This "Ben" guy always manages to get in, lol.
Sorry thats me.
This "Ben" guy always manages to get in, lol.
Damn, another error.
At least this time I got 2 of my sales trip saved so I only have 2 left.
I like to deposit so I can tip you correctly thats all.
Zroid is in. :lol
I'm not sure why this is funny.
So when I go back to the states tomorrow and change my timezone back, will my turnips rot?
So when I go back to the states tomorrow and change my timezone back, will my turnips rot?
What's going on?! What's the max price? I thought this thread dead!
That's pretty much a guarantee. You should wait until you unload your turnips before rolling your time back. Or does the 3DS do it automatically? Hope not.
I don't think they will as long as the next time you play is after the last time you played on the clock. Don't quote me on that though.
I'm at 608.
Monday: AM: 144 / PM: 110
Tuesday: AM: 121 / PM: 119
Wednesday: AM: 134
The first time that my prices have stayed in the 100s so consistently, really. Not expecting anything big but it's fun to log my prices.
Cbjad, what can I do to bestow myself upon your town???
I have Snorlax patterns!
Yeah, it looks like you're in the Random Pattern.
Welp, it's error time again.
Adding people, then re-opening...
So much makeup for a child.
Profit: 0
Deficit: (206000)
Total: (206000)
Sun. B | 103 |
Mon. 1 | 126 | [b]22.33%[/b]
Mon. 2 | 142 | [b]11.27%[/b]
Tue. 1 | 80 | (43.66%)
Tue. 2 | 72 | (10.00%)
Wed. 2 | 65 | (09.72%)
Thanks again! *waits in queue*Okay all who PM'd me were added and I'm open again and probably full already.