Vonzell - 9 (Perfect song)
Anthony - 6 (Sorry, he still can't really sing all that great. Inoffensive may seem good for him, but it's stiill dull as shit)
Scott - 5 (Sorry, Simon was right. Very simply, his verses were TERRIBLE. He can't just sing the chorus well and pretend he doesn't suck anymore. And, dude, it just looks awkward when he moves)
Bo - 7 (He's a good singer, and he has good stage presence...but he kind of bores me. He hasn't done anything REALLY energetic or interesting for me.
Anwar - 5 (I'm really sorry, dude, but you have the same problem as Scott. You sing verses almost under your own breath, and then pretend you're awesome in the chorus. Doesn't cut it. He can sing...once he decides to. It wasn't a five performance, but he's been doing the same thing for weeks now)
Carrie - 9 (Maybe it's my genuine appreciation of the song, how hot she was or just that it was an energetic, interesting performance, but this one really reached me. It was like her singing Heart, but with much better hair. She needs to do more of this, I think.)
Nadia - 6 (Poor song choice, but she's the only female left who can really just sit there are sing a song like that. In terms of ballads, she's the only one who can do one with Whitney Houstonin' it. (I'm looking at you, Vonzell))
Constantine - 8 (His voice was good for the song, he had genuine charisma, but I felt like he was fucking me...with his eyes. And that's all kinds of wrong. He needs to realize that males watch this show too.)
Top 3 - Carrie, Vonzell, Constanting
Bottom Three - Anwar, Scott, Anthony
Safe, but borderline boring - Bo and Nadia