

That's not a typical FPS either. Most shooters include it, yes, but not many actually make it necessary to use. Though there are some that do, many stleath based mission games make it important at times, or games that suggest heavy cover fire and whatnot.

Secondly, couldn't this just replace the morph ball mode?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I guess you have seen Metroid Hunters in action, sonycowboy? You only use up and down to move, and the stylus to turn as you do with a mouse in a shooter. Left and right are used to strafe I believe. It's like WASD. As for the stylus blocking the screen making it hard to "point" to enemies, not at all. Did we forget we have two screen here? You're not even looking at the bottom screen while playing. So essentially, it's like a mouse, you don't sit and watch the mouse when you play, only the cursor on the screen.
Thay's how some FPS games work on a PDA, except that on a PDA, you have button on the middle of the crosspad that you use to shoot. Regardless, I simply didn't like the whole drag the stylus around thing to freelook.

Marconelly: Hmm, I personally think that having to use a wall outlet more often than not to be far more of a hinderance to portability than cramps from standing.
Don't forget about being precision-crippled whenever using the stylus in pretty much any moving vehicle (that can actually be a HUGE annoyance depending on the quality of the road, vehicle and/or expected precision in the game). I agree with you that different lifestyles lead to different handheld woes, but I strongly disagree with you on the cramps vs. money issues. Money (at least on this small scale) is not an issue to me. I find buying an extra battery so that I can swap when I'm going on a longer trip, much less of a problem than risking a carpal tunnel syndrome :p
Very well, I've heard nothing but good things about the controls for Metroid, but we'll have to see for ourselves next month.

Alright really. Carpal Tunnel? Again, I said the problem can just be avoided by resting your hands and the DS, or the unit itself on your lap I somehow doubt you're going to get cramps that way, and that other mentioning is really pushing it. My point was, you don't have to spend money to get around a problem. And yes, you may not have a problem with money, and many others might not either. But some people do, and that's definitely the case with me. Either way, it's special cases, but I don't see how you can find that as reaching as hand cramps being a reason to not buy a system.

Lastly, on your bumpy road thing I failed to comment on. Why is this the systems problem? This is a problem apparent in just about every portable system, and I somehow doubt you're going to get pinpoint accuracy on the PSP when the car hits a bump. Hell, this happens on the GBA to. It's not something that can be avoided. Unless you want to get some really impressive shocks on your car.


Let's talk about the PSP.

December is the targeted launch date in Japan, yes? Is there a planned conference that will be discussing the PSP and its launch titles / upcoming titles?

Darkstalkers is looking mighty tempting.


explodet said:
Let's talk about the PSP.

December is the targeted launch date in Japan, yes? Is there a planned conference that will be discussing the PSP and its launch titles / upcoming titles?
Confirmed for launch (so far)...

-Need for Speed Underground Rivals (EA)
-Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega)
-Ren-Goku: The Tower of Purgatory (Hudson)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour R (EA)


explodet said:
Let's talk about the PSP.

December is the targeted launch date in Japan, yes? Is there a planned conference that will be discussing the PSP and its launch titles / upcoming titles?

Darkstalkers is looking mighty tempting.

Yes actually, they'll be at ENTaMA and they said that they will be giving 100 psps away before it's launch this december.


Tag of Excellence
What the hell is this "PSP units at TGS were loading games from the mem sticks" craziness that I'm hearing about. Apparantly Hirokazu Hamamura, president of game-magazine giant Enterbrain seems convinced of this and his opinion isn't one to take lightly. Anyone else have any information other than a random news blurb?


EDIT: Thank you Marconelly! What an embarrasment to be so ignorant as to make such erroneous comments. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, most likely a translation error.
Activision Announces Launch Support for SCEA's PlayStation Portable Entertainment Platform
Wednesday October 13, 8:32 am ET

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI - News) confirmed today that the company plans to support SCEA's PlayStation Portable Entertainment Platform. The company is currently in development on two games that are expected to be launch titles for the platform, Spider-Man 2(TM) and Tony Hawk's Underground 2.

"SCEA's PlayStation Portable Entertainment Platform is an exciting new platform that combines processing power with a sleek new look that will appeal to an older demographic," said Kathy Vrabeck, president of Activision Publishing. "By matching our top brands like Tony Hawk's Underground 2 and Spider-Man 2 with the new entertainment device, we are able to broaden our consumer base and leverage our franchises into new areas."

