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American Idol: Season 4

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The rock guys definately deserve some credit for song choices this year. I was more impressed with Constantine covering Kiss From a Rose.


Here's how I'd rank tonight's performances.

1. Anwar (great control on that high note)
2. Nikko
3. Mario
4. Scott
5. Bo
6. Anthony
7. Travis
8. Constantine


Star Power said:
Constantine has like a 0 Octave range.

lol ... he reminds me of that douchey ex-singer from Creed (Scoot Stapp?)

Anyways.. even though guys like Bo Bice and Anwar are more talented .. I am pulling for Mario Vasquez.


Wow, did constantine all of a sudden suck or something. I thought he was good when they were doing the auditions.
I thought constantine was weak as well. He had no range whatsoever. If the judges thought that was his best performance, then damn...

I liked what Travis was trying to accomplish, but it just didn't work. This is more of a singing competition than a dance competition, so he should have concentrated more on the vocals on that song and toned down some of the dances so he wouldn't be so out of breath.

I also liked how Simon owned Anthony! :lol Too bad they cut him off when he was taking a dig at Clay Aiken as well.

And Anwar was definitely the best performance of the night. He definitely has the best range and best control of his voice. I'm rooting for him and Mario.

The guys blow the girls out of the water this year.


I must have a sucky ear cause I though that her performance was really good. It was tasteful I thought but maybe I interpreted the pitchyness as emotion? I mean wtf! I SUCK!


ToxicAdam said:
lol ... he reminds me of that douchey ex-singer from Creed (Scoot Stapp?)

Anyways.. even though guys like Bo Bice and Anwar are more talented .. I am pulling for Mario Vasquez.

You mean Fez?


tt_deeb said:
I must have a sucky ear cause I though that her performance was really good. It was tasteful I thought but maybe I interpreted the pitchyness as emotion? I mean wtf! I SUCK!

Janay can't sing for shit. That song was absolutely murdered. Plain and simple.

Plus, last week she sang Blu Cantrell's "Hit 'em Up Style". She should be figuratively euthanized for that alone. This was just another botch in her belt of botchery.


trilobyte said:
You mean Fez?

Haha. Dude, Mario is one of my classmate's cousins.

All the guys this season I really like but there's only one or two girls that I care about. And a few I loathe...
This is how I rate tonight's performances.

1. Nadia Turner
2. Jessica Serria
3. Vonzell Solomon

4. All the other forgetable performances.

Janay is cute, but damn. She's really out of her element.


blind item from tvguide
One particular chanteuse — who has expressed a love of country — has already been pegged the bitch of the group by her fellow crooners.

Geez, who can it be?

Nadia was great tonight.

Even though Lindsey was only okay, i hope she make top12.


jiggle said:
blind item from tvguide
One particular chanteuse — who has expressed a love of country — has already been pegged the bitch of the group by her fellow crooners.

Geez, who can it be?

I hope that's not Carrie. She looks so innocent on the show.


I missed Nadia...I was on the freakin phone, but I did get a taste of how she did during the recap. I was like, "Damn...she's doing her thing tonight!"


:lol I called Travis.

I'm kinda surprised that Nikko was voted off. Oh well.

I'm happy to see that the votes had it right with Travis. His crude Usher impersonation apparently didn't have its intended effect.

Regarding Janay, she was just too young. She always seemed "frightened" when she was singing. She's has a lot of potential and just needs to hone her talent by getting that 'stage fright' look out of her eyes. It's really distracting because it just screams "I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE UP HERE!"

As long as Nadia, Vonzell, and Carrie remain in the competition, I don't give a fuck about who was voted off. :)

I'm waiting for Carrie to fucking BLOW!
Damn, Nikko got robbed... :(

Constantine or Scott should have gone before Nikko...oh well.

As for the girls, no complaints from me. Janay wasn't ready yet for the big stage and Amanda was kind of bland.

If there's any consolation for Nikko, he could probably get a piece of Paula if he wanted to.


I just watched last night's show.

Paula to top 12: "You deserve to have fun tonight; have a blast." In other words: "Get trashed." :lol


Mario dropped out!

Mario Vazquez, one of the 12 singers chosen by viewers to compete for the fourth "American Idol" title, abruptly dropped out of the competition over the weekend. A consistent performer through the audition rounds, Vasquez cited "a personal family thing" as his reason for pulling out at the dawn of the show's finalist rounds.

Nikko Smith, who was among the contestants voted out during last week's last semi-final round, will apparently take his place. Although at deadline there is no mention of Vazquez's exit on the "Idol" Web site, his picture and bio are gone from the list of finalists, while Smith's information is now included.

