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Amouranth says her husband forced her to do hot tub streams, say she was single, threatened to kill her dogs and take all her money


Don't be coy, you know full well I mean Amouranth.
There are more than one Amouranth?


Is Amouranth a they/them person?

No idea, was just suitable in the context of the sentence. Seems to be a debate with regards to their gender though. They don't have to be gay or identify as something for it to be used, didn't even dawn on me when typing it, silly stuff. Purely semantics. ;)
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One of the green rats
Recent 15 second twitch clip. I can only post the link. If this ain't all a ruse then this is pretty sad:

It's basically her being happy to stream while covered up instead of showing cleavage.

Why? What would be the purpose of faking this? She's one of the top female streamers, not someone fading into obscurity looking for a desperate attempt for more views. If she were desperate, is something like this worth the risk? If this is all fake, and she staged being an abuse victim, she can actually get into a lot of trouble for this.

I don't understand the thought process here. Could this be staged? Yes of course anything is possible. But to default to the mindset that this is definitely fake comes across overly cynical.


Why would she do it if shes so popular already? why do you think shes so popular and stays that way? How do you think she got that popular in the first place? You cannot be complacent and keep that many people.


Gold Member
:sick: nope sorry I have no respect for this person.
Don't you see the CRY for help, the ANGUISH in her eyes, the TORMENT of her tongue flicking MISERY, the SORROW in the glistening bodacious cleavage :p

Very curious how much her content will change in 2-3 months and if this guy will just take his money and go off and "manage" 2-3 other hopeful ethots into super-stardom. I feel like the performance aspect of this stuff is 50% on the performer herself and 50% the "team" that drives the content, puts it out, comes up with new ideas, and forces the pace. Take the "team" away, if this hubby was most of that, and her output might morph substantially.


Never got the ASMR stuff, just sounds stupid to me and I get synesthesia so should be an ideal candidate. Those sucking and licking ones make me want to vomit, haha.
Phew! It's okay guys, we did it: Multi millionaire porn star is Safe.

She has regained access to all of her financials again and will soon be back on twitch to stream soft core porn to twitch viewers again.If you'd rather have something more spicy: Her plans to shut down her onlyfans account have been put on hold as well. Giving up 2m+ USD a month wasn't quite worth it.

I, for one, am glad that the internet rose up to the defense of someone so clearly deserving of support and affection. Truly a pillar of our society.

We did it internet, we won!



Gold Member
When the person is unknown.
"I have a friend who's coming to the party"
"When are they coming?"

Otherwise it just create pointless confusion.
Exactly! Or in "Law and Order Special Victim's Unit" Ice T can say "them nasty shit" about an unknown perpetrator. You can't just use it randomly for well known people.

Madness Americanhousewifeabc GIF by ABC Network

But let's focus here, is she or is she not a dude?


When the person is unknown.
"I have a friend who's coming to the party"
"When are they coming?"

Otherwise it just create pointless confusion.
In the example earlier in this thread where someone referred to her as they did you genuinely wonder if the person was referring to multiple people?

Here’s Shakespeare using a singular their in A Comedy Of Errors when referring to a man:

“There's not a man I meet but doth salute me as if I were their well-acquainted friend”

He could have said “his” but didn’t. If it’s good enough for Shakespeare then it’s good enough for us.

Say we were talking and you said “I met up with John last night” and I said “oh yeh? How are they doing?” would you seriously not know who I was taking about? Sure I could say “he” but I just don’t see how “they” makes the conversation come to a grinding halt and stops it making sense.


Gold Member

Why would she do it if shes so popular already? why do you think shes so popular and stays that way? How do you think she got that popular in the first place? You cannot be complacent and keep that many people.



In the example earlier in this thread where someone referred to her as they did you genuinely wonder if the person was referring to multiple people?

Here’s Shakespeare using a singular their in A Comedy Of Errors when referring to a man:

“There's not a man I meet but doth salute me as if I were their well-acquainted friend”

He could have said “his” but didn’t. If it’s good enough for Shakespeare then it’s good enough for us.
Because we're in the 16th century and we commonly speak Shakespearian english, obviosly.

Say we were talking and you said “I met up with John last night” and I said “oh yeh? How are they doing?” would you seriously not know who I was taking about? Sure I could say “he” but I just don’t see how “they” makes the conversation come to a grinding halt and stops it making sense.
Oh, I would understand. But it's wrong.


Girls getting exploited for sex work seems to be a whole new concept for many people here.

No need to be an asshole just because you dislike Twitch hot tub streamers.

You'd be surprised how many actively support these streamers and still absolutely drag them in regular conversations.

Heck I'm seeing a lot of folks who previously donated to her know turning on her over this lol.


This is the only way I can unwind these days.

Not a hope I'm clicking that, title gave it away ahahaa. :D

As for they / them argument in terms of standard speech, it's widely used and is perfectly fine. Any native English speaker will tell you that, it's just a few foreigners being pedantic over something so trivial. They seem to want to gate keep the English language for some bizarre ego-stroking reason when most people don't give a fuck as it's commonly used and accepted usage.

