Risen 2 is Steamworks, not the first game.Uhhhh. Thought someone said Risen came with a steam key? Can't find it =[
Risen 2?Uhhhh. Thought someone said Risen came with a steam key? Can't find it =[
Amazon obviously doesn't want me to buy Risen 2... why is it still $22?
Am I complaining too early? I probably don't need the game anyways...
It was 10 earlier today and then jumped back up to 22 after lunch.
I don't think they sold out of keys because it will allow me to purchase it at 22. I'm kind of bummed that I didn't jump on it this morning.
I think there's a save editor that will let you recreate your decisions and import the save into ME3. http://www.masseffectsaves.com/tools.php might be a good place to start.
Is it possible for any of these Bioshock deals to have the Bioshock 2 DLC bundled with them (even as part of a GOTY thing) or is that *strictly* GFWL only?
So what's the chance that Dark Soul's will be region locked like Dead Island & inversion?
Maybe this is or isn't the right place to ask but figure since I shop a lot on Amazon...been waiting on some deals with Xbox Live Gold (12 months). Did these show up last year during Black Friday deals?
Retail stores had them, so I don't see why Amazon wouldn't. You can try and look out for deals and see if they price match them.
I've never played Civ series, and want to start now. How good is Civ V and Gods and Kings DLC/Expanision?
Almost none. A lot of us bought Dark Souls from Amazon in their 20$ sale a few weeks ago and it wasn't region locked. It would be insane if they got new, region locked keys for the game now.
A lot of the deals you can get at Best Buy as well as the Square Enix shop are showing up on Amazon. I just got Dead Island for 10 bucks with KH3D 15$ and Theatrhythm for 20$. What a steal!
whats the general opinion on LA Noire?
was wondering if Theatrhythmn was lower before
pc version sucks, buy the PS3 version
From what I've seen, no. It's been sold at $40 bucks and to have it drop to half price is a steal.
whats the general opinion on LA Noire?
gah and i have yet to even get 3DS XL
whats the general opinion on LA Noire?
Is the MP3 season pass only multiplayer things?
whats the general opinion on LA Noire?
Oh crap, I didn't notice that the Bioshock pack was only $5, are these games still worth playing through (never have played BS1 or 2)
I haven't purchased Vice City after dozens of sale opportunities but now that I can't get, I want it. There's some psychological shit at work.
Well it's releasing on ios and Android in a couple of weeks if you really must buy/play it.