So, just to be clear - my Mum has an ancient Moto-E, which came with Hangouts pre-installed. It does not have enough space any more to install literally any apps, because the updates to the system apps take up the entire space, and because it runs a version of Android that doesn't support sending apps to the SD card.
Google are going to constantly update a version of her SMS app that will break it, and divert her to the store to download an alternative that she won't have enough storage space to install. And she'll call me, and I'll fudge it somehow, and then the next day exactly the same fucking thing will happen.
Idiots. Seriously Google, you shipped hundreds of millions of devices like this you fucking idiots.
I'll literally end up buying my Mum a new phone just to avoid the hassle over this. But there are lots of people who can't, and Google has just decided to fuck those people - especially in developing markets. Idiots. Idiots, idiots, idiots.