Next batch added :
You can skip me for now. I am getting in on bsigg. I appreciate the offer though!
Next batch added :
Whoah. I'll jump on that! Sending you a PM
WOW!!! Just PMed you!!
Adding you now.
Ok, will get you on next batch, jsut adding 3 more now
OK guys we need to be quick, my turnips are going for 621 for another 30 minutes. I'm on my lunch at work. PM me, my friend code is in my profile. I'll go in the order I get PMs
I'd like to get rid of some turnips as well if you are still around.
Friendcode: 240651113138
Would tip and could offer some spare Nintendo items if you could use them,
Pmed youOK guys we need to be quick, my turnips are going for 621 for another 30 minutes. I'm on my lunch at work. PM me, my friend code is in my profile. I'll go in the order I get PMs
Gate is open
Thanks a lot! I really like your town by the way. Mine isn't anywhere near that organized and well put together.
I can't see your town right now but assuming that your adding more. Ain't got nowhere to go so I'll keep being patient and join in when i can.
Gate is open
Hey guys, my prices dropped to 162. If you want to unload them, I can get you in. Sorry for those I couldn't get in, I blame work.
I'll wait to see what my afternoon prices are (only 11 here) but thank you so much for offering.![]()
It's okay, it's already really nice that you did this during your lunch time.Hey guys, my prices dropped to 162. If you want to unload them, I can get you in. Sorry for those I couldn't get in, I blame work.
I think I have you added...
I will have 444 available for at least 2 more hours...
You will be a savior of the turnips!
Sorry I couldn't get more of you in. I really wish I could have gotten on this morning but real life beckons sometimes.
Of course, the week I spend 1,000,000 bells on turnips, my 3DS decides it's wants to only boot to a black screen. $99 "option" for repair...great bargain, Nintendo.
On a lighter note, the guy I spoke to on the phone asked me to try updating the firmware to see if it fixed the problem. Uh....
Thanks to iMarkyP I won't have to hunt down those poor beetles for a long time.
Don't worry, GAF, I'm up for SOMEthing in about an hour. Whether it's an underwhelming big spike, a big spike, I don't know! But SOON.
That predictor site says I'm on for a big spike though![]()
Do you mind linking the site? Would love to have such a tool.
*Watching you*Yeah, that one!it ~guarantees~ a big spike for me, but we'll see in fifteen minutes.
It's definitely not decline or random, though![]()
My turnips are at 291 right now.
Wizard is telling me to sell but there might be a bigger one tomorrow. Or I might just sell at marky's if he's still open![]()
Better than my 42 bell lolDisappointing... I've been had ;_;
213. Maybe it will be higher in the morning but BOOOOOO REESE.
Disappointing... I've been had ;_;
213. Maybe it will be higher in the morning but BOOOOOO REESE.
I can be good sir, just give me the nod
Hi all,
My town is buying for 444 bells.
Any takers ?
All right, are you free in about 20 minutes?
Here's my fc now though: 4871 4119 8637
Sure. I will add you now, gates open so pop in whenever. You got my code ?
iMarky, can I come by, please? The fear of the stalk market has depressed me. Lol.
No I don't, can I get it please?
Would you like some nintendo items or a silver fishing rod?
I will have 444 available for at least 2 more hours...
Thanks, marky! Much appreciated. You have a lovely town.