Joe Prodigy
I'm looking for a good price too. I can't believe people had 600 and 500I prices at the beginning of the week.
I'm looking for a good price too. I can't believe people had 600 and 500I prices at the beginning of the week.
My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
I'd love to! MY FC is 2664-2196-6183. What's yours?
Mine is 4656-6356-9113 (although it seems you knew that because when I added yours you showed up automatically). I'm opening my gates right now. Town name is Suburbia.
My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
I'd like to! My friend code is 2105-8689-5478.My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
Hey, if possible I'd like to sell in your town, I'll give a nice tip for your troubles as well! My FC is 3995-6516-3748.
I'd like to! My friend code is 2105-8689-5478.
May I come sell my turnips? My FC is 3652-0543-3251.My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
I added you both. Unfortunately by friends list is almost full so I'm gonna have to delete you guys after you're done selling if I want to fit more people in.
Opening up now. Town name is Suburbia.
My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
May I come sell my turnips? My FC is 3652-0543-3251.
The only "gotcha" is I won't be able to visit until after 6pm EST (stuck at work). Will that be okay for you?
Is it too late to get in on this?
My friend code is 3007-8065-0432 if you're still accepting people (town name is Newmarket) . Thanks!
Can I? If it's not too much trouble.
Awesome! I'll PM you when I'm ready and able to pop on over.That's fine, Just PM me when you're around.
Added you both. I'm opening my gate now.
It's been a long time since 404 is a price where a lot of people jump on.
My PM price today is 404 bells. Anyone wanna sell in my town?
Any chance I could sell my turnips? My friend code is 3780-9028-2018
Sure! I added you and I'll open my gate when you're back.
Ok, trying to head over now whenever you're ready. My internet is currently being a jerk at the moment.
Alright, I'll open my gate.
Sorry for the delay, my internet just started acting up really badly for some reason. =\
It's alright. I'll save often when you get here in case you get disconnected.
For whatever reason, internet is connecting just fine on my 3DS, but it considers me offline.
Try flicking the wifi switch off and on again.
May I come in?541! Only 50 minutes left though!
1005 - 9372 - 4206
I'd love to stop in. My friend code is in my profile. Thanks!Turnips are 499 in my town. A little over 2 hours remaining!
Let me know if you're in.
Thanks again! You rockGate's open.