I'm looking for a new reasonably priced android phone
I have a moto x 2013 that i still love and would continue to use if not for two issues ever since lollipop:
The phone makes horrible crackling noises at times when adjusting volume or when starting audio from spotify or podkicker.
When the phone runs out of battery and is restarted after charging it does the "optimizing app x of 80" and takes 15-20 minutes to even be available for use.
Would switching to a custom rom like cyanogenmod help with these issues possibly? Motorola wants $100 to replace the phone but with 2014 moto x at $180 used i could just upgrade.
If I don't just keep the moto x until it gets broken or stops working entirely I think the best option for a cheap upgrade would be the Moto X 2014 used/like new which seems to go for around $180 on ebay. Is this the best option?
I'm really not interested in doing another ATT Next plan or subsidizing again, but if i did it'd probably be better to go for one of the big flagship phones like the note 5, because they charge $600 on next for the moto x 2014 or nexus 6 anyway.
Nexus announcement on the 29th if your budget can stretch to around $400.