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Andor |OT| Disney+


This episode was just setup for the finale. Still had some good moments. Brought a smile to my face to see Sergeant Linus again. He is Karn’s only friend :( but after all this time they stayed friends on space instagram :)

Luthen’s boss status was already achieved last week but this just solidified it. Guy is outshowing Andor on his own show lol
Big money gets you that fancy ship. That thing was incredibly capable.


I'm one of those guys who grew up in the 80s, saw the first 2 SW films and definitely enjoyed them (never had any toys though) and with ROJ got put off enough by the Ewoks that I was happy to be done with it (to be honest I was always just far more of a Tron guy personally).

Then of course the prequels, I went to see the new one in 1999 and then, well, I knew I really didn't need to watch any more new SW things ever again. Ever.

Rogue One came out several years ago and the nerds realllllly hit it home about how "you have GOT to see this film!" Ok fine, I broke my vow at last and gave it a watch awhile later (pandemic boredom). Movie was ok, had some interesting sequences and such, but not really anything that was lighting a fire within me.

Went to a friend's get together to watch the first few episodes of Mando - ok those were pretty good, after a couple I was pretty tired of Baby Yoda (plus just seeing it evvvvverywherrrrre on the Internet otherwise) so that was that.

And then this.. well I'm not so sure how Andor got on my radar. Obviously I heard of it just like it's impossible not to hear of all of the other big SW goings on if you are any kind of a respectable nerd, but nothing sounded like I should care. Then I guess on FB, people started posting some screen grabs and right off I could tell that something special was happening here. Just a couple screens and it really looked like they were paying homage to the SW that I was into as a kid, design-wise, in a way that I'd not really seen elsewhere. With those pics of course the usual clamor about "holy shit this show is actually quite well done" and as my queue is relatively quiet right now, I thought I'd give a watch as it might be fun to at least look at for a bit. Watched the first episode... uhhh, that was interesting, but really slow, do I really care about this? Ok we will check out number 2.. ok that's about the same speed. Stuff is definitely nice to look at but, this shit is just plodding on and it's hard to feel drawn in really.

Then. I dunno what happened. I talked to a friend who was lapping this up and decided to give it another chance. Watched third episode and then alright, that was it, I found the spot.

This show is legit great. One of the best things I've seen all year, easily. Can't believe I have any interest in a Star Wars thing not made in the 70s or 80s but here I am. And the ties to SW are honestly the Cherry on top (Tie fighters, storm troopers, etc). All those things that I dug as a kid are being so lovingly and perfectly handled here. All the characters are very well fleshed out and reasonable. The stuff I would expect to be bored by, is all quite captivating. Somehow the impossible has happened and even to me, Star Wars has become fascinating again. Well done, excited for the finale and BRING ON SEASON 2!!!!
Now that you have taken the turd colored glasses off, can you revisit the first to shows or recall them and reassess? Now that you have adjusted to the pace and style of the show, do you still think the first 2 were unintersting?

I started this show expecting to be heavily disappointed and I was blown away with the first ep. Everything was immediately recognized as not the norm for Star Wars. Rogue One is also one of my favorite SW movies(maybe #1) but it still had some old style SW cutsie shit that doesn't separate it as far from SW norms as I think Andor does.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Some of you will disagree with me but I stand by this: The utility & space of the Fondor Haulcraft make it seem like something a bounty hunter like Mando would fly. But Mando is flying a restored antique Naboo starfighter which is something you'd think an antique dealer like Luthen would fly. The different writing teams have coincidentally given these guys opposite ships lol


Some of you will disagree with me but I stand by this: The utility & space of the Fondor Haulcraft make it seem like something a bounty hunter like Mando would fly. But Mando is flying a restored antique Naboo starfighter which is something you'd think an antique dealer like Luthen would fly. The different writing teams have coincidentally given these guys opposite ships lol
Yeah I hate the new Mando ship. I think it was purely nostalgia bs, for some of the worst movies. But there are dumb children born of that era that don't know any better. You can grow up liking bad things.

I grew up loving the Beastmaster movie, from endless hbo repeats. I know lots of people think it's probably garbage. I still like it, you can't stop me.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Yeah I hate the new Mando ship. I think it was purely nostalgia bs, for some of the worst movies. But there are dumb children born of that era that don't know any better. You can grow up liking bad things.

I grew up loving the Beastmaster movie, from endless hbo repeats. I know lots of people think it's probably garbage. I still like it, you can't stop me.

Quality of the prequels aside, I'll always defend the prequel designs. The droids, ships, aliens, and even costumes were on another level (Natalie Portman alone had like 20 different outfits). They basically spawned an entire generation of videogame possibilities. Compare that to the sequels which were like "oh here's a slightly different X-Wing, here's a slightly different Walker, e.t.c.". I'm hopeful that Mando finds a new carrier/frigate, and that the starfighter is just a tool for him to use for dogfights/scouting/infiltration. Cuz otherwise I agree with you its just nonsensical nostalgia bait.


