anyone here tried the GearVR with their Samsung devices? how's the experience?
Those are my impressions as well. Love mine!Night and day from cardboard. Blew me away. Software selection got real good with some actual good vr games as well.
I just won a GearVR from a Lucky Draw and it's making me reconsider between the Note5 and Nexus6P
This is an opinion. Everyone will like phones differently.Don't let that sway you. Get the 6P. I say this as a person that has and likes the Note 5. Other than camera and screen, the 6P is a superior phone.
This is an opinion. Everyone will like phones differently.
How ong it took from purchase to getting the e-credit?Got my $20. I love you Google ��
I was surprised when he picked the 6P as his MVP since he kept saying how much he liked the Note 5. Touchwiz FTL
slightly concerned that my bank app just asked for superuser access?
/sThe 6P is so old already. Why are people still talking about it? It's like the people still talking about Star Wars.
Just got my Moto X Pure (X Style for you international folks) delivered from Amazon's recent sale. Feels good in the hand and surprisingly smaller than I expected for a 5.7 inch screen.
slightly concerned that my bank app just asked for superuser access?
How much did you pay?
The 6P is so old already. Why are people still talking about it? It's like the people still talking about Star Wars.
how's those referral points coming? (I think I actually signed up after clicking your link so you got lucky there)
Yep Same here just canceled my zenpad for itPicked up a 6P for 500. 64GB version.
Pretty much. Did you watch the included video in the Cardboard app yet?Google Star Wars Cardboard + Star Wars App =
Pretty much. Did you watch the included video in the Cardboard app yet?
Ah ok.I ran through the calibration app initial setup, but I didn't go through the other apps in there. Been busy with last minute holiday shit all weekend.
No.Are there other phones I should be looking at?
I've had a rough history with android. My first smartphone was a evo 4g, then an evo 4g lte. Both started great, but by the end of their two year contracts were very slow, unresponsive, stopped getting updates, and also had very poor internet connections. I also got a nexus 7 2012 when it released because the reviews were so strong, but of course within about a year that thing started really slowing down and it's now well known there was a serious hardware flaw with that device.
All the time I watch my wife use her iphones for 3 years and they don't seem much slower than the day she got them, same with her ipad. So this year I made the jump to iphone 6 and I like it a lot. But I do hate how it's so much worse using any non-apple app (google maps or waze of ios maps, overcast over podcast, google pictures over iphotos). I also hate the memory pricing.
I have to change carriers so I am thinking about going back to android. Looking at the nexus 5x or 6p. I'm not much of a gamer so I'm not sure I need top of the line specs and I really like the fingerprint sensor. The pricing is pretty awesome as well. I don't need anything miraculous in terms of battery life, just through a day with regular use. Is it reasonable to expect those phones to last 2-3 years without significant decreases in network performance or or hardware/software responsiveness? I know since they are nexus they will actually get good update support (unlike htc's shitty phones, they stopped supporting them less than two years).
Are there other phones I should be looking at? I can go to pretty much any network other than sprint.
If your a casual user I'd say just pick between the devices purely based on size. If you want a big phone get the 6X. If you want something smaller get the 5P.
Are there other phones I should be looking at? I can go to pretty much any network other than sprint.
Just out of curiosity, what are the annoyances you're finding when using third party apps on the iPhone?