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is being developed by Shaba Games and Spider-Man 2 is being developed by Vicarious Visions.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Why is this the systems problem?
Because you use stylus to nab points on the screen, which becomes ten times more of a precision problem than just pressing buttons accurately, if your vehicle shakes. I'll let you discover all that by yourself, though. I know I've lose some hair over playing P&C adventure games on PPC because of this very thing :p

Is there a planned conference that will be discussing the PSP and its launch titles / upcoming titles?
October 22, I think, is another trade show where PSP should be displayed prominently. They said it's a 'pre-launch presentation', whatever that means.

Anyone else have any information other than a random news blurb?
Well, from what I could gaher, at TGS they had PSP that actually run games off the UMD discs, but those were reserved for news people - read IGN hands on report, they actually talk about a guy pulling out a disc, putting a new one in and playing a game. On the showfloor itself, I think PSPs used were running games off the memory stick, as some of the guys who held them in their hands said there was no UMD slot on them.
So, allegedly, Sony is planning on holding back the information we so desperately want until a month before it's release in December.

This according to a translation from http://www.gamefront.de

PSP date one month before introduction on the market/no Wireless fees planned

13.10.04 - Sony wants approximately to communicate the Japanese erscheinungstermin for PSP one month before the introduction on the market of the Handheld. That writes the current Famitsu. Since the distribution is to take place in December 2004, the appropriate announcement would be in the next month.

In addition no fees are to result for Wireless on-line connections. Such costs are also not planned for the future according to data of Sony. Beside the connection to the PC PSP is to be able to communicate also with a Handy


Updated Launch lineups!!

-Doraslot Super Hanana 30 (Dorado)
-Need for Speed Underground Rivals (Electronic Arts)
-Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega/Sonic Team)
-Ren-Goku: The Tower of Purgatory (Hudson)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour R (Electronic Arts)

-Spider-Man 2 (Activision/Vicarious Visions)
-Tony Hawk's UnderGround 2 (Activision/Shaba Games)
jarrod said:
Updated Launch lineups!!

-Doraslot Super Hanana 30 (Dorado)
-Need for Speed Underground Rivals (Electronic Arts)
-Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega/Sonic Team)
-Ren-Goku: The Tower of Purgatory (Hudson)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour R (Electronic Arts)

-Spider-Man 2 (Activision/Vicarious Visions)
-Tony Hawk's UnderGround 2 (Activision/Shaba Games)

ack what a shit lineup! Doom3d


I was watching the Shin Ridge racer video from TGS, and it featured the now historic track of the series, the one present in the first Ridge Racer and the fifth. Graphics were awesome, comparable to the PS2 version and way better than the original
System 22. Do you think there will be other tracks revamped? God only knows how i hope this is the case. The trailer from TGS showed tracks from rage Racer and Type 4. imagine having those tracks revamped for PSP. That would be an instant killer app for me...
Do you think this will be the case,? Or they will include just the RRV tracks?
Elios83 said:
I was watching the Shin Ridge racer video from TGS, and it featured the now historic track of the series, the one present in the first Ridge Racer and the fifth. Graphics were awesome, comparable to the PS2 version and way better than the original
System 22. Do you think there will be other tracks revamped? God only knows how i hope this is the case. The trailer from TGS showed tracks from rage Racer and Type 4. imagine having those tracks revamped for PSP. That would be an instant killer app for me...
Do you think this will be the case,? Or they will include just the RRV tracks?

Lets hope so!


Gold Member
jarrod said:
Updated Launch lineups!!

-Doraslot Super Hanana 30 (Dorado)
-Need for Speed Underground Rivals (Electronic Arts)
-Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega/Sonic Team)
-Ren-Goku: The Tower of Purgatory (Hudson)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour R (Electronic Arts)

-Spider-Man 2 (Activision/Vicarious Visions)
-Tony Hawk's UnderGround 2 (Activision/Shaba Games)

:lol now that was a bit harsh wasn't it


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Will the DS and PSP allow for web browsing? If so, the DS is worth the price of admission just for that IMO.
DaCocoBrova said:
Will the DS and PSP allow for web browsing? If so, the DS is worth the price of admission just for that IMO.

Have you ever done web browing on a PPC or Palm. It just sucks.

Unless you visit sites that are either WAP or web-clipping enabled, it's a disaster. Plus, they're only WiFi type networking, so you'll probably have a real computer close to you anyway which is infinitely better.


Yep. Low-res displays make navigation quite painful to me. Things get slightly better with web browsers that automatically format the text and images to allow scrolling in just one direction, though.
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