The Faceless Master
Well I mean, you are currently after a phone that bakes itself, so it makes sense tour be turned off by half baked.
It is a shame that end of the market is still about making compromises though. Pixel, iPhone and Samsung are really the only high end options and all 3 are farrrrrrr from perfect.
lets be real here...
the Note 7 has a 0.001% chance of melting.
the Pixel has a 100% chance of being an overpriced piece of shit.
I have $450 to spend on a new Android phone tomorrow and I am looking for last minute recommendations. My iPhone 5S was given to me and I gave Apple a legit shot at converting me...but it's back to Android.
I actually really like the size of my iPhone 5S, and there doesn't appear to be any decent Android phones in the 4.5 inch I missing something? The closest is the Sony Z3 Compact but lacks a fingerprint sensor which is a deal breaker for me; my 5S spoiled me here.
If I can't find a suitable smaller phone, I am heavily leaning towards the OnePlus 3 unless someone can convince me otherwise. All thoughts appreciated!
you want to drop $450 on a phone on literally the last day of the year?
wait for 8.