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American millennials' mental and physical health is on the decline — and they're on track to die faster than Gen X


Eating all that ass makes millenials full of shit.


Improvements to sex education and social acceptance regarding birth control helped with this. Even in the 80s there was a lot of stigma and impediments with teens having access to birth control. In the 90s access and stigma eased up and society hasn't really looked back.
I'd want to see more data if anyone claims abstinence is part of it. Millennial physical and mental health would be a factor though.
Could it be because the services provided to millennials by the Gen xers and boomers are inferior? :pie_thinking:

- lower quality of education compared to our parents and grandparents
- lower quality of food
- higher concentration of artificial chemicals in nearly everything we consume
- higher pollution of our natural resources, especially air and water
- lower quality healthcare, if we can even receive it without going broke
- a mental health industry that increasingly relies on drugs, prescribed or "self medicated"

What I find especially odd is that Gen X / boomers disparage millennials even though the youngest are.... 23 or 24 years old. It reads more like a guilty party trying to shout down their failures, like a stage parent blaming the kid for not getting the first place medal, which they ironically handed out like candy when we were all younger.
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Could it be because the services provided to millennials by the Gen xers and boomers are inferior? :pie_thinking:

- lower quality of education compared to our parents and grandparents
- lower quality of food
- higher concentration of artificial chemicals in nearly everything we consume
- higher pollution of our natural resources, especially air and water
- lower quality healthcare, if we can even receive it without going broke
- a mental health industry that increasingly relies on drugs, prescribed or "self medicated"

What I find especially odd is that Gen X / boomers disparage millennials even though the youngest are.... 23 or 24 years old. It reads more like a guilty party trying to shout down their failures, like a stage parent blaming the kid for not getting the first place medal, which they ironically handed out like candy when we were all younger.

Yeah, absolutely. One of the things growing up and being an adult taught me was to be less quick to judge others.

Mostly because what the fuck is the point. Accomplishes very little except increased paranoia.
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Yeah, this is how I feel. One of the things growing up and being an adult taught me was to be less quick to judge others.

Mostly because what the fuck is the point. Accomplishes very little except increased paranoia.
That's weird I have become the exact opposite.

I find it better to instantly judge people as I dont have time to waste on fuckwits


Looking at that chart, some things stick out.

- 40 years ago, roughly 1 in 300 females aged under 15 got pregnant. That's grade 10. WTF?!?!

- Pregancies were slowly creeping up but then around 1990-1991 it started dropping big. Personally, I think it's due to every dude jerking off to Heather Locklear in Melrose Place or the hotties in Baywatch. lol

- Some reason pregnancies leveled off around 2007, but then steadily dropped again. Probably due to everyone going broke in the financial crisis and said forget it to having kids. lol
It's probably because we stopped teaching abstinence only (except in hick states) as the only means of not getting pregnant.



My problem ain't so much with sugar and salt or even the constantly demonised saturated fat. Our ancestors ate all of those things, so we have evolved to process them. My issue is with all of the artificial shit that has been introduced to prolong the shelf-life of food because the world now depends on it. I have no doubts that it's destroying our guts and, consequently, our minds.

Anyone who wants to complain about the declining quality of food must first address a simple truth: this was not a problem when there was a complementary nurturer role in the home preparing fresh meals every day. The fact that Tyler can't even address this simple fact without resorting to screeching hysterics indicates to me that he's not operating from a rational basis -- he's operating from dogma, and I just questioned his biblical truth. In fact, I made no value judgment; rather, I simply stated that the reduced quality of food is a side effect of the emancipation of women. If he had kept his powder and panties dry and instead asked me whether I thought it was preferable for women to once again be confined to the home, he may have been surprised by my answer.

I wouldn't put the blame fully on emancipation. That happened a long time ago.
I think another factor is much more likely; people just get lazier and lazier all the time and always seek out the "easiest and least effort" solution to everything they face in daily life.

Both me and my wife work full time since forever. We always prepare and cook fresh meals every single day for us and the kids. It doesn't even take very much time.
With just a little bit of effort you can cook a stir fry from raw ingredients in less than 15 minutes. You can make a Yambalaya in under 5 minutes of preparations (and then you just wait until it has cooked).
You can make mash and bangers in 10 minutes for your family.