What do they win? A waste of their own time as a prize and a badge labeling them a clown for preaching when it's even accepted by schools and colleges in academic papers. IT'S STUPID. :D


Gold Member
Here she addresses why she didn't keep it private, since it's been brought up here numerous times. Twitch clip removed but here's the mirror:

She claims she tried to keep it private, but it wasn't getting better. Police weren't really able to do anything because they were looking for physical damage. They can't really do anything about yelling and emotional abuse. I don't know what else she tried but she seemed to reach a "fuck it" moment and just air him screaming at her over the phone live on Twitch.


Gold Member
Here she addresses why she didn't keep it private, since it's been brought up here numerous times. Twitch clip removed but here's the mirror:

She claims she tried to keep it private, but it wasn't getting better. Police weren't really able to do anything because they were looking for physical damage. They can't really do anything about yelling and emotional abuse. I don't know what else she tried but she seemed to reach a "fuck it" moment and just air him screaming at her over the phone live on Twitch.
You can always file a restraining order without "physical."

Also, I go back to this...
Texas has amazing stand your ground laws. Especially if your property or animals are threatened.

Just saying, if any of this is true.

Handle your business.
But these personalities that live 90% of their lives online, are disillusioned in that bubble.

Get off the internet, and handle your business if it's that serious.


Gold Member
You can always file a restraining order without "physical."

Also, I go back to this...

But these personalities that live 90% of their lives online, are disillusioned in that bubble.

Get off the internet, and handle your business if it's that serious.

I mean we don't know the full story here. A spousal restraining order from what I understand isn't easy to get, and if you do get one you're obviously on your way to getting a divorce. She may not have seriously considered that option since she still felt attached. We know a lot of abused women don't get outta dodge after the first couple incidents. At this point it sounds like he's getting help and they're both working it out:


Gold Member
I mean we don't know the full story here. A spousal restraining order from what I understand isn't easy to get, and if you do get one you're obviously on your way to getting a divorce. She may not have seriously considered that option since she still felt attached. We know a lot of abused women don't get outta dodge after the first couple incidents. At this point it sounds like he's getting help and they're both working it out:
Not gonna click, but I will take your word for it. My point does stand about,
But these personalities that live 90% of their lives online, are disillusioned in that bubble.

Get off the internet, and handle your business if it's that serious.


You can always file a restraining order without "physical."

Also, I go back to this...

But these personalities that live 90% of their lives online, are disillusioned in that bubble.

Get off the internet, and handle your business if it's that serious.

That's one aspect I find very odd, she has a massive fanbase, people working for her and no doubt a large friend circle.

Surely her friends knew and one of her male friends could have stepped in on her behalf? Everything is so vague though, they might have all said they wanted nothing to do with it. That's assuming everything is true and real but who knows, impossible to tell. Far too many unaccounted for vectors to be able to tell for sure.

Just something seems off ... for me anyway. She did claim she was swatted previously so be curious where it goes from here if her address is out there considering lunatic fans on the internet. Not that I wish harm on anyone but I'd say it's not the end to the drama yet if true. If it was me I would be looking to move or get a security detail in, she can easily afford one.
At this point it sounds like he's getting help and they're both working it out
And she made a bunch of money and got tones of publicity. In addition, she got to reveal her husband without having to take the blame for lying. All other mistakes and questionable content from the past are easily blamed on the husband as well.

But she didn't have anything to gain from this guys, I don't know why you're so skeptical?!


Reseterror Resettler
I'm inclined to wait for hard evidence before casting my useless judgement into the hat, but we all know that we're probably not gonna see it.

I have several thoughts on this whole deal, which is several more than I was anticipating. For starters, Sherry? I mean, it's either a pet name, she just sent the messages to a friend named Sherry and showed those off instead of the actual actual texts, or she's lying about it.

Also, I thought everyone knew about Amouranth's husband for months now. Might be mixing her up with another streamer, though. I wasn't surprised, either way.

Next, that phone call just sounded...I dunno. Rehearsed. Either that, or she's wincing and crying because she's never been told anything other than yes her whole life. Because that guy sounded like he was acting angry, but very half assed. Like, I've had more intense anger thrown at me before, and we're not even APPROACHING a million dollars up in the air for me. Just seems...I dunno. Not as hardcore as I'd expect, especially for a phone call.

Something is funny here, whether she's being truthful or not.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
You have to appreciate it's vague enough to be true and complete bullshit at the same time. It'll be an interesting show to watch. I expect over the next few months for Amouranth will have an increased subscriber count and have a stronger following then ever before.

Resolution is too quick. Seems like a bunch of theatrics at work to increase subscriber count, money, and publicity(attention).

Devil's Advocate tells me this is probably a grand lie and both of them are in on the whole thing. It does make business sense to put her through a divorce and seem vulnerable and give a plausible illusion for all her followers.

All smoke and mirrors. I'm reminded of this commercial when it comes to these events. I don't think anyone is ever gonna know what the deal is.

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Gold Member
And she made a bunch of money and got tones of publicity. In addition, she got to reveal her husband without having to take the blame for lying. All other mistakes and questionable content from the past are easily blamed on the husband as well.

But she didn't have anything to gain from this guys, I don't know why you're so skeptical?!

I see. So what you're saying is that one of the top female streamers in the world who's worth seven figures, realized she wasn't getting quite enough publicity and money, and needed a quick short term boost. So she decided to go for a high risk low reward strategy by staging being an abuse victim, so people would give her a bit more attention and money than she's getting.

Wow. Yeah I gotta say, that sounds a lot more plausible than her husband being a controlling asshole.
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