I posted this in tech support, but once I saw this thread, I thought it might be better posted here. I have an Asus ME572C K007 tablet running Android 5.0.1 (latest system update), and recently it's having issues with my Wi-Fi (2.4Ghz) on my home network. When loading anything using internet access, it's very inconsistent. Usually, it will load part of a web page or a couple rows of the Google Play store, but stop there. A lot of times it won't load anything and keep spinning.
I have a Gigabyte laptop and a Samsung Galaxy S6 that connect to the same network, and they load web pages and everything else internet related fine. I did some speed tests using speedtest.net on all three devices in the same physical location, and the Asus tablet will come up with inconsistent low download speeds, and sometimes it will come up with a "network communication error". My phone and laptop test fine on the same network.
The tablet worked fine with my network a few days ago, so I'm not sure what's changed. I've tried rebooting the tablet in safe mode, turning off location and bluetooth, disconnecting and reconnecting to the network, and turning off power saving mode, but nothing has helped. What else can I try? I'll provide more information if needed. Thanks in advance.