Gold Member
I don't have much to add other than - another great episode. This show has been so consistent. Loved Stellan Starsgard's performance in the scene where he's dealing with the mole.

That monologue was amazing, great writing and great acting. Really captured the mindset of the guy that helped basically start the rebellion. So cool to see and expertly executed.


Ya the Gilroy stuff has been additive, Rogue One makes A New Hope better, and Andor makes Rogue One and the SW Universe better. Where as Obi Wan and Sequel Trilogy makes the Original Trilogy worse and breaks canon/continuity.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Ya the Gilroy stuff has been additive, Rogue One makes A New Hope better,
Stop with this it does not make A New Hope a better movie.

The new stuff does not inform on the original stuff. When Solo came out people were saying it made the millennium falcon mean more because of the computer droid connection. But that was dumb then and this is dumb now.

Can it be cool, yes. But it doesn’t add anything.

Marc Antony didn’t make Caesar cooler by calling him ambitious and asking for ears.


ידע זה כוח
"The sequels is the worst film I've ever seen"

that is probably going a bit too far, thing is it was so insignificant that I can't even remember it
The whole plot of two space ships in a stalemate chase was so moronic I kept thinking to myself wtf is happening and it distracted me for the entire movie, no matter what happened I was still "wtf are they serious with this?!" the entire movie. Not to mention the side plot for Finn and the Leah undeath. Everything was awful.
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Ulysses 31

The whole plot of two space ships in a stalemate chase was so moronic I kept thinking to myself wtf is happening and it distracted me for the entire movie, no matter what happened I was still "wtf are they serious with this?!" the entire movie. Not to mention the side plot for Finn and the Leah undeath. Everything was awful.
The problems with that movie start right away when the Dreadnaught uses its big cannons, with long recharge time, on a stationary base that's being evacuated rather than on the fleet rebels are evacuating to... 👀


Now that you have taken the turd colored glasses off, can you revisit the first to shows or recall them and reassess? Now that you have adjusted to the pace and style of the show, do you still think the first 2 were unintersting?

I started this show expecting to be heavily disappointed and I was blown away with the first ep. Everything was immediately recognized as not the norm for Star Wars. Rogue One is also one of my favorite SW movies(maybe #1) but it still had some old style SW cutsie shit that doesn't separate it as far from SW norms as I think Andor does.
Yeah, I'm still going to be picky about those first two episodes. I do appreciate them more now that the show has won me over, but I don't feel like they are great for bringing people into the show cold. Apples and oranges, but I can think of a couple of specific Marvel shows where I was similarly disinterested/bored but checked them out anyway and was basically floored by the first episodes (Loki, Moon Knight). Both shoes had ups and downs overall, but the beginning episodes had me immediately invested. I can't really think of many other shows where it was much of a drag at the beginning before I was on board, maybe Eastbound & Down.


Gold Member
I'm four episodes in, this is still a huge nothing burger.
There's so many shots clearly there just to reach the episode's time quota, it's embarrassing. Lots of shots of people just standing there or flicking their eyes around. The usual comic book dialogues that waste a lot of words to say almost nothing. Not a single interesting character so far. Stellan Skarsgard is phenomenal, too bad his character hasn't done anything really relevant yet.

I mean, sure, take Star Wars different ways, but make something interesting to watch. Episode 4 had me falling asleep a couple times. As disastrous as it was for most of it, Obi-Wan Kenobi at least had a tremendously charismatic lead and something actually going on.


I'm four episodes in, this is still a huge nothing burger.
There's so many shots clearly there just to reach the episode's time quota, it's embarrassing. Lots of shots of people just standing there or flicking their eyes around. The usual comic book dialogues that waste a lot of words to say almost nothing. Not a single interesting character so far. Stellan Skarsgard is phenomenal, too bad his character hasn't done anything really relevant yet.

I mean, sure, take Star Wars different ways, but make something interesting to watch. Episode 4 had me falling asleep a couple times. As disastrous as it was for most of it, Obi-Wan Kenobi at least had a tremendously charismatic lead and something actually going on.

if you're not feeling it then you're not feeling it but on imdb ep6 has a 9.2 and episode 10 a 9.5 rating. Anything above 9 is pretty rare and ep12 will likely also hit that milestone.
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Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Finally got around to Ep 11, still baffling to me that this show is this good while most of the rest of the Disney Star Wars output has been pretty alright to straight up trash
Stellan Skarsgard is phenomenal, too bad his character hasn't done anything really relevant yet.

robert eggers patience GIF


I'm four episodes in, this is still a huge nothing burger.
There's so many shots clearly there just to reach the episode's time quota, it's embarrassing. Lots of shots of people just standing there or flicking their eyes around. The usual comic book dialogues that waste a lot of words to say almost nothing. Not a single interesting character so far. Stellan Skarsgard is phenomenal, too bad his character hasn't done anything really relevant yet.