A datapoint AGAINST emanicipation being a cause. See all the perpetually unemployed people living on the dole. Those couples are both at home, all day, every day. They still don't cook proper quality meals, because it is just more convenient to eat heavily processed shit.

The problem is that people no longer want to even make an effort.

They are just lazy and lack ambition. That is the problem.
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I wouldn't put the blame fully on emancipation. That happened a long time ago.
I think another factor is much more likely; people just get lazier and lazier all the time and always seek out the "easiest and least effort" solution to everything they face in daily life.

Both me and my wife work full time since forever. We always prepare and cook fresh meals every single day for us and the kids. It doesn't even take very much time.
With just a little bit of effort you can cook a stir fry from raw ingredients in less than 15 minutes. You can make a Yambalaya in under 5 minutes of preparations (and then you just wait until it has cooked).
You can make mash and bangers in 10 minutes for your family.

A datapoint AGAINST emanicipation being a cause. See all the perpetually unemployed people living on the dole. Those couples are both at home, all day, every day. They still don't cook proper quality meals, because it is just more convenient to eat heavily processed shit.

The problem is that people no longer want to even make an effort.

They are just lazy and lack ambition. That is the problem.

Sure. I didn’t say it was the entire reason, but it was the catalyst. There was no need for the widespread use of unhealthy preservatives in our food when there was a nurturer in the home preparing fresh meals every day. Laziness is a compounding factor, not a precondition. It’s great that you and your wife prepare fresh meals while both working — my wife and I do too — but this is only anecdotal and when both are working 10-12 hour days it is just not feasible. Even if there is theoretically time to cook fresh, many will consider it a lower priority and use preservative-laden food anyway. Not every family is suffering from poor nutrition, but enough are for it to be a problem.


I always thought it was just a meme
Soylent is very healthy. More carbs, more calories and more fat than a double cheeseburger from McDonalds!!

  • Calories: 400
  • Fat: 21 grams
  • Carbs: 36 grams
  • Protein: 20 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Vitamin D: 2 mcg
  • Iron: 4 mg
  • Calcium: 200 mg
  • Potassium: 700 mg
  • Vitamin A: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 20% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 20% of the RDI
  • Choline: 20% of the RDI
  • Iodine: 20% of the RDI
  • Zinc: 20% of the RDI
  • Copper: 20% of the RDI
  • Chromium: 20% of the RDI
  • Pantothenic acid: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 20% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 20% of the RDI
  • Niacin: 20% of the RDI
  • Folic acid: 20% of the RDI
  • Biotin: 20% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 20% of the RDI
  • Selenium: 20% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 20% of the RDI
  • Molybdenum: 20% of the RDI


Some things mentioned in the thread are really dumb, like saying an improper gut flora leads to all kinds of mental health problems or people thinking soy really is a problem.

Sure, the microbiome in our gastrointenstinal tract is VERY important for our health and many things are still not known, but it is quite obvious and known, that most mental problems have nothing to do with your gut bacteria. It alters hormones etc.. This is all true, but it still isn't a big factor for the increase of mental health issues we're seeing today.
Same with soy. Just check the shitload of studies. A person can rarely eat so much soy products that it will have a negative impact on their "masculinity".

You don't need to be rocket scientist to see that parenting, not taking responsibility for your own life and a steady supply of "pick your victimhood" proposals (which absolves you from fixing your own shit) are one of the bigger reasons for people getting dumb and less robust. Giving them excuses like "gut bacteria" or "soy" just adds to the problem that people don't even consider that they're the ones who need to fix their own problems.

In today's world people want all the sympathy from everybody else, yet they're not willing to go out there and make shit happen themselves. Everyone seems to think that this person, this world or this government owes them something. Nobody owes you shit. If you want something, than go out there and get it. That's all there is to it.


Some things mentioned in the thread are really dumb, like saying an improper gut flora leads to all kinds of mental health problems or people thinking soy really is a problem.

