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An Ode to Nintendo Fans (Willy Wonka Parody)

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Really, of all the many, many, huge problems with the Nintendo hardcore dedicated fanbase, they choose to make fun of them wanting games that Nintendo just flat out refuses to make or even just rerelease?

This is like making a Donald Trump satirical song that only makes references to the first series of the Apprentice he was in.

You're dealing with a fanbase that is rife with self aggrandising, wilfully ignorant fantasists, with rampant Stockholm syndrome and a clinging to childhood that borders on the sociopathic, and you go after the fact that Nintendo literally couldn't give less of fuck about what they want as if that was in anyway one of their most notable flaws?

Seriously, these are sewage people, rip them a new one or just don't bother.
I met Roger a couple times at Street Pass meetups in Chicago. He's probably the most hardcore Nintendo fan I've ever met. You are reading into this way too much.


I met Roger a couple times at Street Pass meetups in Chicago. He's probably the most hardcore Nintendo fan I've ever met. You are reading into this way too much.

Maybe this Roger guy is a "Stockholm Syndrome" Nintendo fan as Mr. Disco would say. This type of fan may disparage other members of the flock for doubting Nintendo's ways, and could even defend a controller with no buttons. Heh.


Condescending Nintendo gamers making a parody to justify their current output and dismiss anybody wanting anything else.

Maybe this Roger guy is a "Stockholm Syndrome" Nintendo fan as Mr. Disco would say. This type of fan may disparage other members of the flock for doubting Nintendo's ways, and could even defend a controller with no buttons. Heh.

Heh, well he did get invited to E3 on behalf of Nintendo...


Really, of all the many, many, huge problems with the Nintendo hardcore dedicated fanbase, they choose to make fun of them wanting games that Nintendo just flat out refuses to make or even just rerelease?

This is like making a Donald Trump satirical song that only makes references to the first series of the Apprentice he was in.

You're dealing with a fanbase that is rife with self aggrandising, wilfully ignorant fantasists, with rampant Stockholm syndrome and a clinging to childhood that borders on the sociopathic, and you go after the fact that Nintendo literally couldn't give less of fuck about what they want as if that was in anyway one of their most notable flaws?

Seriously, these are sewage people, rip them a new one or just don't bother.

I can't tell if this is a parody of the Nintendo anti-fan or if it is serious.


Is there a video of that one dude laughing hysterically and speaking in Spanish with fake subtitles yet to this whole fiasco?

Edit: El Risitas? I dunno google has kinda failed me heh.
It wasn't that long ago that Nintendo offered their fans a chance to acquire Mario themed hand towels and just recently announced that world famous Babymetal costumes are coming to Mario Maker. They didn't have to do that you know. And now people are getting up in arms about a stupid little game drought. Nintendo fans are too entitled.
It should have said bad egg, not bad nut at the end.

I thought the song was fine. It wasn't that funny, but I'm not a fan of parodies.

It wasn't that long ago that Nintendo offered their fans a chance to acquire Mario themed hand towels and just recently announced that world famous Babymetal costumes are coming to Mario Maker. They didn't have to do that you know. And now people are getting up in arms about a stupid little game drought. Nintendo fans are too entitled.

On top of that, if you're part of their YouTube program, you can go to E3, for free, as their guest. I got an e-mail last week (?) with the details and a link to sign up. They do a lot of good things, but they also do a lot of weird things.
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