what is the difference between rooting and unlocking?
If I unlock my phone ( Lg g3 model 852) will i get updated direct from LG? or will i still have to rely on my service provider?
Does unlocking mean i can delete google apps?
What do you mean by unlocking? In android it usually means unlocking the bootloader. The bootloader is a program that prepares the phone to load the kernel of an operating system and eventually the operating system itself. It "bootstraps" the operating system so it can be loaded, hence the name. In android, bootloaders are locked by default and thus can only load authorized default kernels.
Unlocking the bootloader is what enables the user to install a custom kernels and ROMs, like cyanogenmod.
Depending on your device, unlocking the bootloader can be as simple as typing a few commands or nigh impossible.
Unlocking the bootloader by itself will not do much beyond restoring the device to a factory state. It simply opens the door to root, for custom kernels and ROMs. If you want to get rid of the Google Apps, you could flash a custom ROM such as cyanogenmod which by default does not include any of the Google Apps. So yes, it is possible to run a version of Android that includes no Google Apps and runs no Google services. Keep in mind that means no Play store as well.
Be warned that doing so (installing a ROM such as cyanogenmod or paranoid android) will replace the current, stock ROM on your device. Many of the things your LG g3 can do (such as its look, dual screen apps, specific modifications, LG apps, etc) are not features of stock Android, but rather modifications added in by LG. For all intents and purposes you'll be using a different operating system on your phone.
Rooting is a process which gives you superuser or "root" privileges at the OS level to modify the operating system. Unlocking is a prerequisite for rooting.
Unlocking the bootloader will not carrier unlock the phone if the phone is carrier-locked.,
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