Sure, the microbiome in our gastrointenstinal tract is VERY important for our health and many things are still not known, but it is quite obvious and known, that most mental problems have nothing to do with your gut bacteria. It alters hormones etc.. This is all true, but it still isn't a big factor for the increase of mental health issues we're seeing today.
Same with soy. Just check the shitload of studies. A person can rarely eat so much soy products that it will have a negative impact on their "masculinity".

You don't need to be rocket scientist to see that parenting, not taking responsibility for your own life and a steady supply of "pick your victimhood" proposals (which absolves you from fixing your own shit) are one of the bigger reasons for people getting dumb and less robust. Giving them excuses like "gut bacteria" or "soy" just adds to the problem that people don't even consider that they're the ones who need to fix their own problems.

In today's world people want all the sympathy from everybody else, yet they're not willing to go out there and make shit happen themselves. Everyone seems to think that this person, this world or this government owes them something. Nobody owes you shit. If you want something, than go out there and get it. That's all there is to it.

Might want to do your research before calling others dumb.



Individual hard work only gets you so far. Especially if there isn't a system in place that is actually rewarding that hard work or is incapable of doing so.

You guys like to rag on communism. Would you blame a man for not succeeding in Venezuela? The farmer that doesn't make it in North Korea? Maybe you would but I'd call you crazy.

And America, while not as bad as those examples still isn't some Utopia of hard work = prosperity. And I can give you an example right off the top of my head. The college scandal of many rich people buying their kids or cheating their kids into the best schools. So there are people out there that deserved that success a lot more, worked harder than those lazy POS rich kids, and still got turned away because the system was corrupt and bullshit.

So yea, individual hard work only goes so far in determining the success or failure of an individual. Pack on top blatant systemic issues that don't get addressed and you have a failing society. You are right, it isn't rocket science. Would you blame the slave for being born a slave, I feel like some of you in here would.
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Might want to do your research before calling others dumb.

And you may want to read what i wrote.

Im tired of generalizations. I never said that gut bacteria never plays a role. I said that it doesn't play a big role when we're talking about the decline of mental health for millenials. Most millenials eat more "gut-friendly" than other people.

I know and read many studies about bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract and how they can change our hormones and behavior. But it is still not the main reason for our rising mental(!) health issues.

And by the way...providing a link to Microba, a corporation who develops and sells technologoy to analyze gut bacteria, isn't the wisest choice in that regard. Most links they provide happens to be an accumulation of unscientific dog shit.
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Individual hard work only gets you so far. Especially if there isn't a system in place that is actually rewarding that hard work or is incapable of doing so.

You guys like to rag on communism. Would you blame a man for not succeeding in Venezuela? The farmer that doesn't make it in North Korea? Maybe you would but I'd call you crazy.

And America, while not as bad as those examples still isn't some Utopia of hard work = prosperity. And I can give you an example right off the top of my head. The college scandal of many rich people buying their kids or cheating their kids into the best schools. So there are people out there that deserved that success a lot more, worked harder than those lazy POS rich kids, and still got turned away because the system was corrupt and bullshit.

So yea, individual hard work only goes so far in determining the success or failure of an individual. Pack on top blatant systemic issues that don't get addressed and you have a failing society. You are right, it isn't rocket science. Would you blame the slave for being born a slave, I feel like some of you in here would.

I'm going to have to completely disagree. You 100% can have success in life, if you grind and hustle and do what you have to do to get there. You might not reach some crazy level of wealth, but you will definitely end up better than where you started. There are too many people who come over to the US with next to nothing, not speaking the language, and not understanding the culture or system, and within 1 generation their kids are solidly middle class and raising kids that are going to be upper middle class. If the US was as bad as you say, that would be impossible, or would be a 1 in a 1,000,000 thing.

I could give my own story that tracks with that, but that's ultimately anecdote and doesn't really matter. I will agree that there are things in our society that you can use existing wealth or connections that you have to tip the scales in your favor, but rich people with 0 work ethic or drive will end up squandering their wealth within a generation or 2, and probably be back in the middle class or worse.


And you may want to read what i wrote.

Im tired of generalizations. I never said that gut bacteria never plays a role. I said that it doesn't play a big role when we're talking about the decline of mental health for millenials.

