No one is dumb enough to drop an Android tablet right now with Andromeda around the corner.
I thought Andromeda was debunked again just a few days ago.
No one is dumb enough to drop an Android tablet right now with Andromeda around the corner.
I thought Andromeda was debunked again just a few days ago.
The Samsung store version is still showing as 4 to me.
Check the Galaxy store app. The Google Play store seems to be on version 4 still, but this one they are calling version 5, so it was supposed to be a big update.
It basically has more extensions support now other than adblock. It's more secure. It's now running on chromium 51, so it's faster and it also looks more aesthetically pleasing.
I also noticed that it has that automatic scroll back top up to the beginning of the page feature that it's on the opera browser.
I thought Andromeda was debunked again just a few days ago.
I checked my store and I couldn't even find the browser. I'm o version 4.something.
Andromeda needs to ditch Java but it probably won't if it's more Android than Chrome, so meh.
But if it's the other way around since Chrome OS can run Android apps, then hell yes.
Is there a way to send a reduced size photo with Gmail app? or do I have to change the resolution in the camera app before taking the photo? On S7 here.
Well I thought the slowness of it compared to iPhone code was an issue. That's probably part of why there was chatter about using swift.
Anyway, if you go to Verizon's FAQ for the Note7 recall, there's a new section there - "Is Verizon Wireless disabling my Note7?" and the answer boils down to "yes - on January 5th."
The performance loss BC of the VM is becoming less and less of an issue.
If you say so, I came from lower level background and the Java code performance is still bad on Android. Chrome's native client while is still a few layers above metal performs much better. The whole Android system was duct taped together and got big way faster than they had time to clean it up. If you think Pixel performs well enough, then there's no reason it couldn't be much better either in raw performance or able to do as well as it does now with better battery life.
You can keep supporting current apps by the way ChromeOS does and offer a much faster path going forward.
I'm not low level like you so I believe what you say about Java but again is it really the language? I mean u just said Android grew too fast and wasn't put together well. That seems like a different issue than Java itself.
There are multiple issues with Android. Java performance is one, there are a lot of things compiler can optimize that can't be done with a JIT language. And since that's their chosen path the OS has to be done certain ways to accommodate it. It's all related. You lose a bit of efficiency here, a bit there, then it starts to add up.
Need opinion.
Going to renew my contract and here are my options. Canadian prices.
S7 for 50$ with a $72 a month contract
V20 for 400$ with a 61$ a month contract
G5 for 0$ with a 61$ a month contract.
Which would you guys pick? I'm really undecided as the s7 is amazing but so is the v20 in different ways. G5 seems like the wisest decision though as it's similar to the v20 but it doesn't attract me as much.
Urgh this is tough!
If you are going to take pictures, the S7 takes the cake.
Note that the S7 and V20 would cost the same after 31 months (11 CDN diff/mo until it reaches ~CDN$ 350)
I don't expect Andromeda to change anything that's why I am not exactly hyped about it until they prove to me otherwise. Google always goes back and forth between different ideas and pet projects until someone else shows them a path then they hastily put together something to compete when it comes to consumer facing products. Maybe having a hardware division will slowly change that.
Currently, I plan on buying something soon. I've heard great things about CyanogenMod, but One Plus breaking away from CyanogenMod kind of puts me off.
So, yes or no?
I'm on a budget, and I need something that is better than what I have.Nah I wouldn't get OPO at this point. Way too old IMO.
I'm on a budget, and I need something that is better than what I have.
Understand that I'm not a huge snob for specs.
Nah I wouldn't get OPO at this point. Way too old IMO.
I wish. Rumors have been abound but nothing concrete.So someone mentioned a new 7" tablet from Google in a couple of weeks in that Android tablet thread. Is that happening? I'm more than happy with my Pixel C, but my mum wants a new 7" tablet upgrade from her Nexus 7.
So why is Facebook Messenger Snapchat now, and is there any way to get rid of this? The fact that the Snapchat is activated by scrolling up is driving me nuts.
I could give two shits about Andromeda except for the new notifications sound cool and I expect it to fix messaging finally.
For $150, I'd get a Nextbit Robin before a OPO.
Well it was til we found out about the pixel Hwuwei falloutFor $150, I'd get a Nextbit Robin before a OPO.
I wish. Rumors have been abound but nothing concrete.
You double check the G button setting is on? Or got the hotfix update?My Gboard doesn't have a search bar wtf? It is most definitely enabled.
You double check the G button setting is on? Or got the hotfix update?
just get the oneplus 3tprobably going to hongkong in january, planning to get either 1+ 3t or xiaomi mix
any owners of either of those have any complaints about them i should know about?
Hmm I dunno, sometimes it even will suggest searches to me if I have something on a single line and hit returnG button is def on I keep turning it off and on and u installing and reinstalling. I just got the update on the Play Store what ever it is.
I've been to Hong Kong and China on a couple of separate occasions recently. Couldn't find the Mix anywhere.probably going to hongkong in january, planning to get either 1+ 3t or xiaomi mix
any owners of either of those have any complaints about them i should know about?