I may have worded that badly; but yeah I've been playing it quite a bit already : ) Add me on GooglePlayGames if you like ID : Murdy_Plops.
Good games for the device; looking past the obvious ones... (Doom 3 BFG Edition, Half life Ep1-2, Portal, KOTOR, Borderlands TPS)
I would heartily recommend...
Pix the cat, Any of the telltale games, Riptide 2, BeachBuggy Racing, Implosion : never lose hope (excellent title), Reckless racing 3, Mechanic escape, Geometry Wars 3, This war of mine, GTA III, Vice City, Liberty City Stories, Chinatown Wars, Joe Danger, Does not commute, Oddworld Strangers Wrath + Munch's Oddysee, Xenowerk, Tabletop Racing, NBA Jam, Machinariam, The Bards Tale, Samurai : Vengeance, Dead Effect 2
Thats plenty to be getting on with and will cost you about the same as a single new PS4 release