I know and read many studies about bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract and how they can change our hormones and behavior. But it is still not the main reason for our rising mental(!) health issues.

And by the way...providing a link to Microba, a corporation who develops and sells technologoy to analyze gut bacteria, isn't the wisest choice in that regard. Most links they provide happens to be an accumulation of unscientific dog shit.

I did read what you wrote. You explicitly said: “Some things mentioned in the thread are really dumb, like saying an improper gut flora leads to all kinds of mental health problems or people thinking soy really is a problem.”

No one said it’s the sole factor, but poor nutrition adversely affecting the gut is undoubtedly a factor. Unlike previous generations, the issue isn’t so much a lack of nutrients but is the introduction of harmful preservatives and other artificial ingredients that we have not evolved to process. Complain about Microba if you like, but the link I provided contains many additional links to peer reviewed articles in high impact journals. I provided it as a repository of sources, not a source in and of itself. Here’s a direct link to one such study if the previous link wasn’t good enough for you:

The bidirectional communication between the central nervous system and gut microbiota, referred to as the gut-brain-axis, has been of significant interest in recent years. Increasing evidence has associated gut microbiota to both gastrointestinal and extragastrointestinal diseases. Dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut have been linked to causing several mental illnesses including anxiety and depression, which are prevalent in society today. Probiotics have the ability to restore normal microbial balance, and therefore have a potential role in the treatment and prevention of anxiety and depression. This review aims to discuss the development of the gut microbiota, the linkage of dysbiosis to anxiety and depression, and possible applications of probiotics to reduce symptoms.”

This directly contradicts what you said.


Individual hard work only gets you so far. Especially if there isn't a system in place that is actually rewarding that hard work or is incapable of doing so.

You guys like to rag on communism. Would you blame a man for not succeeding in Venezuela? The farmer that doesn't make it in North Korea? Maybe you would but I'd call you crazy.

And America, while not as bad as those examples still isn't some Utopia of hard work = prosperity. And I can give you an example right off the top of my head. The college scandal of many rich people buying their kids or cheating their kids into the best schools. So there are people out there that deserved that success a lot more, worked harder than those lazy POS rich kids, and still got turned away because the system was corrupt and bullshit.

So yea, individual hard work only goes so far in determining the success or failure of an individual. Pack on top blatant systemic issues that don't get addressed and you have a failing society. You are right, it isn't rocket science. Would you blame the slave for being born a slave, I feel like some of you in here would.

What scale do you use to measure the success of hard work?

Of course i wouldn't blame the slave for being born a slave. I also wouldn't blame the many rich kids whose parents bought them a spot in some of the best schools.

Why should i?

More isn't necessarily better and there are many studies and more than enough scientific evidence, besides common sense and your own experiences, that this is absolutely true.
In your life, you will never meet a strong person with an easy past and besides that, reaching a goal is not what makes you happy. It is progress.


The bidirectional communication between the central nervous system and gut microbiota, referred to as the gut-brain-axis, has been of significant interest in recent years. Increasing evidence has associated gut microbiota to both gastrointestinal and extragastrointestinal diseases. Dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut have been linked to causing several mental illnesses including anxiety and depression, which are prevalent in society today. Probiotics have the ability to restore normal microbial balance, and therefore have a potential role in the treatment and prevention of anxiety and depression. This review aims to discuss the development of the gut microbiota, the linkage of dysbiosis to anxiety and depression, and possible applications of probiotics to reduce symptoms.”

This directly contradicts what you said.

Do you know what the term "linked" means in studies like that? It's like saying having all extremities is linked to better mental health, still having a dick as a male is linked to a better sex life or eating an apple is linked to cancer (edit: what i mean is, that a link in a case like that is not a proof itself, but an assumption).

Maybe you should start providing some studies with patients who got rid of their depressions by fixing their microbiome with the things your linked study suggests (eating yogurt, kefir or sauerkraut). Good luck with that.

Furthermore it doesn't contradict anything i've said because i didn't say that gut bacteria has no effect on mental health. I actually said the opposite. My point is, that the rise of mental health problems is not mainly or even slghtly caused by bad gut bacteria. The cases of depressions caused by gut bacteria are probably in the 0,1 - 0,2% range.