I mean, sure, take Star Wars different ways, but make something interesting to watch. Episode 4 had me falling asleep a couple times. As disastrous as it was for most of it, Obi-Wan Kenobi at least had a tremendously charismatic lead and something actually going on.
Stick with it, episode 5 is rough also, but it's fantastic from 6 onwards.

Look at what I was posting about the show at the point you're at, now I loooove it 😍.
I must be watching a different show to most of you, I thought the first two episodes sucked and the third was ok.

Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.

Damn, I thought that was dreadful. Last two episodes felt like they were warming up but man, boring as anything.

Glad others are enjoying it though.


ידע זה כוח
Ok, so first impressions are that it was a great closer, great acting, writing, build up, tension, but it was hindered by meh direction. I felt the drone shots were unnecessary or not well done, some camera angles didn't make a lot of sense (like when Andor talks to Brasso), just not great cinematography. I also wished more for the fight scene.

Writing was top notch as usual. Overall this is the best sci-fi show I think I've ever seen, but I haven't watched The Expanse.


Music was, again, the MWP. Tension high, great acting. A little bit more Mon could have been implemented, but the important beats were there. Hyped for season 2!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
This episode was great but it felt very understated. Realistic in that regard but not exactly a bombastic finale.


This episode was great but it felt very understated. Realistic in that regard but not exactly a bombastic finale.
Needed more Vespa-Cowboy-Turnandshoot moves, amiright 😏

My father hated it. “Too slow, no plot”. It’s not a show for everyone.
The finale was a bit underwhelming in my opinion, but overall the show was fantastic. I loved it. Star Wars hasn't been redeemed in my eyes but I certainly am interested to see if they can produce more content like this.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Great finale but fucking seriously a post credits scene? Well let me just go back downstairs and load it back up again… Fuckin Marvel bullshit…

Oh it’s the Death Star.

Oh boy we didn’t know that was happening.

Put me firmly in the camp of this show is the best thing since ESB but that is some dumb Marvel shit.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Great job not paying attention and missing the point of the scene.

The things Andor was making in prison were supports for the Death Star’s dish - the thing that will kill him in five years.
That was already heavily implied IMO, didn’t need to have it spelled out.


I kinda liked the idea that you never find out what they were working on. There is something nightmarish and bleakly dystopian about spending hundreds of days assembling the same thing over and over and not having any idea what it is or what it’s used for. That you’re just a cog in that machine.
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Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Really? Read a lot of comments on Twitter how surprised they were because of that scene. Not everyone is a nerd 🤓
Maybe it was a good guess on my part but it seemed somewhat obvious from the prison episodes…Death Star I was super secret, faced many delays, slaves getting rounded up for no reason, sentences extended forever, they’re working on imperial tech….

I think there were enough hints there. I like it when things are implied and not overly explained. Finding out the “solo” in Han Solo actually means “solo” is cringe as hell. Just leave some things unsaid FFS.
Great job not paying attention and missing the point of the scene.

The things Andor was making in prison were supports for the Death Star’s dish - the thing that will kill him in five years.
Tbh some casual fans need that bit of hand holding. Turkey Day has been interesting so far talking to people like my brother or my 75 year old dad who grew up on Star Wars but are not into fandom or reading up on Star Wars on social media at all. My dad only knew Andor existed by opening the D+ app.

On its surface the Death Star might seem obvious but that’s the tie in to make you give more of a shit about Rogue One and the fact that it’s clearly showing the Death Star structure is done and this is like the last piece of the puzzle and Andor contributed to it does make you have an oh shit moment like they did watching the finale together last night.

Andor kind of needs to be binged for these kinds of fans IMHO week to week the pacing can be slow but if you binge the character development episodes followed by a climax like Aldhani it all makes sense and flows.

Also just a note it took them a while to find the show because all ads on tv and radio say Andor not beating you over the head by calling it Star Wars: Andor. I think if they called it Star Wars Rebellion or something it might have marketed better.
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ידע זה כוח
Also just a note it took them a while to find the show because all ads on tv and radio say Andor not beating you over the head by calling it Star Wars: Andor. I think if they called it Star Wars Rebellion or something it might have marketed better.
but then they wouldn't have the cool logo with the O created by the D and R... they chose right.


I kinda liked the idea that you never find out what they were working on. There is something nightmarish and bleakly dystopian about spending hundreds of days assembling the same thing over and over and not having any idea what it is or what it’s used for. That you’re just a cog in that machine.
Well if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure Cassian still doesn't know and never will.


I'm not really motivated to watch season 2. There were a few decent parts to season 1, but it also feels bloated. I think they could have done it all in a single season.
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