There's only one team in New Y0-7K
NYC got Brazil'd
There's only one team in New Y0-7K
ofc the week I dropped Dax from my team
TFC could easily be down by like 3 already
Who knows... this team has always been an enigma. At least Irwin has been consistent.What is going on with TFC? On Wednesday they barely pull out a tie against NYCFC and now they're lucky to be surviving a game against the Crew.
Yeah, he did well. Helped that Clark kept giving us the ball.If nothing else Babouli impressed me
There's only one team in New Y0-7K
Our defense is still bad
Goddam the East sucks
That final goal by Orlando was insanely good.
Goddam the East sucks
You ain't kidding, Dallas has 26 points :lol
im sorry i cant hear you over the sound of first place
but yeah it kinda does. our ppg isnt far off from dallas' tho