Did you ever visit a psychiatric clinic or day hospitals treating people with mental health issues? Go tell the doctors and patients that some of them just need to eat better food and wait for their responses.
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nutrition is better, and our meat is pumped full of steroids

childcare is also a lot better, parents are smarter and children are healthier

gut flora is meh
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Individual hard work only gets you so far. Especially if there isn't a system in place that is actually rewarding that hard work or is incapable of doing so.

You guys like to rag on communism. Would you blame a man for not succeeding in Venezuela? The farmer that doesn't make it in North Korea? Maybe you would but I'd call you crazy.

And America, while not as bad as those examples still isn't some Utopia of hard work = prosperity. And I can give you an example right off the top of my head. The college scandal of many rich people buying their kids or cheating their kids into the best schools. So there are people out there that deserved that success a lot more, worked harder than those lazy POS rich kids, and still got turned away because the system was corrupt and bullshit.

So yea, individual hard work only goes so far in determining the success or failure of an individual. Pack on top blatant systemic issues that don't get addressed and you have a failing society. You are right, it isn't rocket science. Would you blame the slave for being born a slave, I feel like some of you in here would.

hell nah at everything you just posted, america is the ultimate meritocracy

name me one title worth its weight in atoms that isn't earned by hard work

good luck


Do you know what the term "linked" means in studies like that? It's like saying having all extremities is linked to better mental health, still having a dick as a male is linked to a better sex life or eating an apple is linked to cancer (edit: what i mean is, that a link in a case like that is not a proof itself, but an assumption).

Maybe you should start providing some studies with patients who got rid of their depressions by fixing their microbiome with the things your linked study suggests (eating yogurt, kefir or sauerkraut). Good luck with that.

Furthermore it doesn't contradict anything i've said because i didn't say that gut bacteria has no effect on mental health. I actually said the opposite. My point is, that the rise of mental health problems is not mainly or even slghtly caused by bad gut bacteria. The cases of depressions caused by gut bacteria are probably in the 0,1 - 0,2% range.

Did you ever visit a psychiatric clinic or day hospitals treating people with mental health issues? Go tell the doctors and patients that some of them just need to eat better food and wait for their responses.

We need an eye roll reaction for this kind of handwaving and spin. The point originally raised by Tyler was about poor nutrition affecting mental health. There are clear links established by legitimate science, and mental health is more than just the loony bin asylum cases. How the fuck did you even get to the point of strawmanning the argument as recommending kefir for mental breakdowns?


Unconfirmed Member
nutrition is better, and our meat is pumped full of steroids

childcare is also a lot better, parents are smarter and children are healthier

gut flora is meh
Hormones are making women bustier.
Could it be because the services provided to millennials by the Gen xers and boomers are inferior? :pie_thinking:

- lower quality of education compared to our parents and grandparents
- lower quality of food
- higher concentration of artificial chemicals in nearly everything we consume
- higher pollution of our natural resources, especially air and water
- lower quality healthcare, if we can even receive it without going broke
- a mental health industry that increasingly relies on drugs, prescribed or "self medicated"

What I find especially odd is that Gen X / boomers disparage millennials even though the youngest are.... 23 or 24 years old. It reads more like a guilty party trying to shout down their failures, like a stage parent blaming the kid for not getting the first place medal, which they ironically handed out like candy when we were all younger.
Ding Ding Ding, hector salamanca up in this bitch.

but no, hood rat, skanks, grumble grumble, single parents, *fart noise*, SOY BOY.
This is a prime example of how kids without a father figure turn out.
Ba ha ha ha, my father figures probably made your mom pregnant just by existing within the same time zones. I'm from the midwest too, bitch!!!

As for the masculinity of my father figures, my grandpa was the highest rank in the enlisted army. My father was a pilot/farmer. I literally flew planes and drove combines when I was 6 YEARS OLD. My other grandpa was one of the original engineers responsible for the invention of the tank tread.

Fun fact: Great Grandfathers on both sides of my family were professional wrestler.

Goddamn, you and matt are just full to the top with dumb as fuck stereotypes that dont fit me, its incredible.
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