At the very top is the Yoshino, which will run on a Snapdragon 835, with 4 or 6 GB of LPDDR4 RAM, Sony IMX 400 camera, and a 5.5-inch 3840×2160 4K screen. These specs would make it a perfect fit for the Xperia XZs successor. Two years ago, the 4K screen might be an eccentricity, but with mobile VR these days, it could become a necessity.
The BlancBright is a bit of an ambiguous one, in that it could get either a Snapdragon 835 or a lower 635. Either way, it gets 4 GB of RAM, the same IMX 400 sensor as Yoshino, and a 5.5-inch 2560×1440 WQHD display. Sounds almost like an Xperia X2 Performance.
From there, we start going down into mid-range territory with the Keyaki and the Hinoki. Both are powered by a MediaTek Helio P20 processor. That, however, is their only similarity. Keyaki gets a 5.2-inch Full HD screen, 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of storage, a 23 megapixel main camera and 16 megapixel front cam. The Hinoki, on the other hand, goes with a 5-inch HD screen, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB storage, 16 megapixel rear camera, and 8 megapixel front shooter.
Curiously, there is no detail for the Mineo aside from a probably $350 price tag. That could mean it will be one of Sonys lower mid-range models, like an Xperia M for 2017