I can can buy a Chinese phone annually for cheaper than the pixel xl equivalent every 2years so it kinda works out.
Are feature updates really something worth noting these days? Feel like both mobile ecosystems are packed to a brim already.
IOS 10 and nougat didn't really add anything game changing.
But this is a waste imo. You can have 1 good phone for two years vs spending more money on maybe three POS that do nothing and have even worst short comings than the more expensive ones outside of some kewl tech that largely goes unused (because devs don't use them or support them..a downside from being a low brand no named company ) and the OEM barely supports them when they drop the sequel 6 months later...so like I don't get it...
And it's not just exclusive to you but other people in this thread who do this while having the gall to talk down the obvious better phone like the Pixel. For all its shortcoming...nothing on the market in these low brand android phones come close. Not in skin (which I don't consider vanilla android a skin) camera quality, not in touch interface and feel, not in update support and security features, not in app compatibility and the list keeps going.
To each their own but I won't beta test crappy phones because of specs and then find out that they are just bad after the purchase is made. I've never felt that with any of the top brand android phones outside of LG. Even Samsung isn't that bad. And I get it, people are still going to argue that the price is the barrier and it does little to justify the price but I think it certainly justifies it when we are talking about phones that are over spec above it and still don't come close even with the low price...that's just how I see it.
Edit : and Btw, I'm not trashing anyone for their decision even though it sounds like my comment comes out as such. I'm not defending the Pixel either or being tight about it. It's just honest discussion about this phone has largely missed this android community which I was really hoping for when I came in. It's very enthusiast and that's cool because I like the different opinions. That's what I'm saying, but Pixel conversation just hasn't been practical and yes, it's frustrating a bit. Kind of expect more from the android community, that's all.