I'll be happy when people come to their senses and see that 4.8 - 5.1 inches with small bezels is the perfect size for the average hand.
even a little smaller is ok. Xperia compact series are really small and have much bigger screen than this new iphone, If it wasn't for the apple logo the discussion wouldn't even exist.
I wonder when will apple upgrade their design because those bezels on any of their iphones are huge and horrible,
The 6 is already 4.7''. This is a good rounding out of their portfolio. I know lots of girls with little hands that like smaller phones.
And it's been discussed in here before that 3D Touch was oversold and under-delivered. It's pretty interesting that Apple is now marketing it as a luxury feature. Right now, that might simply be because they can't shrink the new taptic motor down enough to cram into a 4'' body.
it is okay to have different models, nice to see this 4 inch iphone , it is good for apple users. Choice is good.
As for 3d touch.... well it fits in their apple watch so it seems like maximizing benefits. Usual apple strategy,just like base model is still 16GB in 2016. For those who want to pay the less they can for something with the apple logo,