Except for that overheating 810.
so true it hurts. was playing you must build a boat two days ago and 2 minutes into it the phone got crazy hot.
Except for that overheating 810.
Could you tell me more about your Gear S2? I want a smartwatch with GPS for my runs but the options are limited. I know nothing about Tizen but I am in love with my Galaxy Tab S2 and maybe I could invest more in Samsung products.
so true it hurts. was playing you must build a boat two days ago and 2 minutes into it the phone got crazy hot.
My battery life tanks whenever I enable location on my phone. Really disappointing because without it I don't seem to get Google Opinion surveys as often if at all and then I have to remember to enable it again if I go for a walk and if I forget to turn it off afterwards my battery will go straight to hell.
Man USB 3.0 is underwhelming. It didn't seem like my transfers went that much faster. Faster yes but theoretically 10x faster? Not even close.
Were you using a USB 3.0 Drive and a USB 3.0 Port?
Man USB 3.0 is underwhelming. It didn't seem like my transfers went that much faster. Faster yes but theoretically 10x faster? Not even close.
It's only 3 - 4 times faster. Throughput on USB, wifi is never as advertised. Too many variables.
Til 2 months from now when the 6p has 7.0My Unlocked Note 5 just got the 6.0 update..late but the 6P might have competition now
My Unlocked Note 5 just got the 6.0 update..late but the 6P might have competition now
Da fuq? I'm pretty sure T-Mobile and Sprint already got theirs a while ago.
Model N920I (international but not Europe) - kinda forgotten by Samsung
Da fuq? I'm pretty sure T-Mobile and Sprint already got theirs a while ago.
I just got my 6.0 update for my Note 5 two weeks ago. I have an AT&T Note 5.My Unlocked Note 5 just got the 6.0 update..late but the 6P might have competition now
Model N920I (international but not Europe) - kinda forgotten by Samsung
Oh damn he's back.
Except for that overheating 810.
Yeah the 810 stinks. It is fine day to day but you can definitely notice the heat issues slowing you down when multitasking. That said, the 6P is still a great phone. Will the new SD be that much better than the 810? Is it a huge leap or does it fix the heat issues?Not with that infamous SnapDragon 810 chip inside.
Derp. I forgot there were different options and just turn it on from the notification shade. Changed it to battery saving from high accuracy so I'll leave it on and see how it goes.do you switch on Device Only mode or Battery Saver?
Yeah the 810 stinks. It is fine day to day but you can definitely notice the heat issues slowing you down when multitasking. That said, the 6P is still a great phone. Will the new SD be that much better than the 810? Is it a huge leap or does it fix the heat issues?
The 2017 iPhone is on my radar.
Yeah the 810 stinks. It is fine day to day but you can definitely notice the heat issues slowing you down when multitasking. That said, the 6P is still a great phone. Will the new SD be that much better than the 810? Is it a huge leap or does it fix the heat issues?
The 2017 iPhone is on my radar.
I could see myself upgrading if they bring back wireless charging. And they have a white version that I can actually buy.
They best keep the camera quality going too. The 6p consistently takes great shots, even though it's slow.
Aluminium body means wireless charging is dead for now. No one cares about it enough to adopt it to metal bodies.
At least not until Apple does it and declares how magical wireless charging is. Then everyone and their mother starts to copy it.
Thank you, Apple. I can't wait for your unicorn phone next year.
So it isn't a big deal. It is literally a chip that's a year old without heat issues. BFD. Also, naive doesn't mean what you think it means.Are you that naive? Both chips have been getting talked about on here for how long now.
It is well known the 810 was a misstep. The 820 is nothing amazing but it is almost double the single core performance, the best gpu on the market and doesn't have heat/throttle issues like the 810.
Yep but those puck chargers won't work. It would be imbalanced. Likely need a differently shaped charger with coils at an end instead of centered.Look at the size of the glass window, enough for them to fit in wireless charging behind that.
Hello Gafness my old friend, I've come to ask about Android phones again.
I need another phone, and these are the options:
LG G4 or Nexus 5X 32gb.
G4. 5X is basically a slightly worse G4.
About to get an S7 Edge for $350, feels good man.
Look at the size of the glass window, enough for them to fit in wireless charging behind that.
Yep but those puck chargers won't work. It would be imbalanced. Likely need a differently shaped charger with coils at an end instead of centered.
I have a hard time believing that it's really a window and not just glass slapped on aluminum, to make the design a bit more distinctive.
Why is that? That's how it works on the 6p so why would this be different
You mean the visor?
There's still aluminum beneath it and wireless charging still wouldn't work through that. It would have to be plastic.
Hello Gafness my old friend, I've come to ask about Android phones again.
I need another phone, and these are the options:
LG G4 or Nexus 5X 32gb.
Hello Gafness my old friend, I've come to ask about Android phones again.
I need another phone, and these are the options:
LG G4 or Nexus 5X 32gb.
I still think Apple isn't doing wireless charging until the true wireless charging solution is ready. Latest reliable report says it might be next year but I'd be surprised. But 2017/2018 could be it. Being able to have an adapter in a room and the phone charging as soon as you enter even if it's in your pocket or anywhere really is game changing.
So it isn't a big deal. It is literally a chip that's a year old without heat issues. BFD. Also, naive doesn't mean what you think it means.
Yep but those puck chargers won't work. It would be imbalanced. Likely need a differently shaped charger with coils at an end instead of centered.
That 6p wont have shit for resale value since it will be struggling to run software sooner than later. It wont have Google's new branding which will also hurt resale value. No body knows who the hell huawei is. Oh and the 6p bends even with a case on.
I thought there was a Google app where you could hold your camera up to something and it would identify it? Or was that at I/O and it's a coming feature?
But what would you use it in?!
He doesnt live in China. In the country he will sell his phone someday no one knows who they are.