Vazquez broke the news in an interview with TVGuide.com, saying that he had to "take care of some personal issues with my family in New York. And with 'Idol' being a live show, it just wouldn't have worked out schedule-wise.

"I'm healthy, I'm fine," the 27-year-old singer added. "It's just a personal family thing. My family is my top priority."

Smith, a strong R&B singer who is the son of baseball hall-of-famer Ozzie Smith, presumably netted more votes than Travis Tucker, who also exited the show last week. Smith performed the songs "Georgia on My Mind," "Let's Get It On" and "Part Time Lover" in the semi-final rounds.

The replacement of an "Idol" finalist is not unprecedented. As last year's third season was still in its semi-final rounds, Donnie Williams was removed from the show following an arrest for driving under the influence in California. George Huff was recalled and advanced about halfway through the finals.

In November, Huff released "My Christmas EP!," a five-track seasonal disc through Christian label Word Records. A full-length non-holiday debut is due sometime this year.

During the early rounds of the second "Idol" season, producers yanked a pair of contestants for failing to disclose arrest records. A third hopeful was pulled when it was revealed she had posed for an adult Web site.


MIMIC said:
I've been hearing that he dropped out because he wanted to "come out"

That and I've heard that the other possible reason involved him not wanting to submit to the contract; pulling out to prevent from stifling his career by obligating 5 years to an exclusive management agreement with 19 entertainment, with or without winning. He's got some exposure now, perhaps he'll be able to pull a record deal.


My ranking (based on tonight):

1. Vonzell
2. Carrie
3. Scott
4. Constantine (shocker!)
5. Nadia
6. Anwar
7. Bo
8. Nikko
9. Mikalah
10. Anthony
11. Jessica
12. Lindsay


Get on the Nadia train now buddies .. she's winning it all.

The big surprise was that Constatine didn't suck. Simon's line of "You would win 'Smoldering Idol'" was hilarious.


MIMIC said:
My ranking (based on tonight):

1. Vonzell
2. Carrie
3. Scott
4. Constantine (shocker!)
5. Nadia
6. Anwar
7. Bo
8. Nikko
9. Mikalah
10. Anthony
11. Jessica
12. Lindsay

Wow, Nadia is WAY low on that list.

I think she's in a class above most of the other contestants. She just definitely has a very well rounded and well grounded presence. She has the style, she has the presence, she has the composure(this is very important IMO), she has the knack for picking songs that really suit her and aren't "typical", and she definitely has the VOICE. I hope she doesn't get Tamyra Gray'ed in this competition.

Scott was good, Anwar didn't do anything for me, neither did Nikko(is "whiny" a note?)...Vonzell was cool, I think Carrie did better than Randy and Paula said.

The judges were very annoying to me tonight...they just scream "going through the motions"...they all say the same thing constantly. Randy "you did yo thang dawg" or "it was pitchy for me"...Paula "You made it your own" "i don't think it's the best we've seen from you", etc...and Simon, either insulting hyperbole, or praising hyperbole....either way he loves to spout hyperbole. God as formulaic as the show is, they don't even try to fake the funk anymore.

Mikalah...you're not Barbara Streisand...and you're not some middle aged Jewish woman trying to get her nice son engaged to your girlfriend at the beauty shop's daughter....stop it, just stop it!


A lyric in Nikko's song: "Baby, all I need is one more chance"

If he gets voted off tomorrow, Dateline needs to do an indepth, 3-hour special on "irony."


goddamit, Griese!
mikalah needs to go for sure. ugh. awful. and i can't stand her.

I still like Nikko more than I like Constantine, even though Constantine was better tonight.

Lindsay and Mikahlah should get the boot.


Mikalah butchering that song is an understatement. It's like she put it through the meat grinder, packaged it as sausage, and sold it to Denny's for their Grand Slam.


I think Lindsay's voice is shit. I think Mikalah has slowly started to channel Fran Drescher.
I think Bo sucks compared to constatine and I think the judges are always slanted for certain participants, regardless of performance.

The first chick and Nadia were amazing.
Scott has the most effortless voice of the bunch and rarely misses a note, but he has no soul... no energy.
Bo has had only one or two bad nights.....Constantine has had only one or two good nights. The rocker image will probably hurt both of them in the end though. The first chick, Jessica, has had much better performances than this one.

I believe Mikalah should get the boot, she completely ruined a terrific song. But it will probably be Lindsay who gets tossed.


I like Nadia because she has passion when she sings. However, her conviction is only marred by her limited ability. You can tell when she's trying to reach for a note and just can't get it. It's too bad because she knows how to put emotion into whatever she sings.

Lindsay is practically a no-name right now, IMO. She hasn't stood out in any way, shape, or form. I'm pretty certain she'll get the boot tonight.
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