So, tablets...
I haven't really followed the market much. My wife has an iPad, and as much as I don't like using it, it's not like there's a need for another tablet in the household, so it is what it is. However, my parents have expressed an interest in "learning to Skype", so I figured a tablet would be their best bet for ease of use. As I expected, I've been tasked with to research tablets and tell them which one to get. "How hard could it be?", I ask myself.
Apparently, it's a gigantic pain in the ass.
I already told them to stay away from Apple devices, and I figured I should be able to find something decent in the Android tablet market, but my goodness, it's a lot to wade through. My initial criteria was to find something with stock Android on it, but apparently the only tablet on the market with vanilla Android is the Nexus 9?
I figured that would work, though, since I've had a good experience with the Nexus line in the past. I've used both a Nexus One and 6, and thought they were both fine. I figured since this was Google's own tablet, it should be good, right?
Apparently not. People crapping on it left and right.
So, with that in mind, are there any other tablets that are running vanilla android that are decent for the same general price point? I've been reading a ton of reviews, and apparently everything else has a bunch of unnecessary junk on it. This gets extra infuriating when the review is basically "Powerful tablet, tons of bloatware, FOUR STARS!"
I guess "tons of bloatware" is more of a dealbreaker for me than most people.
So, if vanilla Android is off the table, are there any tablets out there that aren't too bloated?