I think Rocco is Cranky type. And he's not annoying.
He's ok, I just don't like his house. He and Cobb have weird furniture. Rocco's is like a construction site, and cobb's is all fitness stuff. Bleh.
I think Rocco is Cranky type. And he's not annoying.
Ok,so I have rocco moving out tomorrow (as long as he doesn't catch up to me - every time he sees me he does the ! - I'm starting to feel bad). I just want him out because he is annoying but I haven't read up on personality types or anything. I'll do that for my current villagers, but all I know is I have three cats and two rabbits so I don't want another one of those.
How does this all work? How long do I have between him moving out and someone else moving in? And how do I persuade someone else from another town to come (what's the timing involved here)?
Yep. I've tried that for hours. Never got one suggestion. I have no items, no bells, I wait in the ocean (I'm doing so right now), then I walk around until someone does the "BING!". When I talk to them, it's always about something dumb, like, changing a catchphrase, or whatever.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, or if I'm just crazy unlucky. I have at least 150 hours into this game. Probably more. I should have had something by now, I feel.
Have a feeling Pulga isn't coming, so I'm going to close up. If you see this dude, just hit me up sometime tomorrow and I'll grab dem tunes for you.
I'll hit 200 hours either tonight or tomorrow and I still haven't seen Saharah. I think my game is messed up. I have used the police station and the megaphone every day to try and find her, but nothing. On the other hand, I've seen Redd probably 7 or 8 times since June 9th, and Katrina 5 times.
In the 3DS application that gather informations on games played, I guess...Where do you see hours played?
I'll hit 200 hours either tonight or tomorrow and I still haven't seen Saharah. I think my game is messed up. I have used the police station and the megaphone every day to try and find her, but nothing. On the other hand, I've seen Redd probably 7 or 8 times since June 9th, and Katrina 5 times.
I think Rocco is Cranky type. And he's not annoying.
Yeah he's a cranky type and I already have one (elvis) and he's pretty cool. I just need to find another villager quick as I'm about to be down to 8 and at that point nook will just by-pass the campsite and move anyone in.
I haven't got a public works request in literally weeks. Depressing as hell.
So it is possible to have a villager move out when you have 9 villagers and a campsite?
I was never sure but I thought maybe you have to have a full town of 10 in order for villagers to move away.
Reason I thought this is because one of my villagers said he wanted to move away (I agreed with him) and he decided to stay anyway.
They can definitely decide to move out whenever, I had 9 with no one in the campsite and still had someone leave.
Wow. Saharah gave me a rare flooring and walling this time. Usually I only get one or the other.
Music room wall and boxing-ring mat.
It's looks like a school music room. Not particularly "musical".Sweet, what does that music room wall look like? Sounds like something I'd like to hang on my walls in my music basement.
I have the flooring as well. Not very musical looking but it's a nice wooden floor pattern.
My wife took the 3DS with her to Comic Con this week. Hoping that when she gets back I have a shitload of streetpassesFill my damn home showcase!
Nothing like that. The closest would be the notebook wall, which could sorta serve as an empty score page. But for actual music notes, you'll have to make a custom pattern.I'll stick to my bug style. But if there's a wall with music notes on it or something like that I'd be interested.
Nothing like that. The closest would be the notebook wall, which could sorta serve as an empty score page. But for actual music notes, you'll have to make a custom pattern.
You could do ringside seating and set it up like a rock concert though. It's supposed to be a boxing/wrestling audience, but there is nothing in the wallpaper itself that indicates that, just a bunch of people in an arena watching something.
The harvest wall is a purple curtain, so maybe pair it with a classy looking wooden floor and you could do a symphony style room for the violins and stuff.The boxing wallpaper ain't so bad at all, maybe I'll set up a rock room once with a few guitars and a drum set in my dupe's house. My current musicroom has violions, a bass and all that stuff so I'm just going for something with notes. It won't be so hard to design something like that myself with a little help of that Japanese website.
No, it's completely random.If you keep pushing villagers till they get angry and hit them with the net untill they cry they'll eventually get the message and move out, right?
Is she going to be constantly checking the streetpasses for you? Otherwise she'll bring it back and you'll only have 10 streetpasses since that's all it stores at a time.
The harvest wall is a purple curtain, so maybe pair it with a classy looking wooden floor and you could do a symphony style room for the violins and stuff.
No, it's completely random.
If you keep pushing villagers till they get angry and hit them with the net untill they cry they'll eventually get the message and move out, right?
supposedly, but I've had villagers who I talked to everyday, do all requests etc. ask to move out before those I "bullied".
Oooh that looks nice. But we have to wait till November. D:The harvest wall is a purple curtain,
Peewee is moving out of Dewford tonight. Anyone want him?
It has to be within the next 2 hours or you'll have to wait 10 hours as I'll be off to work then.
Bubbles is standing right there, Portia you lazy dawg.
I'm stockpiling axes for landscaping after I get the gold watering can. Not touching anything until then
Custom.I'm looking for a good path pattern for outside as I haven't gotten around to creating my paths yet. What do you guys use?
I think I have a good 20 or so in storage at the moment and have burnt through another 10-20. Thankfully Leif has stocked one almost every day because I'm gonna need every last one of them in a week or so.
Ended up with this monstrosity as my PWP suggestion for the day:
I have no idea why a pole with a lamp nailed on is more expensive than the fancy streetlights I already have all over town.